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Maxwell 10: Following the 15 minute schedule and the monthly menu

Coconut Flan

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So Steve spurted some brats on Independence Day.  Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.  The more things change the more they stay the same.

I hope Teri remembered the lettuce on the shopping list this year.  Some like wraps and some like buns.


It’s sobering to think of the sacrifices the signers of the Declaration of Independence made. Do you realize that five gave their lives because of that act? 

Oy, Sarah!  Look here:  http://www.snopes.com/history/american/pricepaid.asp

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Pardon me while I barf at that little inspirational 4th of July speech.

Doing what is right takes courage, huh Sarah?  Indeed.  

Courage like actually getting out and providing physical, emotional, spiritual and financial help to the hurting - drug addicts, homeless people, unwed mothers who choose to keep their babies, victims of domestic violence and rape?  You know, the people JESUS WOULD ACTUALLY BE MINISTERING TO IF HE WERE HERE NOW?  The kind of courage your family could display if any of you actually had spines?  That kind of courage?

How the hell would the Maxwells know anything about courage - they hide in their enclave living on bland food and opining through the relative safety of the internet, where they don't have to actually see, speak to, or touch the great unwashed.

Blow it out your ear, Sarah.  And since I know you read here -BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, STEVHOVAH, you controlling bastard.

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I still don't get their reasoning for not taking a paper or watching the news. I know they say that it takes time away from family or some shit (although I've never known anyone be addicted to the news ffs) but I think it's really important to know what's going on in the world. You'd think they could use the news as a way of praying for people. There are plenty of sites that support their worldview. 

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4 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

You'd think they could use the news as a way of praying for people. There are plenty of sites that support their worldview. 

They only pray for themselves. And unborn fetuses. Post-born non-Maxwells can suck it. Their prayer limit is maxed out.

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I think Steve prides himself on not knowing what is going on in the world. I personally love watching the news. I love knowing what is going on in the world. 

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3 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

So Steve spurted some brats on Independence Day.  

Oh I forgot about Mary's beautiful drawing and Sarah's text about the squirting bratwursts!  Good times.  Because "Mr. Delome had never done a brat before..."

Remember how Stevie changed it after we laughed so hard on here? 

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I think that non snarky readers follow the blog for Sarah, her posts seem to bring more comments. Plus, she's more polite and gives helpful answers instead of "Google it".

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22 hours ago, Coconutwater said:

That is not at all appetizing. I would have made a broccoli pasta, green beans as a side, and the pulled meat as a sand which. Growing up and now as we are all grown if we visit (and when lived at home) and there were leftovers it's grab for yourself and make what you want. 

I'm with you. Those ingredients just do not go well together and why muddle up perfectly good ingredients that way. I would pour a little of that dressing over the green beans and serve them at room temp as a salad to go along with the broccoli pasta dish.

At our house we don't usually all eat the same thing at lunch. The first person to make lunch for him/herself gets first pick of the leftovers. Nothing goes to waste but most things have their encore performance however they were served the first time around.

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i don't care for random ingredients jumbled together like that, either.  my in-laws had a tendency to combine random sides; if they had, say,  rice-a-roni and beans, they'd portion each onto their plates, then stir them together before they ate it.  nope, all the Italian dressing in the world won't improve that.

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2 hours ago, acheronbeach said:

Remember how Stevie changed it after we laughed so hard on here? 

Was it spurting or squirting?  I'm afraid I forgot!

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I wanted to mention that central and eastern Europeans also have many noodle dishes in addition to Asians.  Whether you call it pasta or noodles, it is delicious, properly cooked.

@danvillebelle, I wish I could like your post above about the Maxwells and courage 1000 times!

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I have to say I'm surprised at Steve's grilling. It looks like he cooked more than one hot dog/sausage per person. (I'm embarrassed to admit that I counted.) It's practically extravagant.

In other non-news, I accidentally ate cheese paper in my sandwich at lunch today. Unlike the Maxwells, I did not find it worthy of a blog post. Or even a tweet, for that matter.

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7 hours ago, Jana814 said:

I think Steve prides himself on not knowing what is going on in the world. I personally love watching the news. I love knowing what is going on in the world. 

Me too.  I started reading the newspaper in 5th grade.  I'm out camping rite now and it takes all my willpower not to look at NBC or ESPN.

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9 hours ago, Jana814 said:

I think Steve prides himself on not knowing what is going on in the world. I personally love watching the news. I love knowing what is going on in the world. 

That would drive me insane, I have always read the news and I can't fathom not having any curiosity about the world beyond one's own limited bubble.  

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I think Steve for whenever reason has a fear of the outside world. Do to this he has scared his children and possible his grandchildren from the outside world so they don't know want to know anything about the world around them. 

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2 hours ago, FloraKitty35 said:

That would drive me insane, I have always read the news and I can't fathom not having any curiosity about the world beyond one's own limited bubble.  

Exactly. We had a politics quiz at school once (in my form, guess closest American equivalent to form would be homeroom??) apropos if nothing (i.e. just a random quiz) and I was able to provide most of the answers. Someone asked how I knew the answers, and my reply was "I watch it the news". I think it is so important to have at least a basic idea of how government works. It's not really taught in schools here. You can take an A -Level in it but this wasn't an option at my school. I think it's supposed to be covered in PSHE (personal/social/health education where we cover stuff like sex ed, drugs, alcohol etc) but it's really not. Which is terrible IMO. 

(apologies for autocorrect typos)

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I'm going to go ahead and make the safest prediction in the world, and say that Anna-Marie is up the duff again. She's got that luminescent look that photos seem to capture right before an announcement, plus Sarah helpfully pointed out that Daniel is becoming a "grown up little guy". Maybe grown up enough to be a big brother this year? 


That picture of Steve gazing adoringly at his meat gives off strong Emperor Palpatine vibes.

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15 hours ago, Escadora said:

Come to think of it I'm surprised we've not had another pregnancy from that particular branch of Maxwells yet, isn't she about due another blessing?

Based on her average (16 months between births) she should have announced recently and would be due in November. Her longest gap was 20 months, in which case she'd be getting pregnant about now and would be due in March.

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New post up.  Stud John and Forgotten Jesse's trip to CO.  Jesse wrote the post, major SOTDRT fail-We knew that with our work and the rest of life.

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14 hours ago, catlady said:

i don't care for random ingredients jumbled together like that, either.  my in-laws had a tendency to combine random sides; if they had, say,  rice-a-roni and beans, they'd portion each onto their plates, then stir them together before they ate it.  nope, all the Italian dressing in the world won't improve that.

I've done "dump dishes" when I'm out of a lot of stuff and need to use up perishables, but I at least try to make them appetizing/just drench everything in chili powder and throw in some canned tomatoes and call it an embarrassing bastardization of curry that would make Narendra Modi himself fly over to the States and slap me silly.

Also, putting two sugary sauces (BBQ sauces are absolutely full of sugar, and I shudder to imagine the nutrition facts label on that salad dressing) in your "diet" meal kinda ruins the point of it.

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10 minutes ago, SPHASH said:

New post up.  Stud John and Forgotten Jesse's trip to CO.  Jesse wrote the post, major SOTDRT fail-We knew that with our work and the rest of life.

I cringed the entire time I read that Jesse post. He uses so damn many words to say the most basic things. He embellishes, badly. I don't know if he's trying to sound smart or if he actually thinks he is smart - either way, he does not have a way with words or sentence structure or common sense, even. It was almost painful to read that. 

And what's with all these sibling only adventures happening in Maxhell? Has Steve's weight become such a problem that he can't properly supervise his adultlets? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

As an aside for Steve, since we know he is reading all this commentary, tonight I am going to my sister's house and we are going out to dinner then hitting up the bars and pubs in the downtown area of her city. We haven't lived together in 40 years. We are both divorced, She just got her own little house and I am going to help her with decorating ideas, over wine. Then out. I'm staying the night. Imagine that - sisters who don't live together and spend every second together who want to spend time together! Who like each other! Who help each other! Who will actually have a shit ton of things to talk about and reasons to 'visit' - since we don't share every single second of our lives, or a bathroom or bedroom! 

We are doing this after going to a cousin's graduation party this afternoon. Where the majority of our relatives will be. I'm telling you all, it's crazy how families actually like each other and spend time together and love each other without having to live together under anyone's umbrella or protection or accountability or force. We all have lives and friends yet, still, we will spend time together. Oh, the insanity!

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What's with the "with our schedules and the rest of our life we had to plan it now?" Once married in Maxhell you can't go away for a weekend with your brother for a hike? Did they share that tent? If they were normal and didn't live together I would get it, but they share a room and spend every minute together. I would want a night alone...I will say they look happier than when home. 

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"We needed to simply schedule a trip or else it would never happen."  Jesse we are all aware that nothing (except rogue cherries) happens without scheduling in Maxwell.  

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I suppose seeing the bears confirmed to us that there were indeed bears in the area.

No shit, Sherlock. That's some impressive clue-interpreting right there.

It felt wonderful to be in such a beautiful place and disconnected from cell service.

Hmm, away from Stevus's calls you mean?

I don’t believe the pictures adequately communicate how pretty the scenery was.

Yeah, sucks to be a shit photographer.


Snark aside, the entire thing reads like it's been written by a teen - a 13 or 14 yo who's enjoying his first experience away from Mum and Dad with an older sibling to watch over them and who struggles a bit to put those feelings on paper. But who still knows better than everyone else because hey, they're a teen, teens know everything.

And that's exactly what Jesse is, age notwithstanding. A big kid who gets really rather excited just being away from home overnight.

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First-time backpackers? Not surprised. They hadn't expected snow... in the mountains... in mid-May. More experienced people end up as statistics in such situations. I'm glad that their trip was postponed and that they're okay.

As an avid hiker, I envy their trip. Beautiful place.

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