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Trump 13: More Scandal, More Fun. Yay! :/


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I love this. 

But yeah, the fact that he acts like slaves benefited AT ALL from slavery is such bull shit, I don't even have words for it. 

I'm so upset. And people on Twitter are saying that the liberals are overreacting. The fact that I am on the same planet as such ignorant pieces of shit disturbs me profoundly. :(

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Holy f - nope, I'm not going to use those words - 
Taking a deep breath. 
Starting again.
Beware. You'll be angered.

I just can't.

My 8 year old is terrified because she has never heard me use he words I just did. (I usually stay away from news that will anger me when she's around.)

Is there such a thing as "too far" ???
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Holy f - nope, I'm not going to use those words - 
Taking a deep breath. 
Starting again.
Beware. You'll be angered.

What the shit fuck did I just read? No!

That's such utter bullshit. Holy fuck.
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Ugh, just read about Mr. Khan's travel difficulties and speech cancellation.  Very embarrassed for our country.  I had already started on this post, and it relates somewhat. 

So, I suspected that the first travel ban would make people jittery world wide and was proved correct.  Here is an article that reflects the lingering economic fallout when people no longer want to travel to the US because of the hatefulness of Trump.  And I am now jittery about leaving the US because of potential difficulty re-entering.  My husband takes an annual ski trip to British Columbia, Canada, just across the border from us here in Washington state.  He's a US citizen, former US military, and it took him a long time to recross the border due to all the intense questioning he was subjected to, just to return to his home.  Why would anyone want to put up with that hassle, much less just being angry because it's no doubt because of Trump.


Travel ban affects all travel to-from US


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Wait, isn't mister Khan an American citizen? Something doesn't add up here. I am wondering if there's a misunderstanding here somewhere.

There's no constitutional method I'm aware of to keep an American citizen from traveling unless they have been accused of a crime, which, WTF?

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2 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

Someone, please tell Ben Carson to go fuck himself. Hard. 


Hey, moron, slaves weren't immigrants! :angry-banghead:

Just like @fraurosena, I'm as white as white can be, but this makes me stabby -- WTF is going on with Ben Carson? I read that he was a good surgeon, but I am wondering how someone could get through medical school with no brains.


1 hour ago, fraurosena said:

Holy f - nope, I'm not going to use those words - 

Taking a deep breath. 

Starting again.

Beware. You'll be angered.


OMFG, he's an American CITIZEN. This is unreal.

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46 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Wait, isn't mister Khan an American citizen? Something doesn't add up here. I am wondering if there's a misunderstanding here somewhere.

There's no constitutional method I'm aware of to keep an American citizen from traveling unless they have been accused of a crime, which, WTF?

The answer to that is simple: he dared to diss the tangerine toddler in front of millions of people. This is payback. Pure and simple.


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Oh god. I just got an alert from CNN that the obamacare repeal plan was just posted. I'm scared.

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8 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Oh god. I just got an alert from CNN that the obamacare repeal plan was just posted. I'm scared.

Yes, and with precious little detail. I posted a WaPo link in the Congress thread. We may have hope, however, as there are four Repubs in the Senate who are signaling they may not sign off.


"The religious right is steeling itself for a Biblical battle on Trump’s behalf"


President Trump’s escalation of his inflammatory claims that Obama loyalists are out to get him, culminating in his unfounded weekend tweet-storm that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him, has brought his Breitbart-fueled siege mentality to a new level of conspiracy-mongering.

A host of fact-checks and explainers have poked holes in Trump’s claims, pointing out that they lack any evidence or substantiation. But even as the mainstream media has attempted to re-attach the public to reality, another group of people is already showing signs that it may rise to his defense: the religious right.

In so doing, the religious right — a core Trump constituency — is revealing something interesting about the bond that these millions of Americans have formed with Trump. His religious-right defenders see themselves as warriors in an epic battle for Christian America, not unlike the one underlying the agenda envisioned by top Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon — and as Trump hunkers down, they are invested in the narrative that Trump’s critics are satanic enemies bent on destroying him.

White evangelicals are Trump’s most ardent supporters. A January Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 66 percent of white evangelicals had a favorable view of Trump, the only religious constituency boasting a majority with a positive impression of him. White evangelicals also continue to be Obama’s most predictable opponents; while that poll found that at least 50 percent of other religious demographics had a favorable view of Obama, only 31 percent of white evangelicals did.

Now religious-right figures are rising to Trump’s defense in the battle over whether Obama tapped his phones. For instance, Charisma magazine, a leading source for charismatic and Pentecostal writings, is credulously citing Breitbart as proof of the need for a congressional investigation of Trump’s claim that Obama ordered the wiretap. Charisma has long been a cheerleader for Trump; during the campaign, it promoted widely disseminated comparisons of Trump to the Persian King Cyrus, referred to in the Book of Isaiah as God’s “anointed” one.


Okay, I just threw up a little.

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I'm heartbroken and physically ill after reading shit online from people defending Ben Carson. 

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1 hour ago, iweartanktops said:

I love this. 

But yeah, the fact that he acts like slaves benefited AT ALL from slavery is such bull shit, I don't even have words for it. 

I'm so upset. And people on Twitter are saying that the liberals are overreacting. The fact that I am on the same planet as such ignorant pieces of shit disturbs me profoundly. :(


Overreacting? OVER FUCKING REACTING? I'll show them some over reacting those incubus/succubus scum.  Really I'm not this scary in real life.  But I just can't calm down over this

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Laugh or cry, because it's true:


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34 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Just like @fraurosena, I'm as white as white can be, but this makes me stabby -- WTF is going on with Ben Carson? I read that he was a good surgeon, but I am wondering how someone could get through medical school with no brains.


OMFG, he's an American CITIZEN. This is unreal.

Stabby.  Yea, that about says it.

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6 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:


Overreacting? OVER FUCKING REACTING? I'll show them some over reacting those incubus/succubus scum.  Really I'm not this scary in real life.  But I just can't calm down over this

I can't calm down either. 

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I see Samuel L. Jackson had a response to that idiot Carson

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2 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

I love this. 

But yeah, the fact that he acts like slaves benefited AT ALL from slavery is such bull shit, I don't even have words for it. 

I'm so upset. And people on Twitter are saying that the liberals are overreacting. The fact that I am on the same planet as such ignorant pieces of shit disturbs me profoundly. :(

Just when you think people in this administration can't get any more stupid...another day happens!

1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

OMFG, he's an American CITIZEN. This is unreal.

Makes me wonder if this will eventually happen to those of us who speak out against Cheeto no matter our race, religion, or gender. Is this only the beginning?

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"Republicans are becoming Russia’s accomplices"


It would have been impossible to imagine a year ago that the Republican Party’s leaders would be effectively serving as enablers of Russian interference in this country’s political system. Yet, astonishingly, that is the role the Republican Party is playing.

U.S. intelligence services have stated that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the intention of swinging it to one side. Knowing how cautious the intelligence community is in making such judgments, and given the significance of this particular finding, the evidence must be compelling. At the very least, any reasonable person would have to conclude that there is enough evidence to warrant a serious, wide-ranging and open investigation. Polls suggest that a majority of Americans would like to see such an investigation carried out.

It’s important at this time of intense political conflict to remain focused on the most critical issue. Whether certain individuals met with Russian officials, and whether those meetings were significant, is secondary and can eventually be sorted out. The most important question concerns Russia’s ability to manipulate U.S. elections. That is not a political issue. It is a national security issue. If the Russian government did interfere in the United States’ electoral processes last year, then it has the capacity to do so in every election going forward. This is a powerful and dangerous weapon, more than warships or tanks or bombers. Neither Russia nor any potential adversary has the power to damage the U.S. political system with weapons of war. But by creating doubts about the validity, integrity and reliability of U.S. elections, it can shake that system to its foundations.


There’s no need to ask what Republicans would be doing if the shoe were on the other foot — if the Russians had intervened to help elect the Democratic nominee. They would be demanding a bipartisan select committee of Congress, or a congressionally mandated blue-ribbon panel of experts and senior statesmen with full subpoena powers to look into the matter. They would be insisting that, for reasons of national security alone, it was essential to determine what happened: what the Russians did, how they did it and how they could be prevented from doing it again. If that investigation found that certain American individuals had somehow participated in or facilitated the Russian operation, they would insist that such information be made public and that appropriate legal proceedings begin. And if the Democrats tried to slow-roll the investigations, to block the creation of select committees or outside panels, or to insist that investigations be confined to the intelligence committees whose inquiries and findings could be kept from the public, Republicans would accuse them of a coverup and of exposing the nation to further attacks. And they would be right.

But it is the Republicans who are covering up. The party’s current leader, the president, questions the intelligence community’s findings, motives and integrity. Republican leaders in Congress have opposed the creation of any special investigating committee, either inside or outside Congress. They have insisted that inquiries be conducted by the two intelligence committees. Yet the Republican chairman of the committee in the House has indicated that he sees no great urgency to the investigation and has even questioned the seriousness and validity of the accusations. The Republican chairman of the committee in the Senate has approached the task grudgingly. The result is that the investigations seem destined to move slowly, produce little information and provide even less to the public. It is hard not to conclude that this is precisely the intent of the Republican Party’s leadership, both in the White House and Congress.


It is sobering that, according to the article,  Russia is also interfering in elections in both France and Germany.

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A reporter for healthcare in the NYtimes Margot Sanger- Katz, did a nice summary of key points for the Republican replacement in Tweets

But yeah it's as bad as we thought, Paul Ryan hates this country.

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My idea that will never happen, but I like to think about, because I'm evil that way is this: Russia must take any congresspeople, advisors, and anyone else they messed with into its country as an immigrant. If our Congresspeople and others like dealing with Russia so much, they can just move there, and have their American citizenship stripped from them. Let's see them drummed out of the country and deported on national television.


Okay, rant over. My evil thoughts save me from putting money in my swear jar. 

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1 hour ago, onekidanddone said:

Is there a vote for completely pissed off?

If so, I think the majority of us posting in this thread would place such a vote. I truly feel like my head is going to explode.


12 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

My idea that will never happen, but I like to think about, because I'm evil that way is this: Russia must take any congresspeople, advisors, and anyone else they messed with into its country as an immigrant. If our Congresspeople and others like dealing with Russia so much, they can just move there, and have their American citizenship stripped from them. Let's see them drummed out of the country and deported on national television.


Okay, rant over. My evil thoughts save me from putting money in my swear jar. 

I'd pay good money to see Agent Orange, his adult children, Paul 'Lyin' Ryan, Bitch McConnell, Jason Chapass, Grand Wizard Sessions, and the rest of the Trump Bunch shipped off to mother Russia.

I was telling my mom about the Ben Carson crap. She normally doesn't swear. She let loose a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. Then she said, "what the hell is he thinking"?


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Holy shit, you guys. You have to watch tonight's episode of The Rachel Maddow Show. If you can find is online, WATCH IT. 

They cover a story about one of Trump's corrupt business ties that was featured in The New Yorker: 


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"‘President for a Day,’ starring Donald Trump"


Donald Trump, clever guy that he is, has come up with a new reality show. It’s called “President for a Day” and the way it works is that, every so often, maybe once a month, Trump acts presidential, gives a speech in which an aide is not standing by with meds, and many in the media and politics hug themselves and roll around on the floor, praising the president for his very presidentialness and cheering the emergence of the man who has been there all along but no one in the media or the creepy “deep state” seemed to notice. Thank God, that’s over. He has arrived!

This happened last week after Trump spoke to a joint session of Congress. All over Washington, people fell off their chairs in shock that no one had been insulted, no brazen lies were uttered and no weird conspiracy theories had been advanced. My former Post colleague Ronald Kessler told Newsmax TV that the speech showed “the real Donald Trump.” It was such a relief to learn that whoever it was who had insisted Barack Obama was born in Kenya and who had called Mexicans “rapists” and who had disparaged the heroism of Sen. John McCain was not the guy in the Oval Office. Had he been, I know Kessler and others on the right would not have supported him.


But within days, the normalization drug had worn off. Trump was having Oval Office tantrums. He was furious that Jeff Sessions had recused himself from investigating the relationship between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. The attorney general would have had a clear conflict of interest, but that is nothing compared with allowing some special prosecutor from within the deep state to get at the truth, which would have been fake news anyway. The ranting and raving was so intense that word of it got to reporters. In many condo communities, this sort of behavior is not allowed.

By Saturday morning, the unreal Trump, the un-normalized one, was back on Twitter. Good morning, America — Barack Obama has had my phone tapped. “This is Nixon/Watergate,” he tweeted. “Bad (or sick) guy!” A still-sleepy America had trouble taking it all in. The New Trump, Mr. Pivot Man, was saying that the then-president of the United States had, during the campaign, tapped his phone. (This is the way those Kenyans are.) Was it possible?


Somewhat the same thing is happening now. Many conservatives have gone over to Trump because they hate his enemies more than they do him. They see Trump as the un-liberal, the un-PC person, the un-programmed pol who eschews talking points and identity politics. For too many people, their best and only reason for voting for Trump was that he was not Clinton. They had a point.

But being president for a day is not enough. And sticking with Trump out of a refusal to admit a mistake is hardly wise. One day a month or so, America has a decent president. The rest of the time it’s Romper Room in the White House. Recant, Trump supporters. I won’t forgive you, but history might.


"It’s the truth according to Trump. Believe it."



But Trump has something more powerful to him than any evidence, no matter how compelling: He believes. Firmly.

“The president firmly believes that the Obama administration may have tapped into the phones at Trump Tower,” Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders declared on NBC’s “Today” show Monday morning. But what about all the credible people saying it didn’t happen? “I think the president firmly believes that it did.”

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos tried a more direct question on “Good Morning America” on Monday: “Does President Trump accept the FBI director’s denial?”

“You know, I don’t think he does,” Huckabee Sanders said. “I think he firmly believes that this is a story line that has been reported pretty widely.”

The reports mostly say that Trump had made a groundless claim, but never mind that. The White House defense isn’t that what Trump said was true. The defense is that “I think he firmly believes” it.

The Trump White House is the ultimate faith-based initiative — and The Donald is the deity. Things aren’t true because they can be proven via the scientific method or any other. They are true because Trump believes them to be true.


Among those attempting to bestow the divine power on Trump to declare absolute truths is Ann Coulter, who last year published the book “In Trump We Trust.” She tweeted after a meandering media appearance by Trump: “Trump is already head of state. After that press conference, in my eyes, he’s now head of church.”

Trump, in this position as head prelate, directs us to “believe” any number of things: that manufacturers are returning to the United States, there will be a massive military expansion, that he “inherited a mess” from Obama and that his Supreme Court nominee is a “great writer.” Trump asked listeners to “believe me” seven times in a single speech last month, saying, “I will never, ever disappoint you. Believe me.”


I need to add Ann Coulter to the "send to a deserted island" list. I despise her.

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More Lord Dampnuts being a fucking idiot;



President Donald Trump has offered to maintain federal funding for Planned Parenthood if the group stops providing abortions. Its president has spurned the proposal and noted that federal money already is not allowed to be used for abortion.

PP President Cecile Richards told Dampnuts to go bleep himself.

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