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Lori Alexander, 12: Transformed, But We Can't Tell

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A reader ask Lori what to do for severe back pain. Her response--ICE! Yes, ICE, duh! I bet the reader never thought of that. Although there is a catch Lori is careful to mention that she uses Trader Joe's frozen corn on her back, because of course any off brand of veggies won't work. TJ isn't expensive, but it is trendy and her feeling she had to mention a particular brand shows worldliness. 

Oh and what the heck is she even doing with frozen veggies, isn't that like a sin and not nourishing. Aren't you suppose to go pick from your backyard or the corner farmer market.

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I am frugalish. My husband jokes that in another life I should have been a forensic accountant, because not a nickle makes it out of this house without my notice.  I definitely lean towards making due.  

I do splurge on certain things, but I can guarantee you that The Godly Mentor would blanch if I told her the budget with which we easily support a family of 4.  *Hint* Wal-mart is a close friend, and I don't darken the doorway or the whole foods or health food store.

All of that said, these people who allow their children to live in shambles so they can do things "God's ways" and be "a keeper at home" are bats.  Get a grip, folks.  If your kids are worried about outgrowing their shoes or pondering where their next meal is coming from, it's time for you to get a damn job.  That's not frugal, it's just fucking lazy.

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6 hours ago, Koala said:

And, as if to prove her point, Lori deleted her post.

Unfortunately for her, Jilly noticed. :evil-laugh:

Why yes Jilly, there was another post, but what was Lori going to say?  She left the vulgar comments because she wanted that post to go VIRAL?  You know she went VIRAL, right? Because she did.  She had a post go VIRAL.   (ps- She'll probably delete your comment too)

And right on queue, Lori mentions her viral post.  Today's post:

You guys remember that she went VIRAL, right?  She God was right.  That's why she God went VIRAL! 

Gah, can you imagine how many ways Lori finds to work that into conversation?  Everyone from grocery store clerks, to her next door neighbor's cousin probably knows that Lori went VIRAL.  Her Christmas cards will probably be signed- Lori IWENTVIRAL Alexander.  

She spent an hour doing housework!  Her computer AND her maid got a break.  Double win!

Well, I am off to the grocery, but there are your 2 big newsflashes for the day:

Lori did housework, but first she went VIRAL! :roll:

Lori is claiming now that she did not delete a post, but she deletes nasty comments.

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That comment wasn't nasty in any way.  It just pointed out that Lori had left up some very vulgar comments (on the recent notebook doodle she was obviously hoping would go viral), but she deletes any comments that use the Bible to contradict what she's teaching.  

No one is allowed to question The Godly Mentor.

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11 hours ago, mango_fandango said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: what about places like Clown College and Pensacola? Erin got married before she left Clown. And I know it's a different branch of Christianity so probably wrong/ungodly/whatever, but BYU in Utah has a lot of married students (married when they graduate.) Although it seems they're almost encouraged to marry while there. 

Yup, I've heard that a lot of Mormon couples marry while attending BYU. I have to give Mormons credit for encouraging women to obtain degrees. Yeah, some Mormon women with degrees end up being SAHMs, but many will say that having a college degree is backup plan in case something happens to their husbands or they sometimes return to the workforce after all their kids are in school. Of course, there are some Mormon women like Stephanie "NieNie" Nielson who are anti-college for women. NieNie and her husband Christian are kind of younger Mormon versions of Lori and Ken.  Christian and NieNie  are quite classist like Ken and Lori. NieNie has a fixation of being men being very manly and strong much like Lori does in various posts about gender roles.

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If Lori really wants to be frugal -- instead of wasting the frozen corn as a ice pack, use a real ice bag. Available at drug stores or medical supply places everywhere.  They are insulated and expandable.  Use crushed or cube ice, wrap in a towel for more insulation.  Best of all they are reusable and last forever,

Seriously, I'm surprised Lori didn't mention ice bags. although I guess TJ's frozen corn has more cache.

Lori deletes comments all the time, including the one Jilly asked about.  I can only remember Lori deleting one post -- the one recently where she said women should vote the way their husbands tell them to and that she would be perfectly fine not having the right to vote any more. In fact she thought that would be just dandy for all women

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Did Stephanie "NieNie" Nielson go to college and then decide that college is a bad, terrible, satanic, evil place for women? 

It seems there are a lot of fundie and uber Catholic bloggers that are college graduates, who worked before having children but are now completely. totally anti-college for women, including their daughters -- Lori, Erica Shupe, etc.  Then there are the Maxhells and the Arndts who are anti college for everyone, .

Leila of Little Catholic Bubble pushed and pushed and pushed her older daughters to marry at 18 -- they did and had children right away.  Right away as in 9 months and a couple of days after the wedding. 

Leila is the Lori of the uber-Catholic world, only worse if you can imagine.  

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You can make a really good ice pack by pouring one cup of rubbing alcohol and two cups of water into a ziplock bag. Press all the air out, seal and double bag before freezing. The alcohol will not fully freeze, allowing the bag to be pliable enough to mold to your body. I keep several of these on hand, in different sizes. 

Lori should try this instead of wasting food. 

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22 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Did Stephanie "NieNie" Nielson go to college and then decide that college is a bad, terrible, satanic, evil place for women? 

It seems there are a lot of fundie and uber Catholic bloggers that are college graduates, who worked before having children but are now completely. totally anti-college for women, including their daughters -- Lori, Erica Shupe, etc.  Then there are the Maxhells and the Arndts who are anti college for everyone, .

Leila of Little Catholic Bubble pushed and pushed and pushed her older daughters to marry at 18 -- they did and had children right away.  Right away as in 9 months and a couple of days after the wedding. 

Leila is the Lori of the uber-Catholic world, only worse if you can imagine.  

NieNie never went to college. She was 19 when she married Christian who I think is two years older. He's a BYU graduate. In the past several of years she occasionally mentioned that she doesn't want her daughters to go to college and I think she said something that she was happy to have not gone to college. She and her husband are frequently taking their kids out of school for vacations and speaking gigs. They get ripped apart on GOMI for that.

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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Did Stephanie "NieNie" Nielson go to college and then decide that college is a bad, terrible, satanic, evil place for women? 

It seems there are a lot of fundie and uber Catholic bloggers that are college graduates, who worked before having children but are now completely. totally anti-college for women, including their daughters -- Lori, Erica Shupe, etc.  Then there are the Maxhells and the Arndts who are anti college for everyone, .

Leila of Little Catholic Bubble pushed and pushed and pushed her older daughters to marry at 18 -- they did and had children right away.  Right away as in 9 months and a couple of days after the wedding. 

Leila is the Lori of the uber-Catholic world, only worse if you can imagine.  

I am so sorry to hear this, because Catholics, as a whole, are all for education of everyone! 

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Yes we are :) for sons and *daughters*

Leila even went to Catholic college, but says it made her fall away from her faith.  She had what she calls a "reconversion" after marriage and initial motherhood.  A reconversion that produced 4 more children. She now has 8,  the youngest is about 5 and she is 49-50, with 4 grandchildren.  There is a large gap between the first and second sets of children.

Her reconversion made her all uber conservative, uber Catholic, judge-y, you're not as good a Catholic as I am -- as exemplified by her blog. Only her sons have or will attend college.  Her daughters are groomed to marry  right out of high school.   

There is a huge very vocal internet presence of uber-Catholiic-er than thou, uber politically conservative, homeschooling, anti-higher education for women (and some support for no college for men), 'protect your children from the world at all costs' mommy bloggers.

None of these women resemble in any way the faithful, educated Catholic women I'm related to, know or have known.


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5 hours ago, Koala said:

The people I know who shop there really like it.  I am one of those people who never changes, and venturing out of the grocery I have shopped in for nearly 20 years would be :tw_scream: inducing for me.  I hate change.

That said, I am thinking it's definitely not what Lori has in mind.  

X2, plus there are certain things that I insist on the name brand--Heinz ketchup, for example(and yes, I realize that they do carry some name-brand items).

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When the Spirit of The Lord dwells in your heart, the spirit of evil and indoctrination cannot survive. When you raise up a child in the way he should go, though he may depart from it, hr will always return to the teachings of the Lord. No school or university holds the power to indoctrinate your children if you've done your part as a parent. I would rather my children see the raw truth of the world so they can effectively combat it as adults with God's Word in their hearts than to raise naive untested Christians. My friends and I went to public school and public university. We lived for Jesus in front of the world, not in our mother's living rooms or private Christian schools. We are chaste, sober, effective Christian women who live for the men and children in our lives. No university could take that from us. The world will be evil forever, it was never NOT evil. This is an admission of your own weakness to resist. Which is evident when I see you've left the vulgarity in the comment sections, yet you delete people who make Biblical arguments against you. It's weakness. You're not teachable or humble. I cannot tolerate that."

This is the entirety of the quote that was discussed earlier. I saved it because I thought it was classic---it isn't often Lori's arguments are eloquently and thoroughly destroyed by another fundamentalist woman. (I wish this reader would return to the blog and skewer Dave, but guess you can't have everything.) 

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Lori has just had her arse handed to her on a platter, and by none other than 'Jilly N Antony.' In the comments of yesterday's post on happiness and being a doormat for your husband (you know, the usual), Lori speaks yet again about the church's responsibility towards widows:



the church is supposed to support widows if the family is unable. John MacArthur's church does this and it is good.




Jilly's response made my jaw drop:



 I am not surprised his ministry does this, as his ministry is worth $12,485,467.00 and his yearly take home wage is more than $500,000.00. I can't imagine anyone having to have that much to live on.  The churches we have attended only have at the most 150 - 500 people in then; sadly these churches find it hard to pay the Pastor a wage there is no way they could provide for any families who have been widowed. 
I can’t imagine attending a church where the Pastor earned over ½ million dollars a year. WOW! I wonder what he spends it on! Amazing!! Don’t get me wrong I am sure he is a lovely person and leads his flock well, I just can’t get my head around ½ a million $$$ a year! He earns more than America pays their President a year!
Sorry I am a tad blown away! 


Jilly has been doing her homework. :clap::clap::clap: 


ETA that I forgot to mention this was on Facebook.

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There are churches in my area where the pastor has to work a secular job in order to make ends meet.

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22 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Yes we are :) for sons and *daughters*

Leila even went to Catholic college, but says it made her fall away from her faith.  She had what she calls a "reconversion" after marriage and initial motherhood.  A reconversion that produced 4 more children. She now has 8,  the youngest is about 5 and she is 49-50, with 4 grandchildren.  There is a large gap between the first and second sets of children.

Her reconversion made her all uber conservative, uber Catholic, judge-y, you're not as good a Catholic as I am -- as exemplified by her blog. Only her sons have or will attend college.  Her daughters are groomed to marry  right out of high school.   

There is a huge very vocal internet presence of uber-Catholiic-er than thou, uber politically conservative, homeschooling, anti-higher education for women (and some support for no college for men), 'protect your children from the world at all costs' mommy bloggers.

None of these women resemble in any way the faithful, educated Catholic women I'm related to, know or have known.



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WOW Lori just "liked" this crazy racist post by our friend Stephanie

Steph Gibby "Debbie Baker Yea but you apparently only had one child. I agree with Katy that you're discounting the value that SAHMs bring to societies and cultures. Y'all are losing your people and culture up there in Canada, a lot of that is due to the married families refusing to have more than 1 or 2 kids. You're going to lose your legacy (or have a severely diminished one) because your whole people are refusing to bring up more godly children in that area. The Muslims will probably succeed at out-breeding y'all, and then the ones that want to impose Sharia, will be able to do it with little pushback."

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Did anyone catch this exchange on the post about putting bad housekeepers in jail?


Name redacted: I'd be in jail for ever sadly. I have two kids and it's just us 3 though I'm working on getting organized so my house isn't a mess.

Lori: Where is your husband, name redacted?

Name redacted: we got divorced neither of us knew how to be non selfish or to be adults at the time. That's one of the reasons I follow your page so that I can be a better wife if it ever happens agin. I can be better mom and I agree with most of your ideas and views on how to be a Christian woman.

Lori: Has he remarried?

Name redacted: No ma'am as far as I know he hasn't even dated agin.

Lori: Why don't you go about winning him back?

Name redacted: He has his own demons he has to work through no matter how hard I've tried to help give him ways to get help he doesn't want them. He is an alcoholic who has a need for drugs sometimes. I knew that when we got together I was 17 he was 23 I ran away from home a bad situation to him. I gave up on God and my self it worked because he doesn't believe in God either. Then as our son got older and we had our daughter it wasn't a good situation for them. He went back to his moms and now I'm taking care of the 3 of us with no family around. I know they need their dad but it's my job to keep them safe also. He isn't nice when his drunk.

This is why Lori's teachings are so damn dangerous. She suggested that a woman try to win back her alcoholic, drug-abusing, "isn't nice when he's drunk" ex-husband whose own children aren't safe when they're around him--and goodness knows what other issues he has. And yeah, radio silence after the admissions of all of their issues. I guess she's just an exception and a detractor, huh Lori? :pb_rollseyes:

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Lori's idea of sex is 10-minutes-and-lube.

She's telling women that doing lots of housework results in more sex. 

Which in her world means more lousy sex.

And then she adds that it also means three added years of life. 

Which means three long years of more housework and three long years of lousy sex.

Great selling point, Lori. I'll get right on that vacuuming.


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12 hours ago, smittykins said:

There are churches in my area where the pastor has to work a secular job in order to make ends meet.

In my hometown, there was a Baptist's minister whose wife worked and he did substitute teaching to add their income. One of my high school teachers was an Assembly of God minister in a nearby town and he said that there was no way he could support his family on his small pastor's salary. A former co-worker of mine has a son who is an assistant pastor at church of 200 people and he works four days a week as office manager at a vet clinic.

Lori and some of her fangirls have pushed the whole "churches should help widows" spiel before. But, they never come up with a good amount of real life claims. Also, some churches put limits on how much financial assistance they give to people. Many churches will also refer people in need to organizations like Catholic Charities, United Way, and public assistance offices.

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9 hours ago, polecat said:

Great selling point, Lori. I'll get right on that vacuuming.


Maybe Ken's using their vacuum, and not for the carpets, if you catch my gutter-ly drift...

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Lori is really getting a load of disagreeing comments on facebook and she doesn't seem to mind them. I wonder why she lets them through there and not the blog?  Her posts on FB are getting 40-60 comments.  Maybe really is trying to go viral again. 

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Of course she wants to be viral again -- then she can brag that 2, count 'em 2, of her godly posts went viral on the net.

 I truly think that Lori believes that the more people who call her out for her idiot posts, the more godly she is. The world is persecuting her, because she's a godly older woman who is only teaching the word of Lori God -- she's not trying to control women.

Except that she is, and trying to shame them. Because if they aren't doing and living exactly the way she preaches (and she preaches no matter what she says) they are not Christians but sinful feminists.  Probably wearing yoga pants and thongs. 


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Anyone else notice the difference in replies to comments between Ken and Lori. Lori is never reasonable, stuck on point, bitter and often with an, dare I say, argumentative spirit, but don't actually disagree back. When she's challenged she disappears often just deleting the whole thing before even trying to reason. Ken, on the other hand, often seems to undermine Lori's comments by simply being, dare I say, nice at times, to the commenters. He is far better at making his points and lacks the bitterness of his wife. Not defending Ken, he's appalling as well, but he is way better towards the commenters than Lori. 



Shannon Langbehn We DO preach! We preach everyday by the words we say, and how we conduct ourselves, and care for others. One does not have to be behind a pulpit to "preach". IMHO 

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The Transformed Wife This is good except it is preachers who preach. Yes, we can share the Gospel, teach others about Him, and be a living example to a lost world but only preachers (men) preach.

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Shannon Langbehn Yes, I completely agree.

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Ken Alexander Yes, in that sense we are all preachers!

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