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Lori Alexander, 12: Transformed, But We Can't Tell

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I never thought that I would read those words coming from Gary Thomas. What compassion he showed and a willingness to modify his beliefs. 

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I think what bothers me the most about all of her posts is that half of the time her Scripture references don't actually speak or to apply to whatever point she is making. She likes to proof-text a lot, as opposed to doing an exegetical study of the passage and then making applications, and none of her readers (or at least the commenters) seem to bat an eye. While it her writings seem sound at first glance, any woman who has a basic understanding of hermeneutics would be able to see how erranous many of her ideas are AND that the verses she pulls from are often taken out of context. For example, just yesterday she cited 1 Timothy 5:14 as proof that all young women should marry. However, basic reading of the entire passage of 1 Timothy 5 (and by basic I mean just the first read-through) shows that the context is that it is addressing widows and their eligibility to receive assistance from the church (cf. 5:3-16). Furthermore, the part about marriage is talking about why young widows should remarry, not younger women in general. Personally, I don't disagree with all of the ideas for her posts, but whenever she starts expounding she takes it in directions where the conclusion is not necessarily biblically sound, or the points she makes along the way are not aligned with Scripture. If one claims to be a teacher and mentor of women, one also ought to have a basic understanding of how to study the Bible, including looking at the CONTEXT of the passage a verse is taken from (plus, you know, knowing how to interpret and apply it in the modern day and teaching it in gentleness and humility, but one step at a time). Also, I haven't seen any blogger/teacher spending as much time defending their teachings as she seems to. Most biblical teachers and writers that I follow allow the truth of their writings to speak for themselves and don't take the time to address every little comment or piece of criticism that appears. But these are just my own thoughts :pb_rollseyes:

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19 hours ago, Granwych said:

Oookay...  Like I said, I'm not explaining this as well as I'd like.  I should have mentioned that the class was human biology.  The class was no cakewalk, but we learned the cells, organs, tissues, systems, etc. etc.  The professor of the class was generally well-liked and respected.  He is, unfortunately, deceased now, or I would be delighted to ask him more about his choice in showing the film.  All I can say is that the entire film wasn't shown, just about 10 minutes or so. 

I really don't want to get into arguments about what you call "boundary-crossing nonsense."  Most of the students in the human biology class were in the nursing program, as was I.  Later on, in another class, I sat through a showing of the film "Something About Amelia," which described incest.  As a survivor of that horror, I thought it was important to know what "red flags" I might see in future patients.  It was an awful, uncomfortable class for me that day, but I learned from it.

Well, that's very different from what you initially described, when you said his purpose was something like "to show them what was out there." (Sorry, I can't look up the exact quote on my ipad without losing this page.) Also perhaps we're having a semantic misunderstanding over the word "porn." I can't imagine how the silliness and unrealisticness of stereotypical porn would be of use in a biology class. Perhaps he used a more natural explicit film. In any case, we've probably beaten the subject to death at this point! Just wanted to acknowledge your clarification.

Also, I'd like to share that I had a BIG SALAD for breakfast :-D

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19 hours ago, Koala said:

Today Lori "ponders" whether or not her teaching is dangerous.

So for an objective look at why so many people feel Lori's teaching is dangerous, she went to a group of women who agree with her, to ask why women who don't agree with her view her in the way that they do.  Brilliant. :roll:

She continues:

Perhaps not in so many words, but Lori's had people she knows personally reject both her and Ken's "mentoring".

Honesty is great, but direct quotes are even better. :kitty-wink:

(Link to quote: http://lorialexander.blogspot.com/2012/09/brutish-behavior.html )

Pfft. Like she has a great marriage. 

Stop talking such utter shit, Lori. 

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On 01/12/2016 at 8:40 PM, freealljs said:

I watched the video in @Koala's comments. She looks broken and sad, much older than her actual years.  Despite what she has written (and her videos), I feel very sorry for her. Lori needs PT for the brain.  She's physically there, but not all there, if you all know what I mean. 

I wonder if she forgets why she leaves the house (or where she's going), if she requires a list at the grocery store, if she needs to let someone know where she's going and she has to tell everyone when she gets to the store and home. She just strikes me that way, with her video ramblings, that she is very forgetful. It wouldn't surprise me if her insistence of women being keepers of the home and submissive, are because she HAS to be. She can't make any key decisions anymore, so turn to submission and let Ken do it.  

She reminds me of Lady Lydia, who strikes me as a naturally low-energy person who is happiest spending her days at home and taking twelve hours to make dinner, but rather than acknowledging that that works best for her and her husband, she feels the need to justify it Biblically and tell all women it's what they must do.

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From Ken in response to yesterday's bit of pretty penmanship:



One voice in a wilderness long ago led to the most dramatic change in history as it echoed in the coming of the Savior. He too was much feared because he pointed to one who was coming to set all mankind free from the bondage of self and selfishness... if only they would believe in Him. You would help set marriages free from such selfishness if only they would do things God's ways.


So now Lori is John the Baptist? :my_confused:



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4 hours ago, Petronella said:

Also, I'd like to share that I had a BIG SALAD for breakfast :-D

Breakast, Petronella!  I salute you!  (Due to dental issues, I haven't had a proper greens salad in quite some time.)   Just don't tell Lori, she might berate you for having salad at the wrong meal, lol.

Off track here, do you remember a movie called "Petronella?"  It starred a country singer called Sylvia.  She was the title character, a princess who didn't want to have some prince fight over her, etc.  The movie was playable in our VCR, shows you how long ago it was made--

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20 minutes ago, Granwych said:

Breakast, Petronella!  I salute you!  (Due to dental issues, I haven't had a proper greens salad in quite some time.)   Just don't tell Lori, she might berate you for having salad at the wrong meal, lol.

Off track here, do you remember a movie called "Petronella?"  It starred a country singer called Sylvia.  She was the title character, a princess who didn't want to have some prince fight over her, etc.  The movie was playable in our VCR, shows you how long ago it was made--

I never knew it was made into a movie, but it sounds like it may have been based on the wonderful children's book "Petronella" in my avatar. She sets out to rescue a prince, but (spoilers ahead for a picture book from the seventies!) it turns out that the prince wasn't prisoner, just lazy and overstaying his welcome, and she falls for his host, a sorceror, instead. It's lovely :-D

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On FB Lori reruns her post on Laine's letter--the story about the family who never made more than 30K a year and raised 4 kids and paid off a house in CA. Does anyone know if this 30K is in today's dollar or the salary made way back when (I am guessing 60s or 70s since this woman was one of Lori's mentors). In today's dollars 30K is really 130K (using 1975 for a date). If it hasn't been adjusted for inflation, as always Lori is being grossly dishonest to her readers.

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I looked at the Laine's Letter link she posted from her old blog.

She presents 3 principles for surviving (not more than) 29,000 per year.


Her husband never made over $29,000 with six people in her home, yet she was able to pay off her Southern California home debt with many frugal practices and her motto, "Pray and pay, pray and pay." 

First of all, "pray and pay" is a fine motto- If you actually have the money to pay.  You can't pay with money you don't have.  

Principle 1.  


Tithe the first of our income ~ as soon as it comes in.

It is interesting that this principal stood out to Lori, because she has posted extensively about how she and Ken aren't under the law, and aren't required to tithe.



So principal one for a family of 6 surviving on 29,000 or less a year?  Give the first part of every paycheck away.

Principle 2.


Give to the poor and those that are in need every month, as well as the spreading of the gospel.

Another interesting point.

Lori Alexander:


 I would definitely describe myself as a taker

In her video the other day, she said people would not have described her as generous.

So principal two for a family of 6 surviving on 29,000 or less a year?  Give more money away.

Principle 3.


Pay back all our debts. We paid more on the principal every month to get the house loan paid off quicker.

In summary, for a family of 6 to survive on 29,000 a year or less, one should:

1) Give away money

2) Give away money

3) Pay more than your mortgage requires (a very practical suggestion for the family who struggles to pay the minimum every month, much less anything extra.

Great suggestion.  Everyone can quit their jobs and come home now!  Have a nice day!  Blessings :roll:

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On 12/2/2016 at 8:57 AM, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Don't forget Lori has said all women are dangerous, but I guess not her. 


On another topic, I noticed on facebook a few days ago someone asked her what does Ken and her sons do for work? She didn't respond and now I believe that question is gone. I find it funny that these fan girls of her don't know that. She has mentioned it before I think. Also its just a quick google search away from knowing. Before I look to someone as a mentor I google the hell out of them, but these young women just seem to blindly trust those who say they are an authority. 

Maybe it was a new fangirl who asked. Lori mentioned it on the first blog and she has said a few times about Ryan working for Ken and Steven going to dental and orthodontist school. I think Lori will probably try to avoid talking about the salaries of Ken and her sons because she knows that some of her fangirls are married to men who aren't making a lot of money.  I do think Lori will lose some followers over time when they realize that Lori and Ken are where they are partially because of Lori's parents. Now, I don't think there is anything wrong with people helping adult children when they are starting out in life, but all parties involved need to always be honest about it. Lori talked about how her parents helped them, but she fails to see that not everyone is willing or able to help adult children and their spouses.

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5 hours ago, Petronella said:

I never knew it was made into a movie, but it sounds like it may have been based on the wonderful children's book "Petronella" in my avatar. She sets out to rescue a prince, but (spoilers ahead for a picture book from the seventies!) it turns out that the prince wasn't prisoner, just lazy and overstaying his welcome, and she falls for his host, a sorceror, instead. It's lovely :-D

That's the one!

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55 minutes ago, smittykins said:

The principal is my pal."

(Said no one ever.)

LOL that was how we were taught to tell the difference between principal and principle.

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“There’s a lot good about marriage if a man finds a godly, submissive woman to marry. She will bear and raise your children. She will be a help meet to you and make your life easier. She will take good care of your home and fix you good meals, plus be available sexually for you, but you must find a woman who believes wholeheartedly in biblical womanhood.”

It's comments like this that make you realize how pathetic Ken and Lori's marriage must be.

She says nothing about love, friendship, making the other person laugh...all of the best parts of marriage.

In her mind, marriage really is just a services for money kind of deal.  

The wife raises "your" children, she cooks and cleans, and she provides sex on demand.  In remuneration for these services she has the privilege of "obeying you", being on the receiving end of any "consequences" or "discipline" you feel are appropriate, and being "provided for" in the home she's never supposed to leave.  Or as one of Lori's readers so eloquently put it, she gets the privilege of being her husband's doormat.
Gee, wonder why more people aren't signing up for a plan like that...

In other news, what on earth is up with the woman's profile in today's post???  Look at the pic at the very top of her post and tell me something's not a little off.  I have tried and tried to figure it out, but nope...I got nothing.


Finally (because Lori is a study in irony), here is her most recent video on why older women NEED to mentor younger women.  I haven't watched the whole thing, but one of the perks of having an older women mentor you, is that she can teach you to be modest.  The example Lori gives? Not wearing low cut shirts.  

I shit you not, the wearer of the (cut to the navel) navy top NEEDS to mentor other women so she can tell them not to wear low cut tops.  

I couldn't make it up if I tried...


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39 minutes ago, Koala said:


It's comments like this that make you realize how pathetic Ken and Lori's marriage must be.


I really think that Lori thinks she has a wonderful marriage.   I truly believe she believes everything she says.  It's Ken who I think knows better

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2 hours ago, Koala said:

In other news, what on earth is up with the woman's profile in today's post???  Look at the pic at the very top of her post and tell me something's not a little off.  I have tried and tried to figure it out, but nope...I got nothing.

I think her arms are literally snake wrapped around her middle, she has coin nipple-plates, and she's wearing a neck brace that also wraps around her hair.

In other words, I have no idea.

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15 minutes ago, bitterseltzer said:

I think her arms are literally snake wrapped around her middle, she has coin nipple-plates, and she's wearing a neck brace that also wraps around her hair.

In other words, I have no idea.

Maybe...if you squint real hard and tilt your head?  Maybe its a silhouette of a woman holding a child???? Like, her arms are wrapped around baby's calves and baby is leaning his chin on her shoulder??

Never mind. 

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3 hours ago, Koala said:

Finally (because Lori is a study in irony), here is her most recent video on why older women NEED to mentor younger women.  I haven't watched the whole thing, but one of the perks of having an older women mentor you, is that she can teach you to be modest.  The example Lori gives? Not wearing low cut shirts.  

I shit you not, the wearer of the (cut to the navel) navy top NEEDS to mentor other women so she can tell them not to wear low cut tops.  

I couldn't make it up if I tried...

For that matter, the shirt she's wearing in the video wouldn't exactly pass Duggar-level standards of modesty. The neckline is not especially low, but the fabric is drapey; you would probably see cleavage on a more endowed woman. But then, why should Lori care about that? If you can't fit in size 6 dresses from eShakti, you're probably doing something wrong :pb_rollseyes:

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Woman's silhouette on the post makes her look as it she has a huge goiter, a really long neck, and has breasts front and back. Plus the bustline is really low -- almost as if she's no longer perky and not wearing a bra.  Other than that.  i got nothing.

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7 hours ago, Koala said:

n other news, what on earth is up with the woman's profile in today's post???  Look at the pic at the very top of her post and tell me something's not a little off.  I have tried and tried to figure it out, but nope...I got nothing.


At first thought, I thought it was a young woman holding a stack of books close to her body, but then I saw the giant goiter. There's something terribly wrong with her either way.

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