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Thoughts on the afterlife?


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Answering my own question:

I don't believe there's an afterlife. We become worm food. I would like to think I'll get to see my kitties again someday, but I probably won't.

If I'm wrong, it will be a pleasant surprise.

I think the best we can hope for in an afterlife is to live on in the memories of those we touched in our lives... that live on beyond us and can carry on our dreams.

I wrote a column to this effect a few months ago, after the death of a close friend.

Thanks for your thoughtful responses so far. I enjoy observing where we stand.

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I don't know what I believe. Up until a year ago I was a card carrying Christian who believed in a heaven and new earth. Now I'm an agnostic and I have no idea. Just no idea. Other people's stories of connection with the hereafter thrill me, but my logical side doesn't know how to process it. Part of me would like to believe that I get to see my mother again. Part of me would be relieved to know that it does actually end at some point.

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I definitely believe in an afterlife, and also think it's like a reincarnation for most of us. I think that life is a journey meant to teach us something. Everything that happens to us, good or bad, is supposed to happen. Not that we don't have free will- it's just that God knows in advance what we will choose and the consequences that will occur as a result. When we die, we have a chat with God and either that's it and we're done and we stay in Heaven or we decide (I like to think this is a collective consensus) that we will return for another round, for the purpose of learning something. How else can I fathom why some people have such horrible things happen to them and others skate through life with no issues? Why would a benevolent God (and I DO believe in a benevolent God) allow these inequities to occur?

My views have been influenced by the book Embraced by the Light, which I read years ago to get through my first major loss. Works for me.

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I don't think I believe in an afterlife, and I'm pretty okay with that. Sure, I'd like to see my Grandpa, etc. again, but it's like God for me: it doesn't make any logical sense, so it's not gonna work for me. I don't think I'd like living for eternity, either. I'd get bored, and there has to be an end sometime.

When I was younger, I thought heaven might be like your personal perfect place with all your favorite people and stuff. Actually, I got a lot of ideas about heaven from The Lovely Bones! :lol:

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I don't believe in an afterlife, and i also don't believe in having a soul.

Someone will probably ask what makes humans different then? And I would reply our intelligence and ability to create and exist in cultural settings.

Hear, hear!!

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The afterlife is one of those "I just don't care." areas. I'm reasonably sure it's not 'damnation or salvation', because those are fairly modern concepts. And other than that, I think people should focus on what happens while we're here on Earth.

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I think that when you die - you die - that is it. Sometimes this makes me sad and sometimes it makes me relieved.

I also think that there is no such thing as an afterlife. It would only be plausible if we had souls... and I doubt we do.

I think it's relieving to think that there is no such thing as an afterlife. The thought of an afterlife is scary, because we simply can not know how that kind of life would be like. Who knows if an afterlife is about heaven or hell? It could be a dark place, where we live in an eternity with no purpose. It could be a Sisyphus-kind of life.

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I also think that even if there is one, we should act as if there is not an that this is the only life that matters. As I always like to say, there is no proof of an afterlife, only faith...however we all know we are here and now...so shouldn't we focus on this and come what may after death? Besides if God would send me to hell for lack of belief...well I doubt very much I want to worship or hang around with such a God in the afterlife. So I will take my chances.

You know what happens when you focus too much on the afterlife? You become the Maxwells.

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The only afterlife I look forward to is being worm food. Well, that would be true if I weren't being cremated.


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I believe in an afterlife/heaven. If I am wrong I won't know anyway and if I am right I can't wait to see my pets (not being mean I just haven't lost any close family members yet).

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I believe in an afterlife, I believe it's pleasant in a way we who have only earthly human experience couldn't describe, I don't believe in Hell, I do believe in ghosts but I don't know why. I've never encountered one, and hope never to, but perhaps like the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz I just feel compelled to repeat "I do believe in ghosts, I do, I do" in order that they will not feel obliged to come and convince me of their existence.

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Deep down in my soul, I believe that nothing happens after you die. I think you start dreaming, like you do at night, and then... nothing. Game over.

I hope that it's not true; I hope the energy that is me is recycled and used for new life (even if it's just grass).

If there is a heaven, I hope it's a giant backyard party with all my loved ones. Preferably with Keith Moon, John Entwisle, Hendrix, Joplin, and Syd Barret playing in an all-star band.

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My heaven will be a library with all books, published, written (but not published), or dreamed of, a fireplace, and a purple velvet chaise lounge. If heaven is real, it should be personal.

If hell is for real, I will expect a VIP pass, where Bette Davis will be waiting for me with a scotch, neat, and a lit cigarette.

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Guest Anonymous

I don't believe in an afterlife. I know a lot of religious people find the idea of just not existing anymore somewhat frightening or sad, but really, I can't imagine why anybody would want to go on forever.

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I'm not religious at all, yet I believe in the after life. I believe in ghosts- based on some experiences I've had. I believe in making contact with "The Other Side" I believe in the possibility of someone's spirit lingering here on Earth while their physical body ceases to exist. I think that we, as humans, don't really understand what happens to our spirits when we die. We all have our theories, but I believe there's another dimension out there. I had a dream about the afterlife once, which I'll share with you. It was very vivid.

Think of " heaven" as the most beautiful beach you've ever seen with a sunset like no other. The colors in heaven are beautiful shades of purple, orange, pink, blue. In my dream, heaven is sort of set in another dimension in outer space. There are a bunch of islands floating in the water. In my dream, there was an angel of sorts, kind of guiding me around. Sort of like a tour guide and the angel was explaining to me that when we die and go to heaven, our souls are sent to these "islands" in heaven where we are reunited with our loved ones who have passed on already. Heaven is a tranquil, peaceful, quiet place. No trumpets, pearly gates or angels with wings. Just very quiet. The angel was neither male nor female, and didn't look like an angel with wings or anything.

That was my dream about "heaven", again I don't believe in the Christian ideal of heaven, but I would like to think that when we pass on, our souls do go to a place like in my dream.

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I am an intuitive psychic. I have talked to many people who have died or are ghosts, so I 100% know you still have a life when you are dead :dance:

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I am an intuitive psychic. I have talked to many people who have died or are ghosts, so I 100% know you still have a life when you are dead :dance:

what do ghosts/dead people say the after life is like?

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what do ghosts/dead people say the after life is like?

LOL, there is a GIANT post on that in the Chatter section of the old board :)

Its fun though, they visit their loved ones(both alive and dead) and they take classes and pretty much do whatever they want. YES, I am sure and I am NOT crazy. (ok, I AM crazy, but with this I am pretty accurate and I do take it seriously :angelic-whiteflying: :animals-chickencatch:

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I agree with angri-la:

My heaven will be a library with all books, published, written (but not published), or dreamed of, a fireplace, and a purple velvet chaise lounge. If heaven is real, it should be personal.

Only mine has cats, and the lounge might be chocolate brown.

However, worry about the afterlife doesn't change everything I do in this one. If I'm wrong about there being something after this, I don't want to have wasted my one chance to live and enjoy it.

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I'm still recovering from the terror I experienced growing up that I would be sent to hell. Now, I don't believe that a God that loved us would send anyone to a place like that. I do believe we can send ourselves to hell - create it here. As far as an afterlife goes, I'd like to think when I die I will be someplace warm, where I am safe and loved and that's all I know. I'm heartbroken to report I think this may be too much to wish for, though.

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