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Sparkling Adventures Pt 10 - David Pleads Guilty - Merge

happy atheist

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There is more WTF in that post than I can begin to express.

I was fascinated to see that Lauren submitted to the Gold Star request to wear modest dress in which to give birth.  Seriously, they invited half the neighbourhood in to watch the birth but preferred her to wear a dress (from earlier posts and from the photo evidence, I am speculating that this is so as not to see a vagina.... OK. :my_confused:)

On a more serious and sad note, I feel utterly heartbroken for the girls  that they don't figure at all in the most important achievements of Lauren's life.  Not that this is "news", but it is heartbreaking still.

Also, PSST.... Lauren!

You didn't spend your "savings" on the associated birth costs, remember, you used that "inheritance" from your late Grandma.  ;)

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She mentioned how altruistic and generous she was about a million times...... How enlightened and beyond ego of her. And she was filmed for a documentary - her narcissism will thrive on that.

Brioni looks so so sad in those photos. She's scowling at the camera and her eyes are filled with anguish.

Lauren made sure to tell us all that she paid all expenses (bullshit), got prenatal care, doesn't connect Daniel with Elijah in any way (and nor do the girls), that she didn't suffer post natal depression...... For somebody who is so full of love and empathy that she doesn't take any notice of her critics she sure addressed all the points we have raised.

And birthing Daniel was her greatest achievement after forgiving David? What about the births of her daughters? Oh, that's right, nobody tells you what a wonderful altruistic enlightened being you are when you birth babies that you don't give away.

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"I met a couple in June 2013, we very quickly became best friends, and they finally got to greet their son on 10 November 2014."

"Although my arrangement with the boys looks very much like surrogacy, it’s actually a loving, selfless relationship which produced a child — much like a conventional romance."

"We commenced a love-affair that has endured past the birth and will likely last our lifetimes."

Lauren makes it sound as if the three of them have some kind of wonderful poly relationship that just happened to produce a lovechild. I'd love to hear the dads' version of this. I strongly suspect that it's more like "we're a gay couple who were desperate for an uterus and this is what we ended up with - thank god she lives on the other side of the world".

This was very unsparkling:
"When Kristbjörg arrived at 4pm, we went to a private room upstairs so she could examine me. Although the boys and I had talked very frankly about every part of the conception, pregnancy and childbirth, they still hadn’t been introduced to my lady-bits. While I was comfortable with public nudity, the boys’ comfort was important to me, so I chose to remain modestly dressed throughout the birthing."

The "boys" who are in a "loving selfless relationship" "much like a conventional romance" apparently couldn't stand the sight of a female vavajay, even if their son was supposed to be born from it any second. Thank god they got a son and not a daughter.

And of course, she ate the placenta. :my_cry:


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She is delusional.  If that blog post was meant for what it seemed (dispelling rumors and past snark) she failed miserably. I bet her daughters will be so thrilled to know that birthing a child for someone else and forgiving their father who killed their brother was more significant in Lauren's life than birthing them.

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I see she has retained the habit to decide which emotions her daughters have to feel :pb_evil:

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Sorry but I dont think it is a great achievement to give birth, it just what happens but giving birth after you lost a baby for someone else is. reminds me of a similar story of someone whose IVF samples were mixed up, the person carried the child of the other people and gave it to them, for them themselves(who carried the baby) it was like the last chance of an IVF for some reason or other.
 So she carried the baby and hadnt have a chance to have another herself.

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She is delusional.  If that blog post was meant for what it seemed (dispelling rumors and past snark) she failed miserably. I bet her daughters will be so thrilled to know that birthing a child for someone else and forgiving their father who killed their brother was more significant in Lauren's life than birthing them.

I remember when Elijiah was born, she called him the center jewel in her mothering crown or some such nonsense. It totally made it sound like boys are more important for Lauren. Sorry girls. 

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Sorry but I dont think it is a great achievement to give birth, it just what happens but giving birth after you lost a baby for someone else is.*snip*

I get that, but I felt that becoming a mother was a pretty defining moment. Whether you gave birth to said child or not. The fact that becoming a mother to her daughters isn't as significant to her seems sad to me. 

I also have the opinion that when you are doing something "selfless" to continuously call yourself "unselfish" and revel in the glory of your selflessness it makes you appear selfish. If that makes any sense. Haha

I think what she did for those men was actually quite beautiful, but she seems to pat herself on the back quite a bit for it.

It reminds me of a friend who has always had the dream of becoming a foster parent. She has a son of her own also, but it's something she has always wanted to do and she's beginning the process now. When she tells people that they always say  "oh that child would be so grateful and lucky to have you. What a selfless thing to do." It annoys her because if she does foster a child, she doesn't want to be seen as some angel for it. She just has the financial means and extra love to give to another kid in need. She wouldn't want any recognition for it and feels it would make the child uncomfortable hearing those things. It's not about her, it's about the child.

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This was very unsparkling:
"When Kristbjörg arrived at 4pm, we went to a private room upstairs so she could examine me. Although the boys and I had talked very frankly about every part of the conception, pregnancy and childbirth, they still hadn’t been introduced to my lady-bits. While I was comfortable with public nudity, the boys’ comfort was important to me, so I chose to remain modestly dressed throughout the birthing."

The "boys" who are in a "loving selfless relationship" "much like a conventional romance" apparently couldn't stand the sight of a female vavajay, even if their son was supposed to be born from it any second. Thank god they got a son and not a daughter.

Didn't the guys brag about being gold star gays at one point? Maybe those stars were actually gold plate so seeing Lauren's "lady bits" would tarnish them.

While the men appear to be loving & attentive parents to Daniel, there also seems to have been a LOT of cynical opportunism built into their pursuit of this surrogacy arrangement. There is about zero chance that they didn't know about David killing Elijah. 

That all said, this post really makes Lauren look like a monster.

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Wow. I feel so sorry for Lauren's girls. She doesn't consider them extraordinary enough to be one of her greatest accomplishments. And I really can't believe how many times Lauren called herself selfless in that post. How lacking in self-awareness do you have to be to not realize how narcissistic that is? And of course, no mention of David, his case, or anything we are really interested in reading about. I wonder if this post will be edited soon remove anything too snarked-upon, since she's clearly reading her critics. 

How old are Lauren's daughters now? How much longer until they can legally escape her? 

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I’m a bit speechless over that post. Its seams to be 50% rumor control, 40% patting herself on the back and 10% about Daniel’s birth story. The bit at the end where she is so smug about not having to care for a newborn is so sad. The girls faces were also heartbreaking. I am tremendously glad she has decided to not have any more children.

She traded her baby for a pair of leg warmers and didn’t look back. What a horrible women. 

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To be fair, they were made of Icelandic wool.

and knit by a gold star gay. how sparkling.

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We kept the placenta, dried it and encapsulated it (stand by for details in a future post). 

Words cannot express how much I am not looking forward to that post.  :puke-front: 

Is self-cannibalism vegan?

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She traded her baby for a pair of leg warmers and didn’t look back.  

I want to laugh at this, but damn. It literally made me cry. 

 How old are Lauren's daughters now? How much longer until they can legally escape her? 

The oldest child is Aisha and she can't be more than 11 maybe. They all have a ways to go before they are free of participating in their mom's sparkling adventures.

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Words cannot express how much I am not looking forward to that post.  :puke-front: 

Is self-cannibalism vegan?

It is not nearly as gross as it seams, the pills look exactly like a vitamin. My BFF had hers encapsulated and she thinks it helped her (she has a history of mental Illness). A lady I saw on TV made a smoothie with her raw plecenta  (kept in a Tupperware in the fridge) blended with some frozen raspberries was much much worse. 

I am undecided if I will try this. My research says yes, my mind say no wayyyyyyy. 

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The comments make me want to vomit. I wonder how many she's deleted.

I have to wonder why she even wants to keep her kids around.

Oh who am I kidding? Narcissistic bitch-without them she'd actually lose her reason for blogging/identity.

But once upon a time she had a job she liked; she has artistic talent. She could work. The kids could live with a relative. Most of the blog posts that I remember about relatives have sounded pretty decent. I hope that when they get a bit older they exhibit some of the independence she wants them to have and they bail for Grandma in Perth or the aunt or Grandpa and his boyfriend. I have to believe they'd be welcomed.

Although....I also wonder how screwed up they are. I could see them having some issues (social, emotional, behavioral etc etc etc.) that would be challenging to take on.

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Words cannot express how much I am not looking forward to that post.  :puke-front: 

Is self-cannibalism vegan?

That just skeeves me out.  DD is pregnant with hers and DSIL's first child, and the doula they want to hire offers the service of drying and encapsulating the placenta.  Gag me with a spoon.

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Words cannot express how much I am not looking forward to that post.  :puke-front:

Is self-cannibalism vegan?

an interesting question, for sure...


though, i thought only one of her daughters was vegan "by choice"...delaney, was it? or brioni?

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though, i thought only one of her daughters was vegan "by choice"...delaney, was it? or brioni?

It was Brioni. David had a vision about eating animals being a bad thing so he and Lauren became vegan. Brioni copied this. Then David went away, I believe Lauren stopped being vegan, and Brioni carried it on alone. Must be hard to have dietary restrictions when aren't fed predictable meals to begin with. 

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It was Brioni. David had a vision about eating animals being a bad thing so he and Lauren became vegan. Brioni copied this. Then David went away, I believe Lauren stopped being vegan, and Brioni carried it on alone. Must be hard to have dietary restrictions when aren't fed predictable meals to begin with. 

ah. i don't know much about lauren before elijah's death, mainly because her older entries are kinda boring before the sparkling insanity set in.

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My future SIL does the placenta drying/encapsulation (she also does breastmilk jewelry), and there's plenty of people paying for the service. To me, the placenta pills seem like they would help if you think they would help. 

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My future SIL does the placenta drying/encapsulation (she also does breastmilk jewelry), and there's plenty of people paying for the service. To me, the placenta pills seem like they would help if you think they would help. 

The placebo effect.  I haven't heard of breastmilk jewelry(off to look it up.)  When I was a student nurse back in the dark ages, hospitals would save placentas in freezers and sell them to shampoo and cosmetic manufacturers.

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The breastmilk jewelry as a keepsake of your nursing days.  It seems to be something that's cropped up rather recently - I think she's been doing the jewelry for a year or so.  She uses a resin deal to make a "pearl" from breastmilk and has a few different settings and styles and and most of her stuff is between 100-400 dollars.

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