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I Did It... I Joined the TLC Forums


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Of course defenders of Josh and Anna would say that; they abstained from doing anything all by themselves!...with the help of chaperons to be on the safe side, but seriously, it was all them.

I love how Pro-Duggars, like Chrislukas, use the argument that almost every young couple these days just date to get laid because they don't have someone holding their hand until they're married. Please, my boyfriend and I have been together just as long as Josh and Anna have been engaged and we could do circles around their marriage and we're not even married yet.

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I used to post on the Discovery Duggar boards all the time, under a different name. (Hey, mythoughtis, it's me, mapletex). If I'm not mistaken, xReems used to post there too. :greetings-waveyellow: That board was much less pro-Duggar than the TLC one.

Every time I saw there was a post by chrislukas, my heart sank a little. She is so nasty, condescending, and holier than thou, yet she claims to be a Christian.

Over time, she revealed a little bit about herself. When she was young, she had a biracial baby out of wedlock. Eventually she married a man quite a bit older than her, but they were never able to have any children. When she talked of these things, other posters were actually quite kind and caring. She also posted about the arrival of her first grandchild, complete with photos. Again, nothing but positive remarks. Still, she never eased up on her venomous posts.

She really is a sad, bitter woman.

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We rarely wait at the dentist's office. When it does happen, it usually seems to be b/c of an emergency situation. We don't mind, as I would hope that if I or anyone in my family had a dental emergency that others would be willing to understand and not blame the dentist and sit their asses down for a little while longer or reschedule.

I had to wait for the dentist this morning. My dentist is on the local university campus, on the ground floor of one of the halls of residence. The students are just arriving for the new academic year and one of them tried to make toast :roll: When I arrived for my appointment all the staff from the dental surgery were standing around outside next to the fire engine. Once we were allowed in I had to wait for the people with earlier appointments to be seen first. The staff were polite and obviously trying to make up the time. So I waited and didn't take unecessary time - seemed reasonable to me. Of course we have ebil socialist healthcare (not that it really works for dental treatment) so my wait was probably God showing his disapproval of the NHS or something.

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Chris Lucas has been on a roll lately. No one posts at either forum much anymore. I tried to explain about how the Bates not having insurance can dig into another person's pocket and she defends them to the max. Her defense is those with insurance aren't paying the whole bill either. think she was raised similar to the Duggars.

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I have had it up to here with that woman. She is continuing to degrade working mothers..... and when I pressed her she discussed how she only worked while the kids were in school and because they used her money to pay bills then it was ok for her to work.... but a professionals wife should stay home.

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Chris Lucas has been on a roll lately. No one posts at either forum much anymore. I tried to explain about how the Bates not having insurance can dig into another person's pocket and she defends them to the max. Her defense is those with insurance aren't paying the whole bill either. think she was raised similar to the Duggars.

Methinks someone doesn't understand the basic principles of insurance. Based on what I've read here, this woman is a brainwashed idiot. I'm guessing full-blown, Bachmann or Perry TeaBagger.

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Chris Lucas has been on a roll lately. No one posts at either forum much anymore. I tried to explain about how the Bates not having insurance can dig into another person's pocket and she defends them to the max. Her defense is those with insurance aren't paying the whole bill either. think she was raised similar to the Duggars.

I'll have to check out the TLC boards later to see her posts defending the Bates family. I have rolled my eyes for the past few weeks when people have defended them for not having health insurance. chrislukas and other defenders also ignore that the Christian health clinic Kelly goes to is paid by other people.

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Based on what I've read here, this woman is a brainwashed idiot. I'm guessing full-blown, Bachmann or Perry TeaBagger.

Worse. She once said it was a shame Glenn Beck wasn't running- she would vote for him for sure.

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Yeah, the 19 Kids and Counting Fan Page is a non-moderated clusterfuck of arguments. It was kind of funny when a bunch of trolls posing as GOP candidates invaded recently.

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I've lurked on there and read some of the things that chrislukas has posted, and by the time I was done all I could think was "you have issues, bitch." She's a real piece of work..'nuff said. ;) :angry-jumpinganger:

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Maybe chrislukas is really unhappy with her life and somehow sees the Duggars as having an ideal life and that is why she always defends them. I bet when TLC finally cans the show, she will be on the forums crying persecution of the Duggars or something. She is probably going to be pissed when TLC premieres that reality show about a Muslim family later this year.

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It's actually funny as hell that she goes on about how being a keeper of the home is such an important calling, and yet she recently posted that her husband has been unemployed for over a year, and now does all of the household chores, including having dinner ready for her every night.

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I've lurked on there and read some of the things that chrislukas has posted, and by the time I was done all I could think was "you have issues, bitch." She's a real piece of work..'nuff said. ;) :angry-jumpinganger:

Yes, somehow she finds a way to insert her opinion into every.fucking.post. even if no one is responding to her specifically. She manages to make the thread topic all about her. She just posted about her "out of wedlock child" (her words, not mine) and how she's been married for 25 years and has never divorced. She also had to put said child in daycare for awhile. I think she is miserable and is trying to live vicariously through the Duggars.

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Yeah, the 19 Kids and Counting Fan Page is a non-moderated clusterfuck of arguments. It was kind of funny when a bunch of trolls posing as GOP candidates invaded recently.

I bet Chris and Co. creamed their panties when "Sarah Palin" and of course, "Glenn Beck" showed up. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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Well, I already pissed off ChrisLukas. I didn't say anything inflammatory, I just stated my opinion. Chris Lukas was not happy about this. Oh well. Here's what I wrote:

Yes, I hope this is the case. I hope Jana realizes that she can obtain a REAL education and career. I hope Jana realizes that she can walk out the door at any time and there is nothing that Jim Bob and Michelle and can do about it. Nothing. Most importantly, I hope Jana realizes that she has rights. She has the right to leave and the right to live her life the way she sees fit. That's what scares me so much about the Duggars and their ilk. They act as if women are not valued for anything else except being "keeper of the home".

This is what ChrisLukas responded:

Why make it sound like being a "keeper of the home" is some sort of low-life, less worthy,option in life. I see being a wife and a mother the absolute highest profession a woman could do. Women who choose to stay at home with their kids and be homemakers have my deepest respect, much more respect than a mother who chooses to be a lawyer or corporate executive. It's a disservice to women and mothers who choose to stay at home when you treat them like their choice is somehow less worthy and less important than going out and working a job. I think women who are valued for being the keeper of the home have the highest honor and have achieved more than a lot of women ever will.

That's the thing, though. Those women she's defending have made a choice to stay home. Jana, et.al., don't realize that they have a choice, so really, their decision to be a SAHM has been made for them. They have no decision.

What a fucktard this woman is.

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Right now she's actually defending the Duggars use of Styrofoam. She also says that recycling doesn't really make a difference. :roll:

So I am all for reusing and reducing, but recycling isn't really a good answer or even a healthy one in the long run.

I think they, like a lot of conservatives (myself included) care about people above all else. God can take care of the earth as He has been ever since He created it. He put the resources on this earth for us to use. I don't think we should purposely trash the earth, but I also don't believe we should value the earth more than the people He put here. There are a ton of environmental issues, not quite sure why everyone jumps on the styrofoam issue since I doubt a single person on the discussion board leads a life that is 100% free from using some products that aren't all the environmentally friendly. Just about everything we buy on a daily basis has some sort of negative environmental impact so maybe take a look at what you're buying and using and stop worrying about what someone else is buying and using.

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Right now she's actually defending the Duggars use of Styrofoam. She also says that recycling doesn't really make a difference. :roll:

So I am all for reusing and reducing, but recycling isn't really a good answer or even a healthy one in the long run.

I think they, like a lot of conservatives (myself included) care about people above all else. God can take care of the earth as He has been ever since He created it. He put the resources on this earth for us to use. I don't think we should purposely trash the earth, but I also don't believe we should value the earth more than the people He put here. There are a ton of environmental issues, not quite sure why everyone jumps on the styrofoam issue since I doubt a single person on the discussion board leads a life that is 100% free from using some products that aren't all the environmentally friendly. Just about everything we buy on a daily basis has some sort of negative environmental impact so maybe take a look at what you're buying and using and stop worrying about what someone else is buying and using.


I guess she doesn't understand that the condition of the earth affects the PEOPLE who live on it.

And she assumes that people don't think about the environmental impact of what they're buying and using. Uh, lady, lots of people do actually think bout that. I'm sure some people who berate the Duggars about styrofoam don't actually think too much about their environmental impact, but some of them, I'm sure, do.

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I have seen people defend the Duggars' use of styrofoam before and they sometimes give similar statements to chrislukas. She is right in the fact that everyone does impact the environment and I do think all of us sometimes buy or use products that aren't completely environmentally friendly. But her statement about recycling not being good answer or solution is plain stupid. Also her saying that we shouldn't value the Earth more than the people is also dumb, because like pomology said the condition of the earth affects us in different ways.

The Duggars using styrofoam for all meals or most meals isn't really a good thing and it is a bit mind boggling since they have an industrial dishwasher. Most of the older kids could at least put their plates and silverware in. Growing up my family had the rules that everyone put their plates and silverware in the dishwasher on their own. The Duggars could at least do something similar. I might be wrong, but in the episode in which Dr. Charles Stanley visited them, I could have sworn that they ate dinner on trays rather than styrofoam plates.

There is a family in southern California, the Silcocks. This couple has adopted adopted 30 or more boys with disabilities some severe and some minor. I think right now about half of the sons live with the parents Jim and Ann. Most of the ones over 18 live outside their home with brothers or friends. Several paid aides help the couple out. Years ago, a newspaper did a feature on them and it was noted that the family was using paper or styrofoam plates at all meals and they were criticized for it, but their defense was that nobody really had time to wash dishes or anything because some of the boys need constant care and some of the lesser disabled sons would probably argue over who cleaned what. I believe the mom usually washed the serving dishes that held food.

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So I am all for reusing and reducing, but recycling isn't really a good answer or even a healthy one in the long run.

I think they, like a lot of conservatives (myself included) care about people above all else. God can take care of the earth as He has been ever since He created it. He put the resources on this earth for us to use. I don't think we should purposely trash the earth, but I also don't believe we should value the earth more than the people He put here. There are a ton of environmental issues, not quite sure why everyone jumps on the styrofoam issue since I doubt a single person on the discussion board leads a life that is 100% free from using some products that aren't all the environmentally friendly. Just about everything we buy on a daily basis has some sort of negative environmental impact so maybe take a look at what you're buying and using and stop worrying about what someone else is buying and using

Wow. She must be reading that out of the conservative christian handbook on the environment, because that's exactly their stance. The earth is here for them and they have no real responsibility to it or to future generations as God will just take care of everything. And if he doesn't, the rapture is going to happen and so Christians won't have to worry about it in either case.

Yeah. Mind-boggling.

And I love her line about how "conservatives care about people above all else". That's some really funny shit, there. I nearly snorted my tea out my nose when I read that.

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Wow. She must be reading that out of the conservative christian handbook on the environment, because that's exactly their stance. The earth is here for them and they have no real responsibility to it or to future generations as God will just take care of everything. And if he doesn't, the rapture is going to happen and so Christians won't have to worry about it in either case.

Yeah. Mind-boggling.

And I love her line about how "conservatives care about people above all else". That's some really funny shit, there. I nearly snorted my tea out my nose when I read that.

I have heard that line too. I recall Kelly at GC made the statement that God would make more oil if the world ran out of oil.

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