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Pray the mental illness away...


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UGH, I'm so irritated right now. I can't believe someone was trying to be reasonable with this woman and she wrote back in such a bitchy way.


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Ugh. I don't understand why she thinks it's possible to have your thyroid out of balance, but not your brain chemicals? What a bitch.

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Ugh. I don't understand why she thinks it's possible to have your thyroid out of balance, but not your brain chemicals? What a bitch.

Your brain doesn't have chemicals it has God.

or whatever.

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Ugh, this woman and her uncaring comment makes me physically ill! My cousin has struggled with her bipolar disorder her entire life and I can say without a doubt in my head that being prescribed correct medication saved her life. I know of at least two instances where she tried to commit suicide before she was given correct medication for her condition. Thank God we grew up in a family that has common sense unlike this horrid person! My cousin's brain is chemically unbalance (or whatever the technical term is) and she would have been dead if not for her 'happy pills'. Would this blogger rather have seen my cousin dead before admitting some people do need medication?

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Woo... she's a right bitch, isn't she?

Here's one about her 4 year old daughter's questions after the little girl was "saved":

Right away she asked what about Joshua and Elly? Was grandma and uncle Angel going to Heaven? Lord, how do I proceed? I told her Angel was but not grandma but maybe on her birthday this week we could talk to her together about having a second birthday?

Her homeschooling plans for this year (in fairness, her kids are still young):

The Bible is my text book and not just this year but all years to come. The best part is that I am so excited because I will get to learn right along with them!... As far as the other subjects I forget that the reason I want them to learn Math is so that they can make change, follow a recipe, sew a dress so why not just do those things rather than buy manipulative's?

She says using the Bible as their textbook:

I'm 100% sure this will provide lots of heart to heart talks, character studies, writing practice, science, math opportunities, memory verses to practice, everything all rolled into one package that requires almost no time to plan, no money to spend and more time to just be there ready to answer questions and even learn together.

On teh geyz:

I don't think we can bury our heads in the sand anymore over the statistics of homosexuals who were sexually abused as children and teens. I had a friend once tell me about a little boy she baby sat for who was very effeminate and as she explained to me one of those boys who were you know just "born that way". I told her that he must be watching something on the TV to which she replied.."No nothing..just Sponge Bob and oh he loves Hannah Montana." Ick, I would never even let me girls watch that show let alone a two or three year old boy. She also told me how the mother encouraged his behavior I guess thinking it was cute to paint his nails or something. But honestly I watched one of these Disney tween shows the other day and I could not believe what was being said and done! There was one boy in tight pants with a glittery scarf around his neck and wearing lip gloss getting all the audience laughs...surely this is sending a message to kids.

There is a level where God has enough with a society and wipes them out completely and that breaking point is always sodomy-but where there is righteousness God will spare so I am not worried for my children in the future in this society becoming more and more wicked. It just makes me take my job as a parent more seriously.

More to come...

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I can't stand religious fucks who tell the mentally ill to pray their problems away.

This bitch sounds almost like a fucking Scientologist. Forget the pills that will regulate your brain chemicals and therapy that will help you deal with whatever is going on, just audit those thetans and pray to Xenu!

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Another twenty-something newbie Christian who has all the answers and doesn't care how crass she is in telling her truth.

Her mental illness has a source. One that can be dealt with without drugs. It's called obsessive compulsive Christianity. No drugs necessary to cure that mind-fuck.

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On snarkers:

No one is forcing you to read here if it is so offensive to you as I don't go around trolling on atheist blogs and those living wicked lives just leaving nasty comments. What a waste of time and energy that would be! I have to believe those who hang around and "snark" on these types of blogs are simply attracted to the light as much as they want to label it other things.

Woo... lady, I am not attracted to your non-existent light.

Methinks her husband has not been sipping deeply enough of the Koolaid:

Joe and I came to a compromise on the whole Halloween thing. I didn't want to even acknowledge it and Joe wanted to celebrate it. We agreed that we would not put up any decorations and I even took out that whole section from our homeschooling curriculum. We will just take the kids to collect candy in costume (nothing wicked) and that's it....

Funny thing Joe and I realized that both our wants cancelled each other out...me-no T.V downstairs...Joe- a man cave or at least a room all to himself. Well I made a deal with him we would turn Joshua's nursery into a room for Joe with all his computers and monitors, game system, big plasma tv (from the living room) and the guest bed in exchange for just that no TV downstairs.

She's another one with the stupid modest swimsuits:

As the Barnacle says, "The season of exposed skin is over!" I promised myself that this is the last year the girls and I will wear regular swimsuites. I will learn to make modest swimsuits. By next summer I hope I am way better with sewing.


As for me I could count on one hand mothers that I admire and aspire to be like and Kelly Bates is one of them. I would love it if they had their own show or wrote a book but at least maybe I can hope to one day run into Kelly at an ATI homeschool conference..I say that but I might totally chicken out like when I saw the Duggars at First Baptist Atlanta on their book tour. Go watch it, it's really good and boy...I hope my girls end up with a boy like Lawson- I want a son like Lawson!

The Schools... They are EVIL.

I can honestly vouch for the "experts" part and tell you with the couple years of courses I took in Early Childhood Education I learned more about "disabilities" how to question everything into child abuse at home and the ultimate for me was how to encourage morally wrong behavior. The only useful things I remember learning in those two years was first aid and CPR and I could have learned that at the local Y for a fraction of the tuition cost.

If you insist your "gifts" deserve to be given to an employer over your children, drive yourself insane trying to balance it all as you go to school, or insist that government institutions must train them to be brainwashed successful...then fine but you can do that later.

Of course, the requisite submissiveness:

I asked God for me to not only be outwardly submissive to my husband to be obedient to God's Word, but rather to have a heart transplant where I totally reverence my husband and honor him and so on. I feel like when I just met him and was all smiles and full of hope and excitement that he would even pick me to be his wife after the filthy rags of my life before him. Instead of looking down at him for his faults, I have finally learned that I am not his conscious and I will never dare to think I am more spiritual than him. I am under his covering and trust all his decisions for this family without question (obviously as long as he does not go outside his authority breaking the law or God's law but I don't have to worry about that with Joe). I see my children and I look at the huge amount of work it takes to train them up right and I can only imagine how I have exhausted God and Joe!

How is it possible I've never seen this blog before!?! This woman is a TROPE of fundie mom blogs.

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As a mentally ill person, I feel I have the right to tell her to go jump in a lake.

I'm going to stick with my meds that make it possible for me to live my daily life without worrying my classmates and coworkers want to kill me and that the government is watching my every move waiting to kidnap me.

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As a mentally ill person, I feel I have the right to tell her to go jump in a lake.

I'm going to stick with my meds that make it possible for me to live my daily life without worrying my classmates and coworkers want to kill me and that the government is watching my every move waiting to kidnap me.


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Ha I've been reading her for awhile; found her linked to on Zsuzsu's blog.

I have visited her blog a couple of times through Zsuzsu's blog. I find the post on mental illness and the comments to be disgusting. I suffer from a mild form of bipolar and mental illness can't be prayed away. I have seen other blogs from fundies, Scientologists and others that talking about mental illness either doesn't exist or can be prayed away.

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I hear you; if not for SSRIs I don't know if I'd be functioning or alive. She's obviously very lucky to not have experienced the type of mental illness you can't just pray away or get over...

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I have suffered from bi-polar disorder/schizoaffective disorder for close to ten years, I have been blessed for the past year that I have been reasonably ok off my meds, but I am an intelligent woman who knows that I need to see my doctor soon and get help again.

Doctors very commonly prescribe anti-depressants to patients with auto-immune diseases, MS, and any number of chronic illnesses...Why? Because they help.


Encouraging people to not take medicine for depression when they admit they need it is so irresponsible.

Will the blood be on her hands if someone commits suicide because they are encouraged to not take medicine?

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As a mentally ill person, I feel I have the right to tell her to go jump in a lake.

I'll help you push her into the lake. Metaphorically, of course. *whistles*

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Guest Anonymous

I'll help you push her into the lake. Metaphorically, of course. *whistles*

I'd be happy to make the task easier for both of you, by tripping her.

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As someone who has struggled with depression as well as having family members with bipolar disorder, mental illness isn't something that could just be prayed away. :obscene-birdiered: What a bitch! Medication and therapy are what saved my life, as no matter how much or how hard I prayed, it wasn't enough. Many people suffering from mental illness would be dead from suicide if they just relied on prayer.

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Maybe I should ask her if God will take my OCD and GAD away if I pray super super hard and pledge to only wear frumpers from now on. Or maybe God likes it when I stay up til three a.m. every night worrying about having intestinal parasites and compulsively pick at my skin to relieve my stress.

Fuck it, she (and her wackdoodle idea of God) can have my pack of generic Zoloft when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. And thanks to Zoloft, that won't be for a looooong time.

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Depressive here. :) Had it for years before I got in medication, and no, no amount of praying made it go away (though I had up and down spells). Believing I had no future (as teh rapture was coming doncha know) surely didn't help, as did having a depressive mother who also spent a few years unmedicated. I know firsthand that if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

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Fuck her. Yes, Big Pharma can certainly be unsavory, and I think psych meds are being pushed too hard to every dang person who comes into a therapist's office these days (and they don't all need them), but lots of people do, and anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and anti-anxiety meds SAVE LIVES.

Let's try that, Karen. Let's take every mentally ill person in the country off their meds and just pray for them and make them go to church and not watch TV and whatever the hell else you think is so speyshul, and we'll see how that fucking works out.

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I always wonder why it's "sodomy" that enrages god such a lot that he would be ready to wipe out a society - what about war, cruelty to children, watching other societies starve and doing nothing, killing off entire species and so on and so forth. Why oh why is it none of this but just consenting sex among adults the breaking point for god? I don't get it.

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With her family history and her own, she is one lucky muchacha to be as evened-out as she is, now.

A nod to Michael K: If she ever showed up on my family's psychiatrically interesting doorstep, telling us to chuck the meds, she'd get a chankla upside the head from this abuelita!

:naughty: Faith-healing know-it-alls are not the one! (thanks again, MK)

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Maybe I should ask her if God will take my OCD and GAD away if I pray super super hard and pledge to only wear frumpers from now on. Or maybe God likes it when I stay up til three a.m. every night worrying about having intestinal parasites and compulsively pick at my skin to relieve my stress.

Fuck it, she (and her wackdoodle idea of God) can have my pack of generic Zoloft when they pry it from my cold, dead hands. And thanks to Zoloft, that won't be for a looooong time.

Another OCD/GAD person here. I had to smile a little at this, because it's so familiar. I'm totally blase about germs, but parasites.... Just the thought of them makes me shudder. If anyone tried to take me pills away from me, I would probably beat them off with anything near by, even if it was a toothpick. And I'd win, because my life and survival would be at stake.

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