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Curse You!!!!!!!!!!

I just went to an ugly, ugly place. I am now in the fetal position with my sons blankie, I am going to get a Top Flight Attorney and sue you for mental anguish!!


Oh no!  Not a degreed law professional! :P

Here, have some booze, delivered by the rescue ferrets.  It might make the pain go away. :ferret: :beer:

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Curse You!!!!!!!!!!

I just went to an ugly, ugly place. I am now in the fetal position with my sons blankie, I am going to get a Top Flight Attorney and sue you for mental anguish!!

Will it be the same top flight attorney that Cabinet Man keeps on retainer?  And by "keeps on retainer," he means the same as "moves to Alaska," and "wrestles bulls."

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From the combox 11/29/15, "James" asks:

I know you probably wont publish this since it doesn't praise you but I am genuinely curious as to why you believe your view is right, always. You are very quick to explain to others why they are wrong, but what leads you to believe that you have a better understanding of the Bible than others? I dont mean that as an insult or personal attack. I just feel like you are rather self-righteous. I would appreciate if you would answer this.

Lori replies:

James, I will be happy to say that I am wrong if you give me Scripture to show where I am wrong! I try to base what I teach on Scripture and back up everything with the Word. Many who disagree with me never use the Word or if they do, as they did with the verses I quoted above, they badly misinterpret them to justify their positions. Can you tell me what I wrote in the post that isn't biblical? Paul makes it VERY clear that men are to be the ones in authority in the church. I suspect you have an argument with him and not me.

Silly James! Doesn't he know Lori speaks for God? And if Scripture doesn't agree with Lori it is because it is misinterpreted. 

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So in today's post, "Do You Love Your Children?" Lori achieves Doug Wilson family mind meld with this quote from Doug's daughter Rachel Jankovic (who is a skilled writer, I admit). boldface mine.

"God does not share our sentimental view of motherhood. While he delights in children, he does not speak of them in some cutesy photo shoot kind of a way. He compares them, not to tiny fairies, or dewy flowers, but to arrows;  to be weapons in the hand of a mighty man.

God does not tell us to desire the blessing of children because their cheerful voices will make our houses feel cozy. He tells us to desire children who will contend with the enemy in the gate. It is natural and good that we delight in the little things with our children. God didn’t command mothers to rejoice over elbow dimples and the smell of a new baby’s head. He didn’t tell us to smile over them while they sleep, or to love the way they look in footie pajamas. He didn’t tell us these things, because He didn’t have to. That is the natural love of a mother for her children.

But the love that we need, the reminders we need, is to love them, not for our own sake, but for what God is doing through them. We need a supernatural love. We need to believe in the victory, to mother in faithful confidence. 'Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.'{Psalm 8:2} These mouths we are feeding — these are the mouths that God has ordained to use to silence the enemy."

And her crowd loves it---maybe. I tried leaving a respectful comment after the response on the other post  from the mother whose husband is threatening their kids, asking if Jesus didn't command us to protect  children, and if it was biblical to allow abuse to continue in the name of wifely submission.

I guess it's predictable that it didn't make the cut, but I do so wish I could talk with that poor woman and tell her how much better life has gone for my children and me since we bailed from our threatening father/husband. I don't think my kids are weapons, though, certainly not weapons in the hands of a mighty man, so maybe I did it wrong.


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Strikes me Lori's description of why to have and how to love one's children could be takens from The 300, as it sounds like Christians are raising spartan/Christian soldiers...

It would explain why she has been comfortable talking about punishing toddlers and letting infants cry it out, and making older kids just homeschool themselves and stay in their room--Lori wanted to raise spartans though  with less respect for women.... 

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Why do women feel the need to earn money?

Every woman is different , so I can't answer for women in general. But why do *I feel the need to earn money? Because I don't believe my husband should bear the financial burden of OUR family all alone -- it's OURS together.  Because it's my way of being a helpmeet to my husband. Because I can't predict the future and want to make sure I have *something* to fall back on so that if something happens to my husband, I know our kids will still be taken care of. Because I like being able to give my kids a few extras beyond the bare necessities.  Because it gives me a little extra security knowing that if I need to, I can still support myself and my kids in a pinch. Because I love my husband and my family and want to make sure that all of us are comfortable. Because I need to stay busy, and I'm too type A to settle for puttering around the house and making myself a busybody under the heading of "mentoring."  Because it's my choice. Because I want to. 

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Strikes me Lori's description of why to have and how to love one's children could be takens from The 300, as it sounds like Christians are raising spartan/Christian soldiers...

It would explain why she has been comfortable talking about punishing toddlers and letting infants cry it out, and making older kids just homeschool themselves and stay in their room--Lori wanted to raise spartans though  with less respect for women.... 

On this note, Lori definitely achieved her goals -- she was cruel to her children in an effort to make them weapons. Well done, I guess, Lori. You did what you set out to do. 

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There was a beautiful young woman who was pregnant with her first baby. I asked her if she was going to be home full-time once her baby is born. She told me that she will work some since she would feel guilty not working and bringing in some money even though her husband is a professional who makes a lot of money

This comes across as so gossipy and mean; and actually quite jealous.  Just HOW does Lori know this young professional makes a lot of money?  Does she just assume that his specific job means he's wealthy?  Why is she counting other people's money, anyway?  I can't stand people who do this - assume they know a family's financial situation. Maybe they couple have student loans or medical bills.  Maybe they are helping a family member through a financial crisis.  Whatever their situation, it's not for Lori to decide that the husband makes "a lot of money," and if she says so, then by golly the wife should stay home.  Or maybe the young women just wants to work and it's really none of Lori's business.  Lori  never tries to see the best in anyone. She spends her day scouring the internet for stories that allow her to condemn other women - or relating stories of people she's "met" or "talked to while at the doctor's office." She truly seems to have one goal in life and that is to find fault in others. 

I think we'd all faint onto our computer keyboards if we ever saw Lori write about a women who did things differently than she, and yet wrote encouraging and positive words about her. 

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Lori and Jill Rodrigues are what keeps me coming back on FJ when things are slow with Duggar news. But anyway, I'm curious to know if anyone,  can sue Lori for damages in civil court, based on the crap that she doles out. For example, if a woman with kids takes Lori's advice about putting up with abuse, can that woman sue Lori if she is physically assaulted or the kids show signs of emotional trauma? I just wish that there were a way for Lori to be stopped from doling out her "godly" advice or to understand that abuse is real and no amount of praying or submission will make it go away.

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That's a rather cruel way of viewing children though it makes me think about the warped parenting choices made by their ilk and the historical context of when that was written. Do they understand that making good weapons - ones that will hold up to war and wear - takes invested time, effort and knowledge with this metaphor? I don't think they do. In fact, I'm sure that they believe that it means hitting a piece of steel to bend into their shape and BANG! Perfect sword. It almost makes sense to me, given that physical child abuse is a norm to most of them.

I have a friend who makes swords and chainmail shirts as a hobby and he sells his best pieces to interested buyers. If he didn't know what he was doing and refused any opportunity to learn or improve his skills, if he ignored all the advice from others who did and whined about the evil criticism instead, if he followed bad advice from someone who knows jackshit about weapon and armor crafting,  if he didn't take the time and effort to make his pieces properly, they would be useless bits of steel. The chainmail wouldn't protect -anyone- and the blades would be warped and couldn't cut paper, let alone "silence an enemy". . .

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The chainmail wouldn't protect -anyone- and the blades would be warped and couldn't cut paper, let alone "silence an enemy". . .


(See also Josh Duggar, well known arrow and warped weapon.....)

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Silly James! Doesn't he know Lori speaks for God? And if Scripture doesn't agree with Lori it is because it is misinterpreted. 

And in a response to a comment today Lori knows exactly where God would put a verse of scripture if a woman were supposed to earn money from home:  

You're right, Kristin. I didn't say it was wrong to earn an income from home as long as it didn't interfere with your primary duties of being a help meet to your husband, disciplining and training your children and keeping your home neat and tidy. The Bible never commands a woman to make an income from home, however. If He did, it would have been in Titus 2:3-5.

Really Lori...you are qualified to speak to where God would include scripture?  The magnitude of her self-inflated ego astounds me.

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And in a response to a comment today Lori knows exactly where God would put a verse of scripture if a woman were supposed to earn money from home:  

You're right, Kristin. I didn't say it was wrong to earn an income from home as long as it didn't interfere with your primary duties of being a help meet to your husband, disciplining and training your children and keeping your home neat and tidy. The Bible never commands a woman to make an income from home, however. If He did, it would have been in Titus 2:3-5.

Really Lori...you are qualified to speak to where God would include scripture?  The magnitude of her self-inflated ego astounds me

 He did put it in Scripture.  Proverbs 31.

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I really, really hope Queenly Reign is someone messing with Lori. 

... a couple of months ago I got my feelings hurt by my beat friend when I was sharing the good news that she didn't have to go to work and leave her kids. Her husband couldn't make her so something that God said she didn't have to do like go to work instead of being a keeper at home. She basically called me foolish and that her husband would never allow her to quit her job. I thought she respected me or wanted what I had as far as being a content homemaker, but with responses like that I know there's a lack of respect for my choices.

Otherwise ... Well, I feel sorry for her friend. 

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Every woman is different , so I can't answer for women in general. But why do *I feel the need to earn money? ...  Because it's my choice. Because I want to. 

Now, now, you know Lori can't allow any of that.

I work because I have to (godless single mother, probably because I failed to win my now-ex husband's heart with my silence and sweetness and Big Salads and Ten Minutes) but even if I didn't have to work, I'm sure I would do something.  Mostly just because it annoys women like her.

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I'm currently unemployed. We're trying to live on just my husband's disability check and we're UNDER the poverty level for a household of 2 members. I hate it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. Yes, I'll be really shallow and say I hate being broke. I'm hoping to get into a training program for IT in January...so I can get another job and make money so we're no longer under the poverty level.

Lori can suck it.


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I'm currently unemployed. We're trying to live on just my husband's disability check and we're UNDER the poverty level for a household of 2 members. I hate it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. Yes, I'll be really shallow and say I hate being broke. I'm hoping to get into a training program for IT in January...so I can get another job and make money so we're no longer under the poverty level.

Lori can suck it.


I'm sorry you are going  through this, i hope you get in your  training program!

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We all are familiar with Lori's parenting style. Yet it never ceases to amaze me, her obvious contempt for children. 

"You're right, Kristin. I didn't say it was wrong to earn an income from home as long as it didn't interfere with your primary duties of being a help meet to your husband, disciplining and training your children and keeping your home neat and tidy. The Bible never commands a woman to make an income from home, however. If He did, it would have been in Titus 2:3-5."

Not raising children, or loving children....nope it's all discipline and training. Ugh she is a vile human being.:my_angry:


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Regarding today's post, where Ken talks about Eve taking a bite of "the apple," I just wanted to weigh in a bit.

Now, I'm just a silly woman who has an evil college degree from...gasp...a Christian university at which we were required to take a Bible class every semester; but my Old Testament Survey professor did not like it one bit when a student referred to it as an apple.  He was a really neat guy with a lively teaching manner and a good sense of humor, but he expected us to be specific in our reading and discussion. We would be reminded to go back and scan Genesis 2 & 3 if we said "apple" while discussing the story of Adam and Eve. Nowhere is the fruit called an apple. It is called "the fruit of the tree."  The tree itself is first called "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."  Many people refer to it as an apple (just like we like to call the fish in the story of Jonah a whale, when it is not specifically labeled) but we are never told in the Bible that it is an apple.  I just think details like these are important for people who prefer to interpret Bible with an extremely literal slant.*

Side note: this same professor also got very animated over the book of Revelation. If somebody called it Revelations - and added that "s" he would wave his arms and yell "REV-A-LA-TIONNNNNNNN!"  Now when I hear someone say it in the plural form, I hear his voice in my head with that long drawn out "NNNNNNNN" sound. 

*I just checked my concordance and "apple" isn't even listed for reference.  In another quick search, I found "apple" referred to in The Psalms, Proverbs, Deuteronomy, Joel, Zechariah and, of course, The Song of Solomon (also known as The Song of Songs). "Fruit," however is mentioned several times in Genesis; also Exodus and Leviticus and, of course, Galatians 5 when teaching of The Fruit of The Spirit. 


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Wow, lately each post from Lori and now Ken is worse than the last.  I wonder who they are doubling down on with their "Why would a woman work?" and "Men should never listen to their wives, they only do it because they want sex, which is why Christian men get married in the first place.... "

Makes me wonder which daughter or inlaw is stepping out of line?   What son or son in law is putting their wife's opinion ahead of Ken or Lori's?












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Wow, lately each post from Lori and now Ken is worse than the last.  I wonder who they are doubling down on with their "Why would a woman work?" and "Men should never listen to their wives, they only do it because they want sex, which is why Christian men get married in the first place.... "

Makes me wonder which daughter or inlaw is stepping out of line?   What son or son in law is putting their wife's opinion ahead of Ken or Lori's?

It also makes me wonder what Lori did to upset Ken.  Every time he brings up her rebellious years, I wonder what has happened that he feels the need to throw that back in her face.  As much as I disagree with what Lori writes, I don't believe anybody deserves to have their past "sins" continually brought to light for all to see.  That is completely contrary to Christian belief - that once sin is repented and forgiveness is given, it is washed away.  True forgiveness means we do not keep throwing our loved ones' past mistakes in their face, especially in the presences of others, which is what this blog is - it is the Alexanders living out their marriage in the presence of others.  A truly humble and self aware person would be equally free to talk about his own mistakes but we do not see that from men like Ken. 

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Saith Ken:

Now that would have been leadership. Did not God call on Adam to rule over all the earth and this included leading his helper? Instead, Adam capitulates his leadership role to follow the lead of his wife. Yes, Eve leads Adam into sin.

No, Ken, God did not say that. 

Genesis 1:27-28: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 2:21-24: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

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This would have surely been the correct response of obedience to God and His Word. To exercise leadership and discipline by turning Eve over to God, or perhaps taking matters into His own hands and dealing with her so that she would not eat the apple again. Perhaps a warning? Perhaps some form of discipline?

“Eve, I am so disappointed in you that you would go against what I specifically instructed you that God had told me. I have no idea what God is going to do with you when he arrives for our evening walk, but you go sit in our cave and wait until I tell you to come out. It is possible that God cannot even see your face anymore, but let me go beg His forgiveness on your behalf and plead for your life, that we both may be spared.”

Now that would have been leadership. Did not God call on Adam to rule over all the earth and this included leading his helper?

Ken really can't help himself!  He wants so desperately to write "wife discipline" into the Bible that he'll twist himself 6 ways from Sunday to do it (including a fan fiction scene featuring Adam putting Eve in time out).   

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Saith Ken:

No, Ken, God did not say that. 

Genesis 1:27-28: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 2:21-24: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Yup, and I'll go even further.  In the original Hebrew, the word "man"  doesn't appear at all in Genesis, Chap. 1!  The word that is translated here as "man" is actually "adam", which means human.  The Hebrew word "ish", which means "man (as in male person, not mankind in general) is not used until after the creation of woman.

So, yeah.  He's basing his whole argument on bad translation.

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