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Who saw the paparazzi video in the TMZ article? I'm curious about who the helpers are. Also, who sends paparazzi to Akron????

As much as I would like to believe somebody pissed Harvey Levin off so they got sent to Akron, my guess is there are local guys (Ohio area) that do all sorts of photography/videography and saw an opportunity.

But yes the minions... I want to know who they are. I'm also curious about their riders. Would the festival want Duggars that much that they would pay for an additional non-Duggars? And why the hell do they really need them? These are 4 adults and a baby. This is better odds than most of the time on The Walking Dead.

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I actually didn't think the discussion about Jill's postpartum body came off as snark, just people discussing postpartum recovery. It's actually kind of interesting to me since I have no personal experience with that. It's nothing like the snark on Josh Duggar's weight that used to be everywhere with people mocking him for being fat. It also doesn't creep me out as much as people looking for minute changes in the sizes of the married girls' breasts.

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That clip right there, is about as interesting as any show solely featuring the Dillards and Seewalds.

I love that clip and will watch it over and over. Every episode of 19 Kids and Failing at Damage Control should be 39 seconds long! :lol:

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I am uncomfortable with what feels like coming very close to snark on Jill's body. Seriously - postpartum women come in all shapes and sizes, and it's not some kind of personal failing or self-neglect that means some women don't immediately fit back into their pre pregnancy clothes. :roll:

Well that's just the accepted norm on these threads for SOME commenters. They like to use thinly veiled references to patriarchy to basically just have a bitch fest.

Seriously remove the fact these girls were brought up in the manner they were. Remove all reference of it and then read the comments. It's just a mean girls bitchfest.

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As much as I would like to believe somebody pissed Harvey Levin off so they got sent to Akron, my guess is there are local guys (Ohio area) that do all sorts of photography/videography and saw an opportunity.

But yes the minions... I want to know who they are. I'm also curious about their riders. Would the festival want Duggars that much that they would pay for an additional non-Duggars? And why the hell do they really need them? These are 4 adults and a baby. This is better odds than most of the time on The Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead, nooooooooo! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think that's TMZ footage, either, but it hadn't occured to me that local photogs would be interested in these people getting off an airplane. Except, of course they are! :dance:

Cross posted with CreationMuseumSeasonPass: I know, right??? They didn't even bother to identify him, or, if they missed him, like I did initially, wonder about where he was! :laughing-rolling:

Poor Ben. You ARE part of the family, buddy. Join in the main group! No need to lag behind with the luggage.

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That red cap in the back was a big tip off that Ben's carrying the luggage for pregnant Jessa.

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Another million dollar question, without the presence of a reality TV show, for ex, if the Josh incident had been revealed 2 years ago and the show disband, would Ben have still pursued and married Jessa??? Would Pa Seewald have encouraged his teenage son to pursue an unemployed, unskilled 20 yo girl from a large family living a 4 hours drive, and many churches away from home?

Does Ben filled duped?

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That red cap in the back was a big tip off that Ben's carrying the luggage for pregnant Jessa.

I'm glad Ben's carrying the luggage for Jessa. There was one episode where Anna was pregnant with either Michael or Marcus and Anna carried all the luggage into the house when they took a trip. If memory serves, Josh didn't even hold the door for her.

And it's especially bad if they happened to film that entry scene repeatedly. Like after the third or fourth take, it didn't occur to him to carry in the luggage himself? :evil-eye:

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I wanted to add, I subscribed to a parenting magazine at the time I was pregnant with my son. A humorist for the magazine wrote an article where she described her stomach after birth, and how it would lie on the bed next to her like "a warm, furry pet." I cracked up laughing, and later found it to be completely true, especially after the baby arrived. Anyway, that was where I got the reference from. It shouldn't really matter how Jill's stomach looks, it may or may not go down in its own time. But, as others have pointed out, if she's planning on being perpetually pregnant, then it may no longer matter even to Jill herself.

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Another million dollar question, without the presence of a reality TV show, for ex, if the Josh incident had been revealed 2 years ago and the show disband, would Ben have still pursued and married Jessa??? Would Pa Seewald have encouraged his teenage son to pursue an unemployed, unskilled 20 yo girl from a large family living a 4 hours drive, and many churches away from home?

Does Ben filled duped?

I'm horrible with timelines--didn't Ben and Jessa already meet/started courting 2 years ago? Regardless, I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference. I think anyone who falls for a girl on tv so hard that he get's his father to arrange to attend a home church 4 hours away is so far gone that nothing would have made a difference. Maybe if the revelation had happened even earlier--say, they were off the air for at least 2 years, then maybe. But I don't think the news per se would have been a deterrent for Ben or his father. And I don't think he feels at all duped now, whether he new about the molestation before the reveal or not.

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On the issue of perpetually pregnant (another good name for a post count), I wonder how having no paying jobs will affect those decisions for the married couples??? It seems JB was always employed in some fashion [or had financial assets that were making him money] and when he really needed money, he sold the family. And Counting was a way for him to keep adding both children and money.

JB had options that his kids do not appear to have, most importantly, he [and Michelle] worked for a few years and built up a financial base before they embarked on the journey.

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"Jessa and some guy" LOL. Benjermin wasn't even important enough to have his name written.

I think Ben was acting as the "body guard" in the back. You have the dark haired guy walking in front, I believe he is basically a body guard and I think the reason why Ben is pulling up the rear is to act as an unofficial body guard for the Dillwald entourage. It is definitely a bit strange of why he is lagging behind. I almost get the impression that Jess and Ben are mad at each other. But really I do believe that Ben and all his manliness is doing his job as the protector of this group. Maybe he feels JB won't make him get a real job if he proves that being the rear body guard is his true calling?

As for Jill, I agree that she needs an updated style, she is too young to be so frumpy. I think she would look great with a shoulder-length bob and some hi-lights (but not likely that will ever happen). But a shoulder length bob would be so much easier for her to maintain with a little baby and it would update her looks greatly.

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stupid question but again i don't have kids

how does she breast feed with that top - does she pop one out - or does she roll one sleeve down

questions - I have but don't need the visual to

and I think Jessa likes to be appear that she is mad at Ben - but again episodes of past show she is just all over him in the background - so it's I hate you -but I really love type of thing or maybe he has become her bodyguard :cracking-up:

and I think they got together Ie started being friends and then "friends" I would say March 2013 because when was the flea market finale that was June 2013 and he is in all the scenes with her in the background

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Abdominal separation from pregnancy is not automatically a sentence to always having a pendulous stomach. Julie Tupler's exercise method is quite good for bringing the muscles back together. I've never had any separation myself (despite having had two babies over 9 pounds), but I've had clients who've had pretty severe separations and they had good success with her methods. Her book is called Lose Your Mummy Tummy and this is her website: https://diastasisrehab.com/

Now, the staying pregnant forever thing will most likely prevent Jill from being able to successfully bring those muscles back together if she does have a separation, but for normal women, these exercises can greatly help reduce the separation.

Thank you for this information. My baby is 8 weeks old today and I still have a belly like Jill's. I also had complications from the birth and my doctor still hasn't cleared me to do any significant physical activity, including working out. Further, up until about 2 weeks ago, I was in too much pain to do much other than take care of the baby anyway. Maybe I have a chance to get my stomach muscles back together with these methods.

I'm not sure it's fair to expect women to bounce back into shape immediately after childbirth. Even breastfeeding women don't always lose a ton of weight. I'm breastfeeding but because it makes me super hungry and I'm not able to engage in physical activity, my weight hasn't bounced back the way I had hoped it would.

Taking care of a newborn is difficult enough without putting extra pressure on new moms to immediately get back into shape.

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8 weeks after giving birth, if you have any spare time of energy you should deserve a well earned rest or a chance of doing something that you enjoy, not giving any thought to what other people think of your poochy tummy!

Good grief, I'm stunned that so many posters here think it is appropriate to set standards they expect to see in the body shape, hair or clothing of other people, especially those who have just given birth... :?

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I hate to admit it, but my first thought when I saw Jill was how she still looks pregnant.

Question for the pregnancy experts... I'm assuming it would be better for her to get back into shape before she gets pregnant again, correct? It seemed like Anna, for example, "snapped back" to her normal weight between kids. I would like it would be quite health risk to keep all the baby fat, or would it be beneficial if she plans to get pregnant as soon as possible?

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8 weeks after giving birth, if you have any spare time of energy you should deserve a well earned rest or a chance of doing something that you enjoy, not giving any thought to what other people think of your poochy tummy!

Good grief, I'm stunned that so many posters here think it is appropriate to set standards they expect to see in the body shape, hair or clothing of other people, especially those who have just given birth... :?

Yes to all of this.

Sparklymagie: There's plenty of time to try and get your muscles together, if it bothers you and you have a separation. Not everyone gets one even if they stay poochy for a while after birth, the poochy for a while thing is totally normal regardless. Right now, it's plenty just to recover and enjoy your new baby and sleep whenever you can :D

I didn't want to leave anyone with the idea that if they have a separation there's nothing they can do about it because that's the impression I got from an earlier post in this thread. I have a couple of friends who didn't know there was anything they could do about it for years after they had their babies because their doctors didn't tell them anything about it other than the fact that they had a separation, so I try to spread the info around when it comes up.

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I hate to admit it, but my first thought when I saw Jill was how she still looks pregnant.

Question for the pregnancy experts... I'm assuming it would be better for her to get back into shape before she gets pregnant again, correct? It seemed like Anna, for example, "snapped back" to her normal weight between kids. I would like it would be quite health risk to keep all the baby fat, or would it be beneficial if she plans to get pregnant as soon as possible?

In terms of health, most MDs would suggest at least a 2 year gap as being beneficial for mom's health.

The OB group that I used was of the thought that less weight gain was best for most, healthy women. I listened to their advice, had easy pregnancies and 7 lb babies. I did end up with c-sections, but recovery was a breeze.

I think the thought of more is better is sometimes utilized. Plus we have to remember that Jill was atypical for a first time mom, in that she was not working or going to school. Her day was therefore less physically busy than most PG women.

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In terms of health, most MDs would suggest at least a 2 year gap as being beneficial for mom's health.

The OB group that I used was of the thought that less weight gain was best for most, healthy women. I listened to their advice, had easy pregnancies and 7 lb babies. I did end up with c-sections, but recovery was a breeze.

I think the thought of more is better is sometimes utilized. Plus we have to remember that Jill was atypical for a first time mom, in that she was not working or going to school. Her day was therefore less physically busy than most PG women.

Not to be nitpicky, but we have no idea how "physically busy" Jill was. We know she was going to the gym. We know she went to walmart to buy a million bananas, therefore she probably was grocery shopping on the regular. Just because she wasn't going to work, doesn't mean she was sitting around on the couch all day. In fact, many people's jobs require them to be sitting at a desk most of the day.

FWIW: I hate to defend Jill (lol, my least favorite jslave), but, you know, :evil-eye: some judgments on her really hold no water.

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Not to be nitpicky, but we have no idea how "physically busy" Jill was. We know she was going to the gym. We know she went to walmart to buy a million bananas, therefore she probably was grocery shopping on the regular. Just because she wasn't going to work, doesn't mean she was sitting around on the couch all day. In fact, many people's jobs require them to be sitting at a desk most of the day.

FWIW: I hate to defend Jill (lol, my least favorite jslave), but, you know, :evil-eye: some judgments on her really hold no water.

I meant tied to a schedule. I personally do not believe a non-working, non-student, first time pg mom would be as physically busy as a FT worker, FT student or a woman PG with already has 5 kids under 5 at home. Just using logic-

Others might disagree.

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someone mentioned they all are still pandering to have the show still on the air after the summer - and I never thought that was true -(what with Jessa's indifference in the interview - but again those who protest too much are those the ones who need it the most)

but now with what the Dillwads are currently posting on their "blog" about new photos coming from their 1 year anniversary photo shoot - who does that unless they want more publicity ? and to mention it - clearly they think a) we care b) we need to see photos of them kissing c) more testing of waters - I think the water has been tested and they cleary want to stay on the air - in one form or another - so I think they will get rid of Josh somehow or keep him in and just suffer the ratings slide

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I meant tied to a schedule. I personally do not believe a non-working, non-student, first time pg mom would be as physically busy as a FT worker, FT student or a woman PG with already has 5 kids under 5 at home. Just using logic-

Others might disagree.

Yeah, as a full-time worker, I do the physical equivalent of sitting on the couch all day. I'm physically busy because I make time for it, but being tied to a schedule makes me less physically busy than I would be otherwise. I would be way more physically busy if I were driving my husband to work, taking him lunch, picking him up, visiting my family, cooking shitty dinners, and having my siblings over to visit.

I'm just using logic.

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Yeah, as a full-time worker, I do the physical equivalent of sitting on the couch all day. I'm physically busy because I make time for it, but being tied to a schedule makes me less physically busy than I would be otherwise. I would be way more physically busy if I were driving my husband to work, taking him lunch, picking him up, visiting my family, cooking shitty dinners, and having my siblings over to visit.

I'm just using logic.

Yeah, I gain more weight from tax season than my pregnancies!

Also wanted to point out that Jill really carried large. That's not to say she gained a lot of weight, but she carried far out front. It's entirely possible she's dealing with diastasis recti. I had it after my first pregnancy and now at the tail end of my second I can feel my abs ripping apart even more. It tends to make you look 4-6 months pregnant and can be pretty difficult to repair. People asked me if I was pregnant all the time (or worse, when are you due?) between pregnancies. It was so hurtful. :(

Also, it takes 9 months to put on the weight, it takes 9 months to take off.

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In terms of health, most MDs would suggest at least a 2 year gap as being beneficial for mom's health.

The OB group that I used was of the thought that less weight gain was best for most, healthy women. I listened to their advice, had easy pregnancies and 7 lb babies. I did end up with c-sections, but recovery was a breeze.

I think the thought of more is better is sometimes utilized. Plus we have to remember that Jill was atypical for a first time mom, in that she was not working or going to school. Her day was therefore less physically busy than most PG women.

My mom had her first baby during the depression, she barely had enough to eat, worked at a restaurant for 20 cents an hour during her pregnancy. She had a 9 + lb. baby. On dad's side of family all were large babies. So I think Izzy took after his dad in size.

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