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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors - Part 2

happy atheist

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I wonder if this could help break the bond of a covenant marriage if Anna chooses to do so?

and Josh is the number one topic on twitter :pink-shock:

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this is from the senior site editor of sheknows.com

Eve Vawter @EveVawter · 1m 1 minute ago

Due to the allegations against Josh Duggar, I will personally never cover the #Duggars again. Writers feel free to stand with me. #Duggarban

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I wonder if Jana was one of the molested sisters and if so if that is why she was so often sent to Journey to the heart and perhaps since she was older during the molestation and she understood somewhat the damage it was doing to her. Perhaps this is why she so often seems so sad. Even when she smiles she seems so sad.

I feel so bad for all of them. I really hope they get proper therapy.

Or, when she made that statement that she mad about someone during an interview at Journey.

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OMFG, it looks like one of the sisters Josh molested was 4 year old Joy. I just can't wrap my brain around it. I am 100 % sure that Mullet blamed the girls not Josh. I think that is why she went ape-shit over Josie's bare shoulders at Jill's wedding.

I guess we all know why Grandma became the laundry slave.

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I wonder what the Jacksons will think about this. Will they want their daughter around the Duggars anymore because of this? Or will the Duggars just try to spin this as the reason why Marjorie needs to stop wearing pants?

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My reading of the police report is that Josh and JB were requested by the police to come for an interview.

It's before that (I know, the timeline is really convoluted): The interviewer asks Jim Bob if this was ever reported to the police: "James [Jim Bob] said that after [Josh] returned from Little Rock, he and the church elders decided to contact the police about [Josh]." Then he goes on about how Cpl. Hutchins gave Josh a 'stern talking to' and then said that since he'd already gone to treatment, that was the end of the matter.

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I am trying to think of how I would have handled this or how should it have been handled. Once the kids received counseling (which they did not but should have), once the "smoke has cleared" then what?

I could never have my minor children around him again. At the same time, I couldn't just not have my oldest son anymore. I would want him to seek help and hope he was helped. At that age I would be confused as to whether he would be a predator in the future.

Do you make him avoid family gatherings? Or just proceed cautiously? Or at some point is he welcomed as an equal again?

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Anna said in the People article that she, and her parents, both knew, and that Josh and his family made it a point to tell them the first time they visited.

I call bullshit on Anna and her parents knowing. About a previous failed courtship, yes. About molesting four of his sisters, hell no. I just can't imagine Anna's father transferring his "authority" over Anna to someone who, only a few years ago, molested pre-pubescent girls. I also can't imagine the Duggars letting this secret out two full years before the engagement; too much risk of another failed relationship and another family possibly spreading rumors.

And I will eat my fucking hat if Anna actually wrote her "statement." :twisted:

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Can somebody explain the Nike thing? And I am sitting here furious, because my daughter is in the other room, listening to the show where it is a love fest for the family. Producers are hailing their saintliness. Wtf, TLC?

Now it makes a lot of sense, the way Jana is so protective of the little ones. why Derick, who I used to think was kind of a douche, is so agreeable having all the little girls over. He is protecting them. Even when Josh is half a country away. He is keeping them away from the parents as much as possible. Does that make sense?

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I wonder what the Jacksons will think about this. Will they want their daughter around the Duggars anymore because of this? Or will the Duggars just try to spin this as the reason why Marjorie needs to stop wearing pants and switch to skirts?
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I'm afraid it really doesn't work that way.

Also, it's pretty horrifying to think that Anna has to have sex with him every time thinking that it's protecting her daughters from abuse. That is rape, even if she does it willingly (seemingly willingly to him I mean). But I would say that Anna is most likely a victim in this too. If she isn't lying about knowing 2 years before marriage, I have to believe she didn't really completely understand what had happened and how wrong it was.

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Perhaps it was all of the sisters, and one them lied and said he hadn't.

That's possible. She may have been too ashamed to admit it, especially since she was old enough to understand what had happened to her and old enough to be training the other kids on how not to bring on sexual advances from men. It does seem weird he wouldn't have targeted one of them, especially if he was going after non-family members as well.

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Does anyone else but me think that Jana is still single because she's traumatized from being molested by her brother?

I'm thinking she's not married out of a feeling of obligation to protect her younger siblings. I wonder if she would have been married by now if the youngest ones were all boys.

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This is beyond horrible. I'm mostly a lurker but I just can't even. This is horrible on all fronts.

I feel so horribly for the victims, some who may have been too young to understand. I hope they receive/received the help the need.

I can't help but feel a little sorry for josh too. When he needed sound guidance from parents they failed him and his sisters miserably.

How could Jimbob and Michelle put their children on tv for public consumption knowing this was in their past and would likely come out? It's sickening.

I always thought the show would be canceled, but not like this. I wNted to see the girls leave because they wanted too, not bc of something so horrible. It's awful.

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That's possible. She may have been too ashamed to admit it, especially since she was old enough to understand what had happened to her and old enough to be training the other kids on how not to bring on sexual advances from men. It does seem weird he wouldn't have targeted one of them, especially if he was going after non-family members as well.

I said it above and I'll say it again, pretty sure two girls in the interviews said they had not been touched inappropriately.

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She gave a JTTH interview a few years back where she said she was working on forgiving a family member.

Her singleness aside, Jana seems the most obviously affected by what happened. Doesn't mean the others aren't suffering too, but something is clearly troubling Jana.

Jim Bob and Michelle should be publicly flogged for not getting help for their daughters and forcing them to wait hand and foot on their abuser.

I get the feeling Jana is incredibly sensitive, maternal and cares deeply about her siblings that she has raised and those she grew up with. I can see her being deeply affected regardless of whether she was abused or not. Seeing your siblings suffer that sort of thing, wondering why you were spared, that can all really affect someone. Especially someone SO young at the time.

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I call bullshit on Anna and her parents knowing. About a previous failed courtship, yes. About molesting four of his sisters, hell no. I just can't imagine Anna's father transferring his "authority" over Anna to someone who, only a few years ago, molested pre-pubescent girls. I also can't imagine the Duggars letting this secret out two full years before the engagement; too much risk of another failed relationship and another family possibly spreading rumors.

And I will eat my fucking hat if Anna actually wrote her "statement." :twisted:

I can believe Anna and her parents knowing about what Josh did and still going through with the marriage. Doug Wilson married off a known child molester to a much younger woman and justified it by saying that everyone involved was okay with it and the abuser had "repented":


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I can fully believe that Anna and her parents knew. They knew, and Anna married him for the same reason his sisters were forced to forgive him and act like it never happened. Fundies love a good redemption story, and the power of God trumps everything in their minds - logic, reason, decency, everything. They trusted Josh, they believed in Josh, and they admired Josh, because Jesus saw fit to heal him. If you question that, guess what? You're questioning Jesus. And we all know what happens to people who question Jesus.

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Jim Bob's remarks to People include

No one in my family has molested anyone, not even anyone in the family. I guess this makes us a little more perfect than the Duggars. :dance:

Do you use birth control or wear pants??? We all know those are the REAL evils of the world.

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Maybe this is why they don't leave the boys in charge of the little ones.

This has to be exactly why they don't leave the boys in charge of the little ones.

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It's before that (I know, the timeline is really convoluted): The interviewer asks Jim Bob if this was ever reported to the police: "James [Jim Bob] said that after [Josh] returned from Little Rock, he and the church elders decided to contact the police about [Josh]." Then he goes on about how Cpl. Hutchins gave Josh a 'stern talking to' and then said that since he'd already gone to treatment, that was the end of the matter.

I think JB or someone from his church knew Hutchins and his issues. That's why JB chose to go to him, and that's why we didn't get paperwork. The good ol' boys network gave it up to god and considered it done...even though that's not how it works. Speculation on my part, obviously, but I don't think he was a coincidental confidante.

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So if we think that this situation is indeed the origin of "Sin in the camp" that makes the user status feel rather uncomfortable to me, though I don't know if anyone else shares that opinion. But might the mods want to consider changing it, now that there's the potential for the phrase to legitimately refer to something terrible?

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