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Submissive Wives Guide to Marriage(TLC Special)


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Yeah....this is not something to watch if one wants to fool around with one's husband later. Thanks for the heads up.

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T.V. show Part 2 (How the fuck does Buzzard do this?)

Golfing and man talk re: submissive wives. Nothing to do with Tim at all.

Tara no longer nagging.

Tim: "For her to submit to you you've got to give her something to submit to."

Tara (to Kristin): "He has a job description as provider and protector and you have a job description...submitting to his headship (oh, yeah, she went there!). Follow my leader. Submission is not for a weak woman, only a strong woman can submit."

Kristin headed for divorce if she doesn't make this change. Gotta sleep with her man and make him king of the castle.

A lot to do and change.

Eddie and Autumn: "IIIIIIIIIIIh am Autumn Miles." Married 10 years, two kids. Met at college. She was at college and was in bad marriage. Now in biblical marriage (thank you Jesus). God intends submissive wife behaviour.

Her mom is helpmeet. Privilege to pass it on and blessed for some reason.

Bountiful goodness. Their daughter admires this and aims to be just like her mom. Dad is leader and wife comes under his leadership.

It's sweet.

Kristin: Gonna tackle housework and clean up after her men, which is difficult and sucks. Also does laundry, which also sucks. Lots of gross headship laundry. She's exhausted. She has to get hang of submissive lifestyle.

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They're running is against game of thrones. Definitely shooting for a different audience.

I'll watch it when game of thrones is over. :lol:

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T.V. show Part 3 (I am not up to the task I don't think. This is hard!!)

T and T: Happy family trained to wait for daddy and be so happy he's home.

The dog used to be the one who met daddy at the door but now it's her, or her children!! (Awesome!)

Has cold beverage and appetizers waiting for him. Needs to not come home to a warzone.

(My headship just obsessing over prices of homes in southern US. Misssing point of programme.)

Daddy expects warm welcome and hot dip and wife serving him. Seems to be wearing Brooks Brothers.

Talk about going upstairs for a quickie.

Re-entry. When was love tank filled? Needs release. Tara: " A man's testicle's begin to HURT!"

Tara and Kristin discuss stuff. Kristin on couch too often and does laundry. Not sending family off in positive mode. K feels lazy. Both freak out at loads of laundry. Me: this is all bullshit!!!!!!!

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T. V. show Part 4

This whole thing is total bullshit.

Now we are looking at K's bed which isn't used as often as it should. When filled love tank? Grab his butt (please read that with southern accent, with thanks.).

Show the goods and dress like hootchie mama and talk dirty. (Did I say this is total bullshit?)

Hey, guys. I'm stopping my recap, as pathetic as it is. This show is total bullshit (did I mention that?). This has nothing to do with our fundie wives who do submit and, in good conscience, I cannot continue with this fakery. TLC should be ashamed. Sorry to anyone who stuck with me this far. But this is such bullshit. I quit.

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And, Buzzard, you have my undying respect. That is really hard and I totally sucked compared to you! :worship:

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The laundry was ridiculous tho. It seems she doesn't work right? I know doing laundry is annoying so if she wants to make a dent in the pile I say do 2-3 loads spaced throughout the day so she doesn't get overwhelmed. Also it seems she and her husband let stuff pile up and then complain about it being a mess? If if you just wash the dish as soon as you're done with it then there will be no mess. Do laundry weekly...something!

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Anyone watching the show after it? Wives living the 50s lifestyle?

One just glorified the 50s then seriously said, and then the 60s happened and people started doing drugs and doing civil rights things...

Really?! Drugs and civil rights in the same breath? Your ass wouldn't be sitting up in this tv without the civil rights movement.

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Mine too. He made a joke by saying "does wifely submission mean if I take a shit, you've gotta wipe my ass?" And then he said "these assholes have no clue how good it feels to make each other happy."

My husband would think I was high on something.

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Call me wrong all you want but I hate the entire submissive thing. I think it sets women back so many years. I means the whole submission thing means that someone has to lose. Why does it have to be the woman all the time, to not be treated like like a competent adult? Why is the woman's role always reduced to a glorified sex slave?

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Oh Ehm Gee, I just turned this on ... WTF, this is some warped shit ... is this really real or totally scripted? Stepford wife much ...

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Call me wrong all you want but I hate the entire submissive thing. I think it sets women back so many years. I means the whole submission thing means that someone has to lose. Why does it have to be the woman all the time, to not be treated like like a competent adult? Why is the woman's role always reduced to a glorified sex slave?

I share your hate and outrage.

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I can't turn away. This show is a train wreck. One blonde Stepford giving lessons on how to become a Stepford. Basically this: Have sex. Lots of sex. Whenever he wants sex. Then all your dreams will come true. (Oh, and if you feel resentment, irritability, disrespected or unfulfilled, it's 'cuz you're doing it wrong.) :angry-banghead: :popcorn2:

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We watched the first 10 minutes of it (me, the Mr., son and daughter in law). All 4 of us lost it immediately. My husband said (and I quote) "what the hell is this bullshit?" So I sort of told him what it was about (as I was washing dishes), and his response was "if I wanted a 'submissive' wife, I would have married a blow-up doll". Umm...yeah, I'm a lot of things but submissive isn't on that list...well...not in that way.

I had a "discussion" with a pastor who was all about "complementarian" marriages...so I gave him the dictionary definition of complementary and asked him where his theology fit with that definition. My marriage is complementary...as per the dictionary definition...not the bullshit that some people preach.

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what the hell am I watching?

This seems super scripted. maybe it's my optimistic thinking that hopes this is scripted. These people cannot be real

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I haven't watched the show yet; but from what I've read, it sounds like a lot of the things my mom likes to say. A couple of years ago, my parents had a couple of joint counseling sessions at a Christian counseling center. The counselor recommended a book called "The Art of Understanding Your Mate" (my mom tried having me read this book. I got 10 pages in before I wanted to set it on fire). So now sh'e's decided that the man needs to be the head of the household and the breadwinner, and that she doesn't want equal rights, and how her life is just so much better now that she's not trying to be in charge.

Now even though I think her decision was a tad misguided, she's a grown ass woman who's capable of making her own decisions on how she wants to live her life.

What I DO have a problem with is that she tries to force that kind of lifestyle on my sister and me.

I can't speak for my sister, but my boyfriend and I have decided on a more equal partnership. Also, if we decide to have children in the future, we've decided that he will be the stay-at-home parent and I will work. We think that will be best because (a) he's way better and more patient with kids than I am and (b) since I'm about to head to grad school and he only has his high school diploma (which there's nothing wrong with that), I have more earning potential. My mom disagrees with that greatly. Her reasons are "...but but men are supposed to be the breadwinners! And the head of the household! And men aren't nurturers!!!!1!!11!" :roll: The weird thing is she's extremely supportive of me going to graduate school. She keeps telling me I'll regret my decision, but I think our way will work out for us.

Also to get back on the submission topic, my boyfriend would think I've lost my mind if I became a submissive woman. Also when my mom tries to talk to him about being the headship, he just gives her a blank stare, which drives her nuts :lol:

Sorry for the wall o' text!

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Call me wrong all you want but I hate the entire submissive thing. I think it sets women back so many years. I means the whole submission thing means that someone has to lose. Why does it have to be the woman all the time, to not be treated like like a competent adult? Why is the woman's role always reduced to a glorified sex slave?

Amen Ariel ;)

Also funny how they say Feminism sexualizes us and turns us into objects, yet this seems to be doing just the same. :roll:

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Well, I started out to watch this show to see where it was gonna go... I fell asleep 10 minutes or so in. :oops:

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This reminds me of an article I read in the NY Times yesterday. An anthropologist moved to the upper West Side of Manhattan and decided to do a study of the stay-at-home wives of the masters of the universe, the same way she had studied other societies. These are highly educated women with advanced degrees who forego a career to be wives and mothers. They keep themselves fit and beautiful, manage their household(s), and devote themselves to advancing their children in the often cut-throat world of upper Manhattan society. Most of their socializing is with other women, even at high society events involving couples there may be separate tables or rooms for men and women. They say that's because they like it that way. As the anthropologist comments, throughout the world, the more separate the spheres of men and women the lower the status of the women. The men will sit on the boards of prestigious schools and corporations, their wives will be room-mothers at the schools or sit on second-rate charity boards. They are totally dependent on their husbands' income and some even get "Wife Bonuses" if they do a particularly good job. This may be getting their kids into good schools or other accomplishments, though wives who don't get them make allusions to sexual performance. This is the high-rent version of that TV program.

It made me sad. I think that, despite a taste for aristocratic romances, even through history, I'd rather be a middle-class woman valued for my important work for my family and community, than an upper-class ornament and broodmare.

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Honestly, This special wants to make me throw up and laugh at the same time.

omg, yes. My husband kept asking, "Why are we watching this again?" and looked at me like I was crazy when I said, "So I can make fun of it!" He said both men sounded like frat-boy douches, he HATED the mother-in-law and he thought that the red head's biggest problem was either depression or laziness.

His opinion stated, I"ll add mine. The first husband LIED to his wife like a high school boy. That man's testicles don't hurt when he has gone "too long" without sex. That's the dumbest thing ever. If that were the case, virtually every high school boy would be walking around in agony along with every man whose wife had recently had a baby. Never mind all the single guys out there ... So so stupid.

Second, the first wife made me laugh with the social media nonsense -- she's got her kid on TV but she's worried about strangers seeing her on social media? Second, the whole smarmy/snarky, "Well, HE has to answer to GOD if he gets it wrong" made it sound a lot like, "Well, you're wrong, so I'll just let God deal with you, bucko." Finally, they all came off as so completely fake-nice that I have no clue how they are surviving those marriages. The passive-aggressiveness must be so thick you can cut it with a knife.

Before watching it, my husband was teasing that I should take notes. After watching it, he said, "Why can't people just be nice to each other?" Well, my love, that is indeed the question. He also found it offensive the way they threw God into the topic. (I love my husband so much. He drives me buggy sometimes, but there is no one I'd rather be buggy with, that's for sure).

I think he finally got why the topic makes me so twitchy. He was raised so differently than I was.

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I know couples who believe in complementarian marriages (ie the husband being the head) but the women all have careers and none are treated as children, all the women wear trousers/pants and have their own interests etc. The 'love your wife as Christ loved the Church' part is taken seriously. From the outside, they just look like regular marriages. I don't quite get the purpose when they look so much like egalitarian marriages, but even though I disagree, I can see that it's not a terrible marriage arrangement. It sounds like the couples in this show are more extreme.

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I wish I could recall on which show I saw this, but one featured family included that of a woman who ran a mill - an actual, water-wheel powered mill if memory serves. She worse a simple head covering, had a braid over her should that reached her hips, and she had some kind of damage to her face that I couldn't see well enough to determine what might have caused it. The shots of her and her husband showed teamwork, and then there was the one where he had his arm around her and thanked God for the hard work and unending support of his beautiful wife. She seemed genuinely happy - at least to me. And I just couldn't imagine someone of her sort jumping on her husband, while the cameras are rolling, and asking for a fucking "quickie."

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LOL, this was making fun of these people in the end. I'll admit the beginning was triggering for me, but then it was all the LOLZ.

Basically, this woman can't figure out how to stay home all day and keep her house clean. Turns out if she becomes submissive, she can do the laundry! HAHAHAHA

My house is immaculate, and no one has ever called me submissive. That woman was just a lazy slob.

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I got around to watching this last night. They chose Tara Furman solely because she was willing to add dramatics to the whole situation. It was pretty typical reality today in that it wasn't based in reality whatsoever. I'm willing to bet there are plenty of complementarian marriages that aren't so dramatic but none of them make good TV. Her sex obsession was really weird and you could tell she was really laying it on thick for the cameras.

The actually complementarian/submission shtick is not shocking to me though.

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If TLC was expecting big ratings, they must be sorely disappointed today. As far as I could tell, the show didn't even break the top 100...a pretty poor showing. I guess their "shock and awe" approach backfired on them. If I recall their show earlier in the year about wives with gay husbands also fared poorly in the ratings. There are so many other ways they could go that might draw more viewers but they seem stuck in the path they have established for themselves.

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