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Submissive Wives Guide to Marriage(TLC Special)


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We all know that submissive wives/doormats are out there; some women just find it easier to let the man make all of the decisions, including the when, where, and how to have sex. What I find more interesting is that TLC has decided to air a special on the topic. Is this related to the Duggar programs? Is it just that TLC is positioning themselves as the Religious Fundie freakshow network? or is there a different agenda? I won't be watching (American reality shows bore me to tears) but I will be interested to hear how TLC handles the material. Will the married folk be treated respectfully or will they be thrown under the bus?

I was wondering this myself. I casually looked into the ownership of the network and parent company, etc, but nothing obvious popped out at me before I lost interest, lol.

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I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the trailer yet. My computer's tendency to overheat when I watch videos on it has contributed somewhat to this, but not wholly.

Why do people read the woman submit verse but never read on to finish the chapter? Husbands are told to treat their wives as Christ treated the church. Christ did not sit around demanding back rubs or food to be served to him. He died for all mankind.

I always wondered why people insisted on starting their reading with verse 22 instead of with verse 21, which clearly instructs that believers are to submit themselves one to another.

Now it makes sense why, but it puzzled me for a long time. The patriarchy is strong with the Bible literalists. So strong that they have to avoid any verses that don't bolster their views.

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And you KNOW that none of the men TLC has chosen are "loving their wives as Christ loves the church." Every single one of them will be a complete douche. Because that's what makes "good" TV.

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I feel kind of bad that this woman is being told that the way to save her marriage is to submit to her husband regardless of if she wants to or not.... I want to hug her and then find her an actual couples therapist...

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I swear if I acted like this my husband would think I'm crazy

Mine too. He made a joke by saying "does wifely submission mean if I take a shit, you've gotta wipe my ass?" And then he said "these assholes have no clue how good it feels to make each other happy."

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The only thing I will "submit" is my post to this thread. 8-)

Seriously though, I wish TLC would stop showing these comically horrible examples. Then again they do remind me of Dr. Phill's show Time warp wives where they greet their men by the door with slippers and robe ect.

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Man: Honey, I want you to stop buying your clothes from Basic Bitch Unlimited.

Submissive wife: Oh no you didn't. :hand:

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This show opens up the door to abusive husband's who thinks it's okay to treat their wife like shit.

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This is hard to do, but that clip actually, eh, "grossed me out."

There's something about the 'modern woman submission movement' - and I'm not talking about the earnest fundies in their smocks and their head coverings, but rather about these women who tease their hair and paint their faces and likely pay for household help - that seems so phony, as if both the men and the women are not actually that "one flesh" the Bible mentions but rather are simply filling in the spaces with the correct "submission is awesome" nonsense.

Where is the Proverbs 31 woman in this? Where are the women who adorn themselves in good works rather than in costly apparel?

Where is the Christ-like husband giving his wife a backrub?

Who the fuck is running "The Learning Channel"?

(The good marriages where submission works, regardless of who is playing the role of dominant partner, are those that don't make good television - and, so, of course it is the more outrageous people's marriage choices being turned into this sick circus instead.)

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Lori just did her pre-post to this snarkfest and linked the blog of the lady featured in this special


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I know a lot of people will disagree with some if not most of the video I'm about to link - especially since this is the wife of John Hagee (and I think JH is fucking nuts) - but her discussion on the "submissive wife" hits what I believe are the correct points. These points - that married people who are married well are not two people, really, but one in terms of how much they share and how much they help each other - include, among other things, that husband should take care of some of the housecleaning in service to his wife and her needs.

Believe in the idea or don't - but at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaIF7sLWOzI.

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I was wondering this myself. I casually looked into the ownership of the network and parent company, etc, but nothing obvious popped out at me before I lost interest, lol.

I started to get curious about this myself this morning. Who is calling these shots and making these decisions? It seems like their goal is not exactly religious freak show families -- they wouldn't edit the Duggars so heavily to make them appear, at least a little, "normal" (I'm including facts like blurring the Roe v. Wade shirts, or not mentioning their rabidly anti-GLBTQIA agenda, etc.). I'm not usually hugely into conspiracy theories, but TLC is making really odd decisions. Is there some kind of dominion theology group involved in their Board of Directors or something? Their choice of programming is very strange.

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Lori just did her pre-post to this snarkfest and linked the blog of the lady featured in this special


lol Lori blogged ahead of my prediction. I'm looking through Tara's blog now. I bet Lori Alexander is secretly envious that she wasn't recruited by TLC to "mentor" on the show.

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I started to get curious about this myself this morning. Who is calling these shots and making these decisions? It seems like their goal is not exactly religious freak show families -- they wouldn't edit the Duggars so heavily to make them appear, at least a little, "normal" (I'm including facts like blurring the Roe v. Wade shirts, or not mentioning their rabidly anti-GLBTQIA agenda, etc.). I'm not usually hugely into conspiracy theories, but TLC is making really odd decisions. Is there some kind of dominion theology group involved in their Board of Directors or something? Their choice of programming is very strange.

Eh, I'm back to wondering if they just throw shows at the wall and seeing what sticks. Who knows.

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Eh, I'm back to wondering if they just throw shows at the wall and seeing what sticks. Who knows.

They did bring us Honey Boo-Boo, which was basically poverty porn...

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I wonder if this will be an Duggar approved show in the house for the oldest girls...and Marjorie

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They're just targeting the Duggar audience. Viewers bring the money. If they were Bravo, in charge of Real Housewives they'd have that kind of programming.

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I had a co-worker with a graduate degree and a pretty high level job at the company. She was 10 years older then me but her husband traveled for work and my husband was on call and we both were trying for our first kids, so we started spending time together outside of work. I knew she was religious(her husband & her came religious as adults) but at first it was just us going out to dinner or shopping so details never came up. Then one day she said her church had small group bible studies and she could pick a topic/group. She really wanted to attend the trying to conceive group but her husband was encouraging her to go to the how to be a submissive wife group. At first I almost laughed, thinking this must be a joke, but it was not. She explained that her husband felt the power she got from her job was making her have too much power at home!

She ended up taking the submissive wife study class and within 6 months she had left the company. I saw her later that year working as a cashier at a Christian book store. She said she was happy. A few years ago I found out her husband left his CFO job to become a pastor and they sold their home and are living bare bones in another state.

I hope TLC special shows a negative side and has no encouraging words for people to want to choose this.

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I don't like to criticize other peoples' marriages, as long as the two people work out what is best for them, I can't get too worked up about it. However when they raise their children to believe that wives must submit in all things to their husbands, I get angry. I particularly dislike the way the Duggar wives gaze with adoration at their husbands no matter what dumb shit is coming out of the husband's mouth. I have to think that treating your husband like he is a God can't be good for him-- ultimately you are validating all of his choices, even the bad ones and giving him an inflated sense of ego. No one is perfect, no one should be above criticism.

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My husband was setting up the DVR to catch our usual Sunday night shows, and I suddenly remembered this show was on and asked him to grab it as well. When he saw the description he looked at me as if I'd lost my mind until I pointed out that he had just added several episodes of Bar Rescue to the list and had no business side-eyeing me! :lol:

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I had a co-worker with a graduate degree and a pretty high level job at the company. She was 10 years older then me but her husband traveled for work and my husband was on call and we both were trying for our first kids, so we started spending time together outside of work. I knew she was religious(her husband & her came religious as adults) but at first it was just us going out to dinner or shopping so details never came up. Then one day she said her church had small group bible studies and she could pick a topic/group. She really wanted to attend the trying to conceive group but her husband was encouraging her to go to the how to be a submissive wife group. At first I almost laughed, thinking this must be a joke, but it was not. She explained that her husband felt the power she got from her job was making her have too much power at home!

She ended up taking the submissive wife study class and within 6 months she had left the company. I saw her later that year working as a cashier at a Christian book store. She said she was happy. A few years ago I found out her husband left his CFO job to become a pastor and they sold their home and are living bare bones in another state.

I hope TLC special shows a negative side and has no encouraging words for people to want to choose this.

Aw man for me that would suck. I wouldn't have gone to the submissive wives class but if I had and then my husband announces he wants to be a pastor ontop of me not work I would've left him :hand:

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OK, here we go. if my beautiful daughter in law is watching: i hope i don't embarrass you too much.

Tim and Tara: have two kids, 14 and 12. 20 years married. Secret to marriage is their roles in the home. Tim: "it is disrespectful for the woman of the house to be the leader." Tara: "Before I became a submissive wife I was very selfish. it was all about me. and now, I've learned, it's not all about me, it's about him."

She serves him food.

They have love and respect.

Tara went to her knees and begged god to change her husband but she heard from god that SHE was the one who needed to change.

She got mad at god.

But she offers him popcorn and decides to serve her husband so they will both be happy.

It is wrong for Tara to not to be available for sex (jinder?) when Tim wants to get it on.

Even is she's not in the mood, she gets herself in the mood :pink-shock: .

She blasts him off in the morning.

She is up in morning with coffee and a great attitude so he can blast off.

Mark and Kristin: Orange hair. Two kids, cant't remember ages.

Married 12 years. Submissive relationship "crazy idea". They moved to his small town. Kristin is a drag. She is resentful of stuff. Need to make change so meet with T and T, coincidentally, to learn about submissive lifestyle.

Tara very willing to impart wisdom on the 's" word, submission.

It's all Kristin who wants to do this. Not Mark at all.

But it makes her happy.

The two couples meet. It's pretty awesome.

Kristin thinks Tara is on to something with this whole submissive wife thing. (my headship seems to enjoy this idea!)

They chat over salads and talk about how often K and M have sex. Not often enough. Mark would like to change that.

Work to do there. Sleeping with your husband is a big part of it.

It'll jump start things.

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What does "she blasts him off mean"?

Because this for real sounds like a euphemism for "she fellates him"

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