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The World HATES babies. Kelly 2 Chicken Breasts


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Kelly the tornado Queen is at it again. She has found some pants article to support her ludicrous beliefs.

As a mom of a large family, I have, perhaps, a heightened awareness of the temperature of the culture’s and even my community’s attitude toward children. Ironically, as large families are ostracized, babies are killed in the womb, and almost everyone clings to the idea that fertility is a highly personal decision, it yet remains one of the issues that most dramatically affects all of us. We are not autonomous on this one. The world’s hatred of babies may affect you more than you know!

Good to know her cultural thermometer is 'heightened.' Silly females, your fertility is not a personal thing, it belongs to the world. OH and the world hates babies!!!

My personal favourite quote

“Once a country’s fertility rate falls consistently below replacement, its age profile begins to shift. You get more old people than young people. And eventually, as the bloated cohort of old people dies off, population begins to contract.

Now that's charming. Remember only love the womb cells, not the product and certainly not the bloated cohort of old people.

Blah blah blah. Just the usual claptrap from the underfeeder. The comments are hilarious though

Kellbell says

You know, Cindy, it seems like if a couple of country girls like us can see something so obvious, anyone could.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This pearl of wisdom

Brilliant. We have 6 children and because we listened to the Lord, 2 of our children didn’t die but would have if we had listened to the government. I don’t know if you are aware but vaccinations are another way that the enemy is trying to kill and maim our children. Cot death is 95% due to the Pertuissis (whooping cough) vaccine (all scientifically and medically documented). Autism is contributed to by vaccination. 2 of our children would have died if we had these. There is mercury, aluminium and other poisons in them. I plead with the community to do their own research. I have researched this for 12 years with the Lord’s guidance and I can assure you all ….. this is just as big of a threat as what abortion is. Some vaccines are grown in aborted feotuses ….. hence why the government won’t prohibit abortion. These are serious matters. The enemy is definitely after our children and we are called to pray to ask the Lord to defeat him and lift the veil of all deception. I so appreciate every one of your blogs! Bless you!!

Bless you indeed you numpty.

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All I've got to say about that last bit is SOURCES, BITCH. I want peer-reviewed medical journals of independent studies not funded by any religious or political organizations. Show them to me.

Also, can we get a RAR fundie bloggers? Start with this woman, Lori, and Zsu.

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Fuck you, you crazy ass bitch! You are a hateful POS! Oh, remember my cousin you said ugly things about? She died last night. Again, fuck you!

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Fuck you, you crazy ass bitch! You are a hateful POS! Oh, remember my cousin you said ugly things about? She died last night. Again, fuck you!

I don't wanna pry but what was all that about? It's fair to say I'm a noob. Please ignore me if I offended you by this, that wasn't my intention at all, but I don't know who this person is and why she said what she said about a deceased relative of yours. (Also sorry for your loss... LAST NIGHT?) The things OKTBT quoted didn't exactly make her steal my heart but when you said she bashed your recently deceased relative, my heart sank into my stomach. She seems like a monster. :| :(

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I don't hate babies. Most people don't hate babies either. Babies are awesome-but what we do hate is when people have babies and do not look after them. When people can barely afford to give decent meals to the kids they already have or give them a decent house with space for them to play and have their own personal belongings, but then keep on having more. When people have so many babies that they have to make their older kids look after them because they cant cope. When people are so focussed on having babies that they forget about the babies they already bought into the world. When people care more about the uteruses of other women that they forget about the babies that have already been born and need help.

I love large families, but they are not for everyone. I am pro choice, which means that I support all choices. I don't really like abortion, nobody wants more people to get abortions, but unfortunately, things happen to people that they cant control. Its not something everyone should have, like what fundies think it is to pro choice people, its a way out of a bad situation. Banning abortion wont do anything, it will increase the amount of women who die from going to a dodgy back alley "doctor" or try and do it themselves, which will kill both the fetus and the mother. It will increase the number of babies who are born live and killed or abandoned because their mothers feel there is no other option. It will increase the numbers of children born into poverty because their mother accidentally got pregnant and could not afford to raise another child but felt she has to. It will increase the numbers of children in foster care-adoption isn't the answer to everything, especially when there are already so many children who are waiting to be adopted, theres no guarantee that these babies will be raised in a good home, as there are more kids in foster care than there are people wanting to adopt them. The best way to reduce the number of abortions is through sex ed, birth control and charities/welfare to help feed and clothe children who live in poverty. That way, if someone doesn't want a child, they don't have to get pregnant and know how to stop this from happening, and if someone does get pregnant and cant afford a child but wants to keep them, they can. It is sad that the majority of fundies want these things taken away, but want people to not choose abortion.

Fertility is a highly personal decision. Kelly doesn't want people commenting on her fertility, like making comments about how she has too many kids. Why cant she show the same respect she wants other people to show her, by not commenting when someone says they don't want kids, or that they will stop at just two. The only people who should have a say in someone's decision to have children are the person themselves, and the person they are sleeping with.

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If the people who abort their embryos and fetus stems, really, REALLY hated their children then they'd go against their own reasoning that brought them to abort them in the first place. Like, them not being able to support a baby, not being ready for a family, not being financially, mentally, partnerwise, healthwise stable enough to cater to a baby's needs who will eventually turn into a child with educational, healthcare and other needs that requires serious funding. I do think that pregnant women who abort their fetuses after a great deal of thinking make a very hard decision and still are much more decent human beings than a.) the ones that recklessly keep having kids and let them grow like weed or b.) these bible-thumping fetus-lovers who would force pregnant women to keep their children and then leave them in pickle, unsupported, and treating them the way they treat single mothers since it's mostly the unplanned pregnancies of not family-ready women that are likely to be terminated. And she involves faux science to back up her statements - unbelievable.

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Kelly seems to hate children. She loves the babies when they are in the womb, but after birth she treats them rather poorly. Having babies doesn't mean you love them, how you treat those babies after they are born shows if you love them.

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Whoever the commenter was stating vaccines causes SIDS has 6 kids.she believes this is medically documented and scientifically proven. That vaccines are the work of the enemy!Think about that for a minute.

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I don't hate babies; actually I would love to have a baby some day but if I would get pregnant in this time of my life I would start panicking.

Edit: Concerning vaccines: I personaly don't know if I should trust them or not.

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All I've got to say about that last bit is SOURCES, BITCH. I want peer-reviewed medical journals of independent studies not funded by any religious or political organizations. Show them to me.

Also, can we get a RAR fundie bloggers? Start with this woman, Lori, and Zsu.

There is an immortal cell line used to grow at least one vaccine. The irony is that it was sourced from a woman who was exposed to rubella while pregnant in the 60s. That one terminated fetus has saved countless other fetuses and people from the same fate.

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I don't hate babies; actually I would love to have a baby some day but if I would get pregnant in this time of my life I would start panicking.

Edit: Concerning vaccines: I personaly don't know if I should trust them or not.

There is zero controversy about vaccines in the medical field. There is overwhelming evidence that vaccines are probably the best preventative medicine we have. The evidence linking vaccines to autism is fraudulent and the paper that made the link has been withdrawn and the doctor who wrote it has had his license revoked.

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They may think they are raising up a generation to take over the world, but their child-rearing practices are crippling their progeny and dooming their cultural movement. From not vaccinating their kids to lousy SDRT education to crushing, authoritarian parenting practices that squash their creativity and independence; their children will have little chance to make any kind of impact on the world. This generation of fundy parents have had many more advantages than they are giving their children. They have much more ability to survive and make a living than their children will have. They are the child-haters if you ask me. I feel very sorry and outraged for those kids.

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Yup, still the same 'ol Kelly-the-cunt-monster.

Every now and again she will post something and I think *maybe* she is maturing... But then, nope, the venom in her mind follows to her fingers and another one of her hate filled posts spills out. SMH

Yes, Kelly. The world hates babies. That is why so few are born these days. I mean look at Asia, they have almost no people left left. /sarcasm

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Yup, still the same 'ol Kelly-the-cunt-monster.

Every now and again she will post something and I think *maybe* she is maturing... But then, nope, the venom in her mind follows to her fingers and another one of her hate filled posts spills out. SMH

Yes, Kelly. The world hates babies. That is why so few are born these days. I mean look at Asia, they have almost no people left left. /sarcasm

Same goes to the slums in Brazil! Man, those places have nothing but tumbleweeds rolling around in a huge ass void.

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Fuck you, you crazy ass bitch! You are a hateful POS! Oh, remember my cousin you said ugly things about? She died last night. Again, fuck you!

My condolences! You and everyone who's grieving are in my thoughts.

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I like how the commenter says please do your research and then states vaccines are grown IN aborted fetuses. She's informed.

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Why is she called the tornado queen?

Yeah probably a bit mean. A tornado destroyed her house a few years ago. She begged and borrowed...sorry the charity of her church allowed her to build her new house. FEMA was not on Kelly's agenda or insurance I believe. She then saw a heart shaped tornado which missed her house and 'praised' God. Although that tornado killed many others. Others can fill in the details.

Two chicken breasts because she can feed her whole family on two chicken breasts and some wilted celery and call it nutrition. She pops em out but certainly cannot afford to feed em.

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I don't hate babies! I have no intention of birthing or raising children, but babies are cute and snuggly. I have friends with babies, and I get my snuggles in when we visit (and smile at cute facebook pictures/videos). And I love being an aunt, because kids are fun as they get older and learn more about the world. And, just like I enjoy the company of Golden Retrievers, I can enjoy spending time with them and be happy when I go home to my kitten.

As for the Scary Vaccines...Bitches, please. Find ACTUAL medical documentation that proves the "danger" of vaccinating, spend a few years developing an understanding of medical writing, AND THEN interpret that documentation. And ask actual doctors to clarify things you don't understand. They spent ~10 extra years in school for a reason.

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There is zero controversy about vaccines in the medical field. There is overwhelming evidence that vaccines are probably the best preventative medicine we have. The evidence linking vaccines to autism is fraudulent and the paper that made the link has been withdrawn and the doctor who wrote it has had his license revoked.

THIS. Thank you. People don't understand that 1) We don't REALLY know what exactly causes autism. The (legitimate) research is just now starting to gain steam. 2) Autism diagnoses have exploded partially because of the development of the spectrum of diagnoses. "Autism" constitutes classic autism, Asperger's, and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified, or PDD-NOS for short, which is a group of disorders in and of itself. If you combine the incidence of all three with sub-types, yes, "autism" is everywhere. Also, those with Asperger's would have simply been classified as "weird kids" in the ancient times, like the '60s, when homosexuals were still "deviants" by APA standards. Criteria, awareness, level of professional interest change everything.

VACCINES HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT HELP TO REDUCE, PREVENT, AND PRACTICALLY ERADICATE SEVERAL TERRIBLE INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Babies and children used to die in droves without them. What the hell is wrong with people?! I understand your concerns about what you put into your child's body, but for heaven's sake, if you've taken them to McDonald's just once, or given them any piece of candy with food dye in it, you have exposed them to the same practical risks...

*Edited to say: nataraja, I'm not specifically including you into my generic "people" outcry above. It's the fact that between internet sensationalism and faux science, really smart people are unnecessarily jeopardizing the health of children.

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Lol to the dumb comment about vaccines. Really, cot death is almost entirely caused by the pertussis vaccine? One, the children's vaccine with whopping cough is DTaP, which is a combined vaccine with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Two, cot/crib death has been decreasing, not increasing. And there is plenty of historical evidence that it existed for a very long time, well long before vaccines ever came into play. Hell, the Bible even mentions a woman losing her baby to "laying-over" where it was believed mothers caused their babies sudden death. In that story about Solomon making the decision to cut the baby in half because two women were fighting over the same baby knowing the real mother would panic and not allow it to happen. Claiming to have done 12 years of research, yet knows nothing about adjuncts, mercury, other chemicals, or SIDS.

Also how did the government try to have two of her children killed and why would vaccines have killed two of her children? She should explain because that ain't making no sense (said this way on purpose).

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Lol to the dumb comment about vaccines. Really, cot death is almost entirely caused by the pertussis vaccine? One, the children's vaccine with whopping cough is DTaP, which is a combined vaccine with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Two, cot/crib death has been decreasing, not increasing. And there is plenty of historical evidence that it existed for a very long time, well long before vaccines ever came into play. Hell, the Bible even mentions a woman losing her baby to "laying-over" where it was believed mothers caused their babies sudden death. In that story about Solomon making the decision to cut the baby in half because two women were fighting over the same baby knowing the real mother would panic and not allow it to happen. Claiming to have done 12 years of research, yet knows nothing about adjuncts, mercury, other chemicals, or SIDS.

Also how did the government try to have two of her children killed and why would vaccines have killed two of her children? She should explain because that ain't making no sense (said this way on purpose).

Don't be silly dairyfree...it's the LORD of course. :lol: :lol:

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