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Lori and Ken: The Big Ball of Crazy -Multiple Merges

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What kills me about her obsession with weight is that she also insists that women have all the babies and not use birth control. Well, news flash, Lori, having baby after baby with no time to lose the weight in between pregnancies is going to make for an overweight woman. Just thought you should know about this basic bit of biology. :roll:

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What kills me about her obsession with weight is that she also insists that women have all the babies and not use birth control. Well, news flash, Lori, having baby after baby with no time to lose the weight in between pregnancies is going to make for an overweight woman. Just thought you should know about this basic bit of biology. :roll:


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2 quick real-life examples - which I don't consider to be "exceptions".

1. My sister's MIL was extremely obese. Lori would have been disgusted and declared she was sinful/undisciplined and that her wimpy husband needed to set her straight.

She passed away several years ago, due to cancer. The obesity may have hastened her death.

Here's what ELSE I remember about her: She had the biggest heart of anyone I know. She ran a school for kids with disabilities, and fought hard for them to have the rights and services that they needed. She worked tirelessly for what she believed in. She was totally devoted to her family. She adored my sister, and got on great with the rest of our family too. When I needed help after The Boy was born, she's the one who arranged it. She raised wonderful, compassionate children. She had tons of people in our community, across the religious spectrum, singing her praises when she passed away. Her husband absolutely adored her. I can't remember ever hearing a cross word between them, and it's clear that he's missing her every second. If you look up Proverbs 31 woman, that's a perfect description of her.

2. We had a good friend that my husband met when he started med school. She was nice and lots of fun, and also happened to be a bit wide around the hips.

The following year, the weight around the hips was gone. Unfortunately, so was much of her spark. When I went to hug her, I could feel the vertebrae through her sweater. Her life started to revolve around her anorexia. You see, she WAS self-disciplined. Unfortunately, women who have the self-discipline to do well and get into med school also tend to have the "self-discipline" to take dieting too far and starve themselves. She ended up losing 2 years of school, and very nearly lost her life. It didn't help that the initial reaction from some others to her weight loss was "you look great!". For her, getting better meant accepting that at a healthy weight, she would always have the bigger hips.

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2 quick real-life examples - which I don't consider to be "exceptions".

1. My sister's MIL was extremely obese. Lori would have been disgusted and declared she was sinful/undisciplined and that her wimpy husband needed to set her straight.

She passed away several years ago, due to cancer. The obesity may have hastened her death.

Here's what ELSE I remember about her: She had the biggest heart of anyone I know. She ran a school for kids with disabilities, and fought hard for them to have the rights and services that they needed. She worked tirelessly for what she believed in. She was totally devoted to her family. She adored my sister, and got on great with the rest of our family too. When I needed help after The Boy was born, she's the one who arranged it. She raised wonderful, compassionate children. She had tons of people in our community, across the religious spectrum, singing her praises when she passed away. Her husband absolutely adored her. I can't remember ever hearing a cross word between them, and it's clear that he's missing her every second. If you look up Proverbs 31 woman, that's a perfect description of her.

2. We had a good friend that my husband met when he started med school. She was nice and lots of fun, and also happened to be a bit wide around the hips.

The following year, the weight around the hips was gone. Unfortunately, so was much of her spark. When I went to hug her, I could feel the vertebrae through her sweater. Her life started to revolve around her anorexia. You see, she WAS self-disciplined. Unfortunately, women who have the self-discipline to do well and get into med school also tend to have the "self-discipline" to take dieting too far and starve themselves. She ended up losing 2 years of school, and very nearly lost her life. It didn't help that the initial reaction from some others to her weight loss was "you look great!". For her, getting better meant accepting that at a healthy weight, she would always have the bigger hips.

Your sister's MIL was a wonderful woman, and I'm glad your friend did get back to a healthy weight.

I agree with others that nagging people to lose weight won't help them lose it any quicker. What do the fat shamers think will happen, that the person can just skip tea tonight and wake up three sizes slimmer? Doesn't work like that!

And Ken, since I know you read here, tell your lovely wife that daily weigh-ins won't give you an accurate reading as your weight fluctuates up and down daily, in ounces. Depending how much you want to lose, it can take months to do it the sensible way and the standard medical advice is that it's not safe to lose more than two pounds a week. If you are losing more than that, it's just water weight and you'll pile it all back on once you start eating properly again. Your body knows it's being deprived and will automatically slow down metabolically to cope with said deprivation.

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Isn't Booert fat?

He is just their online friend and they won't ever have been seen with him in public, jk. On a related note, I have gotten the feeling that Lori probably wouldn't care to be real life friends with many of the people she blogs about. She blogs about the Pearls all the time, but as another FJer said, Lori would probably be too "Housewife of Southern California" to hang out with them in public. I think it is same with the Duggars. Also I don't see the Duggars actually liking people like Lori and Ken. But I will give Ken some major credit for going out and getting Masters of Divnity degree. I know the college he got it from is controversial. Ken, in my opinion, has more backing to call himself a minister unlike Boob and Josh Duggar with their "We use our TV show to minister to others". I would love to see Boob and Ken talk about things. Even though I'm not a Ken fan, he would totally kick Boob's ass on a lot of things.

The only hardcore fundie family that would be cool with the Loriken is maybe the Bates family. Lori did a post about PP's birth control sermon. There is no way PP or Zsu would like Lori. She wears pants, has a college degree, watches ebil TV, her daughters have worked outside the home and they would dislike Lori for only having four kids.

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I've always heard it recommended to weigh yourself no more than once a week, as your daily weight fluctuates, as someone pointed out upthread. Also some women gain as much as a couple of pounds due to bloating and hormones when it's that time of the month. A lot of people say don't keep a scale at all as those little weight fluctuations up can make you feel disheartened and frustrated enough to question whether the exercise/dieting is working or worth it.

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What kills me about her obsession with weight is that she also insists that women have all the babies and not use birth control. Well, news flash, Lori, having baby after baby with no time to lose the weight in between pregnancies is going to make for an overweight woman. Just thought you should know about this basic bit of biology. :roll:

That is another thing that bothers me about Lori. We know about her infamous posting of PP's birth control sermon. I think at the least Lori has visited PP and Zsu's blogs a few times. I'm not snarking on Zsu, but we have seen Zsu at heavier weights before and I wonder would Lori trash Zsu or another fundie woman that is overweight or who has had weight issues due to pregnancy.

Lori's beliefs and attitudes about birth control is bullshit for several reasons. She said a few times on the blog that the reason she didn't have more kids was because of her health problems. But Ken said something here that they limited their family size because of finances and retirement plans. That makes sense on Ken's part. He and Lori live in an expensive state and his business might not be as successful as he makes it out to be. Lori has also blogged about women working for materialism reasons. On the other hand, she has blogged about going on trips to Hawaii, NY, and other nice places. She and Ken seem to have nice things in their home too. There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things or traveling. But if Loriken had a bigger family, those trips might not have ever happened.

On the blog, Lori claimed that her daughter-in-law Erin wants a big family. Now, that may be true, but it has been two years since Kenny's birth. I just getting the feeling that Ryan and Erin at most will have four kids. I think the same will happen with Lori's other kids. Cassi's husband is in dental school now and I think they will wait to have kids. Again I see maybe four kids at most for them. Steven is starting his orthodontic career and I don't know if Emily is going to continue with her legal education. But if she does, I can see them waiting too. Lori's oldest daughter Alyssa is dealing with fertliity problems and hard to tell what will happen there. Overall, I think it is pretty likely that none of Lori's kids will have more than four kids.

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That is another thing that bothers me about Lori. We know about her infamous posting of PP's birth control sermon. I think at the least Lori has visited PP and Zsu's blogs a few times. I'm not snarking on Zsu, but we have seen Zsu at heavier weights before and I wonder would Lori trash Zsu or another fundie woman that is overweight or who has had weight issues due to pregnancy.

Lori's beliefs and attitudes about birth control is bullshit for several reasons. She said a few times on the blog that the reason she didn't have more kids was because of her health problems. But Ken said something here that they limited their family size because of finances and retirement plans. That makes sense on Ken's part. He and Lori live in an expensive state and his business might not be as successful as he makes it out to be. Lori has also blogged about women working for materialism reasons. On the other hand, she has blogged about going on trips to Hawaii, NY, and other nice places. She and Ken seem to have nice things in their home too. There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things or traveling. But if Loriken had a bigger family, those trips might not have ever happened.

On the blog, Lori claimed that her daughter-in-law Erin wants a big family. Now, that may be true, but it has been two years since Kenny's birth. I just getting the feeling that Ryan and Erin at most will have four kids. I think the same will happen with Lori's other kids. Cassi's husband is in dental school now and I think they will wait to have kids. Again I see maybe four kids at most for them. Steven is starting his orthodontic career and I don't know if Emily is going to continue with her legal education. But if she does, I can see them waiting too. Lori's oldest daughter Alyssa is dealing with fertliity problems and hard to tell what will happen there. Overall, I think it is pretty likely that none of Lori's kids will have more than four kids.

Do as Lori says, not as she does, doncha know?

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I've always heard it recommended to weigh yourself no more than once a week, as your daily weight fluctuates, as someone pointed out upthread. Also some women gain as much as a couple of pounds due to bloating and hormones when it's that time of the month. A lot of people say don't keep a scale at all as those little weight fluctuations up can make you feel disheartened and frustrated enough to question whether the exercise/dieting is working or worth it.


it's much better to not do any kind of tracking like that at all at first, make sure you get into your routine and everything. then, measure yourself. measure initially and then after you get into your groove, just measure yourself. not too often, maybe every month or so. that'll give you a much better way to track weight loss than pounds, especially if you're building muscle. or, if a measuring tape isn't to be had, measure yourself in your clothes. how do your clothes fit this month? are they tight? just right? loose? that's obviously a huge indicator of weight loss, because you're losing clothes sizes (obviously, only compare clothes of similar size ratios in the same or similar brands, as some brands have widely varying sizes for their "s/m/l/xl/xxl/xxxl/etc" sizes).

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it's much better to not do any kind of tracking like that at all at first, make sure you get into your routine and everything. then, measure yourself. measure initially and then after you get into your groove, just measure yourself. not too often, maybe every month or so. that'll give you a much better way to track weight loss than pounds, especially if you're building muscle. or, if a measuring tape isn't to be had, measure yourself in your clothes. how do your clothes fit this month? are they tight? just right? loose? that's obviously a huge indicator of weight loss, because you're losing clothes sizes (obviously, only compare clothes of similar size ratios in the same or similar brands, as some brands have widely varying sizes for their "s/m/l/xl/xxl/xxxl/etc" sizes).

You're absolutely right - I've heard a better indicator of weight loss than the scale is, as you said, seeing if your clothes fit better. And if you put on muscle, you might be slimmer and look more fit but you'll weigh more.

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I think I read somewhere on her blog that she did meet Debi Pearl once,, I bet she had a big (O)

Sadly, probably the only one she's ever had.

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Sadly, probably the only one she's ever had.

maybe that's why she lurves her so much :lol:

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Sadly, probably the only one she's ever had.

Oh I dont know, maybe when Ken pulls in for a 10 minute quick lube job,, she may have slipped and had the beginnings of one, Pay on the way out Ken

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I noticed that My Big Fat Fabulous Life is debuting tonight.

I watched some of the previews. She's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. She gained lots of weight suddenly, due to PCOS. I've had friends who experienced the same thing. She said that she gave up dancing - which she loved - for a while because she was so ashamed of her body. Then, her videos go viral, and some of the comments are just awful. Seriously, I know there are trolls and creeps out there, but what the hell do you expect from her? If she's overweight, dancing will help her get into shape. If she's 380 lbs, she's not suddenly going to be skinny because you acted like an ass. She'll still be the fat girl dancing for a long time - she'll just gradually become the slightly less fat girl dancing. If she were to stop dancing and hide, that's not going to help. [besides, she can always lose the weight, but being an asshole is a chronic condition.]

Even on My 600 lb life, they sometimes show people that have lost HUNDREDS of pounds still getting fat-shamed.

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The law school sitch is still undetermined, but Emily (Steven's wife) specifically said on her public Instagram that they don't want kids "for a few years." I follow her because she's totally fabulous and beautiful and I have a tiny girl crush on her lol.
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The law school sitch is still undetermined, but Emily (Steven's wife) specifically said on her public Instagram that they don't want kids "for a few years." I follow her because she's totally fabulous and beautiful and I have a tiny girl crush on her lol.

At least be honest. You have a giant girl crush on her. ;)

Edited because I can't spell.

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At least be honest. You have a gaint girl crush on her. ;)

I do! Her life (at least how it appears on IG) is so fabulous and fun and pretty. I love my life, but I don't look nearly as flawless doing my life as she does with hers.
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For the sake of anyone who might take Looney Lori's weight advice seriously, I am putting some of her comments here regarding the subject.

Lori Alexander:

A friend of mine told me many years ago that her husband didn't like sex because he had low testosterone. She was overweight. Years later, she lost a ton of weight and got into shape. She told me her husband won't leave her alone now!

Lori Alexander:

Would your husband like you to lose weight? Ask him. We are called in Scripture to obey our husbands in everything! This is not taught today. Women do not want to hear this but if your husband would love for you to lose weight, you need to do it for him.

Lori Alexander:

{Some men like some meat on their women. You must ask him how much meat he likes!}

This is not a direct quote from Lori- it's a quote from someone else that she posted to her blog:

Christian women need to be told the truth about men ~

Men are attracted to youth and looks. This is normal. Men are not evil, base or perverted for being attracted to youth and beauty. Young Christian girl, if you are not getting approached or asked out, it’s probably because you’re not attractive enough, you’re not nice enough or you’re not available enough. You need to work on this. You need to lose weight, grow your hair out, wear nice clothes and some decent makeup. You might be a b****, and if you are, you need to be nicer. If you really want to find a man and marry, then you need to get serious about it while you’re young.

There are a million more, but here are the ones that relate to her daughters:

As our daughters got older, if we thought they were gaining weight, we would talk to them about it. I know this is supposedly a "taboo" subject but we felt no subject was "taboo" with our children. If we saw any sin in their lives, we would talk to them about it.

When you see your children overeating or gaining weight, are you allowed to talk to them about it? I would venture to say that most parents think it is wrong to say anthing to them. They can confront their children if they are lying, stealing, cheating, etc. but if they eat too much, they aren't allowed to confront them with this issue.

Ken and I disagreed with this philosophy. If we saw our children doing anything that we thought was harmful or against Scripture, we talked to them about it.

Many will say that this will lead to eating disorders in women. How many women do you know that haven't struggled in the area of weight and eating? I think it is just something most women will struggle with. Most people struggle with overeating, because food is so abundant and delicious in America.

I know it was hard for our girls if we ever brought it up to them but isn't it hard when anyone brings up any issue in your life that may be a bad habit or sin?

The following is the result of Lori's expert weight advice:

Daughter 1

My biggest struggle as a dancer was my body image. I never was happy with what I saw in the mirror. Unlike artists who paint a portrait and marvel how their different paints created a beautiful painting; we are the paint. We use our bodies to create the art. Not only do we have to look at them (in class & rehearsals) but so does the audience (in performance).

In my early years of dance, my body became my obsession. I had not even hit puberty and I was worried that I was too curvy or not skinny enough. Not only did my image disorder cause insecurity, but it gave rise to a host of other issues: bad eating habits, depression, injuries, foggy thinking, sleepless nights, and more. Idolizing the way I looked never helped me. It did not improve my appearance or my performance.

Ken addressed this issue when he was here (contradicting himself frequently)

Ken ALexander:

We knew she was snacking and loved chips. She did not like to eat meals, just snack. So we talked to her about her snacking issues. You are the ideal parent. What would you have done? The fact that she turned out just fine means nothing to you. Mischaracterization. You do not know the facts.

Ken Alexander:

She was never anorexic like others in her group, and always ate well

Ken Alexander:

I do not like the skinny look myself, and Alyssa looked good, but a couple of times probably added an extra 5 lbs on top of the 5 she normally carried more than most ballerinas.

Ken Alexander:

No Lori most likely never referred to weighty gain as sin.

(Obviously, the quote upthread proves otherwise)

Daughter 2:

I have also struggled with unhealthy relationships with food from overeating and gaining weight to under-eating and losing the weight. It never got too extreme, but I can honestly admit that at one point I was on the verge of anorexia

Between the milk allergy, stomach problems, low energy, prone to fainting/face-planting, anemia, and my mom forcing me to eat my salad when I was young {stubbornly, I would sit at the the table for over two hours a night refusing to eat my salad}, I am where I am at today
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Anybody else find it interesting that Ken and Lori consider over eating a sin, but pornography is not that big a deal?? Also, the scripture about lusting after a woman being equal to adultery is not really to be taken seriously, but, again....THOUGH SHALT NOT BE FAT!

Oh and let's not forget Ken's advice about helping one's husband to cheat on his taxes. In that case, we must consider if the penalty would be considered a misdemeanor or a felony, but....carrying 5 extra pounds....SIN!

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And does being technically overweight on scale weight only count as sin? Or does just looking overweight count as sin? Is it the number or the visual fat offensive to god?

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And does being technically overweight on scale weight only count as sin? Or does just looking overweight count as sin? Is it the number or the visual fat offensive to god?

I'm going to say 78% of it is based on visual fat while 22% is based on the scale. The Godly husband will allow his wife 2 extra pounds two days a month, giving her an 88% chance of passing the weight test 19% of the time. GOOGLE IT! Women who are forced to weigh every day are 97% more likely to eat chocolate 33% less than 46% of none-weighing women. This holds true for 76% of the women ALL OVER THE WORLD.

*Percentages from the Ken Alexander School of Statistical Analysis.

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I'm going to say 78% of it is based on visual fat while 22% is based on the scale. The Godly husband will allow his wife 2 extra pounds two days a month, giving her an 88% chance of passing the weight test 19% of the time. GOOGLE IT! Women who are forced to weigh every day are 97% more likely to eat chocolate 33% less than 46% of none-weighing women. This holds true for 76% of the women ALL OVER THE WORLD.

*Percentages from the Ken Alexander School of Statistical Analysis.

I would say statistically your probably correct

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