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Least favorite fundie saying


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So...what is your least favorite fundie saying? (There is no vomitting smilie or I would include it here.)

I'd have to say, above all, mine is "we are not all at the same point on our walk with God." I hate how condescending that is!

I want to say, "you are right, I have a grip on freaking reality." I find it boastful that a "woman of God" would assert her opinion about something and assume that anybody who doesn't believe as she does is wrong and full of sin...that she is favored by God and they are not...that she is somehow better than somebody with a differing opinion.

Edited because I can't spell worth carp!

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"God convicted me that..." To me, that just means you are too darn whimpy to say "I do not want to do that," or "I really want to do this."

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"Give it up to God, he will send you the answer"...how about if you learn to think for yourself!!

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"I don't judge you. I just feel God has called our family to a higher standard."

Translation: I'm the shit. You're not. That's OK, not everyone can be this awesome."

I'm perfectly fine with not being that brand of "awesome". Been there, did that, burned the polo shirt. :mrgreen:

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Not a phrase, but I'm OVER OVER OVER the word "precious". Soooo overused. Fundie Wife Blogger went with her precious kids and her precious hubby to a church ice cream social and fellowshipped with their precious brothers and sisters in Christ, and it was such a precious time. Gah!

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There are so many but just to name a few:

"I purpose to..."

"....is such a blessing"

"....is an encouragement"

"...is defrauding"

"We're expecting"

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Oh yeah, the baby voices that the fundy women use just make me wanna scream! :naughty: You naughty fundy women folk ought not talk so childlike.

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Guest Anonymous
I hate when they say "I'll pray for you" when they really mean "I don't like something about you but I'm being polite".

I always thought it was code for "Eat shit and die".

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It's not MY opinion, it's GOD'S opinion

God created Adam and Eve, .... (don't make me finish this one)

I have an unspoken prayer request.

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So...what is your least favorite fundie saying? (There is no vomitting smilie or I would include it here.)

I'd have to say, above all, mine is "we are not all at the same point on our walk with God." I hate how condescending that is!

I hate this one, too! My MIL likes to pull it. She doesn't tell me directly, thank God, but she has told my husband that she doesn't feel like she needs to exhort me about being submissive because if I "really love Jesus" I will figure that out on my own eventually. I kind of wish she would tell me, because I would love to rip her a good one. I was raised on submissiveness and I'm sure as heck not going back of my own accord. She acts like I've just never heard of it or something. Anyway.

Ditto to whomever mentioned "You aren't disagreeing with ME, you're disagreeing with GOD/the BIBLE." It irritates the heck out of me (as a Christian who respects the Bible). No, I disagree with YOU and your dumb-ass INTERPRETATION of the Bible.

Sorry for the all caps. :)

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I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it until *they* stop saying it: "Loving on"

as in, "Our daughter was addicted to crack cocaine, but we just kept loving on her until she turned herself right around."

It sounds like a sex act.

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Anything with "heart" in it.

It was laid on his heart to....

She lost pieces of her heart...

Guarding her heart...

And the word "Awesome" used in any context. I'm sorry to those who like it, but I hate that word! :twisted:

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It's been said already, but "I'll pray for you" used passive-aggressively or to express disagreement or displeasure really pisses me off. Part of this is because I do pray for other people often, but I feel like I can't really tell them without it sounding like I'm either brushing them off or telling them to go fuck themselves, because of the way the phrase has been misused.

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It's been said already, but "I'll pray for you" used passive-aggressively or to express disagreement or displeasure really pisses me off. Part of this is because I do pray for other people often, but I feel like I can't really tell them without it sounding like I'm either brushing them off or telling them to go fuck themselves, because of the way the phrase has been misused.

I think the most riveting use of this particular phrase I've ever heard was in the college dining hall. "I'll pray for you--do you mind if I pray for you?" said this guy, only at our table because another friend had a crush on his friend, to C. upon discovering she was Jewish. "Um, OK," she said (knowing that other friends did this and it hadn't yet done any harm), but none of us expected what came next. He started the prayer immediately, loudly, it went on a good long while-- about why she should convert to Christianity-- right in the middle of the dining hall while the rest of us sort of nervously stared into our turkey tetrazini and wished he'd disappear.

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I hate the term fellowshipping. Baptists use the term all the damn time.

"We went to the restaurant to for some fellowshipping." "We're having a Christmas party so we can fellowship." etc.

First of you aren't talking about religion so you aren't fellowshipping and two can't you just say hang out and be done with it?

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I hate "God laid it on my heart". How do you know that it is indeed religious fervor and not acid reflux disease?

I second that! Can be made worse by putting it after "After I prayed for a long time over [insert issue], God laid it on my heart to..."

That doesn't half put pressure on the other person to do what I want because it's not my personal whim but God's will. How manipulative.

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The saying "God will provide", meaning: "So I can sit here on my ass and don't do a god damn thing to make sure that the children and I have health care insurances or life insurances to keep us from starving if anything happens to my husband", provokes me like nothing else.

Many of the idiots will live to regret that saying and besides, God does not always provide, even if people are good christians. Just look at all the starving christians all over the world - why doesn't God provide to them?

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"Children are blessings not burdens" because only quiverfull SAHM who homeschool and grind their own wheat view children as blessings. The rest of us hate children and only had them because we needed a new fashion accessory. This widely held belief drives me nuts. :x I'm a full-time working, vaccine giving, daycare utilizing, non-spanking mother of three who loves my children passionately, unconditionally, completely and who views them as the greatest blessings in my life. But not as much as they do apparently...

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