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"Courageous" trailer heckled before screenings of "The Help"


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I see they have the token Black guy and Hispanic guy on the force, but where are the Asian guy and Native American guy to round out the representation of "we love everyone, but not really" sentiment?

Speaking of that, where are all the women? I didn't see Fireproof, so I don't know if all the firefighters in that movie were male, but I don't know of any police force with more than 5 people that is all male (maybe a beef because I know a lot of LEOS, but most departments even here in the semi-rural south are 1/3-1/2 female, same with the prisons, although the Highway Patrol still seems to be mostly male).

As far as the rest, yeah the idea of the pledge and ceremony is sort of freaky. Then again, who exactly would hold the father accountable to a pledge like that in the first place. Assuming that this pushes some form of headship and "dad leading the family", it's not like the family could call him on screwing up, and his buddies wouldn't be there to see it as long as he said the right things around them.

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I think that the pledge was in the movie because they're releasing a tie-in book before the movie comes out (surprise, surprise), just like they did with Fireproof and The Love Dare. The new book is called The Resolution for Men:


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A couple reports from TWOP mention there were no Duggars to be seen in the trailer and at a second showing a heckler got a pretty good laugh from the crowd.

I guess Dougie and his pals aren't as ready for Prime Time as they think. :lol:

Didn't see this one at The Help. (This one didn't look too bad compared to some of the crap that's been out lately, religious or not - Fast & Furious for one. Although this looks more like a Movie of the week or DVD release. I might take my son to see this one.)

There WAS another trailer for one that looked pretty flippin' funny about this family that finds religion and then the mom goes all fundy crazy. Can't remember the name of it but from the previews, but it looked good.

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This is a movie that I will see, only because I can actually take my nephews and niece to it and hopefully expose them to some trailers before the movie starts. The only movies they have seen in theatre have been facing the giants and fireproof, my sister is def. fundie but approves of these movies but not the veggietale movies that have come out in theatres...go figure.

What is wrong with Veggie Tales? They're hilarious!

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A couple reports from TWOP mention there were no Duggars to be seen in the trailer and at a second showing a heckler got a pretty good laugh from the crowd.

I guess Dougie and his pals aren't as ready for Prime Time as they think. :lol:

I saw Duggars hmmm

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awww. My brother, SIL and I already have a Valentine's tradition of mocking/reenacting scenes from Fireproof while drinking. Now we have a Father's Day movie, too! :D

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Bah. My husband does just fine in his daddy role (and he didn't need to sign a pledge to do it). No reason to waste money on this garbage.

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A good friend of mine just informed me that while she and her husband were on vacation their small group from church chose a new theme/topic/whatever. Their first night at group they busted out The Love Dare and were like "Did you get your book?" Yah. Then they settled in to watch the movie and most people in the group were just sort of confused while one couple was crazy excited. Then her husband yelled "Is that Kirk Cameron!?!?!? That's Kirk Cameron!!!!!!!" And everyone except the one couple started singing the Growing Pains theme song while the one gal kept saying "No you guys, it's really good, just watch!" :lol:

So now they have to do the stupid Love Dare book which starts with "Don't say anything negative to your spouse all day on day 1" And they were like, yah, this is no different than every other day. She's not amused. :doh:

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A few hours ago I went to Wal-Mart to buy a gift for my boyfriend's cousin from the book section and I laughed when I saw copies of the Courageous tie in novel in the Christian book section.

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I'm checking out the IMDB boards for Courageous right now and there are few funny threads. The Christian band Casting Crowns recorded a song for the movie and it is probably the one heard in the trailer. One poster did say he thought the movie was better than the previous SBC movies.

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I posted about this before, but I got to see this a few months ago at a pre-screening for work. It's not a fundy movie, it just a typical low budget Evangelical Christian movie. Sometimes I'm surprised that the Duggars have associated with the Sherwood Pictures people since they are so mainstream Christian. (i.e Christian rock, SOUTHERN Baptist, normal clothes wearing, contemporary style) I am pretty sure that the Gothard association would not approve of these films.

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I posted about this before, but I got to see this a few months ago at a pre-screening for work. It's not a fundy movie, it just a typical low budget Evangelical Christian movie. Sometimes I'm surprised that the Duggars have associated with the Sherwood Pictures people since they are so mainstream Christian. (i.e Christian rock, SOUTHERN Baptist, normal clothes wearing, contemporary style) I am pretty sure that the Gothard association would not approve of these films.

I dunno about that. I mean, I think the movie itself is probably pretty mainstream, but the Kendricks are buddy-buddy with Doug and other people associated with VF.

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This is why I prefer to stick to religious fantasy like Narnia or Lord of the rings, fantasy is the one thing I know fundies would hate. Dougie called Narnia 'Paganistic and Pantheistic' and another fundie critic said that Dryads/Naiads were actually demon seductresses like the Whore of Babylon.

At least Fantasy leaves room for the imagination.

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I posted about this before, but I got to see this a few months ago at a pre-screening for work. It's not a fundy movie, it just a typical low budget Evangelical Christian movie. Sometimes I'm surprised that the Duggars have associated with the Sherwood Pictures people since they are so mainstream Christian. (i.e Christian rock, SOUTHERN Baptist, normal clothes wearing, contemporary style) I am pretty sure that the Gothard association would not approve of these films.

Camera Wh0res.

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I posted about this before, but I got to see this a few months ago at a pre-screening for work. It's not a fundy movie, it just a typical low budget Evangelical Christian movie. Sometimes I'm surprised that the Duggars have associated with the Sherwood Pictures people since they are so mainstream Christian. (i.e Christian rock, SOUTHERN Baptist, normal clothes wearing, contemporary style) I am pretty sure that the Gothard association would not approve of these films.

I'm also a bit surprised that the Duggars would associate with Sherwood Pictures. But I think probably they like these movies because they promote Christianity.

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These movies aren't that great because the people in them aren't actors...they are from the church that is associated with Sherwood Pictures. It has nothing to do with this being a Christian movie, the plot looks contrived and the actors are as wooden as spoons in a drawer. At least "Fireproof" had Kirk Cameron to kind of liven it up (forgive me, I'm from the era that had pin-ups of him on our walls). The same guy from "Fireproof" is in this film, I wonder if he's supposed to be the same character? I don't really love the production values either... it looks like they borrow a model home from a development and don't even bring in their own furniture to liven it up. There are a lot of things that contribute to the believability factor of a movie... and this one has nothing to do with believing in God. The film just looks bad. I'd think it looked bad even if it didn't have the praying scenes... the acting is God-awful without the Jesus factor.

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A few hours ago I went to Wal-Mart to buy a gift for my boyfriend's cousin from the book section and I laughed when I saw copies of the Courageous tie in novel in the Christian book section.

Geez, with all the merch I'm reading about just on this thread, Courageous could reach Spaceballs proportions in tie-ins. Promise to kill me when they release a line of Courageous, The Bedding (free dust ruffle - or should that be "Riffle" - included)!

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Geez, with all the merch I'm reading about just on this thread, Courageous could reach Spaceballs proportions in tie-ins. Promise to kill me when they release a line of Courageous, The Bedding (free dust ruffle - or should that be "Riffle" - included)!

The Kendrick Brothers are probably trying to make some extra dough from their audiences. I sort of remember reading somewhere that Fireproof merchandise was sold at some theaters in Georgia. They probably made extra some money from the people who liked Fireproof and then ended up buying The Love Dare.

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Oh, I know how the game works. I was just being silly using Spaceballs, which was a parody of said game. :D

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Oh, of course the Black cop has issues because he grew up without a father and the Hispanic cop is struggling with poverty and is all "I feel like a rich man!" Way to think outside the box, dudes.

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Oh, of course the Black cop has issues because he grew up without a father and the Hispanic cop is struggling with poverty and is all "I feel like a rich man!" Way to think outside the box, dudes.

I loathe all how the media portrays Hispanics most of the time movies and TV shows. Hispanics are very diverse group when it comes to ethnicities/races, socioeconomic classes and different histories in the U.S. The Kendricks Brothers are just adding to misconceptions and misunderstandings that the media has thrown to out audiences about Hispanics. I bet the Kendricks don't realize that some Hispanics in certain areas of the United States haven't been living in poverty for 2 or 3 generations. Also I bet they don't realize that not all Hispanics have brown hair, brown eyes or dark skin. They probably think that there is a Hispanic race.

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I loathe all how the media portrays Hispanics most of the time movies and TV shows. Hispanics are very diverse group when it comes to ethnicities/races, socioeconomic classes and different histories in the U.S. The Kendricks Brothers are just adding to misconceptions and misunderstandings that the media has thrown to out audiences about Hispanics. I bet the Kendricks don't realize that some Hispanics in certain areas of the United States haven't been living in poverty for 2 or 3 generations. Also I bet they don't realize that not all Hispanics have brown hair, brown eyes or dark skin. They probably think that there is a Hispanic race.

I'm wondering where they will think Hispania is. South America? A state in Mexico? Or would they change the subject and say that it's never mattered because it's not in the bible?

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I'm taking two great classes this coming semester: one in general multi-culturalism since 1865 and the other focusing on the multi-culturarism of the people from the Southern Border (also the name of the course) since the conquer of the Aztecs. Yo fundies, they are NOT ALL THE SAME!!!!!

Yeah, this is what we do in grad school to understand, as best we can, all cultures that come through the schools (I've chosen areas in need). Hell, without completion of my Master's, I could go out and teach an AP English class at a school or a DRT in my sleep.

FWIW, the cops in my city are from diverse backgrounds, but rookies often get put into bad 'hoods and when a white cop shoots a black guy, no matter his criminal past, there are always riots here because those people have been so marginalized. It's now shifting to the Hispanic areas where two 3 year old boys have been shot in crossfire in the last two weeks.

I don't care if a cop is Christian; they too can fail miserably at their jobs and vilified for it, if the circumstances warrant it. Heck, most of the time, the cops I hear who have been shot are good family men. Maybe in Albany, GA, you can talk a guy down from a ledge or whatever, but that won't fly in the big cities where the races are MUCH more mixed (and often have inner conflicts, ie. San Francisco).

Sorry for the rant, but being a good father won't keep you safe.

edited for multiple riffles that I must clean up by tomorrow. :D

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