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Why The Mainstream Media are Clueless ...

Guest Bekah

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Guest Anonymous

...About the Religious Right.

I'm not sure if someone has already posted this. I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing yet (it's not yet naptime 'round these parts) but I was intrigued by the statement that Michelle Bachman is an outspoken proponent of wifely submission. I didn't know that about her (then again, I'm Canadian and much more knowledgeable about our own political sludgefest - we have ANOTHER election -the provincial general election - coming up in October :roll: )

http://www.alternet.org/teaparty/152053 ... ious_right

ETA: How scary is this: "The notion that regular Americans would buy into an ideology that seeks to implement biblical law as the law of the land really shouldn't come as a surprise to reporters. The Pew 2006 survey found that nearly one-third of Americans said they felt the law of the Bible should outweigh citizen preferences in the formation of civil law."

Again, I don't live in the U.S. so I don't know if this is as shocking to you guys as it is to me.

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Thank god it's unconstitutional to take away someone's rights just because the majority doesn't agree with them. I count on intelligent judges with knowledge of constitutional law to prevail over the dumb masses.

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We just need to spin this--Shariah law clearly requires womanly submission, and we can't have shariah law taking over America. :roll:

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I don't buy they are clueless. The mainstream media is run mostly by Republican establishment elites who know that to get any of their candidates elected, they are going to need the rabid religious wing of their party on board so most of the mainstream reporters and anchors are just following orders when they don't talk about the far religious right. The only one who doesn't is Rachel Maddow.

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What a frightening and depressing article.

My friend Angie posted the following YouTube link recently on her Facebook page: Bachmann & Perry Deeply Associated With Dominionism! Belief Christians Have God Given Right To Rule (http://youtu.be/kCky6hnHsGM). One of her friends shot back with:

"Angie, that is balderdash. You know as well as I that the leftwing media has always used the fact that conservative candidates are Christian to slime them. They did it blatantly to Sarah Palin by taking her quotes and splicing them to say what they wanted. They would be FINE with a conservative Muslim candidate, but we have to "create hysteria and flood the internet" with nonsensical crap about "dominionism". I GUARANTEE if you asked 98% of conservative Christians what it is and who authored the idea, they would have no idea what you are talking about."

So I (I know! I know! Stupid!) commented back with the only informative link I could find, http://www.ministers-best-friend.com/CH ... ds-it.html. The friend replied to me:

"Since this crazy conspiracy was posted on FB I asked numerous people at work and via email who are conservatives if they ever heard of this theory. Out of the 14 I questioned, not ONE (including a Baptist associate pastor) had ever heard of it. I live in the Bible belt, so even this small sampling speaks to this "dominionism" nonsense. The leftwing media is doing what it always does...attack the character and religion of your opponents and try not to talk about issues. Conservatives are BIG believers in the Constitution which specifically states Congress shall make no law respecting the establishing of a religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof. So this new attempt to demonize conservatives who are Christians is just business as usual for the leftwing."

...there you are, then. Maybe the Pew poll would have convinced her. Though probably not.

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Just because her friends don't know the word, dominionism doesn't mean that the politicians that they vote for aren't dominionists.

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Just because her friends don't know the word, dominionism doesn't mean that the politicians that they vote for aren't dominionists.


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As pastors, my parents had also not heard the terms "Domionism" or "Reconstructionism" but at face value until you start getting into the Old Testament punishments, as evangelicals, they agreed to the general tenants. Just because you don't know the label, doesn't mean you aren't one. Durrr... I'm slowly converting them over to see how awful this movement is... or at least I hope so!

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OK Dawniecakes. this is totally OT, but I had/have a cousin Lorne. ( i was adopted as a kid, long story) When we were very little (decades ago) his Boston-bred dad used to call him Lornecakes, but it came out "Lawniecakes." (i said it was OT)

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