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Ken Explains it All - Lori & Ken Alexander - Part 3

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Since it still hasn't been addressed (and since Ken is obviously unable to follow through on his promise to leave this Christless wasteland):

Ken, Ken, Ken....my goodness, do you think we can't read?????

Again, let me help you:



You will note that this post was made on the 11th....the time frame during which you claim you were traveling and made "zero" posts. I am assuming by zero you mean 3, because that's exactly how many times you commented on that post. All but one of your comments were entered after "Lady Virtue" wrote the following:

A previous commenter said something about rape within marriage. How is it even possible for a husband to "rape" his wife?

This comment was totally ignored by both you and Lori, although both of you found time to answer subsequent posts.

Here are the replies you submitted that day:

You have been repeatedly found to be:

1) outright lying

2) contradicting yourself

3) giving inaccurate information

4) making up statistics on the stop to back up your position

5) failing to understand the meaning of words

Now why on earth would we take anything you say at face value???

Koala you amaze me for being such a highly intelligent person how you can pick at the smallest of issues and always be wrong.

The record will show that the last post I commented on before my trip was a post from Tuesday, March 4th and the next one is Tuesday March 11th at 11 p.m. I do not know how in my mind that could not be 7 DAYS!!!!! but I do see that your bias is sooooooo strong that you will pick at anything and make all kinds of accusations because you cannot get the facts right that it was 7 DAYS!!!!! in between the posts.

So now, was I out right lying? Wrong again... please apologize for once for being again absolutely wrong. I am sure you can find some hair to split with me on this too... I can't wait. If you would stop lying about me I can stop responding to your comments. Was this a ploy to show that I am still commenting after I said I would not anymore on this thread? Dang it... you manipulated me again like you always do. I cannot even imagine how your husband keeps up with you. Or is it better to have no marriage at all instead of working through a difficult one to find true love?

Even if I was mistaken you could have easily seen that I have not been active on the blog comments for many days and should have had a modicum of grace, ... but not you... no... you are WRONG and making things up even when there are no facts. How does anyone compete with all the lies and speculation that comes on this crazy Forum? I know it is your fun to pull chains of Fundies. Wonderful lives you all must enjoy to need this.

I did not see the RAPE comment and even if I did I might not have commented on it as I had just gotten back in from a 7 day trip. Excuse me for not being your little puppet. Should I give you my email address you you can tell me which comments to comment n each post?

On another subject:

The hilarious thing is to have one commenter say "I am not angry with you..." and just below her comments comes the most asinine of angry comments from others. DUH... are you all in the world of reality at all? Just because YOU are not an angry person with some burr under your saddle does not mean that others on this Forum who throw manure at me are not. Read a little and see that there is no hope for truth on this Forum, only manure shoveling towards honorable people because winning is more important than truth and human decency.

If you are one of the honorable ones on this Forum you need to either get off of it, or become honorable and enter the debate defending honor and truth. Stop letting the bullies bully with impunity, and stop letting people like Koala say lies about me and others without you jumping in to defend the truth. Those who watch the bullies and say nothing are just as guilty, maybe more guilty. The bullies may not be able to help themselves and think they are funny and cute because you condone what they are doing.

I have dispelled almost every single issue and mischaracteriztion for two weeks, yet some of you read what you want to read, and keep going back and finding more of what you think is dirt, just to discover again and again that you missed the context, or do not have all the nuance of the story, so you have jumped to a wrong conclusions.

There are really only two main issues with which we disagree.

1) I believe that modest spanking for defiance or willful disobedience is not only appropriate for a child, but the most efficient and effective method of discipline for children under the age of 7.

2) I believe that an egalitarian marriage captures much of what a Christian marriage should be all about, BUT that to have a Biblical marriage one must accept that the husband is leader in the marriage and the wife as his equal,should willingly follow his leadership. This similar relationship of equals with a leader exists in many relationships in this world, and is God's design for a marriage. IF the submission is abused in any way it is wrong, AND a Christian wife is free at any time to not be submissive. Submission is not the end all and be all of a Christian marriage, but it is an important part of any marriage where the wife wants to do things according t God's design as clearly established in the Bible. We can debate as to what is intended by the word submission, but a Christian is dishonest with their interpretation if they press for a mural submission model (an oxymoron) as it renders all of the specific submission passages unintelligible and unnecessary.

Yet in spite of the fact that my views are modest when it comes to Fundies, all you all care about is flouncing and snarking. I am fine with that until you start getting mean and profanity laced. Have your fun, but be decent and honorable people on the Internet. To lame the Internet for your bad behavior is as unreasonable as blaming the baseball bat for hitting someone in the head... because it was there. No, you wield the words, it is not the Internet's fault, nor does a disclaimer absolve you of personal responsibility.

Don't you know how the Internet works??? You ask... and yes, I a now familiar with the ugly side of the Internet. Thanks so much for showing it to me. I don't know what my life would have been like if I had not had this experience with you.

Out for now... and hoping and praying some of you will come to your senses. Yes, you got a bit of snark right back at you. I loved the comment salex posted of the person who left flounced. They got it right. Have a fun Saturday. I still dream of making some friends here ... yes, I am a dreamer an an eternal optimist looking for the pony in all this manure.

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Ugh, Ken comparing rape to driving makes no sense. Most people I know are taught to drive defensively, and carefully. Accidents still happen for a number of reasons. But unless someone specifically targets my car to ram and destroy, I don't see how a traffic accident and rape are comparable. Much less what I could have done about someone deciding to push me off the road etc. Due diligence is always advisable, but crime is never the victim's fault! /rant

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I have dispelled almost every single issue and mischaracteriztion for two weeks, yet some of you read what you want to read, and keep going back and finding more of what you think is dirt, just to discover again and again that you missed the context, or do not have all the nuance of the story, so you have jumped to a wrong conclusions.

Wow, is that what you believe you have done?

O wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

What was it--24ish hours since you left never to return?

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Out for now... and hoping and praying some of you will come to your senses. Yes, you got a bit of snark right back at you. I loved the comment salex posted of the person who left flounced. They got it right. Have a fun Saturday. I still dream of making some friends here ... yes, I am a dreamer an an eternal optimist looking for the pony in all this manure.

:lol: :lol:

Passive aggressive much?

Koala that little thorn in your side huh? It is absolutely hilarious watching how much it gets to you. You barely hide it in the written word, although I suspect you think you are coming across as oh so reasonable, the voice of reason, authority in this rather long discourse. The reality is you come across as petty and a person of little insight.

Maybe if instead of petty little digs and condescending comments you actually answered some of the questions you conveniently ignore you might gain a little respect.

Why you still bother I have NO idea. I mean FJ is just some little forum full of angry swearing wimminz apparently. Yet you just can't stay away huh? Hmmmm :think:

Koala......I think he might have a wee crush on you :lol: :lol:

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Wow, is that what you believe you have done?

O wad some Power the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

What was it--24ish hours since you left never to return?

NAH. He's hoping if anybody finds this little gem of a forum that they will just read the last thing he wrote and not dig through all the posts to see the lies, contradictions, and refusal to engage in discussion when asked his more repugnant views.

He's a bit of a dafty.

Nice quote 8-) Salex.

Here's another few for Ken

"Fecht wi' ones' ain taes" (Describes him well.)

"Dinna haiver man" (Describes his posts.)

"Glaikit" (Describes his views.)

OH so many to choose from :lol:

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"Dinna haiver man" (Describes his posts.)


Great, now I have The Proclaimers (I would walk 500 miles) stuck in my head:

"And if I haver,

yeah I know I'm gonna be,

I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you"

Thanks for that...

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Ugh, Ken comparing rape to driving makes no sense. Most people I know are taught to drive defensively, and carefully. Accidents still happen for a number of reasons. But unless someone specifically targets my car to ram and destroy, I don't see how a traffic accident and rape are comparable. Much less what I could have done about someone deciding to push me off the road etc. Due diligence is always advisable, but crime is never the victim's fault! /rant

This. If I leave my car parked on the street with my doors unlocked and my purse on the front seat, that is a bad decision. If my purse gets stolen, the person who takes it is still a thief. It isn't my fault that I became the victim of a crime. Should I have taken precautions like locking my door and not leaving my purse on the front seat? Absolutely. But my bad choices do not absolve the thief for being a criminal. I really hope that that is what Ken was trying to say. Piece of advice, Ken. As a man, tread very carefully when talking about rape. It is a very touchy subject, especially for women who have been victims.

I do see Lori as victim blaming. I hope that it's just her not expressing herself well. I'd like to think that if god forbid, she, or one of your girls became victims of rape, that there wouldn't be blame. I wonder how I would've been treated by Lori if I had been a member of your church? Would she have had kind words for me, or would it have been "you shouldn't have...fill in the blank? Believe me, I did plenty of self blaming. Would I have been forced to confess my "sin" and kicked out of bible study? Or accepted and loved?

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Remind me again why these people and their opinions are worth our time?

Because it fun to see how silly they sound :geek:

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Ken, Ken, Ken. Flouncing: U R doin it rong.

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Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively impose domination over others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets.

(emphasis added)

Use of force, threat or coercion? nope

abuse, intimidate or aggressively impose domination over? nope

imbalance of social or physical power? nope

Bullying? nope

One more time: Disagreement (even strong disagreement) does not equal bullying.

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(emphasis added)

Use of force, threat or coercion? nope

abuse, intimidate or aggressively impose domination over? nope

imbalance of social or physical power? nope

Bullying? nope

One more time: Disagreement (even strong disagreement) does not equal bullying.

See, we are bullying him because we did not drop to our knees in unison and beg for the privilege of blowing him. Power to the penis--hard on.

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Did Ken just use the word DUH?

Ken, by speaking out against your wife giving blanket advice to submit more, while blaming the woman and making assumptions that submission will always help I am speaking for the truth. The truth that I have seen in my own life is that submission is very often used abusively and that the advice to submit more is harmful to the woman being told that. I've seen people do exactly like what your wife is doing and bring harm. This doesn't mean that Lori hasn't helped hundreds, it just means that there is a good chance that there are hundreds she has hurt and she doesn't know because they suffer in silence blaming themselves for the abuse. I didn't ask you to take my word for it, I have given you links to jump you off in learning about how submission can be abused and how mentors advising the women to change the husband through submission harms the woman, I have provided at least one story that is the perfect example of what I'm speaking of, and you basically ignore it. If there is even a small chance she is hurting people with her blog don't you want to do what you can to prevent it? I will not go to Lori's blog and say this for two reasons, I would not give you my IP address and secondly Lori would delete it because she doesn't want to hear about it.

You want to speak of mischaracterizations? Perhaps you should start with when you said non-Christians are selfish and don't care about anyone but themselves always putting their wants first. That right there is a pretty nasty mischaracterization that you wrote and you did not even acknowledge it when I corrected you on it.

When I called you a liar or a coward for not addressing the rape comment, I had already seen that you had addressed other comments in that post while both you and Lori skipped over replying to the one about rape. If would think that as serious of a thing as rape would be a higher priority than discussions on the statistics of women working. But even if you were traveling, what was Lori's excuse? You want us to treat her like a wise mentor, but she isn't showing wisdom. Wisdom would be addressing such a comment and saying marital rape was immoral and doing so immediately. But she replied to other comments, not that one. Actions speak louder than words. You say Lori is a wise mentor, but her actions are showing otherwise.

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By the way, I checked all the dates and Koala wasn't lying. See, I made the post asking why you didn't respond to the rape comment AFTER you had already started to reply to comments on that post. So the excuse that you had been traveling and not making comments on her blog wasn't relevant since you obviously were making comments on her blog when I asked why you ignored the rape comment. The excuse that both(?) you and Lori just didn't see a comment might actually be true because I think you both seem to focus more on women not working. But I question the wisdom of either of you running a marital advice blog if you can't even bother to read comments well enough to pick out things as seriously as rape. That is a word that should stand out to you both because it is so serious. It jumped off the page at me.

Koala's point was that you claimed to have been traveling and not posting for seven days, so how could we have expected you to comment on this(again what is Lori's excuse?), but that wasn't the reason you had ignored the comment. You are lying if you say that was the reason you didn't comment. When I made my initial post about it you were already commenting on that post, yet neither of you were responding to the rape comment. So, I was traveling wasn't an excuse for you, and Lori had no excuse and I think she has a much greater responsibility to have responded. It should not been you who did it Ken, it should have been her. It is her blog. She is the one claiming the wisdom to be a mentor. She is the one being held to a higher standard. She is holding herself to a pitifully low standard if she doesn't read comments well enough to notice one about rape. It wasn't even a long comment Why wouldn't she respond?

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this will be my last post here if you are using my full name. Please change the header if you want me to return, and please change it even if you do not want me to return.

You have posted twice THREE TIMES since you made this comment. The header remains unchanged. The red "X" is still in the upper right hand corner. It still leads to somewhere that's not here. :greetings-waveyellow::greetings-waveyellow:

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You have posted twice THREE TIMES since you made this comment. The header remains unchanged. The red "X" is still in the upper right hand corner. It still leads to somewhere that's not here. :greetings-waveyellow::greetings-waveyellow:

Ken has a flexible relationship with the truth doesn't he? And poor vocabulary and reading comprehension to boot.

Koala, I have been thinking about something you said earlier, either in this thread or late in the last one, about not telling Ken about nice things you have done because it would cheapen those acts. Pretty much as soon as I typed what I did, telling him about my life and all, I totally regretted it. I was trying to illustrate that we are all real human people here and kind of failed at it. It did cheapen me, made me feel like I was trying to gain approval. I guess what I am saying, badly I might add, is thank you for teaching me a bit of a lesson there. I really mean that honestly and sincerely. And might I add your have amazing google foo and research skills. It is impressive. Have you considered a career in long form journalism, or being a political operative, or jeopardy contestant? Anyway thanks for saying what you said. It allowed me to understand why I felt gross after that exchange.

Ken- you don't seem to understand that because people disagree and find inconstancy in your wife's ill informed, biblically flawed, clusterfuck of a blog doesn't mean we are bullies and it doesn't mean we are liars. You have lied on this very thread. So many posts after you sanctimiously bloviated that you were leaving. Shame.

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Koala you amaze me for being such a highly intelligent person how you can pick at the smallest of issues and always be wrong.

The record will show that the last post I commented on before my trip was a post from Tuesday, March 4th and the next one is Tuesday March 11th at 11 p.m. I do not know how in my mind that could not be 7 DAYS!!!!! but I do see that your bias is sooooooo strong that you will pick at anything and make all kinds of accusations because you cannot get the facts right that it was 7 DAYS!!!!! in between the posts.

So now, was I out right lying? Wrong again... please apologize for once for being again absolutely wrong. I am sure you can find some hair to split with me on this too... I can't wait. If you would stop lying about me I can stop responding to your comments. Was this a ploy to show that I am still commenting after I said I would not anymore on this thread? Dang it... you manipulated me again like you always do. I cannot even imagine how your husband keeps up with you. Or is it better to have no marriage at all instead of working through a difficult one to find true love?

Even if I was mistaken you could have easily seen that I have not been active on the blog comments for many days and should have had a modicum of grace, ... but not you... no... you are WRONG and making things up even when there are no facts. How does anyone compete with all the lies and speculation that comes on this crazy Forum? I know it is your fun to pull chains of Fundies. Wonderful lives you all must enjoy to need this.

I did not see the RAPE comment and even if I did I might not have commented on it as I had just gotten back in from a 7 day trip. Excuse me for not being your little puppet. Should I give you my email address you you can tell me which comments to comment n each post?

I know you are probably going to find this very hard to follow, but I will attempt to break it down in a manner in which you can wrap your brain around:

~You were questioned as to why you and the godly mentor had patently ignored a reader's pondering on how there could be such a thing as marital rape.

~You offered the excuse that you had been traveling, and had made "zero" posts on Lori's blog during that time frame.

(though Lord knows you found time to post here)

~You appear 3 times on the post in question.

~Neither you, nor you wife addressed the comment in question

~If Lori has taken it upon herself to advise internet strangers on everything from their marriages, to how they parent their kids, then it is her obligation to address irresponsible comments made on her blog (probably hard, in light of the fact that a majority of the time she is the one penning the irresponsible comments)

If you would stop lying about me I can stop responding to your comments.

No one is lying about you. If you no longer wish to read my comments you can certainly block me. Feel free.

Was this a ploy to show that I am still commenting after I said I would not anymore on this thread? Dang it... you manipulated me again like you always do.

You have a startling lack of self control. You asserted that unless we complied with your demands you were making your last post here. You immediately proceeded to respond 3 more times, and if I don't miss my guess you'll be back again. Stamping your foot and crying manipulation makes you sound like a petulant child, instead of the 55 year old grandfather you are.

Further, if you are that easily controlled by a stranger on the internet, you need to take a huge step back. You have gone as far as to suggest that your time here is damaging your business, and the fact that that alone is not enough to make you walk away is mind boggling.

I cannot even imagine how your husband keeps up with you. Or is it better to have no marriage at all instead of working through a difficult one to find true love?

My husband is brilliant- truly he is. I don't say that to brag on him, I am just stating a fact. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have the privilege of having him for a best friend. We challenge each other mentally, and drive one another to think critically (something we both place a high value on).

I don't know what you think true love is, I suppose that's subjective, but if what you and Lori have is true love, I can assure you that neither of us want any part of it. We have found happiness and it is in no way compatible with the twisted game of passive aggressive tit for tat that you and Lori have going on.

I still dream of making some friends here ... yes, I am a dreamer an an eternal optimist looking for the pony in all this manure.

Friends? Is that why you came here, because you want friends? :evil-eye: :evil-eye:

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Giant walls of text make people not want to read what you have to say. Can you kinda condense your posts, or at least make proper paragraphs?

As stated before, you have more posts in the short time you have been here than most accumulate in 6 months or more. I think you have an addiction.

Finally, if you really mean it when you say you are going to leave, then leave. Are you going for the most flounces in one thread on one board record?

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Ken has a flexible relationship with the truth doesn't he? And poor vocabulary and reading comprehension to boot.

Koala, I have been thinking about something you said earlier, either in this thread or late in the last one, about not telling Ken about nice things you have done because it would cheapen those acts. Pretty much as soon as I typed what I did, telling him about my life and all, I totally regretted it. I was trying to illustrate that we are all real human people here and kind of failed at it. It did cheapen me, made me feel like I was trying to gain approval. I guess what I am saying, badly I might add, is thank you for teaching me a bit of a lesson there. I really mean that honestly and sincerely. And might I add your have amazing google foo and research skills. It is impressive. Have you considered a career in long form journalism, or being a political operative, or jeopardy contestant? Anyway thanks for saying what you said. It allowed me to understand why I felt gross after that exchange.

Ken- you don't seem to understand that because people disagree and find inconstancy in your wife's ill informed, biblically flawed, clusterfuck of a blog doesn't mean we are bullies and it doesn't mean we are liars. You have lied on this very thread. So many posts after you sanctimiously bloviated that you were leaving. Shame.

Thank you :romance-inlove: I was really enjoying reading your posts, but I fear we are all wasted on Ken. He is unwilling to think critically, and will probably leave here no wiser than he came.

I will be honest and say that his recent claim that he returns in hopes of making friends is a concern to me. As I have mentioned upthread, he has some rather odd exchanges with a young woman named "Courtney" on Lori's blog. He has gone so far as to invite her to lunch if she is ever in the area and comment on how he'd like to see her wear her hair. When he offered to send Formergothardite M & M's, alarm bells immediately went off for me, because I have no doubt that he was dead serious. Right now the creep factor is getting pretty high, and in my mind I am replaying some of the comments my husband has made regarding Ken's reasons for being here.

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After catching up on this thread, I just went and checked out Lori's blog. Here is the latest comment!

Richard Meyers's avatar

Richard Meyers · 30 minutes ago

Lori/Ken - I have been lurking on a certain site filled with mentally I'll, angry people who have been attacking your family and beliefs from every which way. I'm sure you know the site I am talking about. I don't want to mention it here. IF you wish to seek any type of legal repercussions against that website, I can provide you with information regarding the owner there (name and other info your lawyer would appreciate). The fact that they are intentionally trying to manipulate google into providing unfavorable search results is, by itself, grounds for libel and harassment as well as intimidation, since it means they want people to see these vile things and in doing so hope it damages your reputation/business.

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After catching up on this thread, I just went and checked out Lori's blog. Here is the latest comment!

Richard Meyers's avatar

Richard Meyers · 30 minutes ago

Lori/Ken - I have been lurking on a certain site filled with mentally I'll, angry people who have been attacking your family and beliefs from every which way. I'm sure you know the site I am talking about. I don't want to mention it here. IF you wish to seek any type of legal repercussions against that website, I can provide you with information regarding the owner there (name and other info your lawyer would appreciate). The fact that they are intentionally trying to manipulate google into providing unfavorable search results is, by itself, grounds for libel and harassment as well as intimidation, since it means they want people to see these vile things and in doing so hope it damages your reputation/business.

Well, I'll give Richard Meyers one point for understanding the difference between libel and slander, which is more than I can say for some people *cough*Ken Alexander*cough*. However, he loses ALL the points for not knowing what libel actually is (hint-it's not quoting someone's exact words back to them).

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Well, I'll give Richard Meyers one point for understanding the difference between libel and slander, which is more than I can say for some people *cough*Ken Alexander*cough*. However, he loses ALL the points for not knowing what libel actually is (hint-it's not quoting someone's exact words back to them).

Since the point was to let people know what Ken wrote and thought and posted on Lori's blog---well, wouldn't the vile things mentioned be Ken's own posts on Lori's blog?

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After catching up on this thread, I just went and checked out Lori's blog. Here is the latest comment!

Richard Meyers's avatar

Richard Meyers · 30 minutes ago

Lori/Ken - I have been lurking on a certain site filled with mentally I'll, angry people who have been attacking your family and beliefs from every which way. I'm sure you know the site I am talking about. I don't want to mention it here. IF you wish to seek any type of legal repercussions against that website, I can provide you with information regarding the owner there (name and other info your lawyer would appreciate). The fact that they are intentionally trying to manipulate google into providing unfavorable search results is, by itself, grounds for libel and harassment as well as intimidation, since it means they want people to see these vile things and in doing so hope it damages your reputation/business.

Hi HGR :roll:

Ken, the person that made this comment on Lori's blog is likely one of the people that outed me during the incident in November based on previous interactions. I would suggest you DO NOT interact with them privately for your own safety. IF you want to know my contact information, you know where to email me. I'll talk to you privately rather than have you get mixed up with this whackadoodle.

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Hi HGR :roll:

Ken, the person that made this comment on Lori's blog is likely one of the people that outed me during the incident in November based on previous interactions. I would suggest you DO NOT interact with them privately for your own safety. IF you want to know my contact information, you know where to email me. I'll talk to you privately rather than have you get mixed up with this whackadoodle.

Wow, she's a persistent little bugger. Between being a SAHM/business owner/CEO/Human Hemorrhoid and going on luxurious Jamaican vacations, how ever does she find the time to continually trash talk FJ? :cray-cray:

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Well, I'll give Richard Meyers one point for understanding the difference between libel and slander, which is more than I can say for some people *cough*Ken Alexander*cough*. However, he loses ALL the points for not knowing what libel actually is (hint-it's not quoting someone's exact words back to them).

Richard also seems to forget that FJ is a business and I have a reputation as well :whistle:

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