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New Maxwell book: Debt-free homes!


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I wonder if these Philips/Gothard scandals will make Stevie circle the wagons even closer around his homestead. If such "Godly" and "respected" men can commit such sins, how can he ever trust anyone around his "children"....

He may not click on a link, but it would be interesting to print out articles and mail them to their mailing address... :think: I believe it's on their web site...

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It would be a shame if Dougie and Gothard caused Stevie to find ways to tighten up the control on his family. I can see that happening though. It might decrease any of the daughters' chances of getting married from bad to almost non-existent.

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I think that allowing 19 Kid's and Counting to be mentioned in his book shows that Steve loves money more than he hates TV.

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It would be a shame if Dougie and Gothard caused Stevie to find ways to tighten up the control on his family. I can see that happening though. It might decrease any of the daughters' chances of getting married from bad to almost non-existent.

I remember Steve or Teri saying in one of their corners after Tool O'ween that they were deeply sadden by reasent events in the christian homeschool world and would comment later. Nothing since.

Oh yea, hypocrisy thy name is Steve. He could have just had in the endorsements "Jim Bob Duggar" instead of "Jim Bob Dugger of TLCs 19 kids and counting". Now it may be possible that Dimbulb as per contract has to always have that behind his name, but regardless Steve could have chosen to leave out the TLC bit or leave Dimbulb out all toghether. But no. Just admit it Steve, you are no better than the rest of the free world, you have Jim Bob's endorsement because it will sell more books that lines both your pocket and your agenda....

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Well, I did get a response or, a non-response. Note, no acknowledgement of the "Beast" issue:

" Your link was very sad in the same way the Doug Phillips issues were. Whoever it is, when someone is doing things they shouldn't saddens me greatly, especially, people who are in a position of teaching. The Duggars do endorse IBLP heavily and that is there business. I do hope and expect if any of it moves from allegations to proof, they will drop their endorsement of IBLP.

Kevin Swanson endorsed our book and so did S.M. Davis. I'm sure they don't agree with every aspect of our ministry. That is the way it is. We liked the Duggar girl's book and thought it might encourage other girls. The book stands on its own merits.

You ought to meet the Duggars. They are the most kind and gracious people we have ever met. They are so loving of others.

There are tons of people that hate anyone that exalts Jesus Christ. We expect to be hated by them and know we will never please them. Actually, it is a good measure of how you are doing, if the right people dislike you.

Thank you for sharing in a kind and respectful way. Anytime you want to write and challenge us, use this email address.

Steve Maxwell

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36)

"Remember me as you pass by,

as you are now so once was I,

as I am now, you are to be,

so be prepared to follow me."

Words found on a gravestone"

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I think that allowing 19 Kid's and Counting to be mentioned in his book shows that Steve loves money more than he hates TV.

DINGDINGDINGDINGDING we have a winner! And his "product" has grown up and become...well, LAME, so he's scrambling.

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Well, I did get a response or, a non-response. Note, no acknowledgement of the "Beast" issue:

" Your link was very sad in the same way the Doug Phillips issues were. Whoever it is, when someone is doing things they shouldn't saddens me greatly, especially, people who are in a position of teaching. The Duggars do endorse IBLP heavily and that is there business. I do hope and expect if any of it moves from allegations to proof, they will drop their endorsement of IBLP.

Kevin Swanson endorsed our book and so did S.M. Davis. I'm sure they don't agree with every aspect of our ministry. That is the way it is. We liked the Duggar girl's book and thought it might encourage other girls. The book stands on its own merits.

You ought to meet the Duggars. They are the most kind and gracious people we have ever met. They are so loving of others.

There are tons of people that hate anyone that exalts Jesus Christ. We expect to be hated by them and know we will never please them. Actually, it is a good measure of how you are doing, if the right people dislike you.

Thank you for sharing in a kind and respectful way. Anytime you want to write and challenge us, use this email address.

Steve Maxwell

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36)

"Remember me as you pass by,

as you are now so once was I,

as I am now, you are to be,

so be prepared to follow me."

Words found on a gravestone"

You just don't get it, do you Stevie? Your "ministry" doesn't "exalt Jesus Christ". It exalts THE MAXWELL FAMILY. Period, full stop. Shilling common sense scheduling books and badly written children's stories and IT info that anyone with a brain can get free at their local library is not "exalting Jesus Christ".

I am reminded of one of my favorite lines from the movie The Hiding Place, about one of my heroines, Corrie Ten Boom. Her father Kasper says, concerning their pastor who just refused to take in a Jewish baby at his house in the country until they could find a way to get it out of Holland..."Just because a mouse sits in the cookie jar, it doesn't make him a cookie."

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He called the Duggars a type of missionary in one of his other responses? Steve's mask is slipping. There is no way he has spent time with Jim Bob and not pegged him for the con man and grifter that he is. He is cynically using JB's endorsement to line his pockets, and trying to play wide eyed innocent.

That's slimy, Steve.

ETA-^What Danvillebelle said.

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Well, I did get a response or, a non-response. Note, no acknowledgement of the "Beast" issue:

" Your link was very sad in the same way the Doug Phillips issues were. Whoever it is, when someone is doing things they shouldn't saddens me greatly, especially, people who are in a position of teaching. The Duggars do endorse IBLP heavily and that is there business. I do hope and expect if any of it moves from allegations to proof, they will drop their endorsement of IBLP.

Kevin Swanson endorsed our book and so did S.M. Davis. I'm sure they don't agree with every aspect of our ministry. That is the way it is. We liked the Duggar girl's book and thought it might encourage other girls. The book stands on its own merits.

You ought to meet the Duggars. They are the most kind and gracious people we have ever met. They are so loving of others.

There are tons of people that hate anyone that exalts Jesus Christ. We expect to be hated by them and know we will never please them. Actually, it is a good measure of how you are doing, if the right people dislike you.

Thank you for sharing in a kind and respectful way. Anytime you want to write and challenge us, use this email address.

Steve Maxwell

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36)

"Remember me as you pass by,

as you are now so once was I,

as I am now, you are to be,

so be prepared to follow me."

Words found on a gravestone"

This does not sound like Steve. YMMV, IMO, Just saying ... Kippers.

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He called the Duggars a type of missionary in one of his other responses? Steve's mask is slipping. There is no way he has spent time with Jim Bob and not pegged him for the con man and grifter that he is. He is cynically using JB's endorsement to line his pockets, and trying to play wide eyed innocent.

That's slimy, Steve.

Where is that "Two of a Kind" video I used in the other thread?

They may seem very different on the surface, but the money/control/self-righteousness crap is very similar.

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I'm sure Steve will be happy to post your comment with just the most minor editing...

Sure, he posted it, if that means deleting it on his end. That answers my question. He's scamming.

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Have you considered using a credit card which you pay off every month?

I know some people won't take a credit card because it's so easy to overspend, but it sounds as if you have budgeting pretty much covered. If you could get a credit card that would be a plus on your history (it's the sole reason my sister got one).

(Of course, this is assuming you have interest-free periods on cards in the states. If not, ignore me.)

We use a card issued by the supermarket closest to us, and so get loyalty points on all our spending. Yesterday we had a meal out paid for by the points, and our summer holiday will use up the rest of them.

Without already having credit, the only cards we can get at those secured cards that come with so many fees that the card starts off with a balance almost equal to the limit. We've looked into them, and there are hefty fees even if you pay off right away. We've been looking into getting a car. We don't need another, but could put down enough to get reasonable payments. We hate buying what we don't want or need, but it would be money better spent than getting sucked dry by a secured card.

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A 19 year old real estate agent? Please.

I was an agent at 24 and ended up leaving because no one but a fool trusts that much money in the hands of someone too young to have much or any experience owning homes. Buyers and sellers don't care how mature and grown up the agent thinks he or she is. It's too much money to gamble. Now that I'm more than a decade older, I still wouldn't go with an agent whose 24 because I know enough of the real world to realize how much I didn't know then, even though I'd been living on my own since 18.

That's one of the funny things about Doogie Howser. No one will trust a kid, even a super genius, when what's at stake is too big.

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I don't know that much about buying homes but the whole "debt-free homes" really confuses me. I know that these people find being debt-free a Christian characteristic but sometimes having a mortgage is a smart thing to do. Often very wealthy people will take out mortgages on homes they purchase because they can make more money investing the money then the additional price of paying off their loan costs. Buying a home debt-free just isn't always the financially smart thing to do.

You make the mistake of thinking fundies are smart.

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They like rules in their religion and rules in life. They tend to do things "by rote." Follow this plan, do x,y, and z and you'll be fine. It's life by jingles in many ways. That's why Jim Bob can rattle off his philosophy so easily.

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This does not sound like Steve. YMMV, IMO, Just saying ... Kippers.

I agree. I am really bad at dissecting writing style but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that was written by a female. And not Teri.

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I agree too after reading it a couple of times. I am guessing it was one of the girls, probably Sarah given the SOTDRT writing. Also, where did they get anything about hating people? I did not attack them at all in my initial email!

I agree. I am really bad at dissecting writing style but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that was written by a female. And not Teri.

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I agree too after reading it a couple of times. I am guessing it was one of the girls, probably Sarah given the SOTDRT writing. Also, where did they get anything about hating people? I did not attack them at all in my initial email!

Yes, it sounds a lot more like Sarah, although I'm surprised Steve lets her answer anything without his supervision let alone over his signature! Sarah, you need to type your name and then put "for" before Steve's name. Business 101.

Do they always have that gravestone quote at the bottom of their emails? :lol:

Perhaps they meant the bit about haters for everyone at FJ! We are probably the only people who comment or email them other than their known leghumpers.

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Yes, it sounds a lot more like Sarah, although I'm surprised Steve lets her answer anything without his supervision let alone over his signature! Sarah, you need to type your name and then put "for" before Steve's name. Business 101.

Do they always have that gravestone quote at the bottom of their emails? :lol:

Perhaps they meant the bit about haters for everyone at FJ! We are probably the only people who comment or email them other than their known leghumpers.

To the bolded, yes, Steve puts those two quotes on every email. That's why I decided to tag mine with the Marcus Aurelius quote, thus greatly offending Steve and prompting his VERY snippy reply to me (which I paraphrased since we're not supposed to quote directly from personal email exchanges). Who'da thunk that a simple quote would send him into a tailspin? Overall though, he was much nicer to NCB than he was to me. I think I was very polite and well-reasoned, but flattery will get you everywhere. :mrgreen:

The above response does have a slightly different tone to it, but I think it's still Steve. I doubt he'd EVER hand over any emails with opposing views to another family member, especially those of the delicate flower variety.

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To the bolded, yes, Steve puts those two quotes on every email. That's why I decided to tag mine with the Marcus Aurelius quote, thus greatly offending Steve and prompting his VERY snippy reply to me (which I paraphrased since we're not supposed to quote directly from personal email exchanges). Who'da thunk that a simple quote would send him into a tailspin? Overall though, he was much nicer to NCB than he was to me. I think I was very polite and well-reasoned, but flattery will get you everywhere. :mrgreen:

The above response does have a slightly different tone to it, but I think it's still Steve. I doubt he'd EVER hand over any emails with opposing views to another family member, especially those of the delicate flower variety.

That Marcus Aurelius quote is one of my favorites! I agree with the delicate flowers, but he has to let Sarah grow up sometime. Good grief!

I'm so used to Steve's terseness on Titus2 that the response to NCB seemed more chatty, feminine and - almost -warm and fuzzy!

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