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Jahi McMath case in California


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Back off topic.... I thought formaldehyde had been banned due to it being carcinogenic? Having said that I dissected way too many things at Uni nearly 30 years ago that came pickled in formaldehyde - mostly organs but the occasional rat, pigeon or other small mammal or reptile too. I also did blow flies, maggots, cockroaches (yes I studied entomology for a while) and then in psych class we actually did a human brain. I was the only science chick surrounded by squealing, fainting Arts students so I had to do the actual dissection. It was quite confronting. And it put me off eating champignon mushrooms for years.

Since you say "uni" and "champignon" I assume you're probably not in the US. Formaldehyde might be banned elsewhere but the US is a little behind the times when it comes to banning harmful/carcinogenic substances.

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OT Back to cats.

Kid #2 had to dissect one in physiology and it had a full bladder. Partner nicked it and they had pickled cat pee all over their table.

Back to Jahi:

I truly can't imagine that Jahi looks normal and the deterioration of her body has to be horrible. But if Uncle Grab the Money is pulling the strings, Mama's gonna do what he says. Is there no father involved in this mess? If there is an autopsy it's going to be awful. I wish that for everyone's sake her heart stops and she goes to whatever awaits her. :think:

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Formaldehyde is extremely regulated in the US. (Clinical laboratory scientist here).

https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadis ... =STANDARDS

It is also, contrary to belief, NOT banned in Europe. It has been banned in certain industrial applications in both the US and Europe, but you can buy, sell, and import it into both places. The US and the EU both regulate and identify it as a known human carcinogen.

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We had to sign a release for the cadaver lab in med school. It basically said that you are aware formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, will follow protective measures/directions, and will not sue the school. That being said our school's lab has a pretty good ventilation system so all my dissections prior to that were actually much worse in terms of smell (I don't think I did anything bigger than a frog - I didn't major in science or take AP Bio - but they STUNK lol). The worst part for me with dissecting honestly is/was the smell, so once they got rid of that, I was fine. The only thing that really bothered me was doing the eyes. And I mean really creeped me out - I jumped off my stool and one of the TAs sent me outside so he could just help my partner finish :lol:

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eyeballs are squishy.

I'm doing eyeballs and hearts w/ kiddos in the next few weeks--eyeballs are easier, but always get a hellva reaction because...gushy.

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I can't even think about it. I don't know what bugs me so much about eyes because I am not easily grossed out otherwise. But they are just so. gross.

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Since you say "uni" and "champignon" I assume you're probably not in the US. Formaldehyde might be banned elsewhere but the US is a little behind the times when it comes to banning harmful/carcinogenic substances.

Yes, I'm an Aussie. :)

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eyeballs are squishy.

I'm doing eyeballs and hearts w/ kiddos in the next few weeks--eyeballs are easier, but always get a hellva reaction because...gushy.

My A/P partner and I used to bounce the cow retina when we had to dissect an eyeball. The eyeball and pig heart didn't bother me as much as the cat. I had nightmares about the cat dissection and my cats at home got a LOT of treats because I felt so guilty.

(Needless to say I did not major in science in college and I've avoided dissection since that class.)

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My worst dissection was a female chicken full of developing eggs. :ew: None of us could eat chicken or eggs for a while after that.

My 10th grade biology teacher was super excited when he found a chicken that had died from being egg bound. He did a demonstration dissection in front of the whole class. It has stuck with me for my entire life since.

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My worst dissection was a female chicken full of developing eggs. :ew: None of us could eat chicken or eggs for a while after that.

When I was a child, it was common to go to my grandmother's after church, and have a chicken dinner that began with grandma killing the chicken, and the assorted things that go with getting a live chicken to the table in rapid time. Most of it didn't bother me, at the time--- (the smell of the feathers after they were scalded and/singed--whatever they did to get them out easier)

I got so I didn't like chicken too much

Fast forward to the frog in HS. It seemed texturally and look like chicken and the smell of the formaldehyde stuck with me. I didn't eat chicken for a decade after dealing with the frog.

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Sorry, I got distracted and forgot to come back. Yeah, they talked about the mother claiming she's getting better, then interviewed a woman who discussed attitudes towards medical providers and end-of-life issues in the African-American community (basically, there's a trend to want to do everything to extend life that's much more prevalent than in other demographics).

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That was one of the most embarrassing news segments I have ever watched, and that includes tripe that FOX tries to pass off as news.

Taking up 5 minutes of airtime to report the mother's unsubstantiated Facebook post of Jahi's "improvement". No evidence, a newsreader who obviously cannot handle reading from a TelePrompTer and an inarticulate reporter being interviewed for her "insight" who does not have a grasp of the difference between life extension and corpse maintenance. I don't care if MSNBC is progressive leaning politically, that segment was a disgrace to journalism.

Edit: cross posted with Fakepigtails

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That was one of the most embarrassing news segments I have ever watched, and that includes tripe that FOX tries to pass off as news.

Taking up 5 minutes of airtime to report the mother's unsubstantiated Facebook post of Jahi's "improvement". No evidence, a newsreader who obviously cannot handle reading from a TelePrompTer and an inarticulate reporter being interviewed for her "insight" who does not have a grasp of the difference between life extension and corpse maintenance. I don't care if MSNBC is progressive leaning politically, that segment was a disgrace to journalism.

Edit: cross posted with Fakepigtails

Agreed on them really missing the mark. Not even a mention of that she is dead, and she's been dead for a long time.

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They need to get to the heart of the news. Why was she allowed to do this?

Don't give the woman air time without some details and proof.

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HOW has she improved???

My "this makes me an asshole" initial thought...'they've sprayed air freshener?"

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Sorry, I got distracted and forgot to come back. Yeah, they talked about the mother claiming she's getting better, then interviewed a woman who discussed attitudes towards medical providers and end-of-life issues in the African-American community (basically, there's a trend to want to do everything to extend life that's much more prevalent than in other demographics).

I get why many people in the African-American community have a low level of trust in hospitals, state boards of health, and other medical bureaucracies: the Tuskegee Experiments and the surprise sterilizations of the 20th century are just not that long ago.

But this is just tragic. I really feel for the other children in the family. What a grotesque thing to put them through.

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I get why many people in the African-American community have a low level of trust in hospitals, state boards of health, and other medical bureaucracies: the Tuskegee Experiments and the surprise sterilizations of the 20th century are just not that long ago.

But this is just tragic. I really feel for the other children in the family. What a grotesque thing to put them through.

I definitely think there is a larger sociological issue here but seems as though it could be addressed later rather than media turning it into a race issue seemingly for ratings. Then again, perhaps that my "I"m an asshole" thought of the day, too.

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