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Jessa Duggar's Courtship - Part 3

happy atheist

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Can you put up a link, please? My pinterest searching isn't able to find that one.

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I can still find the jessee page through Anna Hackel's page (unless I'm incorrect and it's a different Anna following her). This person's also pinned a lot of things from Chelsey Bontrager's page. I have no idea if it's Jessa or not, but thought the name and people she's pinning from was suspicious. Especially since it seems kind of secretive- not following anyone, no one really following her, etc.

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I'm pretty sure that Jessa and BenBob/Seesmug have been engaged for a while now. At least since Jessa got the twitter. Now she's under his authority for non sexual issues, and Ben allows her to have social media.

The reason it took so long (in fundieland) for them to get engaged was part Jessa being unsure at first, and part Bob wanting minime to be more financially stable. The reason they haven't announced the engagement, I think, has less to do with ratings, and more to do with not stealing Jill and Derrick's thunder, which is nice.

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Also, I hate to say it, but I think Jessa will be the most fundy of the 4 oldest girls, and the one to have the biggest litter of children. I think Jill and Jana will have very large families, but Jessa will be the only one to have a number in the teens.

We've seen that she's not particularly motherly/caring to her buddies, and she's bossy, which makes her best suited for having an astronomic number of children since she will quickly and shamelessly relegate all the chores to the future B-slaves.

I can't imagine her sending her kids to regular school, especially since she's the one who requested to home school her little siblings. Jessa is the most adamant about defending her family's beliefs, and her parents said she's the one who's most active in preaching.

Basically, Jessa is the least likely to become FJ's hero, and will most likely become like Michelle, but with less "keeping it sweet".

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Also, I hate to say it, but I think Jessa will be the most fundy of the 4 oldest girls, and the one to have the biggest litter of children. I think Jill and Jana will have very large families, but Jessa will be the only one to have a number in the teens.

We've seen that she's not particularly motherly/caring to her buddies, and she's bossy, which makes her best suited for having an astronomic number of children since she will quickly and shamelessly relegate all the chores to the future B-slaves.

I can't imagine her sending her kids to regular school, especially since she's the one who requested to home school her little siblings. Jessa is the most adamant about defending her family's beliefs, and her parents said she's the one who's most active in preaching.

Basically, Jessa is the least likely to become FJ's hero, and will most likely become like Michelle, but with less "keeping it sweet".

I think a lot of that will depend on how Ben "pans out" as a husband. He's still so young, I feel like there's a lot still up in the air (as there generally is with any 19 year old).

So he could get it together and become a successful, manly, ideal fundie husband. In which case, I think you're right and Jessa will stay very fundie.

But there's also a chance that he wont be successful enough to support a large family. He doesn't have the fame or the higher ed (yet), so there's a very real chance he could end up at a dead-end job and Jessa could have to leave her comfy, famous life behind. I just don't see Jessa resigning herself to living as one of those poor but pious fundie wives. I think she'll "modify" her beliefs before she gives up her iPhone and goes back to second-hand clothes.

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Also, I hate to say it, but I think Jessa will be the most fundy of the 4 oldest girls, and the one to have the biggest litter of children. I think Jill and Jana will have very large families, but Jessa will be the only one to have a number in the teens.

We've seen that she's not particularly motherly/caring to her buddies, and she's bossy, which makes her best suited for having an astronomic number of children since she will quickly and shamelessly relegate all the chores to the future B-slaves.

I can't imagine her sending her kids to regular school, especially since she's the one who requested to home school her little siblings. Jessa is the most adamant about defending her family's beliefs, and her parents said she's the one who's most active in preaching.

Basically, Jessa is the least likely to become FJ's hero, and will most likely become like Michelle, but with less "keeping it sweet".

I can see that. She and Ben both seemed very sincere when they said they had deep theological discussions and that was a big draw for both of them. I think that kind of bossy no-nonsense personality also tends to be drawn to a great deal of structure and black and white thinking - and even her very fundie family seemed to imply she was a little extremist when they described her.

I don't think she would necessarily be a bad mom, even with a huge number of kids. Not super warm and affectionate, but making sure the kids were educated and engaged in activities ( to the extent she thinks is religiously acceptable) I think she may be one of the rare individuals who it takes a lot to get her rattled, and as you said, she'd have 0 problem delegating. I can see her having a very structured home and running various acceptable home enterprises to make sure she has enough money. At least so far it appears to me that Ben will go along with whatever she thinks is best.

If Jana is going to have a very large family she needs to get a move on. I think realistically it's unlikely she will hit double digits unless she is very, very fertile and marries soon.

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If Jana is going to have a very large family she needs to get a move on. I think realistically it's unlikely she will hit double digits unless she is very, very fertile and marries soon.

She's Michelle's daughter and a twin with twin siblings (so very likely to have twins herself), so I think it's probably not too late at all for her to have a large family if that's actually what she wants.

She's only 24; even by fundie standards that's still young. (That's actually below the mean marriage age for women in Elizabethan and Jacobean England.)

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If Jana is going to have a very large family she needs to get a move on. I think realistically it's unlikely she will hit double digits unless she is very, very fertile and marries soon.

I see Jana getting married within two years to someone from a background similar to Ben's; homeschooled and very conservative, but not Gothard and women wear pants, listen to music, etc. I definitely see her as homeschooling, but unlike her mom, she'll raise all of her children herself and won't give them excessive chores.

I think she'll have 7 - 10 kids. Her age will automatically limit the size to in the low teens, but I also think that after the first ones come she and her husband will want to slow it down so they can care for the ones they have better. They'll do it either by outright using NFP, or by not admitting to themselves that they're using it, and then using it somewhat sportatically.

I see her as being the 2nd most fundie of the older girls (after Jessa, before Jill, Jinger). She'll homeschool, but her kids might be able to go to regular christian camps, and listen to music.

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I can still find the jessee page through Anna Hackel's page (unless I'm incorrect and it's a different Anna following her). This person's also pinned a lot of things from Chelsey Bontrager's page. I have no idea if it's Jessa or not, but thought the name and people she's pinning from was suspicious. Especially since it seems kind of secretive- not following anyone, no one really following her, etc.

I could totally see this being her. I also think she's already engaged to Ben. Jill and Derick didn't announce it right away, and I don't see Jessa and Ben announcing until after Jill's wedding.

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Jana has such a quiet spirit,that I see her being happiest with only 2-3 kids.If so then I hope she gets what she wants.

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I worry that Jana will not be allowed to court/get engaged until the younger girls are J'slaved up and ready to take on the bulk of the work. DQ & Boob will not want the house run by Jinger alone.

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I worry about Joy as well.If Jana and Jinger should get married,that will leave only her with the bulk of the work,and to train the younger 4 girls to do it all when she leaves.

I'm guessing gma may not be able to do laundry by then,either.

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I could totally see this being her. I also think she's already engaged to Ben. Jill and Derick didn't announce it right away, and I don't see Jessa and Ben announcing until after Jill's wedding.

I noticed in the recent family minus Derick photo that Jessa is hiding the ring and pinkie fingers of her left hand. Only three fingers are visible.

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I read on a blog comment somewhere that someone said that Jessa and Ben celebrated Christmas in a big way. I need to look around and find it.

Found it- can we post a link to a blog on here?

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Raising Servants of Christ? Yeah that was just a random comment from Rotan to make us watch the show.

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Has anyone noticed that Jessa and Ben don't seem as connected as Jill and Derick.Maybe it's just how Jessa is but with Jill and Derick you never saw that smile leave Jill's face .She was clearly in love with Derick.Is it me or dose Jessa not seem as into Ben as Jill was to Derick?Also you see less film time between Jessa and Ben .It seem more like a JB match .I really hope Jessa won't take a pick just because daddy said so.

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This is just my two cents. Jill and Derick seem like the type who are focused on serving others more than thinking about themselves. They have a humbleness about them. They seem like the type to not be concerned about having the latest fashions. Derick seems like the type of guy who wouldn't care how Jill dressed or if her looks changed. On the other hand, Jessa and Ben seem like the type who are concerned about their appearances (Ben seems to like the gym) and want to be fashionable. I get the feeling that Ben would be disappointed if Jessa stopped caring about her appearance as much or started dressing frumpy again.

I feel that the connection is there for both couples, it's just based on different traits. Neither is necessarily better (though I tend to think Jill and Derick win a little since they seem less shallow) but there is nothing wrong with caring about appearances. And I think because Ben is sooooo young he doesn't quite get the importance of appreciating someone's character as much as their beauty. Does that make sense? Haha I don't know if I'm getting my point across very well. Oh well.

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"Chicago, Illinois - The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has officially confirmed what many people thought all along: taking ‘selfies’ is a mental disorder.

The APA made this classification during its annual board of directors meeting in Chicago. The disorder is called selfitis, and is defined as the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for the lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap in intimacy."


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"Chicago, Illinois - The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has officially confirmed what many people thought all along: taking ‘selfies’ is a mental disorder.

The APA made this classification during its annual board of directors meeting in Chicago. The disorder is called selfitis, and is defined as the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for the lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap in intimacy."


:worship: now if i were only brave enough to post this on facebook :lol:

eta that has to be the most uncomfortable looking belt in fashion history lol

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:worship: now if i were only brave enough to post this on facebook :lol:

eta that has to be the most uncomfortable looking belt in fashion history lol

Can they classify duckface as a disorder next? I

I've been to the APA building in DC and I wanna go in to the front desk and tell the person who sits there that I wish to issue whoever decided this the highest of fives.

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Ben's public instagram has a new pic with the caption "Special visitor to the job site" - I guess he is doing some sort of construction now? Maybe flipping houses with JB?


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