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Raising your mother's kids= SO much smarter than college!


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Why does Kelly always assume that working women get shitty pay? If I had to put a kid in daycare, I can assure you, I'd be making far more money than the cost of that daycare.

Also, I've said it once, I'll say it again - Bria Crawford's writing reflects a very poorly educated young woman. I shudder to think of Bria "educating" her younger siblings.

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In her example, the woman with the degree now works at a "Montessori Preschool Academy." I don't follow this blogger, but does she know the first thing about Montessori learning? Montessori learning involves a whole lot more than just opening up a wisdom booklet and reading from the Bible.

And this line, about the college-educated woman, "she has learned more than most of her classes taught her." Well, yeah, that's how it's supposed to work. As someone who was in a teaching program in college, the classes give you the basis and theory of how to properly educate someone, but then your actual time in a classroom helps you shape and finesse your teaching style.

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wait a second....

you might get debt from going to school but how the hell are you going to survive on your own without any income?

do you really expect your mom to pay for everything?!?! is she going to let you take a trip to Hawaii? she doesn't have money for that.

You will have no money for your own freedom or anything!!!!!

You will be financially dependent forever.

You can always get out of debt, that is a thing......

Money isn't going to come from no where alright.

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wait a second....

You will have no money for your own freedom or anything!!!!!

You will be financially dependent forever.

I think that's half the point with these sahd gigs. No freedom, total dependence, free babysitter = 2 3 birds, one stone

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She assumes all women are like her and her daughters, meaning stuck at home, no education or work experience belong baby making and house keeping, and therefore probably can't get a decent job.

I have worked since I was 18, have education and experience in my field, and make a pretty size able income.

However, I wear pants and don't have a headship so I'm probably doing it wrong anyways.

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Seriously. I suppose the "go to college, get the same sort of degree the men get, graduate, get the same sort of job the men get" plan just hasn't occurred to her?

I'm making quite nice pay, thanks. Very grateful that I went to school.

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I make very good money. Of course, I'm also college educated. I left school with debt, but paid it off 7 years ago. I'm quite happy being independent. Being capable of taking care of myself allowed me to travel and see the world. It allowed me to wait until the right man came along to get married. It has allowed my husband to quit working and go back to school full time. It has allowed me to enroll my son in the best preschool in our area. I don't have to worry about putting food on my table or having a nice house in a safe neighborhood for my child. My college degree has provided me with a pretty good life and is providing my husband with the means to make our life even better.

I think these parents are doing a disservice to their daughters. Not everyone needs or wants to go to college. However, everyone does need a means to support themselves and their children should they find the need to do so. God forbid, Bria ends up with 10 children and finds herself a widow. How will she survive?

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Kelly forgot to mention something: how dare that college-educated girl get an apartment after graduation! She's not under her father's headship, and everyone knows that's how it's supposed to work.

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Kelly also forgot to mention that even though the one girl is in debt, and perhaps struggling a bit financially, she at least doesn't have to eat puréed chicken (unlike the other girl in the story who is obviously Bria).

And no Kelly, I do not pity all girls that stay at home. I just pity your daughter for having such a selfish, shitty mother. .

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What about the countless life lessons, adventures, learning experiences, and other things that lead to self-awareness, confidence, and self esteem? Hell, I didn't truly learn "who I was" until the ages of 22-26. It was post-college/Pre-meeting husband and having baby girls, living on my own, making mistakes and making great memories!

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Kelly doesn't understand that college is a lot more than taking classes. It's about learning to think for yourself, being exposed to new people and new experiences, and learning to be an adult operating in the real world. Which I guess is exactly the things she doesn't want Bria to be exposed to.

Also Kelly is assuming that the college educated woman has never been around children in her life, much less she does not understand that there are requirements to work with children as part of the program in order to graduate. Kelly just has no fucking clue.

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She went to college right? She at one point claims she was a teacher???

I think at the heart of this is keeping them home to do the work of the house. If you can sell it as God given, ordained, your role as a woman, "look how scary the world is", then they don't question it. They try to elevate motherhood above all else so that they don't feel shortchanged. Bria could and should be doing so much more as they all should. But at the end of the day, those kids eat, need to do school, etc and the mom can't do it all. So there we have the SAHD.

FWIW, I think Kelly sells this so hard because she is the brains behind her family. Her husband doesn't always work right?

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I would also suggest (from the, albeit small, teaching experience I have had) that the second girl is not qualified to teach anyone but their own siblings. That's the major difference between them.

The first girl has a lot of experience in both theory (and yes, theory is super important) and practice. She's met different kinds of children with different learning styles and with learning difficulties and physical issues. In other words, she knows stuff.

The second girl knows if there's a bad smell baby needs changing and how ABeka works and what to say to children (what mommy said to her). Between these two in terms of understanding, a huge gulf lies.

When I taught kids it was a serious learning curve for me and when I taught adults I would have been sunk without theory. There's nothing in helping your little brother with his spelling that aids you when you're in a teacher conference about a child from a well-off background who's showing very obvious signs of autism but whose parents refuse to listen to your warnings, or when you have a child whose mother is in jail (again) and is acting out by attacking other kids, or even more mundane things like your teaching style isn't suitable for a class and you need help. After all, I couldn't threaten any of my students with a Bible or say "I'm telling Mummy if you don't do it" :D

The creepiest part of it all was the survival of the fittest idea that you have "good reason" to make sure your siblings are successful whereas you don't have any reason to want strangers to be successful. The first girl isn't related to the brats she teaches who aren't her family and may not even be Christians so why does she even care?


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People like Kelly and her leg hummers are the reason I first became interested in fundies. I could not understand how or why any sane woman would give up all her power. There has to be some reason why a person would throw themselves under the bus like that. In Kelly's case I think she is passive aggressive - she gets to run everything from behind the scenes and yet can put all the blame for things going wrong on her husband. Why would she ever encourage a child to seek out education that might actually force them to think? They might start to question HER. If she keeps them at home she has so much more control. The worst part (for me) is that women like Kelly can't admit who they really are - women who like to be in charge. They have to always keep their essential selves cloaked. They lie to the world and they lie to themselves. All this lying might payoff in the short run but in the long run a personality disorder seems to be a poor foundation for a life. Kelly has hold on tight to her children/husband/life - and has to hope that they keep following her script.

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I just can't with this chick. She's the epitome of ignorance. If she doesn't want her daughters to be educated, that's her choice. But she needs to stop attempting to make a logical argument about it because it's a larger fail with each attempt.

Of course, this is from the perspective of a college educated woman who has worked since 16 (not counting babysitting other people's children, which I got paid for, starting at age 11); who lives alone without a headship or a circus of children; pays her own bills without a man anywhere in sight (and I got to make that choice all on my own when I chose to end a horrible marriage). So, I'm pretty sure every aspect of my existence is offensive to Kelly - and I'm good with that. In fact, I'm quite proud of being as different from her and her ilk as is possible to be.

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If I didn't know better, I would swear that Kelly has been trying to become a new topic in our new forum Quiver Full of Misogyny. She has had a lot of misogynistic posts lately. It's like she is asking people to talk about her crazy.

I mean, did you see the post about "Raising Men in a Man-Hating World"?

They were too protective so we started opening our own doors.
Oh the horror, we started opening our own doors! :penguin-no: Oh noez, we started doing things that we are capable of. Can't you see that Baby Jesus is weeping now? That poor skin-wrapped child.



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Kelly makes it up to suit her own needs. Unfortunately those kids are along for the ride.

To be quite frank she could not afford to send all of her kids to college. Remember she gets stuff via begging normally. Don't think there is a fundie Scamaritan equivalent for college, pot-luck. She does not do debt. Most parents help their kids financially, truth be told Kelly can't afford to do this once never mind however many 'blessings' she has. I hope if one turns out to be super bright (despite her homeschooling, which may be another reason for no college) That they get the help or scholarship they need, imagine being in that family and it dawns on you that this is going to be YOUR life, no choices. It's actually really cruel for all her God spouting nonsense.

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If I didn't know better, I would swear that Kelly has been trying to become a new topic in our new forum Quiver Full of Misogyny. She has had a lot of misogynistic posts lately. It's like she is asking people to talk about her crazy.

I mean, did you see the post about "Raising Men in a Man-Hating World"?

Oh the horror, we started opening our own doors! :penguin-no: Oh noez, we started doing things that we are capable of. Can't you see that Baby Jesus is weeping now? That poor skin-wrapped child.



OK, folks, this "opening doors" thing has gone on way too long. I'd say 90 percent of the heavy, public doors I open in the course of the week are automatic...( I walk toward the door, it opens, I go through) OR rotating (I step in, walk and step out) OR require my passcode, finger print or keycard. So, that task has been taken over not by evil feminists, but by machines.

As someone else said, the Montessori Teacher has a wider and deeper range of skills and knowledge about what she is doing than the daughter. IF she supposes her daughter cares more about teaching her siblings than the woman cares about teaching her students, then she doesn't understand the feeling of vocation that is part of selecting, for oneself, the career one will pursue.

The teacher has put her money where her mouth is to create for herself the opportunity to do what she wants. She picked a school, figured out how to pay for it (which may or may not include loans) and not only showed up at the classes but passed them and graduated, then found a job in a competitive market and is honing her skills and knowledge in the workplace.

The daughter is doing what her mom tells her, with the curriculum her mom gives her, during the time (apparently part time) her mom tells her to go over the lessons with her sister. She has been told her whole life that her vocation is wife and mother, and by now knows that the love of her parents is in large part dependent upon following this vocation, and until they help her do that, she is to practice on her siblings under the direction of her mother father. She is more free like a parakeet in a cage is more free than a swallow. She has less risk, but is still trapped.

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People like Kelly and her leg hummers are the reason I first became interested in fundies. I could not understand how or why any sane woman would give up all her power. There has to be some reason why a person would throw themselves under the bus like that. In Kelly's case I think she is passive aggressive - she gets to run everything from behind the scenes and yet can put all the blame for things going wrong on her husband. Why would she ever encourage a child to seek out education that might actually force them to think? They might start to question HER. If she keeps them at home she has so much more control. The worst part (for me) is that women like Kelly can't admit who they really are - women who like to be in charge. They have to always keep their essential selves cloaked. They lie to the world and they lie to themselves. All this lying might payoff in the short run but in the long run a personality disorder seems to be a poor foundation for a life. Kelly has hold on tight to her children/husband/life - and has to hope that they keep following her script.

I think you're spot on - in everything you said (I should have bolded everything). I'm also curious why someone would throw herself under the bus like that, but I do not think that in Kelly's case, she gave up all her power. I think that she instead gained a lot of power. She believes that she is a prophet (she has even stated that) so her off-springs have become her own little fan-base. She is very powerful in that sense, with at least 10 people worshiping her (her husband plus 9-10 children).

Also yes to the personality disorder. Narcissistic and/or histrionic. There could also be an untreated mental disease there (like one of the bipolar clusters). Having read G.C. for some years now, I have spot a difference in her writing, which could have its explanation in maniac vs. depressive episodes. But yeah, you can't really diagnose a person through the internet. Still you have all her writings there.

Anyhow, I wonder if she realizes that she is lying? She must understand that to some point. Or is she so deluded?

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Secretly, I suspect Kelly would love to be a high-powered career woman. She is obsessed with money and power, and writes about it constantly. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

If I remember correctly, she was raised fundy or fundy-lite. I think at some point, Kelly wanted to be a career woman. She got a degree. She got a respectable job. But it seems like all she got for that was shitty pay as a single mom, with a generous helping of shaming/guilting from those around her. That's why Kelly's bitter and so virulently hateful, IMO.

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First, her poem sucks. The cadence is just, wrong.

Secondly, Kelly is an idiot. Hard to believe she has a degree, because her logic is, well, lacking. Of course, if she is histrionic and narcissistic, then logic wouldn't really matter to her, huh?

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