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Jana and Jill on a Mission Trip to Peru


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I've heard the same criticism directed at alternative spring break programs. Why pay locals to build something when you can get resume-padding college students to do it for free?

That's a good point. Maimonides said the highest form of charity is to allow a person or community in need to help become self-sufficient. I used to really love supporting Heifer International becuase that charity gave people the gift of animals that were a source of food/labor/income and they received training in how to care for the animal and then share its offspring with another community member which all sounded grat for promoting economic self sufficieny until I read some critics of the program who said gifts of animals led to environmental degradation (although when listening to a PETA nut you have to take their opinions with a huge grain of salt)

I guess the reality is that it's hard to be ethical charity givers.

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Lilah - by that standard, it seems like almost ANYTHING you do would be "wrong." Helping people improve their plant-based farming probably means more clearcutting, or use of more intensive cultivation techniques that can require more irrigation, draining water supplies more quickly. Building homes and schools reduces the amount of arable land. Drilling wells depletes groundwater faster.

Just by existing, man puts demands on the environment (as does every living creature). The best we can do is try to intelligently manage those demands against the need for the land to sustain itself over time. It's ALWAYS a tradeoff.

I support Heifer International, because a lot of their animals are those that can be sustained without a huge impact to the local environment (bees, ducks, geese, rabbits, etc.), while making a HUGE difference in the quality of life for the families and communities that receive them.

Another way to go is one of the many organizations that make micro-loans to people to help them start or expand businesses. While you can't know the environmental impact of any one of these businesses, at least you are helping someone become self-sustaining.

Environmental charity, while a worthy goal, is a hard one to balance against starvation and "death by poverty."

Thread hijack is now complete - returning to your regularly-scheduled rants...

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Iam really wondering how they make sure that there aren't any approriate contact between girls and boys? Do they have approved chaperones with each group or what? There are a lot of girls and boys trying to find prince/princess charming.

I can really see one of the Paine boys getting married soon. I was always thinking it might be one of the Bates girls since they are "fellowshipping" so much, but now I think Jana or Jill or even Priscilla would be a good match, too!

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Abundant Life Amanda mentions how the girls at the shelter don't have many material things, such as cosmetics, nice clothing, or even a room to themselves.

Guess her family doesn't ascribe to the "dorm room" mentality so many ATI families seem to espouse.

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I agree that it looks like the sort of trip that is mostly effective at providing an interesting experience to the participant, and doesn't get much "mission work" done, but that's still not a bad thing! The two girls - and everyone with them - got a chance to get outside their bubble. That's always a good thing.

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