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Steve wants YOU!! (Maxwell)


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If you've purchased a home debt free, he wants your phone number and email! Guys only! Women don't "count". :disgust:


They are working on a new "resource". Guess that means a book with testimonials... :think:

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I was looking at this and figuring out how this translates to real life.

So you have an undereducated man child living at home who can earn money doing self-taught computer skills or manual labour, house remodelling, again self-taught.

You have the option to earn a bit extra by singing Jesus songs in the Von-Maxwell Family choir. Or talking about what a narrow and stifled upbringing you have.

You have no overheads, no bills, not even a car, your Mum or sisters provide all your food. By the time you are in your early twenties you may have saved enough cash to buy a cheap house to do up.

NOW that is what we all should be doing. How perfect. Just think if all the kids in the world took this path. No doctors, lawyers, bankers, nurses, corporate workers, no train drivers, no retail/supermarket workers. No engineers....well you get my drift.

JUST think though, they will all own their own home.

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Provided they all live in the American mid-west where housing is cheap.

Unless they get a FIFO job driving a haul-pack, (and between the drinking and the working Sundays we all know that's not an option) no SODRT grad will be buying any house, debt free or otherwise, around these parts. The average house price around these parts is a smidge under half a mill.

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So, I'm fortunate to have a mortgage rate under 3%. My other investments are earning 8-14%. I should cash in my savings to pay off my mortgage?

I guess this is why Steve doesn't want to hear from women who manage their own finances.

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If you've purchased a home debt free, he wants your phone number and email! Guys only! Women don't "count". :disgust:

They are working on a new "resource". Guess that means a book with testimonials... :think:

I can only think that his "never talk to women" rules are based on such overwhelming horn-doggieness that he can't talk to women in normal conversations about things like work or mortage rates without some serious "lusting in his heart" and he thus presumes everyone is like that.

Often people preach the hardest against their favorite sin....

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So, I'm fortunate to have a mortgage rate under 3%. My other investments are earning 8-14%. I should cash in my savings to pay off my mortgage?

I guess this is why Steve doesn't want to hear from women who manage their own finances.

No, Steve would say immediately turn over all of your financial dealings to a male headship. As a female, you are obviously doing this all wrong.

Are women allowed to have their names in a deed to the mortgage free house in Steveland? My guess would be no.

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I have purchased properties debt-free, but as I am a mere woman I guess Steve won't be interested in my advice. Especially since my advice includes such evil thoughts as women going to school to get degrees, women working outside of the home, women putting off having husbands and families for several years so they can live frugally and save as much as possible, women owning their own businesses (on top of full-time jobs), etc. Sure, the same advice could be used for the anyone, not just women... but since I am a woman Steve would see no use in listening to my advice.

I hope those (men) that are dumb enough to contact him to give him free content for him book realize two things. 1.) Stevie will change whatever they say to make it what HE wants the message to be, just like he does with the blog comments. And 2.) Steve will change their speech patterns to make it sound like they are robots (no contractions, etc.).

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So, I'm fortunate to have a mortgage rate under 3%. My other investments are earning 8-14%. I should cash in my savings to pay off my mortgage?

I guess this is why Steve doesn't want to hear from women who manage their own finances.

No kidding.

I understand the attraction and utility of living debt-free. However, I always mentally make an exception for a (reasonable) mortgage, simply because (obviously) you can't live a regular employable life without some sort of stable housing, and that means you EITHER pay rent or pay a mortgage.

...unless of course you have some well-off relatives that will let you live with them for free. So it works for the Maxwell kids, they just live at home until they save up for their houses.

The trick of course is to get a sensible mortgage that you can pay off, it's not always possible depending on location, and so plenty of people just rent forever, nothing wrong with it. But if you DO live somewhere that the sensible mortgage is comparable to rent payments AND you actually are planning to buy a house, it makes no damn sense to stand on principle and pay double rent (your rent, plus your savings) so you can pay for the house in cash. I mean, really Steve?

I did not buy my house in cash. I took out an evil mortgage, only putting 3% down even. But the house was small (so the payments were small compared to my salary, by design - triple pay that sucker) and I paid it off in seven years.

(Though I guess I already failed the purity test at the "my salary" line... ha)

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I was looking at this and figuring out how this translates to real life.

So you have an undereducated man child living at home who can earn money doing self-taught computer skills or manual labour, house remodelling, again self-taught.

You have the option to earn a bit extra by singing Jesus songs in the Von-Maxwell Family choir. Or talking about what a narrow and stifled upbringing you have.

You have no overheads, no bills, not even a car, your Mum or sisters provide all your food. By the time you are in your early twenties you may have saved enough cash to buy a cheap house to do up.

NOW that is what we all should be doing. How perfect. Just think if all the kids in the world took this path. No doctors, lawyers, bankers, nurses, corporate workers, no train drivers, no retail/supermarket workers. No engineers....well you get my drift.

JUST think though, they will all own their own home.

This is exactly what my and my husband's parents believed in and hoped all us children would do. A few of our (male) siblings actually did. By living at home with no/little overhead costs, and going into a "career" where you could be grandfathered-in (construction types of jobs), they saved up enough money to buy property and build a house debt free...by the time they were close to 30 yrs. old.

So the irony is that once you've completed your stint of living at home and saving for your debt-free house, you've just used up 10 of your most fertile child-bearing years! These 30 yr. old men have to find 30 yr. old spinsters who don't have a lot of time left to pump out babies! I saw this inconsistency back when I was a teenager, and it bugged me so badly. :?

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Interesting! This project could give him some great courtship leads: godly young homeschooled home owning patriarchs-in-waiting for Anna and Mary? Maybe some of them will have sisters for John and Joseph?

We know the potential husband approaches the girl's father (like The Amazing Stephen did with Meredith's dad), but is there any prescedent for the girl's dad approaching a guy? Like, would Steve ever tell someone, "The Lord has laid it upon my heart that you should marry my daughter Anna?" Or is that Just Not Done?

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Interesting! This project could give him some great courtship leads: godly young homeschooled home owning patriarchs-in-waiting for Anna and Mary? Maybe some of them will have sisters for John and Joseph?

We know the potential husband approaches the girl's father (like The Amazing Stephen did with Meredith's dad), but is there any prescedent for the girl's dad approaching a guy? Like, would Steve ever tell someone, "The Lord has laid it upon my heart that you should marry my daughter Anna?" Or is that Just Not Done?

This was my first thought about Steve's request. Godly men with their own debt-free houses? Perfect matches for his daughters. Steve's killing two birds with one stone: fodder for his crappy books, and matchmaking all in one go.

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Do you think I should contact him? Debt free mostly, own our home outright by paying the mortgage off early. Oh but I'm a professional, university educated woman who has always worked. And my husband has just spent 6 months as a kept man, doing the housework after he lost his job. Plus my kids are in state school and my son is going to university next year.

Guess not then.

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Another home purchased nearly debt free and paid off within 3 years here. But, I'm still not sure Steve-o would approve. Let's see...DH married in his 30s (I was in my 20s), both had graduate degrees and professional jobs, and moved around the county enough (my job, not his, please note!) that, by the time we finally settled, we had several relocation bonuses piled up. We both worked so many hours we had little time to spend money.

Oh, and we never had kids.

No, I'm pretty sure Steve-o would NOT approve.

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So, I'm fortunate to have a mortgage rate under 3%. My other investments are earning 8-14%. I should cash in my savings to pay off my mortgage?

I guess this is why Steve doesn't want to hear from women who manage their own finances.

Not to get personal nor derail the topic, but can you give me an idea what's paying 8-14% these days? I might take out a small mortgage on my house to invest in some of that. Srsly!

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The desperation, it groweth by leaps and bounds...

It seems so. Doesn't sound like things in Steveovah's world is going very well. It appears he needs to make more $$$ (remember Chris' plug for the overpriced IT training just a few weeks ago?) and maybe he's starting to seriously worry about his older daughters' prospects. So agree with the poster who said he's killing two birds with one stone.

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Why not change your gender in an email? See if he bites if there are clear reversals of his ideal roles.

Just don't mention it. Refer to your spouse in neutral terms. If he bites you can casually drop it in later on.

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Just don't mention it. Refer to your spouse in neutral terms. If he bites you can casually drop it in later on.

I have always wanted to do that to a fundie, talk about things they would approve of, while referring to the spouse in gender neutal terms, but then later on reveal something unfundielike, like that the character is a stay at home dad, and the spouse they were talking about who went off to work is a woman, or that theyre a gay couple or something.

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Do the people who provide testimonials get compensated in any way?

Just the great honor of being featured in a Maxwell book, no doubt.

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I don't know why Steve thinks he is doing anything more helpful than Dave Ramsey has already done. Almost any Christian financial counselor will refer to the Dave Ramsey books for financial freedom.

Spin again, Steve.

BTW, I don't remember what year the Maxwells moved from Washington to Kansas, but real estate was steadily climbing in value in WA until about 2008. So it is likely they sold their home in WA and paid cash for that split-level in Kansas. And that, of course, made him a financial genius.

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