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How to get her boyfriend to kiss her?

First she has to try and be a decent person long enough to make a guy not think she is a jealous, selfish brat and consider dating her. If she can start being a decent person, and make herself seem appealing to men instead of scare them off, then she can think about kissing.

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Step one: have a boy friend.

That one step might need to be broken down into teeny, tiny baby steps for her to get to the point where someone would consider her to be girlfriend material though.

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How do I get my boyfriend to kiss me? You look him in the eye and just stare and once he asks what you're doing I'm waiting for you to kiss me dummy

5 days ago Clay

What would you do with your girl and it was storming really bad outside, and she was afraid of storms?

I'd make her feel protected as best I wrap my arms around her and hold and I'd let her squeeze me as hard as she needed too. I'd tell her to close her e I'd put on some music and sing alon and just make her forget all about th

6 days ago Clay

If you were in a bad mood, wha a girl have to do to change that?

Idk hug me and make me smile som

6 days ago Clay

What would you do if you walke your girlfriends room and saw her crying?

I would just walk up to her, wrap my around her and without saying a sing I'd cuddle her and comfort her. Prob her close to me, rest her head on m and just play with her hair until she crying and hopefully fell asleep. Then she woke up I'd tell her that I'm her wanted to talk about what's going on

6 days ago Clay

My copy paste sucks. I tried to fix what it cut out.

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Off topic.

That site gets a bad rap and has been boycotted by many large advertisers. The UK Prime Minister called for it to be boycotted. Can someone enlighten me as to what it is about?

Sorry to derail FG's fave waste of time :lol:

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Off topic.

That site gets a bad rap and has been boycotted by many large advertisers. The UK Prime Minister called for it to be boycotted. Can someone enlighten me as to what it is about?

Sorry to derail FG's fave waste of time :lol:

I think it is because there have been some suicides linked to it.

Raquel truly is my favorite waste of time. :lol: Now that she is working she doesn't post as much, which is actually really good for her. She did say on Twitter that she is having a rough time at work. Reality is hitting her pretty hard, I think.

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I have a guy friend who I haven't known for super long but I've started to develop feelings for him. I don't know if I should continue just being friends or if I should tell him that I like him & that's he's basically everything I'm looking for in a man. Advice?

Continue being friends with him and the right time to tell him about your feelings will come along :)

6 days ago God's Teen Warrior †

More anonymous questions from Raquel

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Off topic.

That site gets a bad rap and has been boycotted by many large advertisers. The UK Prime Minister called for it to be boycotted. Can someone enlighten me as to what it is about?

Sorry to derail FG's fave waste of time :lol:

It is a site of questions. So you sign up and you can ask someone questions and people ask you questions.

The reason people don't like it is because loads of the questions are things like "Why don't you drink bleach and die already, bitch?"

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It is a site of questions. So you sign up and you can ask someone questions and people ask you questions.

The reason people don't like it is because loads of the questions are things like "Why don't you drink bleach and die already, bitch?"

Great another thing to watch out for with the kiddie :(

The suicides are awful.

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I hope the kids don't take it lightly on her. Kids can smell a speshul snowflake status from a mile away.

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She seems to be spending a lot of time on her "Ask A Guy" series. It's apparently Raquel's way of passively "coming on" to potential boyfriends by soliciting their opinions and making them feel as though they're being interviewed by an Internet Superstar (because who could be more important than God's Daughter!)...

She seems to still be sort-of employed, which is kind of a surprise given how much time she needs to devote to her "fans" and multiple social media accounts.

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He describes himself as an "influential leader" so I think he might be as shallow and full of himself as she is.

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He describes himself as an "influential leader" so I think he might be as shallow and full of himself as she is.

They won't last. They'll be so busy adoring themselves that they'll claim the other's not 'supportive of their dreams' or something like that.

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He says he is a "retard" after posting this:

Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just a retard in tin foil.

I think what he means is that he is a massive asshole.

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Miss Raquel has taken time out of working and taking pictures of herself to give us all an important lesson in sex. Yes sex. She sexted so she practically is an expert and is obviously the perfect person to talk about it.

So let's talk about sex with Raquel:

~First of all, remember that all she writes here isn't her opinion, it is God's. So if you disagree with her it is actually God you are disagreeing with.

~Remember that sex is beautiful, but only when you have sex the way God approves of.

~ Sex is: It’s an unselfish demonstration of mutual passion of love that the couple has for each other. And of course, the way to procreate.

~Gay marriage is bad, bad, bad. God did not make gay sex.

~God looks down on straight married people having sex with joy. Think of that straight married people next time you are having sex.

~Women are all emotional so whenever they had sex with a guy they are bonded to him for life.

~Everything women do is linked back to emotions they are just so darn emotional all the time.

~Here is the quiz to figure out if you are ready to have sex:

Are you married?

Yes-have sex.

No-don't have sex.

There is a part two coming.


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I find it entertaining that Miss Raquel has a copyright warning on her blog, given all the blatant plagiarism she posts.

Blog Ettiquete

All writing & photos are copyrighted 2010-2013 by Miss Raquel.

Please ask permission before copying or linking anything from this blog.

All rights reserved.

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Be careful -- God might smite you for hurting his daughter.

If I disappear, you will know what happened. :lol:

Did anyone notice the hair on the latest guy she interviewed? Is that a style now? How does it stay that way? Jim Bob quantities of hair spray? I wonder how long his hair is when it isn't combed over.

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