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I Used to Doubt XGay Greg & Dede, But FJ Set Me Free! - Pt 4

happy atheist

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Severus was born a week late, he didn't want to meet his mother at all (and I cannot blame him). That was back in the seventies, and I cannot imagine the problems it would have caused his mother in the late seventies as opposed to today's mothers and the technology and education we have in today's times.

still, come on, Dede...

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I figured exgay still had feelings for the fellas. Oh well, at least he is being honest. I laughed when on I saw on his facebook page that he was referring to himself as minister Greg! LOL.

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Somewhat OT, but as a person who actually gestated a child for an abnormally long amount of time (42 weeks), if somebody had shown that poem to me around the 41ish-week mark, my reaction would not have been "Awwww!" but :violence-axechase:

My youngest decided to hang out until 42w3d. Big surprise, the others were all before 41. I would have appreciated fhe sentiment, but we had quite enough time. :lol:

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I went 43 weeks 5 days. They went by lmp, and since I'm irregular, they didn't believe me on the conception date. They induced me, and I labored for over 40 hours. My daughter ended up with meconmium aspiration, and weighed almost 11 pounds. I had a 3rd degree perineal tear and I spent 3 weeks in icu because of post partum hemmorage. Not fun.

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Does anyone have that vid of DD singing with the cat noises over it? Or even just the vid of her singing? I never saw it......

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I've had three pregnancies, and early ultrasounds with all of them. The gestational age is supposed to be very accurate during the first weeks of pregnancy. So when I say that my first child was 10 days late, I'm pretty sure she was. The second child was 14 days late, and the third was 18 days late. I've often thought it was good that I didn't have more kids, because I couldn't imagine having progressively longer pregnancies. I might have given DeDe a run for her money if I'd kept up breeding Dugger-style.

Anyway, if DeDe was feeling worried about XGays sexual orientation, I could imagine her subconsciously convincing herself that a pregnancy would keep him around. Silly, considering how he so easily abandoned his first family, but DeDe doesn't seem to excel in logical thinking. However this mess started, I think they hoped that DeDe would get pregnant and have a baby in the normal time span so they could claim that there was indeed a long pregnancy that produced a real baby. Now I think they just wish the whole baby thing would just go away. I sense desperation there. I'm more worried about XGay, he seems to me to be more aggressive. While I would relish the idea of proving there is no pregnancy, I hope that continued pressure to put up or shut up doesn't result in disaster.

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When any of ya'll have been pregnant for 1 year+ get back to us. Until then, King Jesus loves Dede best. :P

Also, wonder what the in-laws are saying now. All of the donated baby gear...formula and diapers. Awkward. :cray-cray:

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When any of ya'll have been pregnant for 1 year+ get back to us. Until then, King Jesus loves Dede best. :P

Also, wonder what the in-laws are saying now. All of the donated baby gear...formula and diapers. Awkward. :cray-cray:

Wait, I didn't hear about this! All I knew was that her registry only had one thing purchased. Please share!!

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Wait, I didn't hear about this! All I knew was that her registry only had one thing purchased. Please share!!

Someone in their family bought them a shit-load of baby gear, diapers, and formula. I think they even brought a car seat. Greg posted about it several months back. It's somewhere in one of these threads...pretty sure it's this one.

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Something else I just thought about- all of the homebirthers I know of have tons of "birth supplies" on hand weeks before the big event. Wonder what kind of homebirth supplies Dede has? Basic things like something to cut the umbilical cord with and something to suction the baby's mouth and nose? I think that would tell a lot about whether she truly believes she's pregnant or not.

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Stealing a baby and claiming she delivered would be Ok their minds, they would just be saving that baby from sin.

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Someone in their family bought them a shit-load of baby gear, diapers, and formula. I think they even brought a car seat. Greg posted about it several months back. It's somewhere in one of these threads...pretty sure it's this one.

They didnt just give them to her, she had a BABY SHOWER. And she is still friends with all these church people, who just act like this is the most normal thing in the world.

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I've had three pregnancies, and early ultrasounds with all of them. The gestational age is supposed to be very accurate during the first weeks of pregnancy. So when I say that my first child was 10 days late, I'm pretty sure she was. The second child was 14 days late, and the third was 18 days late. I've often thought it was good that I didn't have more kids, because I couldn't imagine having progressively longer pregnancies. I might have given DeDe a run for her money if I'd kept up breeding Dugger-style.

Anyway, if DeDe was feeling worried about XGays sexual orientation, I could imagine her subconsciously convincing herself that a pregnancy would keep him around. Silly, considering how he so easily abandoned his first family, but DeDe doesn't seem to excel in logical thinking. However this mess started, I think they hoped that DeDe would get pregnant and have a baby in the normal time span so they could claim that there was indeed a long pregnancy that produced a real baby. Now I think they just wish the whole baby thing would just go away. I sense desperation there. I'm more worried about XGay, he seems to me to be more aggressive. While I would relish the idea of proving there is no pregnancy, I hope that continued pressure to put up or shut up doesn't result in disaster.

I chart my basal body temperature, so I can pinpoint the conception (ovulation) date pretty accurately based on my temp shift. When I was pregnant with my son, I took my chart into my midwife's office and we calculated my real due date, not one based upon LMP. I love charting and knowing what my body is doing.

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When I was still worrying about getting pregnant between kids, I listened to my body. I got mittleschmerz like clockwork so I knew when I was fertile and we'd use protection. My first was a week late and my 2nd was 2 weeks early.

This will all come down on their heads and he'll go back to South Beach looking for love. She'll be alone and confused.

No sympathy for either.

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It's possible to be "off" on your dates, but not by as much as Dede. She's been claiming pregnant! since what April? March? 2012?

I've never been able to pinpoint when I ovulate. My cycle is very long- 45 days. I knew for sure I got pregnant with my 1st 12 days after my period stopped- because it was the only time we had sex without a condom (I had also just gotten off the pill 12 days earlier). With my 2nd, I was on the pill when I got pregnant, and didn't get an ultrasound until I was about 16 weeks along- didn't know I was pregnant until I was about 10 weeks along. The third was 23 days into a cycle, I think. It was the only time in that month we had actually had sex, and I was surprised when I got a positive pregnancy test on Christmas Eve.

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Do you think they're taking a kid or something? Why else would she throw a baby shower, and why would people buy her crap off her registry?

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Do you think they're taking a kid or something? Why else would she throw a baby shower, and why would people buy her crap off her registry?

The shower was in 2012. There was only one thing bought from the registry, which is still up with a due date in January 2013. Check out babiesrus.com.

The church seemed to be on board at first, handling it as a "normal" pregnancy and some are on board now with it being a "miracle in God's timing."

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Honestly, the only way to save herself at this point would be to claim tragic loss. I wouldn't be surprised if we get that in the next few months. This has got to be finished somehow.

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It's possible to be "off" on your dates, but not by as much as Dede. She's been claiming pregnant! since what April? March? 2012?

I've never been able to pinpoint when I ovulate. My cycle is very long- 45 days. I knew for sure I got pregnant with my 1st 12 days after my period stopped- because it was the only time we had sex without a condom (I had also just gotten off the pill 12 days earlier). With my 2nd, I was on the pill when I got pregnant, and didn't get an ultrasound until I was about 16 weeks along- didn't know I was pregnant until I was about 10 weeks along. The third was 23 days into a cycle, I think. It was the only time in that month we had actually had sex, and I was surprised when I got a positive pregnancy test on Christmas Eve.

TMI, but sperm can live for 5-7 days while waiting for an egg. Sounds like you pretty consistently ovulate slightly later than the middle of your cycle, 23-26 days, rather than the "standardl" 14. Did you get a lot of pressure to induce for going so "late"?

I haven't read this entire series of threads, I'm guessing she has no caregiver to point out that she should at least have a biophysical profile? Of course, that would show she's not really pregnant, so I guess that would ruin the miracle thing.

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Honestly, the only way to save herself at this point would be to claim tragic loss. I wouldn't be surprised if we get that in the next few months. This has got to be finished somehow.

I truly believe that either she has recently gotten pregnant or she is desperately trying to get pregnant now. If she can't produce, GOD will have taken that forever gestated baby to use for higher purpose. voilà

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I used to be so in tune with my body. This may sound weird I was standing in my coworkers cubical having a chat when I felt a sudden little sharp pain and I said "I think I just got pregnant"! We laughed about the way that sounded but I had experienced the same weird little pain when I got pregnant with my first. I don't know if anyone can actually feel implantation or whatever but it's still funny to think about it. My first was born on her due date, my second went a week over and I was induced. He was huge and I was barely able to deliver naturally.

Thesedays my body and me aren't communicating as well...lol

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I used to be so in tune with my body. This may sound weird I was standing in my coworkers cubical having a chat when I felt a sudden little sharp pain and I said "I think I just got pregnant"! We laughed about the way that sounded but I had experienced the same weird little pain when I got pregnant with my first. I don't know if anyone can actually feel implantation or whatever but it's still funny to think about it. My first was born on her due date, my second went a week over and I was induced. He was huge and I was barely able to deliver naturally.

Thesedays my body and me aren't communicating as well...lol

Same thing always happens to me! No lie! You are another freak like me!

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I don't know if this is horrifying or awesome! :lol:

Also, why is Pastor Still Gay over on fb posting thread after thread about persecution and dying for Jesus? Is this guy nuts? We've discussed this Greg. You live in America. More specifically you live in the south (if I recall correctly). No one is persecuting you for Jesus. The fact that you're allowed to run about town (unhindered) in the bigot mobile is a testament to that.

Further, if you are going to be ignorant about the pledge, at least do your research. "Under God" was not added until 1954. You may have recited it with the words "under God" while you were in school, and I'm not surprised to hear that you weren't afraid of offending anyone - God knows you never are. That said, we've advanced. We are now a more inclusive society and many of us believe the public schools should be neutral ground, inclusive to all children.

If you are truly concerned that Dede's son (who she doesn't have custody of) or Dede's imaginary baby (who it's safe to say will never have need of school), then please feel free to hold off on buying your jumbo jet and send the pair of them to a Christian school. Thanks.

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