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I homeschooled my sons to protect them from porn


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Lori's posting for today.


Having my children set apart from the bad influences of foolish children and ungodly teachers is certainly one of the greatest blessings of homeschool. Negative socialization and peer dependency can be almost completely eliminated by home schooling if parents stalwartly combat the invasion of their home by ungodly media and are wise in choosing outside activities and friends.

{Helen Aardsma}

The Bible is absolutely correct, bad company does corrupt good morals. We must choose our friends carefully and be vigilant about the friends our children are hanging around with.

The main reason we decided to homeschool our sons through junior high was to protect them for pornography. This is the age most boys have it thrown into their faces and become addicted. The Bible warns to flee the evil desires of youth for a reason.

Look at what is on television these days...filth. There are no family friendly television programs anymore. Look at what movies are playing at the theater. Having sex with someone you just met and are attracted to is normal. Look at the way other's dress.

Do you want your young children exposed to peers who are continually being exposed to all this garbage? It WILL corrupt their morals no matter how much Bible you teach them for the Bible says this will happen.

Sending your children to public schooling is getting more and more risky. Allowing them to go to sleepovers is risky. Few people share our morals and values, even many Christians. We walk a narrow road few are willing to walk. However, there will always be a remnant whose hearts are fully devoted to Jesus.

Protect those precious children the Lord has blessed you with. Seriously consider homeschooling them. There is so much good material out there now with the Internet. Raise a part of the remnant. They will be happy you did when they see so many of their peers walking in rebellion and suffering the consequences.

Again Lori is fucking annoying. Not all men become addicted to porn and there are some men who don't like it. Lori just didn't have enough faith in her sons. I wish I could force Lori to watch True Blood, American Horror Story, Pretty Little Liars, Bates Motel, etc lol.

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Yup she is absolutely correct. EVERY single male all over the world who went to public school is addicted to porn. All of them. There are no exceptions.

You know if I was to ever consider homeschooling it is people like Lori and Kelly and Zsu that give it such a bad name.

I wonder how many hours her sons spent on pornography after they escaped her stifling. I bet you way more than some random teenager who came across it in high school, had a giggle with his mates and got over it as most teenagers do. She must be a very a weak character to project such lack of trust on her sons, she obviously feels she could not resist the evils of the world herself therefore assumed her spawn would be the same.

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I teach in a public high school. We caught a kid trying to watch porn in the library (on a computer way in the back). He got in trouble, and his parents were informed. Clearly, those actions indicate that we public school teachers want young boys exposed to porn *eyeroll*

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Lori's posting for today.


Again Lori is fucking annoying. Not all men become addicted to porn and there are some men who don't like it. Lori just didn't have enough faith in her sons. I wish I could force Lori to watch True Blood, American Horror Story, Pretty Little Liars, Bates Motel, etc lol.

Bingo. The people who homeschool to avoid "negative socialization" have no faith in their parenting or their kids. It always rubs me the wrong way when people assume we homeschool for that reason; it seems to be the prevalent thought as to the reasons for homeschooling. It's so chickenshitish! Ya know, cuz all problems stem from teh ebil publik skool! :roll:

Of course, with fundies it's all about control in the name of protection.

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They throw porn at you in middle school? While I disapprove of throwing things at people, I clearly missed out on all the free school-subsidized porn?

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Ok, if the American public schools show porn during class, I'm coming right now in America and I am ready to do all my schooling from pre-school.

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Yup she is absolutely correct. EVERY single male all over the world who went to public school is addicted to porn. All of them. There are no exceptions. (snip)

ITA. I noticed that too. On my first day of primary school, in Germany, you get an oversized cone of paper filled with goodies and would you believe it - it resembled a phallus. The relentless assault of pornographic images and movies continued, especially during biology, physics and PE lessons. I basically had to watch my class-mates salivating over learning about osmosis. The grunts from the back benches, while we learned about gravity were unbearable. And those defrauding legs, while I was trying to evade getting lobotomized by a field hockey-stick were...ugh. Not to mention the hockey-sticks.

So addicted were all the guys to porn, that we all only started dating at around 16. And we all went straight into holding hands. How disgusting is that? Can you even begin to imagine how traumatizing that was? Sisters, I could tell you more about the horrors of secular schooling, but I fear that if I spend one more moment, dwelling on such erotic subjects as Boyle's gas equation, or the hot, heated passion of learning French declinations, I too may be lost forever. Safe-guard your children! Protect them from grammar and proper spelling! It will only lead to nudity and an open mind! And beware field hockey, although the accidental lobotomy might sound handy now, beware!

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Kids are downloading porn on their phones and school computers. Is anyone denying that? Its not really the schools fault but they aren't able to stop it either....

All this shit about how not *every* boy is getting addicted is beside the point really. Not every kid who drinks at a young age becomes an alcoholic but it increases the risk, and sure as hell isn't good for them. If kids at school were routinely sipping from flasks at lunch then most people would be worried about it. Pornography is seen as harmless fun by many people so there is a lack of concern about its effects. The average age of exposure to pornography is 11 because of the internet (we all know you don't even have to look for it in order to be exposed).

Pornography contains messages about sexuality that are designed to drive future pornography consumption (because duh, every product is designed for that in a capitalist society, pornography makers are most concerned about their profits). These messages are deeply harmful to developing sexuality. There is no communication about desires in pornography, men will typically walk up to a woman and just start doing stuff to her and she will pretend to like it no matter what. The way people act/look/sound in porn gives young people a weird script to act out on each other instead of letting them develop their own genuine expression of sexuality. There are also lots of dudes who end up disappointed that a lot of women aren't willing to do things that pornography actresses are, and a lot of girls are pressured into having painful or unwanted sex because of that. etc etc.

I know lori doesn't give a shit about healthy sexuality really, but a lot of liberal people share her opinion that pornography can be toxic to developing minds (robert jensen and jackson katz are good examples). I also read a book called "the brain that changes itself", its about brain plasticity and it supports the idea that pornography can cause problems like erectile dysfunction and sexual problems in healthy young men.

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Yeah, I'm betting it's a whole hell of a lot easier to access porn on Lori's home computer than on a school computer, which likely has blocks all to hell placed on its Internet access. I know in my county, TEACHER accounts can't get on fucking GMAIL.

Also, Lori mentions television, movies, and sleepovers as being bastions of filth, but none of those are connected to school, unless perhaps the teacher wants to screen a movie, in which case it's directly related to subject material (at least in my experience).

Anyone else find it funny how Lori talks about how wonderful the Internet is for home schooling after decrying porn?

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This sounds like my mother-in-law. Only she actually sends her son to a private Christian elementary school. She was horrified that a friend of theirs is sending her son to public school this year. She was telling me about this and I just kind of shrugged and said "I went to public school and I think I turned out okay." She said, "But the drugs and all the bad influences!" I didn't know what to say after that. I didn't think telling her that only 1 of her 4 kids (my sister in law) was comfortable functioning in normal society was a good idea.

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eh, depends on the school.one was brought my attentions where little girls were giving blow jobs to the boys in the bath room and one incident was in the news where two boys were poisoning the teacher on purpose by putting hand sanitizer in her beverages.

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This sounds like my mother-in-law. Only she actually sends her son to a private Christian elementary school. She was horrified that a friend of theirs is sending her son to public school this year. She was telling me about this and I just kind of shrugged and said "I went to public school and I think I turned out okay." She said, "But the drugs and all the bad influences!" I didn't know what to say after that. I didn't think telling her that only 1 of her 4 kids (my sister in law) was comfortable functioning in normal society was a good idea.

Because private Christian schools never have drugs and bad influences. :roll: :roll: :roll:

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My private, fundamentalist Christian school- complete with Bob Jones-educated teachers-boasted high school kids fornicating during recess in the sanctuary and it is also where I learned to say FUCK. And this was the innocent 80s.

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Lori's posting for today.


So, totes cool to send 'em to high school where they won't be tempted by porn at all because they were homeschooled k-8 or 9. Gotcha.


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Hey, I am homeschooling in part to shelter my children from public school. The climate of bullying has not improved in the slightest and I don't want my kids to be either victims or participants. Add in No Child Left Behind and the pressure is even worse than it was in my day. I would rather have my kids get their socialization from small groups in which nobody tells the kid who is being used as a rock 'em sock 'em clown that he just needs to pretend it isn't happening. Open swim, Scouts, SCA, anything but a pressure cooker of several hundred kids with no supervision to speak of, where the little sociopaths get to run the institution.

Back on topic: Lori boasts that she protected her boys from porn--and she has the Internet in her house?!

Yeah, they're probably as obsessed with it as the one Duggar is with photos of the food at Applebee's.

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You know, I'm pretty sure North American public schools have far safer computers than most homeschooling parents do. Because schools hire people with degrees in that sort of thing to manage their computers and internet access. I bet I could find porn way more easily under Lori's nose than in a school.

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You cant get onto porn at school, theres filters on the internet to stop this sort of thing happening (and stopping kids going on games and Facebook and stuff when theyre supposed to be doing work-my favourite method of procrastination was drawing on paint though, theres always a way)

The problem with this complete control, is that once they get out of the house, theyre going to go wild and will be more likely to end up with a porn addiction.

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The problem with this complete control, is that once they get out of the house, theyre going to go wild and will be more likely to end up with a porn addiction.

Exactly. I wonder what Lori's sons aren't telling her.

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I went to US public school and also missed out on the government-subsidized porn giveaways. We had to settle for passing around copies of Judy Blume Books and National Geographics. Except in Sunday school at church, when we'd pass around the Bible & snigger over the "dirty" verses in the Song of Solomon.

Oh wait, I do remember one high school teacher who assigned us parts of The Cantebury Tales and specifically told us NOT to read The Miller's Tale. So of course we all read it. Clever teacher, that one.

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I went to US public school and also missed out on the government-subsidized porn giveaways. We had to settle for passing around copies of Judy Blume Books and National Geographics. Except in Sunday school at church, when we'd pass around the Bible & snigger over the "dirty" verses in the Song of Solomon.

Oh wait, I do remember one high school teacher who assigned us parts of The Cantebury Tales and specifically told us NOT to read The Miller's Tale. So of course we all read it. Clever teacher, that one.

My friends and I looked up the names of body parts in the dictionary. And in grade 9 we had to watch a video of a baby being born. Which did include footage of vagina, but it was being stretched all to hell and everyone just ended up traumatized.

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"The main reason we decided to homeschool our sons through junior high was to protect them for pornography."

To protect them FOR pornography? FOR? So they have potential careers in pornography that may be placed in jeopardy by attending public school? What?

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"The main reason we decided to homeschool our sons through junior high was to protect them for pornography."

To protect them FOR pornography? FOR? So they have potential careers in pornography that may be placed in jeopardy by attending public school? What?

I saw that too.

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Hope she doesn't have the Sears or JCPenney catalogs sitting around the house. :lol: All those wommyns in their underwear.

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