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GOP Senate candidate: ‘Legitimate rape’ rarely causes pregnA


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Akin is supposed to be holding a press conference today at 4:15. Hopefully he will be announcing that he is dropping out of the race.

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Akin is supposed to be holding a press conference today at 4:15. Hopefully he will be announcing that he is dropping out of the race.

I thought it was too late and the deadline had already passed?

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He said he is in it until Nov. And that there are 2 Americas at stake. He is fighting for a freer America with more jobs and less big government while the other side is for less jobs and more big government.

I really hate this guy. He is gonna get his ass handed to him come Nov. At least I hope so!

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He said he is in it until Nov. And that there are 2 Americas at stake. He is fighting for a freer America with more jobs and less big government while the other side is for less jobs and more big government.

I really hate this guy. He is gonna get his ass handed to him come Nov. At least I hope so!

Yeah, I am free to carry my rapists' baby and coparent with him. :roll:

Stupid fuck.

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I was just thinking about the statement "legitimate rape." it seems to me that Akin is accusing women of lying about being raped just so that they can end a pregnancy. It's almost as if he thinks women are "crying rape" to "cover up" out of wedlock or unwanted pregnancies.

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Yesterday, I read a parody on his statement (don't remember where), about legitimate drowning. If you drown legitimately, your body will surely find a way to shut all the water out, so you won't die!

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Wow, your ability to read minds is AMAZING! :roll: Don't quit your dayjob. :lol:

I hope candidate Akin loses his senate seat. I don't support this cheap suit or any of the suits in congress in the least.

As far as pets, if you had one it would probably die from boredom from you being so repetitive. I know I am.

Why do you say this when you come to troll on our forum? * throws her a bone and pats her on the head for being such a good lil' pet *

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Did the coward delete her posts or am I just missing them? :think:

edited: whoops, she posted on page 5. :oops:

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Those parodies are the best thing that came from this dumb speech.

"The earth is flat, it must be true, because it was on Fox news" - it would be funny if I wasn't afraid many, many people really believe that! :evil:

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Sharon Barnes, the female politician I posted about upthread who said that pregnancy from rape is 'a blessing' has a Facebook!

You best believe that I wrote to her. It would be an encouragement if my fellow Jingers would do the same,



Ms. Barnes,

After reading your thoughts on rape and abortion, it has become clear to me that you are an incredibly self-loathing woman who has been brainwashed by a Patriarchal system of beliefs. Could you honestly look into your daughter's eyes and tell her that her pregnancy from a rape is a blessing? Your twisted views which you claim to be Christian have solidified my beliefs that if God does indeed exist, he is a cruel, merciless, woman/gay hating monster. Thank you for confirming my belief that right-wing, Teabaggers are nothing but misogynistic cowards who like to prey on women and shame them for having sex. I really hope you take my words to heart. You certainly need all the help you can get.

P.S. I really would like to thank you for inspiring me to donate to Planned Parenthood. I will certainly make a donation in your name! God Bless!

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And that there are 2 Americas at stake. He is fighting for a freer America with more jobs and less big government while the other side is for less jobs and more big government.

That's funny, because how is "no abortions for anyone" NOT "big government"? I know, small enough to fit in our uterus...

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Guest Anonymous

That's funny, because how is "no abortions for anyone" NOT "big government"? I know, small enough to fit in our uterus...

This is the point at which the conservatives will pat you on the head and say 'hush now'. Try not to think so much, my dear. Don't you know that logic is a liberal conspiracy?

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Hi, I'm new and I sorry about derailing or resurrecting a dead thread, but I thought that this blog might be relevant to this discussion since it seems to totally subscribe to the whole notion of "legitimate rapes."


It's written by a pair of fundie men's rights activists known as CL(a woman who responds to criticism by complaining about how people who don't agree with her are either women or "manginas") and 7man( her faux logical husband who is equally screechy). They are pretty similar to The Thinking Housewife. What is really funny (or maybe just really pitiful) to me is that they pretend to be hyper rational, but then their arguments do not stand up to any sort of scrutiny. When questioned about any of their views, they become defensive and change the conversation to how terrible "sluts" are for not realizing that they should be getting married instead of pursuing other things in their lives and possibly having sex with people.

Then there's this ridiculous quote about unfeminine women being upset about rape because they're not being raped. In the first comment, CL writes:

Why is it that the most unfeminine women are making such a fuss over this? I know I will get hate for saying this, but could it be that they resent that they are NOT being ‘raped’ (read: pursued with vigour/ ravished)?

They don't seem to have the intellectual capacity to consider situations with any degree of complexity. For example, in this conversation about rape, the only thing that they consider rape is violent, physical assault by a stranger. Apparently, rape is not really a problem, except for a few unlucky women who get attacked in a back alley. The real problem is how so many men are accused of rapes they did not REALLY commit because consent was implied when a woman dressed a certain way, flirted, drank alcohol, or went back to some guys apartment.

7man: The societal definition of rape has changed over the last 20 years. What kind of rapes were these? Were they rape-rape or date-rape or afterward-regret-rape or I-was-drunk-and-woke-up-in-a-strange-bed-next-to-a-man-I-didn’t-know-rape?

Women who think they can go out, get drunk, and then be protected by strange men are deluded. As are those who go back to a man’s place after the second date, obviously interested in him (why else would she go back to his place alone?), send out all the sexual signals, and then – in this climate of sexual ‘liberation’ – expect nothing to happen.

Am I reading too much into this, or are they implying that giving a guy the come hither look entitles him to sex?

Unfortunately, these quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. I thought at first that the whole MRA shtick was just a fringe thing, but with the Todd Akin thing, it seems to have trickled out from crazies on the internet like this couple. They are just so sick and twisted I can't even wrap my mind around it. Anyway, they are a gold mine for insane, outdated, reactionary crap if you can stomach the hostility 7man and CL project towards women.

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MRA's are fringe, some of their whackadoo ideas are pretty mainstream, though. They just extend them to their extreme. And no, you aren't reading too much into it, that's exactly what they think. If a man is turned on by a woman for any reason, she owes him sex is pretty much the philosophy of most MRA's.

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I don't think MRA's are fringe at all. Press any man who isn't a feminist supporter and you'll find him spouting MRA agenda. Almost all of them, at some point, will say in exasperation, "I don't know what women want!"

Precisely. Because it never occurs to them to use the fine art of empathy to find out.

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I don't think MRA's are fringe at all. Press any man who isn't a feminist supporter and you'll find him spouting MRA agenda. Almost all of them, at some point, will say in exasperation, "I don't know what women want!"

Precisely. Because it never occurs to them to use the fine art of empathy to find out.

According to the above bloggers, what women want from men is to be dominated, and not in a necessarily consensual way. In addition, women don't actually know what they want - because they're too ruled by constantly shifting emotions - so they end up sleeping around in their 20s with really sleazy non-committal 'alpha' men. Then when they hit their 30s and realize that they better have children because the biological clock is ticking, they find some poor, decent guy to con into marriage. At which point, they get fat, deny their husbands sex, divorce them, and take away their property and children. Then they live miserably ever after with a dozen cats. The men wise up, become "pick up artists" and have sex with a bunch of naive undergrads who are way hotter. The solution is apparently for men to be as abusive as possible, because that's the secret to manipulating a woman's innermost desires. Since women are essentially sex objects, men are given a free pass to treating their women with total contempt - hence the outrageous comments about rape.

Reading through some of that poison makes me feel physically ill.

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Sorry to totally derail this thread but my friend showed me a hilarious video about it. It was a song. (sing to the tune of Call Me Maybe)

You're a republican

And kinda crazy

But legitimate rape

Still leads to babies

Edited for riffles

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