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The Great Chick-fil-A Snake Oil "Faith" Hustle


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Religion isn't all roses and flowers; honey dearest. The Christians have persecuted others for thousands of years; probably more than the Pagans have persecuted them. Why are you being lazy? Actually go back and read the questions we asked you instead of asking for handouts. But wait; why should we give out handouts? You fundies are against healthcare; aka handouts. So why should we give handouts to you?

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What is that supposed to be some kind of threat? It is one thing to not like someone's opinion, but it another thing altogether to bully someone. And that is what this site is all about. You could care less about women's rights, you HATE god. YOu hate the fact that maybe there is an even TINY chance that you are wrong and that god even exists. Because if he exists, we all, including me, are going to have some explaining to do in the end.,

I don't support THE mistreatment of women, BUT what discusts me even further is seeing people's words twisted. I have read alot of the fundamentalists blogs and while I don't agree with everything they believe, at least I respect them enough to know that taunting them insn't going to change anything.

I could post bible verses all day long and you would twist them because that seems to be the in thing to do. Your mind is not open..

You who are so full of questions, answer me this honestly, do you believe in a free society or not? Because in reading this thread, it doesn't seem so.

WTF? I didn't bully you I made a guess based on the last thread where, when questioned you just left that you would do the same with this thread. I'm just telling you that free jinger doesn't forget actions like this and people will remember your past actions.

I don't hate God I actually believe in Him, just not your version.

What makes you think I don't believe in a free society?

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I have a different opinion on Chik Fil A. So what! And from I have seen of their blogs, how are they threatening you? So you decided that wasn't your type of faith, but maybe it works for others. It wouldn't and doesnt work for me. I would never stand for a man telling me what to do, what to say, and how to act.

You say fundamentalists beat children and babies, but so do a lot of non christians. But yet I see this used as a reason to hate religion. The crap comes out both ends of you know what I mean.

Can't believe I am even bothering... :roll:

But why do you keep answering questions with questions?

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I have a different opinion on Chik Fil A. So what! And from I have seen of their blogs, how are they threatening you? So you decided that wasn't your type of faith, but maybe it works for others. It wouldn't and doesnt work for me. I would never stand for a man telling me what to do, what to say, and how to act.

You say fundamentalists beat children and babies, but so do a lot of non christians. But yet I see this used as a reason to hate religion. The crap comes out both ends of you know what I mean.

Can you please address the Bible verses that have been referenced relating to "traditional" Biblical marriage? Oh, and the verses that advise parents to abuse their children. Thanks.

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I would love for it to be explained to me, scarygirl, how exactly denying a whole group of people equality is not hateful. How saying giving this group equality will bring the wrath of God on our country is not hateful? Please, do explain how exactly this isn't hate.

Judging from one of your first posts, I suspect that you might agree with these statements which is why you don't find them hateful. But feel free to correct me if I am wrong and you are all for gay equality.

Quoting this for scarygirl.

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Guest Anonymous
And from I have seen of their blogs, how are they threatening you?

It's called Dominionism. Look it up. If you actually want to know why so many people have problems with it you need to do your own work instead of looking for people you've just called bullies to hold your hand and spoon feed you.

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I would love for it to be explained to me, scarygirl, how exactly denying a whole group of people equality is not hateful. How saying giving this group equality will bring the wrath of God on our country is not hateful? Please, do explain how exactly this isn't hate.

Judging from one of your first posts, I suspect that you might agree with these statements which is why you don't find them hateful. But feel free to correct me if I am wrong and you are all for gay equality.

The wrath or non wrath of god depending on whether you believe in god or not will not fall because of any one sin. There is more than one sin therefore in the eyes of god we are equal in that we all are sinners.

Now, if you are asking me personally if I think homosexuality is a sin, yes, I do. But it is no more of a sin than stealing or having affairs. Sin is sin in the eyes of god.

And it isn't hate speech to say you think something is wrong. You don't have to agree with me no more than I have to agree with you.

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that isn't answering the question, it is answering a question that was not asked. The actual question was: How is denying a whole group of people equality not hate?

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My prediction, scarygirl will ignore this thread and when she I have a different opinion on Chik Fil A. So what! And from I have seen of their blogs, how are they threatening you? So you decided that wasn't your type of faith, but maybe it works for others. It wouldn't and doesnt work for me. I would never stand for a man telling me what to do, what to say, and how to act.

You say fundamentalists beat children and babies, but so do a lot of non christians. But yet I see this used as a reason to hate religion. The crap comes out both ends of you know what I mean.

You're correct. You are allowed your own opinion. However, once you voice that opinion, other people will respond.

I am not a Christian, however, I do not hate religion. It would be as impossible for me to hate a god that I don't believe in as it would be for you to hate Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. You can't really hate something that you don't believe exists.

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What is that supposed to be some kind of threat? It is one thing to not like someone's opinion, but it another thing altogether to bully someone. And that is what this site is all about. You could care less about women's rights, you HATE god. YOu hate the fact that maybe there is an even TINY chance that you are wrong and that god even exists. Because if he exists, we all, including me, are going to have some explaining to do in the end.,

I do not believe that God exists. Really. 100%, I do not believe it.

Speaking theoretically, if tomorrow there was some evidence* presented that proved that God existed, I would believe in him. I would not, however, worship him.

Know why? Because God as spelled out in the Bible is a jerkass.

Let's use an analogy. I have twin children, more or less created in my image. Suppose I took one of them, put her absolute, favorite food on the kitchen table...and then told her not to touch it. When, inevitable, she does, I tell her, "You must leave my house forever. I will not let you back into my sight. I will, in fact, station an armed guard at the door to make sure you won't come in. By the way, I'm a loving parent."

So child number one wanders for a couple decades or so. She gets pretty roughed up, living on the streets, and eventually I have a change of heart. I tell her, she can come back into my house, no questions asked, if she's willing to accept the fact that her sister is going to be tortured to death (and ressurected later, small details) instead of her. Child One accepts, and I tell her, I'll send Child Two to come and get her out of the streets... and some, unspecified point in the future.

This would be a severely fucked up way for a parent to do his children, but it is exactly how the Christian god treats humanity. If you read the bible, among His other moments of jerkassitude, He set humanity up for a fall, then punished it thousands of times out of proportion. God theoretically has the power to swoop in and end the suffering of everybody on earth, or at least His faithful, but we're going on sixth thousand years of human suffering now, by the most biblical estimates, and He doesn't appear to give a damn about us.

Why in hell does he deserve my worship?

I'm off to go hug my offspring now, whom I do actually care about.

*(I mean evidence that would hold up to laboratory scrutiny, not "This book says God exists, so he does!" It needs to be better than that. I'm a sci-fi author and I could totally pull a Hubbard and write a book that would get people believing in a god/s, but that doesn't make them real.)

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If someone wants to be against gay marriage in their own life, that is totally fine in my book, but to use their religious beliefs to deny equality to others is not cool.

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Scarygirl, could you please address the Bible verses regarding "traditional" Biblical marriage and child abuse that the ladies here kindly posted?

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If all sins are equal; then why aren't people discriminating against others who eat shellfish; animals with hooves; outlawing mixed fiber products; having books on magic made illegal; and why isn't polygamy allowed?

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When someone says I have to risk death for a clump of cells rather than seek treatment through abortion that myself and my doctor both feel is best and safest course of action I have every right to be vile. They are telling me I have no right to live just because I got pregnant.

I also don't have a problem with abortion if the life of the mother is truly in danger. I also don't have an issue with rape victims seeking out an abortion if that is something that will help ease their trauma. I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

I thinking the fundies are a 110 percent off their rocker when it comes to their anti bc pill, morning after pill stance. If they want to truly protect the unborn from needless suffering they should be all for it. At the end of the day though that is their opinion, they will not change.

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I also don't have a problem with abortion if the life of the mother is truly in danger. I also don't have an issue with rape victims seeking out an abortion if that is something that will help ease their trauma. I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

Awesome. Make sure not to have an abortion as a form of birth control then. In the meantime, kindly let the rest of us decide for ourselves.


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Why are you anti-abortion; but not anti-bc pills and condoms? After all; bc pills and condoms prevent possibilities of teh white Christian babies needed for the white supremicist's armies. And while we're at it; we might as well condone boners and periods too. Wouldn't that make God a natural aborter? How come if his demand was to be fruitful and multiply; people don't reproduce when they start hitting puberty but wait for a while? Isn't that sinful in God's eyes?

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Patiently waiting to see if my questions get answered...

Me too, deeleam; me too. Unfortunately; this one wants hand-outs. :lol:

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The wrath or non wrath of god depending on whether you believe in god or not will not fall because of any one sin. There is more than one sin therefore in the eyes of god we are equal in that we all are sinners.

Now, if you are asking me personally if I think homosexuality is a sin, yes, I do. But it is no more of a sin than stealing or having affairs. Sin is sin in the eyes of god.

And it isn't hate speech to say you think something is wrong. You don't have to agree with me no more than I have to agree with you.

You believe that stealing is a sin. However, you don't believe that a person goes to heaven who continues to steal, correct? A thief hurts people. Two consenting adults who love one another and want to marry hurt no one. Yet in order to get into your version of heaven, they have to give up any hope of having a loving, sexual relationship with one another.

Do you really think that same sex marriages hurts people like adultery or stealing does? You compared the three in your statement.

Imagine that my religion taught that Christians should not be allowed to marry or have children. (It doesn't, by the way) How would you feel if I defended such an outrageous statement by saying "It isn't hate speech to say you think something is wrong. You don't have to agree with me no more than I have to agree with you." You'd probably be even more upset if I was giving money to organizations that wanted to prevent Christians from marrying or having a family.

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You know what I love? I love when fundies try to have laws passed based on "traditional marriage as presented in the Bible", but when you quote verses regarding marriage from their beloved Holy Book they act as if you're speaking another language.

I guess by "Ask the question again and I will answer it" she meant, "ask me a question and I will answer it as long as it doesn't disprove what I've already said and make me look like a complete bigot for wanting the deny the evil gays their civil rights".

I went through this on facebook this week. Makes me sick.

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You know what I love? I love when fundies try to have laws passed based on "traditional marriage as presented in the Bible", but when you quote verses regarding marriage from their beloved Holy Book they act as if you're speaking another language.

I guess by "Ask the question again and I will answer it" she meant, "ask me a question and I will answer it as long as it doesn't disprove what I've already said and make me look like a complete bigot for wanting the deny the evil gays their civil rights.

I went through this on facebook this week. Makes me sick.

Or fundies tell people that they're thinking like Phillistines because they actually read parts of the Bible that the fundies didn't, lol. :lol:

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Here are a few more questions:

Do you believe in hell?

If so, who created hell?

What makes does a person have to do/not do in order to deserve hell?

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What she said about her abortion stance in one of her first posts:

Not a heavy supporter of abortion, although I don't see the good in harrassing people to death over their choices. As far as I am concerned that is something between them and their god

So unless she lied here, she is pro-choice.

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