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The Great Chick-fil-A Snake Oil "Faith" Hustle


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Are you out of your mind? It is none of your business to decide who does or does not remarry.

I was asked a question on my opinion of divorce by another poster. I answer it and you go off like a banshee saying it is none of my business. I answer questions and then get accused of not answering the questions. You can't have it both ways.

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And how can you say the damage is "inevitable" when hundreds of my family members don't believe there was ever any damage done as a result of spanking? You're somehow the authority on this for all children and parents in the entire world? Talk about arrogance.

You better believe it will damage her. The extent is yet to be determined. Read the studies.

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Are you out of your mind? It is none of your business to decide who does or does not remarry.

Um, isn't it also none of your business who spanks and who doesn't? You are responsible for your children and your children only. And as long as parents aren't breaking the law, whether or not they spank is none of your business either. But you somehow seem to think you know better than 65% of Americans.

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There is no specific behavior. It was in circumstances when other methods were not working. I didn't keep a record book to document all the different things my kids did and how I disciplined them for different things. Get over it.

So it was random? You just hit them when nothing else worked?

Ps. Hitting isn't discipline. It's violence.

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You better believe it will damage her. The extent is yet to be determined. Read the studies.

She typed before that apparantly there are studies supportive of spanking. She won't provide the peer-reviewed sources, tho.

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You better believe it will damage her. The extent is yet to be determined. Read the studies.

And there are studies that say it doesn't. Sorry,but I'm not buying it. Until the day it is made illegal to spankit's really none of your business anyway.

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I hate to break it to you but 65% of Americans approve of spanking so they must see it as normal behavior. That percentage has stayed the same since 1990. I guess you're in the minority when it comes to what people see as acceptable and normal.

There was a time when the the majority thought slavery was okay. There was a time when the majority thought it was okay to deny women the right to vote. The majority isn't always a good gauge of what's right or of normal behavior.

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I have answered your questions. Read the whole thread. :roll: . I have answered many other questions today concerning disipline and divorce. Don't like my answers? That is too bad.

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I have answered your questions. Read the whole thread. :roll: . I have answered many other questions today concerning disipline and divorce. Don't like my answers? That is too bad.

I asked you to answer everybody's questions, not just mine. Reading comprehension much? :lol:

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She typed before that apparantly there are studies supportive of spanking. She won't provide the peer-reviewed sources, tho.

Whether or not a study is peer-reviewed makes no difference to me. If it comes from people who know what they are talking about and was done in a credible fashion I am fine with the results. Even doctors and child development experts can't completely agree so what makes you think anyone else can?

And studies flip flop back and forth all the time. When my son was a baby it was no solid food of any kind before age one. Prior to that the recommendations were different as they are different now as well. Eggs were once thought to be horrible and awful and you'd better not eat them or you'll die. Then that changed also. Studies come and studies go, I trust the judgment of reasonable parents to decide what is best for their children.

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No helping those who won't listen.

Is it time for the three kinds of people in the world story?

First, those who never learn (and keep repeating their mistakes).

Second, those who only learn after they make a mistake.

And the third kind, who learn from other peoples' mistakes.

Which one is more efficient and do you prefer to be?

So what color was the pedicure?

I had my hair cut and colored today. :dance:

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She typed before that apparantly there are studies supportive of spanking. She won't provide the peer-reviewed sources, tho.

She has said before that the studies won't change her mind anyway. She is bound and determined to hit.

She Who Laughs wrote:

And I doubt there's anyone on this board or any study that someone could show me that would convince me otherwise.

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Is it okay for cops to spank people who break traffic laws? Is it okay for correctional officers to spank inmates? Is it okay for my boyfriend to slap me?

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And there are studies that say it doesn't. Sorry,but I'm not buying it. Until the day it is made illegal to spankit's really none of your business anyway.

Please cite the peer reviewed studies that you are referring to.

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For any other reason, people should be careful before they marry. People shouldn't marry just to marry, thinking oh, I have an out. Marriage is a serious indeavor.

So serious that perhaps you should spell the word correctly.

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I have answered your questions. Read the whole thread. :roll: . I have answered many other questions today concerning disipline and divorce. Don't like my answers? That is too bad.

You have patently ignored the questions about which laws from Leviticus you keep and which ones you toss.

You have also ignored the verse that advises beating children.

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There was a time when the the majority thought slavery was okay. There was a time when the majority thought it was okay to deny women the right to vote. The majority isn't always a good gauge of what's right or of normal behavior.

Unless the majority was in your favor, then you'd be spouting how the majority of Americans think it is wrong. Granted, it's a controversial subject, but what I did with my own kids and what I do with my grand kids is none of your business and you'll just have to learn to accept the fact that 65% of Americans are spanking and are fine with it.

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There was a time when the the majority thought slavery was okay. There was a time when the majority thought it was okay to deny women the right to vote. The majority isn't always a good gauge of what's right or of normal behavior.

So the majority isn't always right? Wow, that is really funny since this whole thread has been about convincing me that since times has changed and more people agree than not that maybe gay marriage isn't so bad after all. Why does the majority work for one cause and not for the other?

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Is it okay for cops to spank people who break traffic laws? Is it okay for correctional officers to spank inmates? Is it okay for my boyfriend to slap me?

Already answered and said that comparing adults to children is ridiculous. This is just the famous FJ tactic of repeating a question over and over and over because you didn't like the answer. Done answering it.

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Already answered and said that comparing adults to children is ridiculous. This is just the famous FJ tactic of repeating a question over and over and over because you didn't like the answer. Done answering it.

Why are you on FJ, then? Are you trying to proove a point?

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You have patently ignored the questions about which laws from Leviticus you keep and which ones you toss.

You have also ignored the verse that advises beating children.

No, I answered the question concerning verses about beating children more than once. Go find them,

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So the majority isn't always right? Wow, that is really funny since this whole thread has been about convincing me that since times has changed and more people agree than not that maybe gay marriage isn't so bad after all. Why does the majority work for one cause and not for the other?

I'm sorry, what did you say? Was it something about the laws in Leviticus or the Bible verses that advocate beating children?

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