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Forgiven former feminist


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Blog - forgivenformerfeminist.blogspot.co.uk

Not seen this blog before on here.

"Housewife has always been a dirty word for me. There was no better way to make me really angry than to say that a woman’s place was in the home. In fact, I went the opposite direction entirely and joined the feminist front. There I was taught to abjure all things feminine, especially domesticity. We were taught that working in a home was beneath you, in fact there isn’t much lower in the mind of many feminists. Being a woman who stays at home with her children is for lazy women who can’t do anything else. Unfortunately, that mantra was pretty well embedded in my mind."

"I am 23 years old and at a serious disadvantage. I went to college, I am well educated. I can regurgitate important dates from wars across the globe and through time, but I can’t boil an egg. I can write a 50 page paper over the symbolism in medieval artwork but I can’t sew a button on a shirt. I can be the floor supervisor of a restaurant but I don’t know how to plan a menu for the week."

" I am a forgiven feminist. This means that at one point in my life I fully bought into the feminist ideology. Although the basic idea behind feminism is a good one (equality in voting, wages, and employment opportunities) the spinoff of this good idea is dark and ugly. The idea of equality has morphed into a desire to not only make women equal to men, but to actually make women into men. Women are encouraged to seek out high powered careers and to put having a family on hold, if not altogether removing that possibility. Feminism has taught women that we need to reject the traditional feminine roles because they are constricting. Feminism teaches that women are being forced into a role of unnatural submission by men. They also claim that Christianity is just a means of keeping women in their place. (You can read more about the history of feminism here!) This leads to an incredible amount of problems."

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Guest Anonymous

Good grief, she has just made some shit up and spewed it out.

Where is this evil feminist cabal and who belongs to it? I want names. I want addresses. I want some kind of proof that this domesticity despising cadre of stay at home mother revilers exists. Or I want her to shut the fuck up.


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I don't understand the "feminism made me not learn how to cook or sew and therefore turned me into a man!" argument. Is the definition of woman "someone who cooks and sews buttons"?

Never mind the fact that it's entirely possible- easy, even- to go to school, get a job, *and* boil eggs.

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She really didn't get much out of her college education if she's not smart enough to google for "how to boil an egg" or read a cookbook.

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Oh, these people just make me feel so :evil: . Why oh why does it always have to be an 'either/or' scenario. You know, I've been to college. I'm well educated and know lots of interesting facts. But hey, I can also make a lovely roast dinner, iron a shirt to perfection and - this is the really amazing bit - manage to work, study, run a home and look after my kids all in the same lifetime :roll: .

Edited because my wonderful education actually taught me how to spell.

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Not seen this blog before on here.

"Housewife has always been a dirty word for me. There was no better way to make me really angry than to say that a woman’s place was in the home. In fact, I went the opposite direction entirely and joined the feminist front. There I was taught to abjure all things feminine, especially domesticity. We were taught that working in a home was beneath you, in fact there isn’t much lower in the mind of many feminists.

Oh what bull shit. Where is this "there" where she was taught these things? Stay home, go to work, be a Christian, don't be, nobody cares!

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She really didn't get much out of her college education if she's not smart enough to google for "how to boil an egg" or read a cookbook.


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Well, dammit. I already missed the mailing list for the Gay Agenda, now I've apparently been barred from the Feminist Front too, since no one ever taught me housework was beneath me :evil:

What kind of a freaking moron can't figure out basic household tasks, even without being taught? No one taught me how to sew on a button either, but I've still managed to re-attach them to multiple pairs of pants. No one taught me how to cook eggs, but I had some scrambled with cheese for breakfast. I don't plan menus regularly, but again, it's really easy to open your fridge, figure out what kind of food you have on hand, and determine what to make for the week. Hell, I'm sure there are a hundred different people on pinterest who could fix you up with some alphabetized, color-coded menus in a hot second. This bitch needs to quit whining about other people making her do all these things she didn't want to do, and take some responsibility for her life.

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What kind of a freaking moron can't figure out basic household tasks, even without being taught? No one taught me how to sew on a button either, but I've still managed to re-attach them to multiple pairs of pants. No one taught me how to cook eggs, but I had some scrambled with cheese for breakfast. I don't plan menus regularly, but again, it's really easy to open your fridge, figure out what kind of food you have on hand, and determine what to make for the week. Hell, I'm sure there are a hundred different people on pinterest who could fix you up with some alphabetized, color-coded menus in a hot second. This bitch needs to quit whining about other people making her do all these things she didn't want to do, and take some responsibility for her life.


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Oh, these people just make me feel so :evil: . Why oh why does it always have to be an 'either/or' scenario. You know, I've been to college. I'm well educated and know lots of interesting facts. But hey, I can also make a lovely roast dinner, iron a shirt to perfection and - this is the really amazing bit - manage to work, study, run a home and look after my kids all in the same lifetime :roll: .

Edited because my wonderful education actually taught me how to spell.

Suuuuuuuure. And next thing you'll say is that you can discipline a child while sparing the rod. :roll:

For some reason, I smell an extreme Men's Rights guy posing as a woman. If it is real, that's an extremely stupid person. If she can't figure out how to boil an egg, I bet her 50pg 'paper' sucks rotten eggs.

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Yea, she must be a troll, cuz there's no way that's true...

I wondered that as it is a new blog - will have to check back to see if it is updated.

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Good grief, she has just made some shit up and spewed it out.

Where is this evil feminist cabal and who belongs to it? I want names. I want addresses. I want some kind of proof that this domesticity despising cadre of stay at home mother revilers exists. Or I want her to shut the fuck up.


Jericho is probably the authority on this one. The members are noted for their strong arms.


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Oh, these people just make me feel so :evil: . Why oh why does it always have to be an 'either/or' scenario. You know, I've been to college. I'm well educated and know lots of interesting facts. But hey, I can also make a lovely roast dinner, iron a shirt to perfection and - this is the really amazing bit - manage to work, study, run a home and look after my kids all in the same lifetime :roll: .

Edited because my wonderful education actually taught me how to spell.

The fundie way seems like it is kinda an either / or thing about every thing. Can't combine the two (homemaking and college) as it doesnt fit with their world view. Other people have to be wrong so the fundies can be more right. :roll:

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There was no better way to make me really angry than to say that a woman’s place was in the home.

Now, this saying makes me angry too- but not as a "don't learn any housekeeping skills" sort of way. It makes me angry as it says that women can't do anything outside the home, and that men can't be househusbands if they want to be. It makes me angry at it's lack of choice.

And I'm trying to figure out what kind of a moron she is along with you. I have a graduate degree, and I'm pretty proficient around the kitchen and the house- and can look up other things if I need to. Why can't she?

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Oh, these people just make me feel so :evil: . Why oh why does it always have to be an 'either/or' scenario. You know, I've been to college. I'm well educated and know lots of interesting facts. But hey, I can also make a lovely roast dinner, iron a shirt to perfection and - this is the really amazing bit - manage to work, study, run a home and look after my kids all in the same lifetime :roll: .

Edited because my wonderful education actually taught me how to spell.

QFT. No kids right now, but the rest of it...definitely.

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What the?

Sweetie, I'm a feminist. I'm also university educated, am a professional, and a mother too. I can cook, run a home, sew, knit and diagnose learning disabilities. I can do all that because of the feminist movement. STFU

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Guest Anonymous

Jericho is probably the authority on this one. The members are noted for their strong arms.


He probably has nightmares about Rosie the Riveter.

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There I was taught to abjure all things feminine, especially domesticity. We were taught that working in a home was beneath you, in fact there isn’t much lower in the mind of many feminists.

Wow, sweetie, you done learnt it RONG, because I'm a stay at home mom and wife and I'm also...drumroll, please...A FEMINIST!!! *balloon drop* You can be all those things at the same time! Amazing how that works out, right?

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I am 23 years old and at a serious disadvantage. I went to college, I am well educated. I can regurgitate important dates from wars across the globe and through time, but I can’t boil an egg. I can write a 50 page paper over the symbolism in medieval artwork but I can’t sew a button on a shirt. I can be the floor supervisor of a restaurant but I don’t know how to plan a menu for the week.

So obviously feminism = mandatory education and work outside the home. I know feminism has meant different things to different parts of the movement at different times and yada, but if she thought being a feminist meant she had to be a professional and eschew all things homemaker-y, she missed the point altogether. That is obvious to most people.

What really gets me is that she thinks getting an education and having a career make it so that you don't learn how to keep a home running. That is simply false. I can run science experiments AND plan a menu. I can write papers AND sew. I can convert physics formulas to graph functions AND cook. Yeah, sometimes people with an education can't run a home, but sometimes people with just a high school diploma can't either. And of course, running a home and having a full-time career at the same time isn't usually easy or possible. But I call bullshit on "college left me at at a disadvantage".

And she's 23 years old? Not snarking on her age, because she's basically my age, but it makes the story of her flip-flop sound exaggerated. You're 23, it's normal that you can't sew a button on a shirt. She makes it sound like she was a hardcore 2nd waver and then had the revelation of a lifetime. Nope, she was a teenager who dabbled in a belief system not even long enough to understand its basic premise, then changed her mind. Former feminist indeed.

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I skimmed through all of her blog and I wonder if she is just a Type A personality who takes on too much, strives for perfection and when she can't meet those unreasonable expectations feels like a failure and needs to find "the one thing" that will make her perfect. She didn't feel fulfilled in the field she in which she was working, she felt overwhelmed, she was scared of not doing everything well enough, plus it seems like she's terribly unsure about who and what she is. So, behold, young lady, a wonderful textbook that tells you all you have to do and be to be a perfect, fulfilled person: get a Bible! You don't have to think anymore, you don't have to rely on your skills or talents, you don't have to accept any responsibility at all, for you just let God and Jesus do all that for you. You just have to follow their rulebook and you are assured of being happy, content, peaceful and secure in yourself. Hell, I'm a Type A, bipolar workaholic who is desperately unsure of who she is and what she wants out of life. The ability to find something that will promise me peace, sanity, relaxation and a cessation of the demands of living alone is kind of seductive.

There have been times when I've daydreamed about marrying a man who makes enough to buy my dream home and support us both while I simply keep the house tidy and make him dinner each night (without kids - I don't like kids). In my dream, I'm one of those Lady Lydia homemakers who has all the time in the world to wear flowing robes and sip tea while watching the birds in the backyard. I spend time on correspondence. I read edifying books. I leisurely make the bed, mend a shirt, bake a cake. In these daydreams, I have no real responsibilities. Because, of course, my husband takes care of all the finances, the yardwork, the home repairs, the car maintenance and all I have to do is make sure the house isn't completely filthy and make sure he has dinner. It's very seductive...to a point. Until I realize that by giving up all responsibility I give up all power to effect change in my life. I also have no real security, no marketable skills, no power.

I see her as daydreaming right now, fearful of taking responsibility for her life because she's terrified she'll screw it up. Easier to hide right now.

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Mybe it is a age thing then. Fundie might be a easy thing to hide behind as you can be all godly and people prob wouldn't question it too much.

"Suddenly housekeeping does seem to be such a mundane set of chores after all, but rather a privilege, a blessing and a creative art."


"Men's duties carry them forth into the world, to toil either with their hands or their heads for the support of those whom they love. It is the happy privilege of women to render Home a comfort and a blessing, a rest and a refreshment, to those hearts worn and wearied with the world's hard cares, and to warm them with the sunshine of true affection."


"And now going back to the little girl who dreamed of getting married.....that same girl began praying for her future husband when she was about 15, and also praying that the Lord would keep her heart for whoever that man might be.......then a lot of time passed by as she continued to wait, pray, and wonder what the Lord's plan was for my life. "


"Once upon a time, there was a man, and there was a woman. The woman was specially designed to nurture, to emotionally protect, to bear life, and to infuse life with joy and contentment. The man was specially designed to assist in the creation of life and to sustain life by providing it with food and by protecting its physical safety."


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So, is someone going to confiscate my feminist credentials because I like meal-planning and cooking and am reasonably good at it?

I do suck at any sewing tasks beyond hemming and sewing on buttons. But that's not because I studied too much and lost my lady-business brain cells-- it's because I don't care enough to learn how to do it better. I know people who do more complicated sewing well and happily, and I'm glad to pay them for their skills.

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What the fuck kind of 23 year old comes home from college unable to cook or sew a button? When you're away from home and family and poor you learn to be resourceful and fix things yourself, and you learn that if you don't cook a meal or do the housework, no-one else is going to do it for you. I am thinking this blogger is full of shit and is simply trying to tell SAHMs without education what they desperately want to hear.

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