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The Gospel Coalition, sex and subordination


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Trigger warning - rape, abuse.

Rachel Held-Evans just published this on FB and wanted to share. Mods, if it doesn't belong in snark, please feel free to move.


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Wow, response to a really creepy claim. The author is correct, the patriarchy movement isn't about godliness or scripture, it's about power. It's about one group claiming automatic power, based on nothing more than the fact they were born with a penis, over another group. It's about one group of human dehumanizing another group of human beings, based on their genetics.

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Glad to see someone using scripture responsibly.

Some people should just not read scripture; it's like a drink to an alcoholic. Once they get started, they get ever more hooked until the "religion" no longer looks like the scripture it's trying to hard to mimic. JB and Michelle started out looking normal.... I've seen Zsu and PP get ever more rigid and crazy these last 4 years ... it goes bit by bit until it's impossible for fundies to even think straight any more. It ends up producing crap like what Wilson wrote.

And others are invited into the addiction, and the victims are told it's their role and they should love it.

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What a good article. I think this quote really sums up patriarchy;

"As I was venting about all of this last night, Dan reminded me of something important, something to which we need to return:

“Remember,†he said, “rape isn’t really about sex. Rape is about power. This all goes back to what you’ve been saying from the beginning, Rachel. This is about power, not sex. So focus your post on that.â€

He’s right. For all of our debating about gender roles and church leadership, motherhood and singleness, sex and housework, women working in the home and women working outside of the home, this conversation isn’t actually about any of those things. It’s not about sex. It’s not about church leadership. It’s not about roles. It’s not about the Bible.

It’s about power.

It’s about whether or not patriarchy—man’s rule over woman—really represents God’s ideal for the world."

I think this is the point so many of us try to make to the fundys who stop by here. I'm thinking of geniebelle, and She Who Laughs, and the like, who argue and argue that their churches are not patriarchal, they just simply don't allow women in leadership roles. And even if they are patriarchal, who cares, because they don't want to be in leadership anyway, and too bad so sad for any woman who does, and besides she can just leave and find another church, and blah, blah, blah.

There is nothing benign about patriarchy, and this article does a great job making that point.

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What floored me is how both Wilsons have responded to both the original comments and now Evans, basically saying that they've been taken out of context, they don't think anything this extreme, blah-blah-blah.

If a person uses words like "conquer" and "colonize", with regards to sex, that's extremely loaded and strong verbiage. Those are violent words in most contexts, and it amazes me how the Wilsons can be so blind to how this would really upset and offend people.

The whole Jared C. Wilson article that kicked off the controversy makes me angry. His flippant, ignorant responses to anyone who dared call him into question just make me :angry-cussingblack:

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