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Revolt against artificial contraception/Safe sex {merged}

Maul the Koala

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So how do you think Neil Patrick Harris feels about his image being used there? I'm thinking he doesn't much have to worry about unplanned pregnancies. You know, due to the fact that his partners are not women.

(I sent him a tweet.)

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My SO and I had to attend a church sponsored retreat as part of the catholic church policy on more wedding counseling. Most of it was practical advice but at the end of the program they handed each person tracts on the joys of NFP. I was appalled at the medical misinformation placed in there. We knew the church sponsored NFP but we felt like they were practical lying to their followers with this junk science. It's put a bad taste in my mouth with the church since they were willing to let ideology overrule science and facts. The catholic church has to rehabilitate its image but it's not doing anyone a favor by trying to spread false information.

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It looks like the site has been taken down. Wonder why?

Still works for me. :(

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Still works for me. :(

Damn. I still can't figure out how to post comments. I want to post the one about the 9 year old's blog and online sex shop.

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Damn. I still can't figure out how to post comments. I want to post the one about the 9 year old's blog and online sex shop.

Aha yes, please do. Really, though, it's a shame a website dedicated to a certain brand of prudishness had to take up such a hilariously sexual domain name.

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The next time someone posts something like this on facebook I really want to comment "It's really creepy how interested they are in my sex life. They might want to talk to someone about that; it's just not healthy."

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“I like you guys who wanna reduce the size of government – make it just small enough so it can fit in our bedrooms.â€

--The West Wing

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Keep your hands off my vagina. It is not a politcal statement.

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What's so annoying here is how they're skipping the politics altogether and jumping to trying to persuade people with crap logic. All while trying to be edgy and modern :roll: They're not trying to force anything, they're just telling you how bad your marriage and how you're destroying your body and the world because you use artificial contraception :roll: :roll:

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What's so annoying here is how they're skipping the politics altogether and jumping to trying to persuade people with crap logic. All while trying to be edgy and modern :roll: They're not trying to force anything, they're just telling you how bad your marriage and how you're destroying your body and the world because you use artificial contraception :roll: :roll:

Gotta love fundies who think they can just excise their religion from their website and materials and people will believe they're a secular group. Not happening. Everyone knows that a vehement opposition to abortion, contraception and most sex + no logic to back it up = fundie Catholics trying to cover their tracks. I see it all the time.

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Likewise, condoms prevent the natural, beneficial effect a man has on his partner’s reproductive system. A major cause of female infertility is zinc deficiency. A man’s semen supplies this vital nutrient to his wife

So do zinc supplements.

Another effect of this hormone is to bond the couple to each other, especially the woman to her man. The same study found that women “needed†their partner and desired sex with him more than couples using condoms: “For females who did not use condoms, depression scores went up as the amount of time since their last sexual encounter increased.†In our current culture, where we are desperate to be loved and needed by another but instead find our sex-lives boring and unsatisfying, condoms aren’t helping. The natural biology of sex works to keep couples together — wanting, needing and waiting for each other.

The blog authors lament the divorce rate and say that love is worth fighting for, but their view of relationships seems shallow to me if they think that a regular influx of semen is the only thing holding a couple together.

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Likewise, condoms prevent the natural, beneficial effect a man has on his partner’s reproductive system. A major cause of female infertility is zinc deficiency. A man’s semen supplies this vital nutrient to his wife

Holy crap, it's like half of this website's advice can be summarized by "eat more semen". THANKS GUYS, WILL DO.

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Holy crap, it's like half of this website's advice can be summarized by "eat more semen". THANKS GUYS, WILL DO.

It is run by a male. I bet he's angling for more oral sex.

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How much sex will a couple with good reason to avoid pregnancy even have using NFP? Hell I tried FAM (NFP + condoms) and it still made me too anxious. It's one thing for these couples giving this advice, where it usually seems one is already a SAHM, but for your other 20-something couples who may still be in college or grad school, it's a whole different story.

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Holy crap, it's like half of this website's advice can be summarized by "eat more semen". THANKS GUYS, WILL DO.

Isn't that Chick-Fil-A's new slogan? Eat Moar Semen!!!

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How much sex will a couple with good reason to avoid pregnancy even have using NFP? Hell I tried FAM (NFP + condoms) and it still made me too anxious. It's one thing for these couples giving this advice, where it usually seems one is already a SAHM, but for your other 20-something couples who may still be in college or grad school, it's a whole different story.

Not a whole lot. I lurk at a NFP forum and so many posters struggle with not having enough "safe" days.

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Sweet baby jesus, who is this guy? I wonder what his wife is like - how embarrassing for her. It reads to me that he isn't getting any at home so thinks that if he puts up a blog about great sex and tries (unsuccessfully) to sound all "street" the girls will be telling him how awesome he is left and right! And THEN his wife will want some of that healthy semen!

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Sorry, dude, but I'm not giving up my artificial contraception in favor for something that has a much higher failure rate. I do not want a baby. I do not want to be pregnant. And if I do become pregnant while on BC and while using condoms, my first stop is going to be at Planned Parenthood to get rid of it.

Condoms feel a little funny, but I'd rather lose a little sensation than potentially become pregnant.

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Where has she been? I've been very worried about her since her "Adventures in Depression" posting, and everything I've found about her online seems to be at least a year old. I hope she's not battling serious illness. Too many of the funniest, most insightful people I've ever known have suffered from bipolar disorder.

I've been worried about her too. I hope it's just because she's focusing on her book (but then we'll have to buy the book to get her funnies and so many people will miss out).

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He removed the picture of Neil Patrick Harris as Barney.


I don’t think we’re alone here.  The cool, edgy (and sensible) thing to do these days is to try to eat organic, all-natural, hormone-free, free range, grass fed, just-slaughtered-in-the-back-yard food.  Unless you don’t like eating things with a face, in which case you just eat the same grass as the cows I love to grill.

The question arises, then, in my mind: if we’re so hell-bent to avoid all things artificial in our food, why in the world would we take all things artificial in a pill?

There ain’t nothing natural ‘bout oral or chemical contraceptives.  Have you ever really considered mammal reproduction?  Female mammals actually grow mini versions of themselves inside their bodies! Science fiction couldn’t make this stuff up if it tried.  So in the natural order of… well, nature, a female body is meant to naturally grow another being.  And, in our modern, holistic, compartmentalizing age, we want everything to be natural… except that.  Because that natural function gets in the way of fun-time.  So, instead, we tell our women to ingest a whole bunch of artificial hormones and other such chemicals (or, for the less conscientious among us, just have some plastic thing inserted into your body that will release all the fakeness for you) to completely inhibit the natural function of their body.

Easy for you to say as a male.

I can just imagine this conversation, were it to be held candidly, with my wife:

Me: Oh honey, I just love you so much I want to have sex with you.

Wife: Oh that’s great, I want to do that, too.  Good thing we’re eating natural, hormone-free food, so we’re healthy enough for sex!

Me: Yeah… about that.  Sex is great and all, and I love you a whole bunch, but… would you mind taking this pill?  It will just put a few artificial hormones in your body to make sure you don’t get pregnant.  That way, we can have sex but not be bothered with that magical human factory you have in there!

Wife: Is there some other way?  What about Natural Family Planning?

Me: What about it?  Sure, it’s natural, highly effective, and works with the body’s natural cycles to determine fertility, but… sweetie, it’s a LOT of work, and then we’ll have to talk ALL. THE. TIME.  Plus then there are a few days in a month where we couldn’t have sex whenever we felt like it.  Is that really what you want?  Me to work hard and communicate with you?  Self control?  Come on, honey… it’s just sex!  It’s not that special anymore… that’s a draconian mindset our parents had!  Besides, what’s the worst that could happen with this pill thing anyway?  Heart attack, stroke, nausea, migraines, pulmonary embolism, death… they don’t happen all that often – the odds are in your favor!  AND, this pill might even slightly reduce your chances of other cancers.  Plus your skin will look great!

Risks of pregnancy

-Back pain

-Carpal tunnel syndrome





-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease


-Hyperemesis gravidarum

-HELLP syndrome

And many more! So sexy. Nevermind what happens during childbirth.

Because I do actually love my wife, I don’t think I could ask her to run the risk (however small it may be) of taking something that intentionally disrupts the natural processes of her body and could harm her.  Call me old-fashioned, but I want only good things for my wife, even at the risk of causing myself “inconvenience.â€Â  And sure, getting pregnant and raising a kid may very well be, to some, inconvenient, expensive, hard, and maddening at times, but it’s a hell of a lot better than being dead.  It also offers the convenient advantage of helping us reproduce our race.  As a human, I have a slightly-biased, vested interest in the propagation of other humans

But how does your wife feel about it? And fuck you. "Oh it's better than being dead!"

It’s just so odd to me.  The human body is naturally designed and inclined to reproduce.  The natural consequence of sex is a new person.  Were we to simply leave nature to its own devices, let even the Darwinian concept of natural selection take place, the ones who survive are the ones who are fertile and produce the most healthy, fertile progeny.  Why are we trying so hard to thwart that?

You aren't the one that is being saddled with a pregnancy you moron. There are many reasons women want to prevent a pregnancy and they are very valid. If you want to be the next Jim Boob, go ahead. But don't expect the rest of the female population to follow your proclamations proudly. Contraception gave women (and men) so many more opportunities than before without having to worry about having a hoard of kids and no way to provide for them.

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What's so annoying here is how they're skipping the politics altogether and jumping to trying to persuade people with crap logic. All while trying to be edgy and modern :roll: They're not trying to force anything, they're just telling you how bad your marriage and how you're destroying your body and the world because you use artificial contraception :roll: :roll:

At the farmers market I used to go to, the local NFP group had a table with a sign that said, "NFP--It's organic!" That's a great idea, choosing my birth control method using the exact same criteria I use to choose my vegetables.

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This guy can :obscene-birdiered:.

Right now I have a picture of my grandparents in my hands.

They got married in the late 40s after my grandmother got pregnant.

Five more kids followed.

I never met either of them but hearing my mother and her siblings talk, the family was fucked up. Seems that the grandparents did not love each other enough to really get married. A strained relationship and too many kids followed.

I wish asshats like this would go and read books like Angela's Ashes and get a graphic idea of how terrible the semen-eating days really were.

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At the farmers market I used to go to, the local NFP group had a table with a sign that said, "NFP--It's organic!" That's a great idea, choosing my birth control method using the exact same criteria I use to choose my vegetables.

I know, right? If organic food is good for you, then only ever putting organic stuff in your body must be amazing! I'm gonna stop taking my painkillers and allergy meds, I'm sure it'll do great things for my quality of life. Thanks for the invaluable advice, condescending Catholic dude on the internet!

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