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Cheerful, First Time Obedience


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Cheerful obedience? Argh! I hate that. Kids should be allowed to do what they are told while stamping their feet and muttering "I hate this!" Why? Because are always gonna love the things we have to do, but we do them anyway and when you're and adult you are allowed to hate it.

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Jamie Bulger?

I'm pro-leash. Leashes are good, prams are good, slings are good, and you'll never hear me say otherwise just because some idiots misuse them and don't communicate with their kids.

I needed some kind of leash. I use to run away from my parents and get lost. I was also known for falling out of the shopping cart just so I could run. Reflecting back on this, I think I was runing away from my abusive mom. I dont remember any of these instances but I do have a few scars from them. I was a child that needed a leash. I was an example of how hitting a child will not cause them to obay.

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I feel like a special needs child having a specific place for their structured "quiet time" every day could be a positive thing. Why does there need to be training and obedience and correction involved? :(

Also, I couldn't ignore this:

You don't want to risk having a mom who could loss it!

On the third installment of this series, she explains her blanket training procedure:

http://www.aboverubies.net/2012/03/firs ... ining.html

* I sit my child down on blanket with shoebox.

* I tap the four sides of blanket while saying no.

* I set timer for 5 minutes.

* I sit nearby to help my child stay seated on blanket if needed. I may knit or read a book. Something effortless while I sit nearby.

* If child leaves the blanket (and they will), I gently place them back on blanket tapping all four sides of the blanket while saying no. I repeat this as often as it takes within the five minutes.

* Once the five minutes are up and timer rings, I praise the child for a job well done and remove the child from blanket.

* I have child help with clean up.

It sounds rather harmless until one considers what message she is sending by tapping all four sides of the blanket? She doesn't come right out and say if she hits the child or not, but we know what the Pearls would do. Does the tapping serve as a threat/reminder of previous spankings? I have not read this blog much, so I don't know what's going on here.

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I needed some kind of leash. I use to run away from my parents and get lost. I was also known for falling out of the shopping cart just so I could run. Reflecting back on this, I think I was runing away from my abusive mom. I dont remember any of these instances but I do have a few scars from them. I was a child that needed a leash. I was an example of how hitting a child will not cause them to obay.

One of my nieces wandered away in Scienpol(?)Airport in the Netherlands. They found her in the airport and she was fine, but for the trip back the sib procured a leash. My dad picked them up at the airport in the States and about flipped his shit to see the kid on a leash. Sib got the what for that leashes were for animals, not for children, keep your eye on the child, fuck your luggage, etc.etc.etc. Know what? Not only did the leash become standard gear across our family's tribal confederation when taking the family toddlers through airports and bus terminals, no one has even come close to a near coronary when a rugrat tries to go A.W.O.L. Now if we could only get them to sit on command. :think:

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It sounds rather harmless until one considers what message she is sending by tapping all four sides of the blanket? She doesn't come right out and say if she hits the child or not, but we know what the Pearls would do. Does the tapping serve as a threat/reminder of previous spankings? I have not read this blog much, so I don't know what's going on here.

It can be a threat/reminder of spankings, but there are some people who do the blanket training thing without spanking - it just seems to take forever to get them to want to stay there and play rather than just being afraid to leave the blanket. I have a friend who "blanket trained" (I hate that phrase) her daughter by just telling her no whenever she went of it and picking her up and putting her back on the blanket, no spanking involved.

I tried doing a similar thing with my son, but gave up after a couple weeks, because he would just walk off once he noticed I was not paying him attention. I found that if I give him paper an pens to draw that'll give me about 15 minutes and legos will keep him busy and in one spot for up to an hour, so I just use those instead of worrying about him staying on a blanket or in a specific spot.

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