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Vision Forum Catalog Cover Essay Contest Winner announced

Nurse Jenna

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These are full of snark pontential. I appologize if this was already discussed ;)


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Do you ever think Doug is secretly a homoromantic/homoerotic narcissist?

He fits perfectly in the trope of the Effeminate Misogynistic Guy.

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I don't think there's much doubt that Doug has homoerotic/homoromantic yearnings.

Here's a story of the Titanic from a different, not so glorious perspective:

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/christo ... 10209.html

From the essay:

My grandfather Jock Hume was a violinist in the Titanic's band, playing until the ship went down. He was 21.

No one has ever told the story of what happened after the Titanic sank. It is more shocking than any of the events that led to the foundering of the great liner. Jock's pay, along with the rest of the crew, was stopped at 2.20 am. Two weeks later, before his parents had been informed of his death, they received a bill for the brass buttons on his bandsman's tunic. Later still, when it was confirmed that Jock's body was among only 328 recovered from the sea, they were told that "normal cargo rates" would apply if they would like his body to be brought home to Scotland.

One hundred years on, the story of the aftermath has many uncomfortable contemporary parallels. The White Star Line was a fast-growing company that had become self-serving. Having failed in its duty of care to its customers, it accepted no responsibility for the deaths and never said sorry. Sounds familiar?

Dougie sees himself as among the elite, and ignores the role class played in who lived and died. I was shocked to learn that in Southampton, more than 700 families lost a father or son on the Titanic. Of course--those were the common sailors and workers. They're not part of Doug's heroic story. They just died without making any points about soft-focus patriarchy.

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I don't think there's much doubt that Doug has homoerotic/homoromantic yearnings.

Here's a story of the Titanic from a different, not so glorious perspective:

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/christo ... 10209.html

From the essay:

Dougie sees himself as among the elite, and ignores the role class played in who lived and died. I was shocked to learn that in Southampton, more than 700 families lost a father or son on the Titanic. Of course--those were the common sailors and workers. They're not part of Doug's heroic story. They just died without making any points about soft-focus patriarchy.

Dougie may think himself as one of the elite but he never would have made it off that ship. Sure he may have tried but I doubt the crew or first class passengers would allow a cross dressing male second class passenger on before second class women. Yes, I know one man did it but Dougie couldn't have afforded the first class passage. He simply would have been either 2nd or 3rd class.

Does anyone know what his grandfather did or reaned? Maybe that is where he gets these fantasies of grandure.

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From the essay:

Dougie sees himself as among the elite, and ignores the role class played in who lived and died. I was shocked to learn that in Southampton, more than 700 families lost a father or son on the Titanic. Of course--those were the common sailors and workers. They're not part of Doug's heroic story. They just died without making any points about soft-focus patriarchy.

I'm confused. :geek: OK, so Dougie's grandfather was on the Titanic? He was 21 and he died? Yet it was his grandfather's parents who received a bill? This would imply he had no wife and was still part of his parents' household, or at least next of kin. Wouldn't the man have to have been a father in order to be Dougie's grandfather? :?:

Edited to add: OK, Jock Hume was the grandfather of the writer of the HuffPo's article. His wife or girlfriend was pregnant with Jock's child at the time.

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Edited to add: OK, Jock Hume was the grandfather of the writer of the HuffPo's article. His wife or girlfriend was pregnant with Jock's child at the time.

Yes--sorry for the confusion. I meant to contrast a DIFFERENT kind of essay with the treacly piety of Dougie's winning essays.

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