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Lyndsie and Daniel got another baby ALREADY???


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So....anyone with any insider gossip??

I don't think we will ever get any insider gossip on Lyndsie and Daniel. Back on the old FJ Yuku, Sunny the birth mom from the disrupted adoption flounced after Lyndsie's blog went private and she knew Lyndsie found about her communicating with FJers. Around the time Lyndsie and Daniel adopted Ethan, a Lyndsie defender posted under the name SourWarhead on FJ Yuku, but they didn't give gossip. He or she said that FJ was making fun of Lyndsie for having cancer, which wasn't true, people snarked on Lyndsie for other reasons.

Lyndsie and Daniel have probably told all their friends and relatives about FJ and I think they understand that a lot of us will not change our opinions on Lyndsie.

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What I'd like to see Lyndsie do is open her blog back up and admit in a sentence or two that she has some humility. That begging people for money while sitting on her ass at home spending hours decorating and caking on the make-up and taking photos of herself incessantly was offensive to many and that now maybe she knows that. And that, guess what, parenting is HARD! I would love to know how well she's doing parenting two babies that can't be more than about 11 months apart. That girl has GOT to be having a huge wake-up call. My prediction is that her equally fake sister, Kendyl, will become their live-in nanny, and all the better for her. Would give Kendyl something to do rather than make those ugly wreaths.

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And even being the oldest of 9, she has GOT to be having tons of questions about mothering. I'm hoping she's joined a mothering board and that someone here will find it!

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Lyndsie didn't thank people who donated to her fund during her recent Days of Thanks thing on FB. I think Lyndsie is someone who is always coddled to and probably no one in her family and friends circles ever called her out on sitting at home while waiting for donations because they are all probably fundie lite or they felt Lyndsie was entitled to a baby.

I know plenty of religious people that would have thrown the quote "God helps those who help themselves" to Lyndsie. Lyndsie's entitled attitude would turn off a lot of Christians and I can see Lyndsie getting blasted by someone like Joyce Meyer.

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I hope Lazy has figured out how to correctly install and use a carseat by now. Was it her sister or her niece she posted a pic of, improperly buckled in under Lazy's aegis?

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It was her little sister, Ellyn (with a Y, because they love Ys in their family!). She had the whole 5-point harness all way to low. There is a reason people push carseat safety -- listen up Lazy!

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I also thought there was a picture of Ellyn at like two years old in a booster seat or some nonesense. Hopefully one of Lyndsie's friends with children suggested they get the car seat checked before bringing Ethan home and the inspector taught her a thing or two or twenty.

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I hope Lazy has figured out how to correctly install and use a carseat by now. Was it her sister or her niece she posted a pic of, improperly buckled in under Lazy's aegis?

She has NewAubrey strapped in to the infant bucket all kinds of wrong in that one photo. They have a good, new-looking Chicco Keyfit and then used an aftermarket head support, didn't strap the baby in even remotely tight enough, and had the chest clip at around navel level. Based on that, I'd bet real money that if their little boy hasn't been turned forward facing by now, he will be on his first birthday.

Sorry, car seat misuse is a big hulk smashy issue for me. :oops:

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Thatwife, also uses her car seat improperly. She has thatboyinthebathroom facing frontward, without using the chest restraint portion of the harness.

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I think they must be doing private adoptions from "good Christian girls" who get pregnant as unmarried teens. The parents of the church-going teens are all to eager to get rid of the shame by adopting the baby out and then praising their daughters as selfless anti-abortion examples. :roll:

I went to evangelical Christian private school, and a buttload of girls from there got pregnant shortly after graduation!

There was a girl in my church who got pregnant and the baby was adopted by a family in our sister church about 60 miles away. All we heard about was how they, the father was the choir directors son, asked forgiveness for their sins and the baby was going to a good christian family.

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A little off-topic - but why the rearward facing issue? Here in Australia, they only need to be rearward facing till 8 months and then can go into 'booster' with an in-built harness that lasts until they are 6 ish+ (well, that is what mine does, at least) . And I don't think any of our carseats last anymore than age 1 (in the rearward facing position). And we don't need the chest buckle, either.

Weird :S

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In my state its mandatory until a child is one year old AND 20 lbs. At the time my DD was born it had to do with airbags.

edited to add: NTSA says that rear facing provides the best head protection for side and front impact accidents.

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I kept my son rear-facing until he was 2, but a friend of mine (who was pregnant and had her son within a few months of me) lost her little boy (as well as her husband, it was devestating) in a car accident around 5 months. So I was very very paranoid. I hate seeing kids improperly strapped in carseats, with the straps hanging off their shoulders, ect.

I think the recommendation to delay turning to forward facing has to do with the neck muscles and the jerk forward on impact.

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She had her sister in a very old, probably expired seat with the shoulder strap in an unsafe position. I was pretty horrified. I chalk it up to her mom being older and probably recycling seats from the older kids. She probably doesn't know the newest safety laws and requirements, they do change pretty often. But Lyndsie should know better now with her babies! I cringe when I see car seat pictures.

car-seat.org is the best place to find answers and up to date info.

And just for kicks, here's a thread on the Australian laws (or lack of): car-seat.org/showthread.php?t=166013

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Lots of evidance (http://www.car-seat.org/showthread.php?t=9316 there are links on the bottom beyond the post) is showing that rear facing is a lot safer for toddlers. Also here in the US a booster is without a harness and I believe the one Lyndsie was using on the two-year-old Ellyn was just a little backless one like this http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.js ... chURL=true

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A little off-topic - but why the rearward facing issue? Here in Australia, they only need to be rearward facing till 8 months and then can go into 'booster' with an in-built harness that lasts until they are 6 ish+ (well, that is what mine does, at least) . And I don't think any of our carseats last anymore than age 1 (in the rearward facing position). And we don't need the chest buckle, either.

Weird :S

They're actually starting to recommend rear facing until 2 now. I'm gonna keep mine rear facing until as long as humanly possible. If you watch crash videos on rear vs front facing, its SCARY how much more whiplash/impact the kid gets as forward facing. I read somewhere, that it actually would be better for EVERYONE in the car to be rear facing but such a thing is not possible.

And yes, my son's legs are long, but he sits tailor style and is pretty happy. A lot of people object saying that they can break their legs, but you know, i'd rather have a broken leg than severe spinal damage :-/.

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I don't have kids so forgive me for asking, but what year did the baby rear-facing seating first started? I first noticed it in the late 90's...It makes sense to do so, at least with babies.

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For those who are not aware, the AAP and pretty much every automotive safety group in the US is now recommending that children rear face to at least 2. Large studies have shown a 5X reduction in the risk of death or serious injury for rear facing babies and toddlers (under 2) in most types of crashes. Child safety advocates have been saying this for years but now there's proof that little ones are SO much safer rear facing and new parents are being encouraged to keep their children rear facing to the limit of the seat rather than turning them forward facing as soon as possible (1 year and 20 pounds). Nearly every convertible seat on the market in the US will rear face to 35-40 pounds now - even the $50 Cosco Scenera at Walmart - and that will get most children to at least around 2. Just a few years ago there just wasn't this range of options for rear facing until 2.

Our daughter is rear facing at 16 months, and I expect that we'll be able to keep her rear facing past 3 if we want to (her seat is a Britax Boulevard 70 with a 40 pound rear facing limit but she's slender and will outgrow it by height first). I knew years before I became a parent that I would keep my kids rear facing for as long as possible - I'm a mechanical engineer and crash dynamics frighten me, especially with an infant or toddler musculoskeletal structure.

The car seat can only do its job in a crash if it has been installed and used correctly, and the way Lyndsie and Daniel had NewAubrey strapped into the Keyfit was super unsafe.

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For those who are not aware, the AAP and pretty much every automotive safety group in the US is now recommending that children rear face to at least 2. Large studies have shown a 5X reduction in the risk of death or serious injury for rear facing babies and toddlers (under 2) in most types of crashes. Child safety advocates have been saying this for years but now there's proof that little ones are SO much safer rear facing and new parents are being encouraged to keep their children rear facing to the limit of the seat rather than turning them forward facing as soon as possible (1 year and 20 pounds). Nearly every convertible seat on the market in the US will rear face to 35-40 pounds now - even the $50 Cosco Scenera at Walmart - and that will get most children to at least around 2. Just a few years ago there just wasn't this range of options for rear facing until 2.

Our daughter is rear facing at 16 months, and I expect that we'll be able to keep her rear facing past 3 if we want to (her seat is a Britax Boulevard 70 with a 40 pound rear facing limit but she's slender and will outgrow it by height first). I knew years before I became a parent that I would keep my kids rear facing for as long as possible - I'm a mechanical engineer and crash dynamics frighten me, especially with an infant or toddler musculoskeletal structure.

The car seat can only do its job in a crash if it has been installed and used correctly, and the way Lyndsie and Daniel had NewAubrey strapped into the Keyfit was super unsafe.

Yes, yes, YES!

My kids are no longer in car seats (woo hoo!) but I have friends with small children still and I was really happy to see the new "2-year rear-facing" research and support come out. I kept my kids rear-facing as long as I thought necessary (at the time, it was only recommended up to a year). My kids were both off the charts on height and weight (20 lbs. at 5 months, both of them!) and it was hard to find convertible car seats that would accommodate them.

And kids don't really like rear-facing. They are looking at the back rest of an automobile seat -- boring! And they don't like to be confined by the 5-point harness either. But it is what it is. My youngest son screamed bloody murder every. single. time. I put him in his car seat for the entire first year of his life (I thought I was going to go insane), but he's 9 now and still alive so I must have done something right.

Lyndsie needs parenting advice. And she needs to visit a car seat clinic to get that seat installed correctly. We had car seats for both our cars because the configuration of each car was different (the angle of the seat platform) so once they were installed, we weren't moving them back and forth. It's a worthwhile expense for the safety of a child.

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Also here in the US a booster is without a harness and I believe the one Lyndsie was using on the two-year-old Ellyn was just a little backless one like this http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.js ... chURL=true

I don't think that's always true. I remember using a booster like that when I was little, but my younger siblings had boosters that were like huge carseats, with harnesses and all.

I didn't know that about rear-facing carseats. It's interesting.

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I don't think that's always true. I remember using a booster like that when I was little, but my younger siblings had boosters that were like huge carseats, with harnesses and all.

I didn't know that about rear-facing carseats. It's interesting.

You can get backless boosters for about $20, but many of the convertible carseats also double as a booster.

It is amazing how much there is to know about carseats. I'm pretty sure my mom brought me home from the hospital in the equivalent of a cardboard box when I was born (in 1965). Our car didn't even have seatbelts in the back! And I'm still alive to tell the story.

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Thank you all for this information! I have a one year old who is still rear facing because he seems too small and baby-ish to face forward. Something in my mama instinct kept me from turning the car seat around (well, that and final exams). I am planning to keep it rear-facing until I talk to my doctor at 15 months, and he will probably be fine with it kept backward until two years.

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Someone has probably already said it, but sometimes I think Lyndsie looks like Katherine Heigl.


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I'm new here, but I've been lurking off-and-on for awhile and so I've read most of the threads about Daniel and Lyndsie, and I read her blog as well.

I have extremely mixed feelings when it comes to her. I agree with a lot of you on some things: 1. It concerns me that she has adopted 2 small children when she's only been in remission a few years. 2. I was horrified by the way she expected others to fund her adoption (although, I'm sad to say, her attempt at trying to get others to pay for her adoption wasn't the most offensive one that I've read. I read a blog once that made me even angrier.) 3. The incorrect use of the carseats really bugs me, and I think there's no excuse for it.

But when it comes to some of the other criticisms, I just don't see it. I don't see any evidence that she will favor Ethan over Aubrey. And I don't think there's anything wrong with a person wanting to dress their baby up (although I do hope she took the bracelet off that baby as soon as the photo session was over.)

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But when it comes to some of the other criticisms, I just don't see it. I don't see any evidence that she will favor Ethan over Aubrey. And I don't think there's anything wrong with a person wanting to dress their baby up (although I do hope she took the bracelet off that baby as soon as the photo session was over.)

You missed some of what she had on her blog. The worry is that she'll favor Aubrey over Ethan because she wrote about how much she wanted a white baby girl.

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