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It's funny to read how differently Lutheranism is viewed around the world. Our country's "national church" is evangelical lutheran church. We don't have jellos or casseroles etc. nor I have ever heard of lutheran cookbooks. But, maybe I am too close to that culture and something like drinking coffee all the time, everywhere and in every "ceremony" is a very Finnish affair. And no wonder, we are usually no 1 in coffee consumption ;)

Lutheranism in Finland is quite liberal. We have female pastors and bishops, pastors can be in same-sex civil union or even openly transsexual. At the moment there is going on an open debate if gay marriages should be accepted in church (and in general, at the moment there is only a civil union option and gay _marriage_ is a ver hot potato in parliament and media). Pastors have right to bless gay couples.

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Ooh I go away for a few days without internet and come back and missed all of this??

Grew up LCMS here (German family), attend that same church again now, but personally probably lean more toward ELCA, and I generally am fine when visiting mainstream Protestants or Catholics, and feel very at home with Anglican. My congregation tends towards the more liberal side of the LCMS spectrum, probably because of the area (mid-atlantic). Unfortunately for me there are a few members of the church who are more conservative and I'm beginning to notice - it seems like the congregation is sliding back that way. I agree with the lack of things for young adults, but I'm also one of the young adults working on starting a young adult ministry of sorts, so we'll see how that goes. Also want to add that I went to a Lutheran Church in Canada which was more liberal and I really liked, I don't think Canada has as many types of Lutherans?

My LCMS church:

- loves food/coffee, fellowship almost always includes food/coffee and there are almost always leftovers

- has no problem with alcohol, I witnessed my pastor having beer at our Oktoberfest while wearing a lederhosen-print apron

- uses red wine and those wafer things for Communion, like Catholics (also, unlike Catholics, Jesus is "present in, with, and under" the bread and wine)

- confirms people at the end of 8th grade after two years of classes, this is also first Communion and the recognition of being voting age - you're now an "adult" of the church

- only ordains men, but has women in all other positions in the church, everyone can vote once they're old enough

- loves organs, liturgy, traditional classical hymns, but does try to do "alternative" worship styles with contemporary worship songs sometimes to mix it up, is very big on music and singing in parts

- everyone has Sunday School, even the adults have a morning Bible study, if they chose to go

- never seemed to judge or bash any other denomination, religion, or lack of faith, more of a "we believe this and we disagree with their beliefs here, but that's their choice" sort of mentality, although increasingly encouraging of sharing; our confirmation classes included trips to other services in other religions/denominations, our now-retired pastor is close friends with my friend's Rabbi

- never said anything about creation, especially not YEC, in my hearing, although I think that's the official LCMS stance but a lot of my fellow congregants are scientists and I don't know of anyone who doesn't believe in evolution in my church

- stands up and sits down a lot, perhaps it helps to make up for the excessive eating of cakes

The Lutheran church in Canada additionally:

- was very welcoming toward LGBTQ people and one of the most active married couples consisted of two men

- ordained women

I must admit I don't really know about LBGTQ people in my church at home because if it's ever come up I've known nothing about it, but I've certainly never heard anything homophobic from anyone at my church so there's nothing to suggest to me that they would be hateful or even outright unwelcoming as far as I know, but I know that LCMS does not ordain gay/transgender men.

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