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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 53


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OK, Donald, if you don't want to be called Baron von Shitzinpantz, I have a new nickname for you:




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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

OK, Donald, if you don't want to be called Baron von Shitzinpantz, I have a new nickname for you:

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Didn’t anyone tell him that isn’t how to carry a pizza box?

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"Hope Hicks"


I just spent six hours on this cartoon, on a Saturday at that, so you’re not getting a long blog from me today. I’d like to order some food and zone out for a while. Maybe I’ll watch the new Jerry Seinfeld thing I just heard is on Netflix, or maybe the documentaries on Bon Jovi and Duran Duran. No, I don’t like those bands but I do love music documentaries? Why am I talking about this? I need to be talking about Hope Hicks and her testimony from yesterday.

Hope Hicks testified during the Trump hush money case and presented herself as an empathetic figure which is funny coming from someone who worked several years for the least empathetic person in the country…and this is my point.

Hicks presented herself as nervous and even cried at one point during her testimony, and when she walked away from the witness stand, she apologized to Donald Trump for her testimony, saying, “I’m sorry, President Trump.” And that just cleanses any pity I might have had for Ms. Hope Hicks.

Listening to Hope Hicks is like listening to a mobster employee testify that she never knew about the decapitated horse head left in its owner’s bed.

Hope Hicks was there for all the dirt. She didn’t quit when she heard about the hush money payments to a playmate and a porn star. She didn’t quit when she heard about Trump’s affairs. She didn’t quit when she heard the Access Hollywood tape. She didn’t quit knowing Donald Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women. She didn’t quit knowing Donald Trump was a racist. She didn’t quit after getting to know Donald Trump and the kind of person he is.

In fact, she stayed on the job for the Trump Campaign and followed Stinky to the White House. Then she did quit but…she went back.

And if nothing else, I have disdain for her just because she called Trump “Mr. President (sic).” That’s a title of honor and respect and shouldn’t be given to the twice-impeached former guy who refused a peaceful transfer of power and tried to remain in office through an insurrection. The President of the Hair Club for Men, which Trump is probably a client of, deserves that title more than Trump. Anyone who refers to Trump as “president” doesn’t respect the presidency.

Soon, we’ll have to replace the term “crocodile tears” with “MAGAt tears.”

Don’t cry for me, MAGA-Lardo.


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5 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

Didn’t anyone tell him that isn’t how to carry a pizza box?

Anyone who thinks McDonald's Big Macs are fine dining and prefers their steak cooked until it's shoe leather should not be trusted to handle food and keep it pretty decent. It doesn't surprise me at all that he's carrying a pizza box like that, but surprises me is that he doesn't turn it vertical and tuck it under his arm.

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Well, he's maybe never had to carry a pizza box before now.  He has people that do that for him.  I bet he was surprised when he opened the box and the pizza had slid.  He doesn't seem that familiar with gravity.

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7 hours ago, thoughtful said:

OK, Donald, if you don't want to be called Baron von Shitzinpantz, I have a new nickname for you:

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I don't care if he doesn't like being called Baron von Shitzinpantz.  Do you?

Seriously though, I really don't care about that.  Nor do I care if his fucking fee fees are getting hurt.  Any other human being I might but this guy is so devoid of redeeming quantities that I fucking hate him.  There.  I said it.  (Once again).  It's either that or have a stroke trying to keep that bottled in.


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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, Xan said:

Well, he's maybe never had to carry a pizza box before now.  He has people that do that for him.  I bet he was surprised when he opened the box and the pizza had slid.  He doesn't seem that familiar with gravity.

Gravity? What kind of fake science mumbo jumbo is that? Gravity is fake news. There's no such thing as proven science. Gravity. Ha! That fake idea came from the same people who told us to wear masks. I've done my research online and gravity doesn't exist. If my pizzas aren't pristine it's because Joe Biden messed up pizza boxes.

Edited by Audrey2
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8 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

Didn’t anyone tell him that isn’t how to carry a pizza box?

If you've seen the videos, it's just bizarre - he tilts them back and forth, and shakes them. I mean, the man loves junk food, you'd think he'd know what pizza is like. But I guess, since it wasn't for him, it doesn't matter.

2 hours ago, Xan said:

Well, he's maybe never had to carry a pizza box before now.  He has people that do that for him.  I bet he was surprised when he opened the box and the pizza had slid.  He doesn't seem that familiar with gravity.

He's carried lots of pizza boxes - to do this same stupid stunt. I think that, if there are enough boxes, he has no choice but to carry them correctly. Maybe the staffer's mistake this time was only handing him two of the boxes.

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You think I’d be used to the idiocy by now, but there’s always a new and gross low with these guys. The slogan is weird enough. The accompanying adult diaper, complete with logo? Holy eye roll. 


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"If He Wins"


TIME Magazine was able to get an interview with Donald Trump which was unique because he usually only gives interviews to sycophantic outlets that don’t ask challenging questions like Fox News, Breitbart, NewsMax, Daily Stormer, Sputnik, Golden Showers Afficianado, etc, etc.

The title of the article is If He Wins, and hoo boy, there’s a lot to take from it. Donald Trump gives several reasons why voters should reject him for the third time.

He floats the idea of using the military against immigrants, and not just at the border. He likes the idea of using the military nationally to round up those he deems unacceptable. This may even go beyond rounding up immigrants. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of “Well, he looked like an immigrant when we picked him up off the street and threw him in one of the new swanky Trump labor camps.”

Trump also wants to use local police and if they refuse, he said he would deny funding for jurisdictions that don’t adopt his policies. He also plans to send the National Guard into cities (urban areas) to fight crime and will cut off funding for cities that resist.

Tom Homan, a top Trump adviser and former acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said, “People need to be deported. No one should be off the table.” Notice he didn’t say “immigrants.” I hope I get deported someplace nice.

When asked about violence if he doesn’t win the 2024 election, he said, “If we don’t win, you know, it depends” and “It always depends on the fairness of the election.” Remember, what Trump considers unfair are free and legitimate outcomes of elections.

He promised in the interview to fire U.S. attorneys who don’t prosecute who he wants to be prosecuted, but Biden has “politicized” the Justice Department. Trump said he’ll appoint a “real special prosecutor” to go after President Biden, especially if the Supreme Court rules that presidents don’t have immunity. “If they said that a President doesn’t get immunity,” says Trump, “then Biden, I am sure, will be prosecuted for all of his crimes.” Of course, President Biden hasn’t committed any crimes for the crime of defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

Trump is also trying to find a way to fire non-appointed career federal workers, so he can stock the entire government with sycophants.

Michael McConnell, a former U.S. appellate judge appointed by President George W. Bush, said, “If he ordered an improper prosecution, I would expect any respectable U.S. Attorney to say no.” Except Trump’s not going to hire any respectable people to do his bidding. He’s only going to hire cultists.

Trump told TIME that it is up to the states if they decide to monitor women’s pregnancies so they know if they receive an abortion and if they should prosecute them or not. He has no interest in preventing states from prosecuting women for making their own decisions with their bodies. He said he had no interest in vetoing a federal abortion ban.

Trump likes the idea of pulling our troops out of South Korea, which he thinks are 40,000 and not the actual 28,000 who are there. He said it doesn’t make sense and, “Why would we defend somebody? And we’re talking about a very wealthy country.” It sounds like Trump wants to give his fascist buddy Kim Jong Un a solid and clear way for a North Korean invasion.

“I wouldn’t feel good about it” is what Trump said about hiring anyone who believes he lost the 2020 election, which he did. According to goons helping him plan his next administration (sic), they plan to only hire sycophants.

He also said he would “absolutely” consider pardoning the more than 800 Jan. 6 defendants, which is a promise he’s already made.

He will close the White House pandemic-preparedness office.

He said he might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense. He has already said Russia can “do whatever the hell they want” to a NATO country he believes doesn’t spend enough on collective defense. He told TIME, “If you’re not going to pay, then you’re on your own.”

Trump expressed doubt about a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine and promised that if Iran attacks Israel, we’ll go to war. Trump doesn’t want to defend South Korea, Ukraine, or any other European nation, but he’ll go to war with Iran if they attack Israel.

If Trump wins (sic), he’ll enter office as a lame duck because he can’t run for a third term unless he ignores the Constitution. The fear of losing another election will not restrict Trump from the authoritarian things he wants to do. He promised TIME that in a second term (sic), he won’t “be so nice.”

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said a second Trump term could bring “the end of our democracy” and “the birth of a new kind of authoritarian presidential order.” Trump already claims he has immunity from the crimes he committed during his first term (sic). What laws will he violate in a second?

Trump’s Allies are laying the groundwork to restructure the presidency in line with a doctrine called the Unitary Executive Theory, which was concocted by Republican assholes during the Reagan administration and holds that many of the constraints imposed on the White House by legislators and the courts should be swept away in favor of a more powerful Commander in Chief.

During the interview, Trump stepped out to the patio at MAGA-Lardo and the people in attendance applauded. This is sycophancy and what will only increase and be demanded during a second Trump term (sic).

When TIME’s reporter asked Trump if he could see why many Americans see his talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles, he replied he doesn’t, and said, “I think a lot of people like it.”

These are his own words, not stuff I’m making up.

If Trump wins, it’s going to be the death of America as we know it. It will be the death of our democracy, replaced by a fascist state. If Trump wins, I’m moving to Portugal. Yeah, last time I said I was going to Belize, but I’m still exploring my options.


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Saw that on Threads this morning. Of course the Musk fan individuals had to complain how their feelings were hurt. 

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