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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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On 3/5/2024 at 5:51 AM, louisa05 said:

Never mind that clothing sizes have changed since the 1950s. 


Yeah, and then, like now, there was not a lot of consistency. Lori wouldn't know this, because she refuses to think things through or do any sort of research on clothing measurements.

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Today in LA-LA Land, Lori compares the Princess of Wales to Taylor Swift. No mention of Catherine's current struggles, of course. As long as she presents outlwardly to Lori's approval, nothing else matters.


Lori's take on Kate.jpg

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In Lori’s defense, she herself is never attention seeking.




She’s very modest too.



Lori has every right to complain about attention seeking, immodest harlots like Taylor. 

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This is from her Biblical Woman Bible Study on Facebook. I really don’t feel a bit guilty for experiencing a rather large amount of schadenfreude.  I guess the face masks that she so vocally opposed (remember her bandana folded in half with rubber bands around the ears that she wore when forced), and the vaccine that she still so vocally opposes  might have had our best interests at heart after all. 

Yes, Lori, there are some things worse than temporarily not seeing people’s smiles. Like a lifetime of medical issues because of your poor decisions. 


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Lying Lori said in the comments to her Princess Catherine* FB post that both she and Taylor Swift need to repent and believe in Jesus.  

Lori got absolutely reamed by commenters on how effing dare she -- Since when was she God and could see into someone's heart and know if they believed in Jesus; Lori should worry about her own belief; she wasn't acting very Christian; she was a hypocrite, etc., etc., etc.

All the comments are still there and it's a lovely thing to read. Warmed my heart it did. I positively reveled in the schadenfreude.

* I must mention the nuts who said the British royals are satanic pedophiles, practicing satanic rituals and have been for many centuries. They are also members of the Illuminati.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, peeps! I was on the Transformed Wife 2.0 FB page and found this, starring Ken himself!


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Someone on Facebook has posted a link to an article called The Cult of Lori Alexander. It's written by a man with an interest in cults and anti-cult activism, although his background seems to be in music. He starts out talking about a church leader he knew with what seems to be an extremely familiar story to us here on FJ:


I had a Bible study leader who stood out to me for how seriously he took his faith and his responsibilities as a husband and father. He worked hard, his family attended church every Sunday, and his wife seemed to respect him. He had three well-behaved children who were always impeccably dressed. I still recall the amusement with which he told me how the first child had been conceived. Tired of waiting for his wife to be ready to start having children, he had poked a hole in his condom one night and she had fallen pregnant. He gleefully added that it had worked out great as he had been wanting his wife to quit her job anyway and the pregnancy had forced her to do so. I found the story alarming but pushed it to the back of my mind. The family seemed to be doing well so everything must have turned out for the best.

Hmm...sound familiar? He goes on in this vein with a couple more anecdotes, one involving a child opening birthday presents before the family awakes, and another involving a cat, a wall, and a week of icing up a very sore foot.🤨

I haven't finished the article yet, it's a really long one and I'm in my hotel room right now trying to get packed up for the second half of our trip west (grandbaby time!!! :D ), so I shouldn't be on here at all. I just can't quit you, FJ! 😆  But it looks like a really good summing up of all that Lori represents and all that we know about her.


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Here is an interesting exchange on Twitter (I refuse to call it X) this morning. LazyLori’s been getting some heat after here full on support of a born again porn star, and I’m here for it 





Another one. Kenny is Twittering now, too, and I’m here for the fun. 



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11 hours ago, Loveday said:

Someone on Facebook has posted a link to an article called The Cult of Lori Alexander. It's written by a man with an interest in cults and anti-cult activism, although his background seems to be in music. He starts out talking about a church leader he knew with what seems to be an extremely familiar story to us here on FJ:

Hmm...sound familiar? He goes on in this vein with a couple more anecdotes, one involving a child opening birthday presents before the family awakes, and another involving a cat, a wall, and a week of icing up a very sore foot.🤨

I haven't finished the article yet, it's a really long one and I'm in my hotel room right now trying to get packed up for the second half of our trip west (grandbaby time!!! :D ), so I shouldn't be on here at all. I just can't quit you, FJ! 😆  But it looks like a really good summing up of all that Lori represents and all that we know about her.


I’ve just finished reading the whole essay. Wow. So nice to see someone has spelled out all of the things we have said for years. She really is f’ed up, isn’t she?

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Lori bragged this morning she was a debt free virgin with no tattoos when she got married.  Well  .... yeah .... debt free because her father paid for college. It's easy to be debt-free when someone else pays for everything all your life. 

No tattoos -- ok I'll believe that. Lori seems like a wussy who couldn't take the needle.

Virgin ....... ummm ..... pretty sure that's not the exact truth. Lori has always said she was "technically a virgin" when she got married. I have always believed she did everything except PinV before marriage. I knew too many "good Christian girls" in HS and college who declared themselves virgins because they didn't do PinV -- although they did everything else. Oral sex (give and receive) was a fave among these girls.

Ken referred to her as his pure bride.

Jumping on the speculation bus -- I wonder if he thought/ thinks that because she was "pure" with him?  We know she didn't love him or have any romantic feelings, no butterflies. She's said she wasn't excited to marry him.  Perfect reasons to remain "pure" with Ken., even though she was only technically a virgin. I wonder if he ever figured that out?

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Lori and I are around the same age. Back in the 1970’s tattoos were not nearly as much of a thing as today. I didn’t know anyone in college, male or female, who had one. So pretty much most of us could say the same thing. 

And I agree 100% with @Red Hair, Black Dress. Lori got everything paid for by her parents. Of course she was debt free. 

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2 hours ago, kpmom said:

Lori and I are around the same age. Back in the 1970’s tattoos were not nearly as much of a thing as today. I didn’t know anyone in college, male or female, who had one. So pretty much most of us could say the same thing. 

And I agree 100% with @Red Hair, Black Dress. Lori got everything paid for by her parents. Of course she was debt free. 

Our granddads who had been in the service had the tattoos. It was really only a service thing back then, before it became mainstream.  

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32 minutes ago, SweetLaurel said:

Our granddads who had been in the service had the tattoos. It was really only a service thing back then, before it became mainstream.  

You just brought back a memory for me of my grandpa and his Lady Liberty tattoo on one arm and anchor on the other. He was in the Navy in between the world wars, in the late 20s. He was so proud of his service: he got out of his tiny hometown, saw the world, and learned a trade he was able to use in the war effort during WWII (he was a machinist), as well as to support his family all his life. He was equally proud of his sons, sons' in law, and my husband, all Navy as well. His tattoos were very meaningful to all of us in the family! ❤️ 

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3 hours ago, kpmom said:

Lori and I are around the same age. Back in the 1970’s tattoos were not nearly as much of a thing as today. I didn’t know anyone in college, male or female, who had one. So pretty much most of us could say the same thing. 

And I agree 100% with @Red Hair, Black Dress. Lori got everything paid for by her parents. Of course she was debt free. 

Where did she go to college? Because California state schools only charged "fees" in the early 1980s. Lowest number I found online was around $225 for the year in 1980-81, highest was around $1200 in 1982-83. So if she went to a California state school, it was very financially accessible especially for the daughter of a medical doctor. No possibility of loans. 

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Her crazy logic is on full display this morning. Abortion is all the fault of women because they’re the ones walking into abortion clinics.



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Sometimes I read Lori's page just to see what she's been up to lately.  Mostly, I avoid it though because she's such a nasty, bitter, woman-hater.  I don't think I've read anything that she's written that was useful, kind, or thought-provoking.  It's all "woman are second-class citizens who should hide in their houses and wait for men to tell them what to do".  

Lately, all I notice are her constant complaints about tattoos and fornication.  If there was a just God, He'd zap a "Fornication!" tattoo on her forehead.  She does seem to love that word.

Edited by Xan
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Lori has pissed me off this morning by something other than her usual message for once. She's used an illustration for a post today by one of my favourite children's book illustrators, Renee Graef. Furthermore, it's an illustration from one of her picture books based on Little House in The Big Woods. I seriously doubt Renee would appreciate Lori using it without her permission--and if she knew about Lori's beliefs I really doubt she'd GIVE permission. 😕

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As a BEC -- I say report her for using the illustration without the artist's permission

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Wow, Lori up there is not only saying the quiet part out loud (pregnancy is punishment for women who have sex) but also showing what I've heard from most anti-abortion people I've spoken with. They don't believe that terminating a pregnancy where the fetus is incompatible with life "counts" as an abortion. They think abortion is only (as Lori says) killing "living growing babies" and that terminating a pregnancy out of medical necessity is NOT an abortion.

Despite the fact that yes, it very much IS an abortion, the same procedure, the same medications, the same end result being ending a pregnancy. If the procedure is restricted, it's restricted. If the medication is unavailable, it's unavailable. And their votes are passing laws that not only restrict access to abortion for those promiscuous women they think should be punished for daring to enjoy sex, but that put women's lives at risk because those same laws make necessary medical care for them unavailable. 

"But it's not an abortion if it's NECESSARY!!!" they whine. Yes it is. In the eyes of the law it is. 

Ugh she's such an awful horrific waste of oxygen. 

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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

As a BEC -- I say report her for using the illustration without the artist's permission

Done, thanks for the suggestion. I didn't realise you could do an intellectual property report. Hopefully they'll make her change it.

Oh, and as for the BEC part? I was literally eating some crackers when I reported her.:laughing-rolling:

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Hmm. I just read the entire post with the Renee Graef illustration. It's from Above Rubies by Nancy Campbell, and she credits Graef at the bottom of Lori's post. I wonder if Campbell got permission to use the painting? I'm not sure how that sort of thing works.

Regardless, how dare Lori use a Little House picture to illustrate her general awfulness? 😡


In much pleasanter news, I'm caring for my granddaughter today. She's five months old, and I'm probably the happiest grandma in the country right now.😁

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3 hours ago, Alisamer said:

Wow, Lori up there is not only saying the quiet part out loud (pregnancy is punishment for women who have sex) but also showing what I've heard from most anti-abortion people I've spoken with. They don't believe that terminating a pregnancy where the fetus is incompatible with life "counts" as an abortion. They think abortion is only (as Lori says) killing "living growing babies" and that terminating a pregnancy out of medical necessity is NOT an abortion.

Despite the fact that yes, it very much IS an abortion, the same procedure, the same medications, the same end result being ending a pregnancy. If the procedure is restricted, it's restricted. If the medication is unavailable, it's unavailable. And their votes are passing laws that not only restrict access to abortion for those promiscuous women they think should be punished for daring to enjoy sex, but that put women's lives at risk because those same laws make necessary medical care for them unavailable. 

"But it's not an abortion if it's NECESSARY!!!" they whine. Yes it is. In the eyes of the law it is. 

Ugh she's such an awful horrific waste of oxygen. 

 My friend’s husband believes there are no cases of medical necessity and is opposed to D&C even in cases of miscarriage because one person they know was told that the baby had died, was sent home and told to come back to the hospital on Monday for the procedure. The heart had started beating again and she carried the pregnancy to term. He sees this as proof that D&C is murder. He goes so far as to want all women who miscarry to be arrested and subjected to medical examination to prove that they didn’t case the miscarriage (including me when I lost the first embryo transfer). His view is that it’s unfortunate if the mother dies but there is never a reason to end a pregnancy. He also believes that babies who are incompatible with life can always be saved. Needless to say, I limit how much time I spend with him. 

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My WTF reaction is to the insane husband of your friend. How can she stay with him!!??

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Debt free: Does two out of three count or is a mortgage considered debt?

Virgin: I married at 49 so the good ship purity had sailed. 

Tattoos: Not yet, however my daughter has one. 

Edited by onekidanddone
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