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Trump 64: He's Finally In Front Of A Judge


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No need to send the FBI in undercover. They already worship in those churches every Sunday 😂

On a serious note. SCOTUS refuses to review CO ballot case. 

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1 hour ago, noseybutt said:

No need to send the FBI in undercover. They already worship in those churches every Sunday 😂

On a serious note. SCOTUS refuses to review CO ballot case. 

Refuses to grant cert at all, or refuses to expedite?

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They refused to expedite and refused to bypass the lower federal appeals court. So the lower court is hearing it first. The DC circuit has scheduled arguments for January 9.

Edited by livinginthelight
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1 hour ago, livinginthelight said:

They refused to expedite and refused to bypass the lower federal appeals court. So the lower court is hearing it first. The DC circuit has scheduled arguments for January 9.

This. Writ of cert before judgement denied.

Also, correction: it’s the immunity case not CO ballot.

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33 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

Trump's heartfelt Christmas message...

This reminds me of a Christmas card a lawyer from my office once received from a client’s CEO. They had constant legal disputes with another company (with a personal connection, too), and just recently won a case against them.

The card basically said: “It’s been a great, successful year. The enemy has been defeated. Merry Christmas!”

What a Christmas message! We all laughed so hard.



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3 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


That was the most pleasant post of the day. Sadly, he couldn’t just leave it at that.


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"May they rot in hell. Again, Merry Christmas" is quite the sign off.

Starting to wonder about the odds of him dropping dead before the election, his blood pressure looks to be through the roof.

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6 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

"May they rot in hell. Again, Merry Christmas" is quite the sign off.

Starting to wonder about the odds of him dropping dead before the election, his blood pressure looks to be through the roof.

If only we could be so lucky.

He's basically more and more saying "everyone in this country is corrupt and horrible except me and you... those patsies who keep kissing my orange booty and sending me money you can't afford to spare!"

At some point surely some of his followers will have a flash of insight along the lines of "wait, if literally everyone else other than him is corrupt... does that make sense? Really?"

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When people tell you who they are, believe them.


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I find the dynamics of this photo interesting. Melania isn’t there, but her father and son are. Tiffany’s husband is stuck behind Kim, but Kim’s son is prominent. Ivanka’s kids are really growing up. 


And Eric and Lara are missing.

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23 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

When people tell you who they are, believe them.


I find it interesting that revenge is the most common, particularly when compared to words that his followers are allegedly supporting him for (border, security, peace). Revenge against anyone he perceives to have wronged him, revenge for all the slights they perceive themselves as having endured. In the end that's what he's promising them - power over people they think owe them, with no strings attached and no matter what it costs.

It would be interesting to do a word cloud of his posts, and see what the patterns are there.

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It's been confirmed.  Fuck face bullied his way into a Home Alone 2 cameo.


If you spent your Christmas holidays binge-watching the Home Alone franchise on Disney+, you were probably stunned to see the familiar off-white dome of former President Donald Trump wandering through New York City’s Plaza Hotel lobby at the beginning of Home Alone 2. (It’s the scene where Kevin asks him for directions, and Trump does a double-take before giving them to him.)

In a new interview with Business Insider, Home Alone 2 director Chris Columbus has finally explained that baffling cameo. Basically, he says, Trump, who then owned the Plaza Hotel, refused to let the crew film there unless they gave him a small role in the film.

According to Columbus, when the crew approached the Plaza Hotel for permission to shoot its iconic lobby, Trump had an unusual stipulation. In addition to demanding a standard fee, he also reportedly said, “The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie.”

“So we agreed to put him in the movie, and when we screened it for the first time the oddest thing happened: People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen,” Columbus told BI. “So I said to my editor, ‘Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.’ But he did bully his way into the movie.”


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51 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

It's been confirmed.  Fuck face bullied his way into a Home Alone 2 cameo.


Of course, Grandpa Thinskin takes issue with the report:


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Here's Lisa Rubin's take on Smith's filing. Not only does she make the same point as Harry Litman's in @GreyhoundFan's post above, but she also picks up on some other interesting facts. 




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A better question would be, “is there anything worse than a trump rally?”


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Maine’s top election official has removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot, in a shock decision based on the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows paused her decision pending a potential appeal in state court, which Trump’s team said they intend to file.

The decision makes Maine the second state to disqualify Trump from office, after the Colorado Supreme Court handed down its own stunning ruling that removed him from the ballot earlier this month. The development is a significant victory for Trump’s critics, who say they’re trying to enforce a constitutional provision that was designed to protect the country from anti-democratic insurrectionists.

Bellows, a Democrat, issued the decision Thursday after presiding over an administrative hearing earlier this month about Trump’s eligibility for office. A bipartisan group of former state lawmakers filed the challenge against Trump.

“I do not reach this conclusion lightly,” Bellows wrote. “Democracy is sacred … I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection.”

He has got to be livid right about now. Maybe he’ll stroke out? 

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