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Charles and Camilla 2


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Amazon is neither here nor there.  It is however, a business that is absolutely run by extreme cost cutting and buying out the competition (from the business side of it) and exploiting and using its workers to organize its huge warehouses and make those “life-saving” deliveries. There is no denying it has helped many people, but at what cost is a different story. It’s definitely an environmental disaster as far as that goes. Cheap, mindless consumerism got a huge leg up with the rise of Amazon, and those trucks leave the warehouse whether or not they are full….

 I don’t think Bezos does much with Amazon on a personal level anymore. I’d argue his massive yacht is probably worse for the environment than a royal flying to an engagement, but what do I know? 

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No wonder there are so many homeless in Britain. Charles, who has vast real estate holdings, has been raising rents. He made $34 million pound from his real estate holdings last year. While people slept in the streets as a result.


Meanwhile, on one of the fanciest streets in London. . . 


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21 hours ago, Jackie3 said:

No wonder there are so many homeless in Britain. Charles, who has vast real estate holdings, has been raising rents. He made $34 million pound from his real estate holdings last year. While people slept in the streets as a result.


Meanwhile, on one of the fanciest streets in London. . . 


From your article:


Records show that the Duchy raised rents by 3 percent over the last fiscal year, which is just below the pace of private rental increases that have contributed to a cost-of-living crisis.

 So while Charles has raised the rent he’s actually increased it less than the market increases. Furthermore, the majority of the Duchy is located in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire and Lincolnshire; those holdings have nothing to do with homelessness in London. 

It is disingenuous to blame the housing and homeless problems on Charles. There were homeless people before he took over and sadly, there will be homeless people after.


Source: https://www.wyre.gov.uk/council/duchy-lancaster-wyre-1/1#:~:text=Today%2C the Duchy estate consists,%2C Cheshire%2C Staffordshire and Lincolnshire.

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Camilla wore the King George VI Sapphires in France during the Royal visit.  She looks really nice and sapphires look great on her. 


From media reports, it looks like Charles and Camilla's trip to France was a great trip. 

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She looks bomb. 

And yes - I've read nothing negative in the media. I've only seen positive reports of their visit, which is a refreshing change for the BRF lol. 

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Camilla should wear Dior more often or at least take the style pointers from what they've designed for her.  

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2 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Camilla should wear Dior more often or at least take the style pointers from what they've designed for her.  

Camilla's 75. She should wear whatever she wants.

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On 5/25/2023 at 2:31 AM, Jackie3 said:

They kidnapped a 6 year old boy--a child around Prince Louis' age--while looting his country. Then, when the child died 10 years later, they wouldn't return his remains? 

And they still won't return them because it will disturb other remains? What did they do, dump him in a mass grave? Anyway, who cares if the other remains are disturbed, they're dead! They won't mind! 

John Oliver made a good analogy which spoke to me. What if a foreign country invaded the USA and stole the Liberty Bell? Many years later, they refused to return it because they felt curators in the US "lacked the knowledge to care for it properly." That's the excuse the Brits give for not returning a lot of their stolen loot. The stupids in the country they looted lack the knowledge to care for the loot, so the Brits have to keep it. It's for their own good!

However, I don't think that's why they are hanging onto India's diamonds. 

I'm having a hard time understanding royalists.

I always have had. I’m English by birth and have adopted Scotland as my home. Been here years now. My mother was furious when, aged 16 I refused to stand and sing the National Anthem at the end of a local drama production. Said I embarrassed her.🤣. In the 70’s it was still the norm for the audience to stand and sing after a performance. Same when the TV shut off for the night after the news at 10pm. (No 24 hour TV then)!  I want going to sing for an unelected family of nefarious past. No chance .

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Wow, Charles' visit to France was the essence of hypocrisy.

First, he and Camilla FLEW there by private jet.  QE2 used to take the train, but not her "environmentally conscious" son. Even the Prime Minister took the Eurostar train to Paris earlier this year.

By flying , Charles consumed 100x more carbon than taking the train.

Secondly, the plane Charles took is designed to carry about 200 passengers on long journeys. In this case, it flew about 20 passengers on a short journey. Even the prime minister usually flies on a 12-seater jet, not a giant passenger plane.

Thirdly, Charles also put his Bentley on the plane with him. He was driven from the airport in this Bentley.

Fourthly, after lecturing to the French Senate about climate change,  he flew onto to Bordeaux. Again, he chose not to take the train there.

I agree that all the royals (including Harry) are hypocrites about climate change, but Charles is the worst.

When he was in Paris, he spoke to the French Senate about climate change, and the need for people (not him) to make changes to save the planet. Here's what Charles said to the Senate:


"Just as we stand together against military aggression [in Ukraine], so must we strive together to protect the world from our most existential challenge of all—that of global warming, climate change and the catastrophic destruction of nature."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Camilla wore the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara to a ceremonial dinner honoring Charles‘s and her coronation. Social media (well, parts of it) is in uproar because it was a very special piece to the late queen and as „the mistress“ Camilla is deemed unworthy.

I‘d say she is the queen now, so she gets to pick and it‘s a very beautiful tiara. Article with photos:


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Holy shit people are stupid. It’s kinda the same with the Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie nonsense. If it is so long ago that there is a new generation that is now teenagers or the little kids from the original couple are now married with multiple kids, it MIGHT be time to move on…!!


I say this as the daughter of someone who cheated on his wife (not my mother, but we were close) He has married his side piece and while she will never be a favourite person of mine (I HATE her personality) she is who he wants, they are lawfully wedded, it’s been a decade and life goes on. My half siblings feel the same and so does their mother (who he cheated on) 

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Whether or not she has the “right” to wear the tiara, Camilla does really have the most amazing hair for wearing them. The big ones all just look fantastic on her and never really look overwhelming in the same way that they were on others. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Ms said:

Holy shit people are stupid. It’s kinda the same with the Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie nonsense. 

Oh what a mess that was on the internet! Isn‘t Brad on better terms with Jennifer than Angelina at the moment anyway or did I miss the latest?

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Yeah, I saw some social media comments and had to laugh at them. They are the royal jewels and as queen, Camilla has every right to do what she wants with them. I saw people were upset she altered it as well, but I'm assuming she altered the band to fit her big head better. 

I didn't personally think it looked that great on her. With her hair being so brassy and feathered, she definitely rocks coloured jewels better. I thought the tiara got lost in her hair a bit but still - her choice to wear it. Go Cams! 

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Oh, QC looked lovely in both the  "Girls" tiara and the sapphire one! Blue is definitely  her color! makes her eyes shine!


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14 hours ago, viii said:

Yeah, I saw some social media comments and had to laugh at them. They are the royal jewels and as queen, Camilla has every right to do what she wants with them. I saw people were upset she altered it as well, but I'm assuming she altered the band to fit her big head better. 

I didn't personally think it looked that great on her. With her hair being so brassy and feathered, she definitely rocks coloured jewels better. I thought the tiara got lost in her hair a bit but still - her choice to wear it. Go Cams! 

The most priceless jewels in the world won’t improve that wrinkled, sour, adulterous face. 

Gotta wonder if it was worth it. Cheating, hurting people, wrecking families….all for the right to wear some pretty stones.

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I agree with her hairstyle the bigger tiaras look much better on her and don't look overwhelming like they sometimes can. I do think the Girls Tiara did get a bit lost in the fluff there, though. And the ones with colored stones stand out more on her.

I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol still sent her way about cheating and being the mistress and all that. For one, it takes two, so Charles is every bit as much deserving of that vitriol. And second, frankly she was there first and if the Queen had been willing to be progressive (which to be fair might have been difficult for her after the whole Wallis Simpson mess upended her entire family and future) it's highly likely she and Charles would have ended up married much sooner and Diana would never have even been in the picture at all. It's clear Charles has always from before he ever met Diana, been in love with Camilla. Diana was the "We'd have to change longstanding rules to let you marry Camilla, here, wouldn't you prefer this lovely young waif?" option he was given and strongly encouraged to go with. 

I mean yeah, originally, I loved Diana and saw her wedding as a child and wow she was an amazing beloved princess. But looking back, it's clear Camilla would have been Charles' first choice if he'd been allowed.

Of course he could have just gone with Camilla anyway and given up his claim to the throne, so he's not in any way blameless.

Of course if he'd done that we'd have King Andrew the Scandalous right now so probably good in the long run that he didn't. And it's such a strange mix of family and tradition and government I doubt any of the decisions any of them made was easy at all - Charles had no really GOOD option - he could go with his heart but give up the throne and probably alienate his family, he could marry Diana and hope for the best... in the end he went with option 2 but then fell back into option 1 on the side which was awful as well. 

Even as a kid though I thought they should just change the laws and let Anne be next in line. 

But things are different, now they are married and have been for a long time, Diana is long dead, Charles is king, Camilla is Queen, and that's just how things are. Only one of QEII's kids hasn't gotten divorced, at this point. Society is different, standards are different, laws are different. 

And really in the realm of royal scandals throughout history I suspect far more kings and princes had mistresses than didn't, so it's not like this is some unheard of thing. When people are encouraged (or coerced, or forced, or in any other way made) to marry for political reasons, they are unlikely to be happy faithful spouses. 

I'm not condoning cheating and yeah, Camilla was the mistress and that's not cool. But it takes two to cheat, and the whole situation was a shitshow from the beginning it seems like. But now she's his wife, and she's Queen, and that's just how it is now. And no matter how beloved Diana was she's gone. No amount of tiara or jewelry restrictions will change what happened or bring Diana back. 

And frankly if I suddenly had the right to choose whatever I wanted to wear from that jewelry collection? I'd have a whole beautifully lit (well secured) jewelry display room set up attached to my bedroom and I'd probably go in there daily and try on the sparklies. And probably have an instagram posting selfies wearing them and telling about the history of each piece. Because IMO the jewels are more interesting than the people. 

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4 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

I agree with her hairstyle the bigger tiaras look much better on her and don't look overwhelming like they sometimes can. I do think the Girls Tiara did get a bit lost in the fluff there, though. And the ones with colored stones stand out more on her.

I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol still sent her way about cheating and being the mistress and all that. For one, it takes two, so Charles is every bit as much deserving of that vitriol. And second, frankly she was there first and if the Queen had been willing to be progressive (which to be fair might have been difficult for her after the whole Wallis Simpson mess upended her entire family and future) it's highly likely she and Charles would have ended up married much sooner and Diana would never have even been in the picture at all. It's clear Charles has always from before he ever met Diana, been in love with Camilla. Diana was the "We'd have to change longstanding rules to let you marry Camilla, here, wouldn't you prefer this lovely young waif?" option he was given and strongly encouraged to go with. 

I mean yeah, originally, I loved Diana and saw her wedding as a child and wow she was an amazing beloved princess. But looking back, it's clear Camilla would have been Charles' first choice if he'd been allowed.

Of course he could have just gone with Camilla anyway and given up his claim to the throne, so he's not in any way blameless.

Of course if he'd done that we'd have King Andrew the Scandalous right now so probably good in the long run that he didn't. And it's such a strange mix of family and tradition and government I doubt any of the decisions any of them made was easy at all - Charles had no really GOOD option - he could go with his heart but give up the throne and probably alienate his family, he could marry Diana and hope for the best... in the end he went with option 2 but then fell back into option 1 on the side which was awful as well. 

Even as a kid though I thought they should just change the laws and let Anne be next in line. 

But things are different, now they are married and have been for a long time, Diana is long dead, Charles is king, Camilla is Queen, and that's just how things are. Only one of QEII's kids hasn't gotten divorced, at this point. Society is different, standards are different, laws are different. 

And really in the realm of royal scandals throughout history I suspect far more kings and princes had mistresses than didn't, so it's not like this is some unheard of thing. When people are encouraged (or coerced, or forced, or in any other way made) to marry for political reasons, they are unlikely to be happy faithful spouses. 

I'm not condoning cheating and yeah, Camilla was the mistress and that's not cool. But it takes two to cheat, and the whole situation was a shitshow from the beginning it seems like. But now she's his wife, and she's Queen, and that's just how it is now. And no matter how beloved Diana was she's gone. No amount of tiara or jewelry restrictions will change what happened or bring Diana back. 

And frankly if I suddenly had the right to choose whatever I wanted to wear from that jewelry collection? I'd have a whole beautifully lit (well secured) jewelry display room set up attached to my bedroom and I'd probably go in there daily and try on the sparklies. And probably have an instagram posting selfies wearing them and telling about the history of each piece. Because IMO the jewels are more interesting than the people. 

Usless  trivia:

That Jewelry scenario? The Dutch RF have done that! There are pictures on Instagram of the Crown Princess as a little girl trying on the her Mothers Jewels and Tiara’s.It’s really very cute. 

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On 10/19/2023 at 1:28 AM, prayawaythefundie said:

Camilla wore the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara to a ceremonial dinner honoring Charles‘s and her coronation. Social media (well, parts of it) is in uproar because it was a very special piece to the late queen and as „the mistress“ Camilla is deemed unworthy.

I‘d say she is the queen now, so she gets to pick and it‘s a very beautiful tiara. Article with photos:


I mean, if I were her, i wouldn’t have worn it publicly. I’d pick one without the baggage of a beloved former wearer and find a different one to be my signature piece and let the Girls lie fallow for a generation or two. That’s different than her being “worthy” which is a ridiculous argument IMHO. Yes, BOTH she and Charles cheated and that’s wrong and hurt Diana, but they’ve been married for nearly 20 years if my memory is accurate and Diana is long dead. 

Edited by Destiny
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3 minutes ago, Destiny said:

I mean, if I were her, i wouldn’t have worn it publicly. I’d pick one without the baggage of a beloved former wearer and find a different one to be my signature piece and let the Girls lie fallow for a generation or two. That’s different than her being “worthy” which is a ridiculous argument IMHO. Yes, BOTH she and Charles cheated and that’s wrong and hurt Diana, but they’ve been married for nearly 20 years if my memory is accurate and Diana is long dead. 

I had to look it up, they were married in 2005. So they've been married longer than Charles and Diana were married. Blows my mind how time seems to just...poof!! 😳

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17 minutes ago, Alisamer said:

And frankly if I suddenly had the right to choose whatever I wanted to wear from that jewelry collection? I'd have a whole beautifully lit (well secured) jewelry display room set up attached to my bedroom and I'd probably go in there daily and try on the sparklies. And probably have an instagram posting selfies wearing them and telling about the history of each piece. Because IMO the jewels are more interesting than the people. 

10,000% this, down to the jewels being more interesting than the people. Y’all, these people are the epitome of zzzzz but damn they have some pretty things. 

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I do think it's important to remember that nobody explicitly denied Charles the chance to marry Camilla. He decided that he wasn't ready to get married and went off to the Navy. Camilla decided that she wanted to get married, and married Andrew Parker-Bowles. I mean, a lot of could have been avoided with Charles and Diana, but I don't think Charles was ever denied to marry Camilla and forced to marry Diana. 

Charles and Camilla were both assholes in that situation, but so was Diana. Everybody cheated and nobody came out looking good. And I also believe that if Diana hadn't died, she wouldn't have the angelic halo she does know. She'd be a lot more criticized for her choices. 

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3 minutes ago, viii said:

I do think it's important to remember that nobody explicitly denied Charles the chance to marry Camilla.

I think you‘re right but I do believe he was pressured to find an appropriate royal bride abd Camilla wasn‘t it.

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