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Trump 59: The Walls Are Closing In, So Naturally He's Running Another Grifting Scheme


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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


The spelling is correct so I'm guessing this isn't entirely his work.

The message seems especially garbled, though, so I'm assuming he blabbered it, but I'm having some difficulty understanding the message.  Is he saying that a racist DA is calling the state legislature racist because they want to remove racists...or what?

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As best I can figure, he's saying that Fani Willis is racist against whites and she's claiming that the attempt to let the legislature remove prosecutors is racist against blacks.  So, Donny thinks that everybody is racist except for Donny.  

Here's a recent post that is so on-brand that they ought to call it a Trumpism.  Once again, he's just making stuff up and thinks if he says it often enough and long enough, it will make it be true.


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I heard that the Georgia legislature passed a bill, which the governor has promised to sign, that would allow the Republican congress to remove any prosecutor they dislike, such as Fani Willis. Which means Trump won't be indicted. Can anyone confirm this? A friend texted this to me after hearing it from Rachel Maddow's show.

Edited by livinginthelight
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55 minutes ago, livinginthelight said:

I heard that the Georgia legislature passed a bill, which the governor has promised to sign, that would allow the Republican congress to remove any prosecutor they dislike, such as Fani Willis. Which means Trump won't be indicted. Can anyone confirm this? A friend texted this to me after hearing it from Rachel Maddow's show.

I posted a link to the AJC story about this in the state houses thread. 

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On 3/4/2023 at 10:00 AM, thoughtful said:

Don't forget the flying cars, and rewards for having babies!


Did he put in the dog-whistles that make it clear that, somehow, he'll make sure that only white people are allowed to live there if this fantasy ever happens, or is that just taken for granted at this point?

Honestly I hope someone close to him latches on to this idea and really pushes him to make it happen - on an island somewhere. He can be king of it and "prove" to the US how great he is and how he should be president again. Meanwhile, the craziest of his crazies can go live there and be his subjects. I hope he invites MTG and BoBo to come be his vizier and court jester. They can fight over who is which one each week.

On 3/4/2023 at 10:20 AM, thoughtful said:

More like helicopters, based on his vague description - vehicles that can rise straight up from where they're parked.

Y'know, like people have been tossing out as something we will see in the future since the 1920s. Like the Jetsons and Futurama.

The easiest, least likely to actually happen, ridiculous promise there is - very Trump.

There are VTOLs that aren't technically helicopters - the Harrier and Osprey are the two that come to mind. I suspect he's thinking more like the Harrier, which is a fixed-wing fighter that has jets that can be directed downward for vertical lift, so it looks more sleek than something with props would. The Osprey is basically a fixed-wing aircraft with propeller engines on each wing that can be tilted up to generate helicopter-like lift. Neither is technology likely to go into personal vehicles any time soon. Thankfully. I've seen how people DRIVE, I don't want to even think about people in flying cars zooming everywhere. Not to mention how freaking LOUD all the vertical takeoff vehicles currently around are. 

Here's the Harrier - if I remember correctly it was landing vertically at this point. You can see the jets holding it up if you look closely.




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It's an all caps night over on Truth Social:


He could be worried about the investigations.  He might be pissed that it appears Carlson was talking crap about him behind his back.  He's caught on that Ivanka is choosing to save herself.  The Tucker Carlson rewrite of Jan. 6 isn't getting the reception he wanted.  At any rate, it's "Look over there!  Squirrel!"  time again.

And, excuse me, but "fear not"?  Who's writing this shit for him now anyway?  

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On 3/6/2023 at 10:22 PM, livinginthelight said:

I heard that the Georgia legislature passed a bill, which the governor has promised to sign, that would allow the Republican congress to remove any prosecutor they dislike, such as Fani Willis. Which means Trump won't be indicted. Can anyone confirm this? A friend texted this to me after hearing it from Rachel Maddow's show.

Georgia prosecutor here! Here's a link to the recent CNN article (which is very good, in my opinion) www.election.cnn.com/2023/03/08/politics/georgia-proseuctor-district-attorney-oversight 

Here is a link to the working of the bill if anyone is interested. www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/63985.

As members of the Georgia Bar, all of us attorneys are held to a standard of conduct, and prosecutors even take an additional oath. (Defense attorneys don't take an oath, interestingly enough!) My opinion is that the bill is most definitely a ploy for the Republican-majority legislature to control elected prosecutors. But basically the language of the bill is superfluous to the existing oversight provided by the Bar. What the legislature may have forgotten is that while *they* are republican, the State voted solidly for Biden in 2020. So, any recall initiated may backfire on them. I briefly worked for Ms. Willis (another story entirely) and I honestly believe that if a recall was called, the citizens of Fulton County would rally around her solidly. But that's only my opinion!

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Newest grift is Donny's second book:


Basically, it is a collection of letters that famous people have sent him over the years.  There's one in there from Oprah.  Of course, he saved them all and I think it's a safe bet that he didn't clear it with anyone to publish them.  The book goes for $99.  If you want a signed copy, it will cost $399.

He couldn't just title it "Letters" or "Letters to Me".  He had to title it "Letters to Trump" and then put "President Donald J. Trump" on the cover.  Sadly, many trees probably died for the creation of this book.

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1 minute ago, Xan said:

Newest grift is Donny's second book:


Basically, it is a collection of letters that famous people have sent him over the years.  There's one in there from Oprah.  Of course, he saved them all and I think it's a safe bet that he didn't clear it with anyone to publish them.  The book goes for $99.  If you want a signed copy, it will cost $399.

He couldn't just title it "Letters" or "Letters to Me".  He had to title it "Letters to Trump" and then put "President Donald J. Trump" on the cover.  Sadly, many trees probably died for the creation of this book.

$99? I wouldn't pay 99 cents for it. 

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5 hours ago, Xan said:

Newest grift is Donny's second book:


Basically, it is a collection of letters that famous people have sent him over the years.  There's one in there from Oprah.  Of course, he saved them all and I think it's a safe bet that he didn't clear it with anyone to publish them.  The book goes for $99.  If you want a signed copy, it will cost $399.

He couldn't just title it "Letters" or "Letters to Me".  He had to title it "Letters to Trump" and then put "President Donald J. Trump" on the cover.  Sadly, many trees probably died for the creation of this book.

Yeah it's probably filled with "love letters" from Branch Trumpvidians and not the kinds of letters I'd send that no good rotten four flushing stinking shit pile son of a bitch.  Letters that would show that I like to say the F word.  A lot.

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5 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

$99? I wouldn't pay 99 cents for it. 

Depending on the types of paper and ink used, it might be worth the cost of a roll of toilet paper and used as such.

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36 minutes ago, Dandruff said:

Depending on the types of paper and ink used, it might be worth the cost of a roll of toilet paper and used as such.

Well if it's full of letters from people like ME who call that fuck face four flushing stack of shit turd what he really is it would have literary value.  Especially if it was full of letters from me and others engaging in all sorts of commentary on fuck face's parentage, ancestry, reproductive proclivities, and ultimate destination.  

And yeah even 99 cents is waaay too much for fuck face's book.

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Donny is going berserk over on Truth Social.  I guess he got the news that they want him to testify before a grand jury regarding the Stormy Daniels case.  I'm not even going to dignify his rants with screenshotting them.  It's basically, "They're only coming after me because I am BY FAR the frontrunner for the 2024 election!  Go after the Bidens!  Hunter's laptop!  Witch hunt!  I didn't even have an affair with Stormy Horseface Daniels! (Yes, he went there.) Statute of limitations! Weaponized justice system!"

Yikes.  Someone is going to have to pull him down off of the walls later.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere close to Mar-a-Lago right now.

Yes, Donny.  Your behavior with women is causing your downfall.  And you are going insane realizing that black lawyers are the ones coming after you.  For a racist and misogynist like you, it's quite a blow.

I'm just going to be over here with my popcorn...

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2 hours ago, Xan said:

Donny is going berserk over on Truth Social.  I guess he got the news that they want him to testify before a grand jury regarding the Stormy Daniels case.  I'm not even going to dignify his rants with screenshotting them.  It's basically, "They're only coming after me because I am BY FAR the frontrunner for the 2024 election!  Go after the Bidens!  Hunter's laptop!  Witch hunt!  I didn't even have an affair with Stormy Horseface Daniels! (Yes, he went there.) Statute of limitations! Weaponized justice system!"

Yikes.  Someone is going to have to pull him down off of the walls later.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere close to Mar-a-Lago right now.

Yes, Donny.  Your behavior with women is causing your downfall.  And you are going insane realizing that black lawyers are the ones coming after you.  For a racist and misogynist like you, it's quite a blow.

I'm just going to be over here with my popcorn...

It would be apropos if this what gets him…after his “grab them my the P*ssies” comment. Jack Ass

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3 hours ago, Xan said:

Donny is going berserk over on Truth Social.  I guess he got the news that they want him to testify before a grand jury regarding the Stormy Daniels case.  I'm not even going to dignify his rants with screenshotting them.  It's basically, "They're only coming after me because I am BY FAR the frontrunner for the 2024 election!  Go after the Bidens!  Hunter's laptop!  Witch hunt!  I didn't even have an affair with Stormy Horseface Daniels! (Yes, he went there.) Statute of limitations! Weaponized justice system!"

Yikes.  Someone is going to have to pull him down off of the walls later.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere close to Mar-a-Lago right now.

Yes, Donny.  Your behavior with women is causing your downfall.  And you are going insane realizing that black lawyers are the ones coming after you.  For a racist and misogynist like you, it's quite a blow.

I'm just going to be over here with my popcorn...

@Xan I don’t think it’s only Stormy…


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Donny's team has hit a speed bump regarding the latest book.  Surprise! Surprise! They didn't get the actual permission of some of the letter writers before they rushed to publish.  Jay Leno was the first to step up and complain and the Clinton camp has weighed in.  Here's the relevant part of the Clinton reply:  

Clinton's spokesperson confirmed that "of course he didn't" seek permission from Clinton before deciding to share their correspondence in Letters to Trump.

"Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect," Clinton's spokesperson Nick Merrill told Newsweek. "Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they've done on the potty."

Copyright law establishes that the letter writer owns the rights to the correspondence -- not the letter recipient.  I guess Donny thought he could just steal the letters and publish them just like he stole the photos for the last book.

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This is nauseating:


I think this is my favorite reaction:


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Because Kimmy's birthday is all about him:


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

This is nauseating:


I think this is my favorite reaction:


Why would he put out a video like this if he wasn't trying to stir things up again?  I can't see it having a benefit toward gaining actual votes.

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I'm not sure he's after votes any more.  He wants a revolution or a civil war.  He needs enough chaos to derail all the investigations into his years of schemes, grifts, and thefts.  He truly would rather have the country burn down than to spend one night in jail.  I figure he's probably making alternate plans to escape to another country but that's not nearly as good as staying here with all of his stuff.

I don't know who first decided that Donny would make a good candidate but I'd like to go back in time and slap him silly.

Edited by Xan
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20 minutes ago, Xan said:

I'm not sure he's after votes any more.  He wants a revolution or a civil war.  He needs enough chaos to derail all the investigations into his years of schemes, grifts, and thefts.  He truly would rather have the country burn down than to spend one night in jail.  I figure he's probably making alternate plans to escape to another country but that's not nearly as good as staying here with all of his stuff.

I don't know who first decided that Donny would make a good candidate but I'd like to go back in time and slap him silly.

Could have been McConnell to use as a puppet to pack the courts.  Now said puppet is a real boy and as you said ready to burn it all down

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Somebody needs to explain to Big Stupid that this case isn't going to be tried by the voters or swayed by public opinion.


Morgenthau retired 14 years ago and died 4 years ago.  He also hated crooked politicians so I doubt he's spinning in his grave over Donny's troubles.

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9 hours ago, Xan said:

Donny's team has hit a speed bump regarding the latest book.  Surprise! Surprise! They didn't get the actual permission of some of the letter writers before they rushed to publish.  Jay Leno was the first to step up and complain and the Clinton camp has weighed in.  Here's the relevant part of the Clinton reply:  

Clinton's spokesperson confirmed that "of course he didn't" seek permission from Clinton before deciding to share their correspondence in Letters to Trump.

"Nothing says deeply-insecure-has-been quite like publishing private correspondence with the hope that people will believe you once garnered respect," Clinton's spokesperson Nick Merrill told Newsweek. "Feels like the adult equivalent of when a toddler proudly presents you with what they've done on the potty."

Copyright law establishes that the letter writer owns the rights to the correspondence -- not the letter recipient.  I guess Donny thought he could just steal the letters and publish them just like he stole the photos for the last book.

I don't know if I sent a letter to that stinking shitpile of a human being.  But if I did I would demand said letter be published in goddamn full, along with my extremely colorful commentary on fuck face's parentage, ancestry, reproductive proclivities, and ultimate destination even if any of those were anatomically impossible.  And if he wants to claim he lost it, I'll retype it up right fucking now and resend it to that son of a bitch.

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