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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 44


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"Why Can't We Be Friends?"


Here’s a prediction: When Ron DeSantis runs for president, he will return to wailing about big government spending and accuse President Biden of being a socialist who believes throwing money at problems is the answer, forgetting how he requested billions from Biden in hurricane relief.

Actually, he won’t forget. He’ll just neglect to mention it because Ron DeSantis is a cheap lying goon.

These are the lines DeSantis will have to tread. One line will be what a great governor he is and how well he handled the hurricane and rebuilt the disaster areas, while not mentioning he did it with federal funding provided by President Joe Biden. When Ron DeSantis was a congressman, he opposed federal hurricane relief when Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey.

Golly gee willikers, I sure do hope Ron DeSantis is comfortable being a lying hypocrite. Good news, kids! He is.


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"Who's Absorbent?"


I may have mentioned this in a blog a few days ago (I can’t remember the things I do), but one of the rabid racist MAGAt sycophants whose Facebook page I check in on periodically to gauge the latest GOP outrage posted a tirade about how Biden was politicizing Hurricane Ian.

This post was a few days before Ian made landfall in Florida. The goon wrote, “The refusal of a United States president to meet with, or even talk to the governor of a state about to be hit by a major hurricane, because of political differences, is an unprecedented height of political pettiness.”

Let’s parse this down. Who’s to say anyone was “refusing” to talk to someone? If there was a refusal, why did he assume it was Biden doing the refusal? Since this was a few days before the hurricane, wasn’t it premature to assume they wouldn’t talk (maybe this MAGAt is premature with a lot of things)? Since they did talk and Biden approved every bit of federal aid DeSantis asked for, did the FB poster issue a correction or an update? Of course not. Since he’s triggered by the supposed lack of help, was he triggered enough to applaud Biden for helping Florida? No. And, all the comments on it are still outraged. Nobody has corrected the record. And I’m not gonna comment on it because the goon gets off on that and it only makes his supporters scream at me for using those things called “facts.”

But the biggest takeaway from this is his calling Biden’s “refusal” to talk to DeSantis (which wasn’t true) an “unprecedented height of political pettiness.”

From this point forward, I’m addressing the MAGAt goon.

Excuse me? Did you snore through the entire Trump administration? No, you did not because you were defending all his racist petty bullshit on a daily basis.

In fact, you defended his throwing paper towels at Puerto Ricans after the territory was hit by Hurricane Maria.

You defended Trump when he didn’t know it was a territory, an island, or that he was president of Puerto Rico.

You defended Trump when he feuded with the mayor of San Juan over petty shit.

You defended Trump when he lied about the death toll.

And you defended Trump when he withheld billions…BILLIONS…of federal aid because the mayor hurt his feelings and he didn’t believe he had received enough compliments for all the wonderful things he did for Puerto Rico after the hurricane, which was him visiting the island and tossing paper towels. Why didn’t more people appreciate that?

Never before has any president thrown paper towels at hurricane survivors as well as Donald Trump.

I also remember you defending Trump when he said “send them back,” used federal funds to extort the president of Ukraine, downplayed and politicized the COVID pandemic, his 30,000 lies, his sexual assaults, his endorsements of pedophiles, and when he ordered an insurrection and attack on Congress. I even remember when you defended his defense of Nazis in Charlottesville.

So, yeah. You were present and at least semi-conscious during the Trump disaster. So, why do you believe that our current president (not the one you think won) refusing to talk to a governor is an “unprecedented height of political pettiness?”

After approving aid to Florida, President Biden didn’t tweet something like, “Many people are saying how awesome I am for providing this aid.” I haven’t seen a tweet saying, “Thanks to my leadership.” He hasn’t complained that he hasn’t been thanked enough. He hasn’t lashed out at any government authorities in Florida for being unappreciative. He hasn’t gone to Florida to toss out paper towels. But most of all, he’s not withholding federal funds from Florida because he doesn’t like someone down there. And trust me, there’s someone down there very unlikeable.

Even if Biden hadn’t talked to DeSantis, why would anyone care? I wouldn’t blame him. Who wants to talk to racist fucks like Ron DeSantis? It’s the same as me not wanting to talk to the racist fuck who made that lying Facebook post.

Biden has not put politics before the people of Florida despite the fact it’s a red state now and it voted for Trump.

Do you know why? Because President Joe Biden isn’t a selfish sonofabitch whose only concerns and interests are himself.

This cartoon is just a remember, and maybe a gentle nudge to MAGAts, that we have a decent human being as president right now, and not some rancid racist selfish entitled orange tosser.


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"Presidential Buckets"


In early 2022, Donald Trump asked one of his lawyers to tell the National Archives that all of the material they were seeking had been returned to them and none were remaining at Mar-a-Lago. The lawyer refused to do that.

Trump attorney Alex Cannon facilitated the January transfer of 15 boxes of presidential records from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives, which they had spent over a year trying to get. Cannon had been an attorney for the Trump Organization and the Trump Campaign before joining Trump’s post-presidential (sic) legal team, so this guy had the experience to know that most things Donald Trump says are flat-out lies. So, he refused to tell the National Archives that they had received all the documents and none were left at Mar-a-Lago. It was a smart move because as we know now, it was another Trump lie.

An attorney who lies in court or to the government can lose his or her law license. For lying to the FBI and Justice Department, an attorney can go to prison. I’m not sure what lying to the National Archives can get you but doing so as a legal representative may land you in hot water.

As it turns out, the 15 boxes that were returned were packed by Trump himself, which is really weird. Trump never does anything himself, like with his own hands, unless it’s something corrupt…like drawing on hurricane maps with Sharpies.

Trump also dictated a statement for his team to release publicly that said “everything” had been returned. Sources say he complained that the National Archives were being “persnickety” over this material. But his team didn’t want to release that statement because like Cannon, they weren’t certain it was true. And like most things with Trump, it wasn’t. Instead, they released a statement saying Trump had given boxes of materials to the archives in a “friendly” manner. It did not say that all of the materials were handed over.

More documents from Mar-a-Lago were returned in June, and the FBI presented a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago in August.

Being an attorney for Trump comes with criminal liability. Ask Michael Cohen, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and John Eastman. Trump attorney Christina Bobb, signed a certification that a “diligent search” was conducted and that “any and all” documents were produced to the government. That was a lie. Evan Corcoran, another Trump attorney, made statements to the FBI during one Mar-a-Lago visit that also turned out not to be true.

The New York Times reporter, Maggie Haberman, interviewed Trump for her new book, “Confidence Man,” in 2021. She told the Times she asked Trump “on a lark” whether he had taken any memento documents from the White House. Trump told Haberman, “Nothing of great urgency, no,” before bringing up the Kim letters unprompted.

Trump said, “I have great things though, you know. The letters, the Kim Jong Un letters. I had many of them.”

Haberman asked a follow-up question (something Fox News goons never do): “You were able to take those with you?”

Trump backtracked and lied, saying, “No, I think that has the … I think that’s in the archives, but most of it is in the Archives. But the Kim Jong Un letters, we have incredible things. I have incredible letters with other leaders.”

She asked him if he took anything and he brings up the Kim Jong Un love letters, then says he doesn’t have those. Bullshit.

Trump bragging about what he has reminds me of the lyrics to the song “Intimate Secretary” by the Raconteurs.

I’ve got a rabbit, it likes to hop
I’ve got a girl, and she likes to shop
The other foot looks like it won’t drop
I had an uncle and he got shot
I’ve got a red Japanese teapot
I’ve got a pen but I lost the top
I’ve got so many things you haven’t got

The lyrics are sung from what sounds like the perspective of a very juvenile, stupid, and pathetic person that you should feel a little sorry for. In the real world, I don’t feel sorry for Trump.

One thing Trump has that I haven’t got is a prison in his future.


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Even if they’re married.  

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I’m imagining a mobius strip of attorneys.  Or an ouroboros. That’s the one that eats itself, right? Seems apt…

Edited by AnywhereButHere
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