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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 38


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"Not See The Putin Love"


If you’re at a rally or a protest and the person next to you is flying a Swastika, you may be on the wrong side.

Why is this so hard for conservatives to understand? Oh, yeah. Because hate is not a deal-breaker for them. Look at all the Trump voters. The Trump train is the Hate Train.

Right after Trump won the election, I was talking to someone about the election who has since unfriended me. I gave this person some advice I called an “election primer.” That is, don’t vote for the candidate supported by Vladimir Putin. My former friend was upset and said he was a veteran and didn’t need voting advice from a liberal such as myself. I replied if you voted Putin, ya’ kinda do need voting advice from a liberal such as myself.

Republicans try to step away and claim they’re not associated with Nazis while being associated with Nazis. But there are plenty of Republicans on Putin’s side from voting for Trump to invading Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson is publicly on Putin’s side and has mockingly asked why we’re supporting Ukraine over Russia. In case you don’t know, Ukraine is a free nation that holds actual democratic elections. Russia is a fascist authoritarian government run by a white racist dictator. Just like Trump, Tucker hates NATO and democracy while favoring authoritarianism.

It’s also funny Republicans are calling President Biden weak on Ukraine while they’re supporting Russia.

The past few days have been a busy time for Nazis and Swastikas. Fliers featuring Swastikas have been posted in Florida and several other states. Nazis were rallying in Orlando and Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis has so far refused to condemn them. His office issued a statement saying he hasn’t condemned them because they might be Democrats in disguise trying to make him look bad.

Uh, what looks bad is NOT condemning Nazis, whether they’re fake or real. To me, DeSantis’ explanation sounds like an excuse because he’s afraid of condemning Nazis. Last year, fake Nazis did follow then-gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin around. Youngkin condemned the fake Nazis. He still hasn’t condemned the real Nazis who paraded through Charlottesville with tiki torches in 2017. He hasn’t condemned their murdering of an anti-Nazi demonstrator.

Remember when condemning Nazis was a gimme? Condemning Nazis should be as easy as condemning puppy kickers, nun beaters, and people who keep posting their Wordles on Facebook.

Republicans are afraid of offending Nazis because they’re on the same side as Nazis. Ted Cruz claims President Biden is appealing to a tiny portion of our population by promising to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court, but, Ted…how much of our population consists of Nazis?

Here’s a fun fact: There are three Supreme Court justices that were placed there by a guy supported by Nazis and Putin.

Facts are fun. Let’s look at a few others.

If you’re against vaccine mandates, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you’re against face-mask mandates, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you’re against Critical Race Theory being taught in schools, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you want to build a wall, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you have ever spread conspiracy theories about George Soros, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you believe the election was stolen, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you supported the insurrection, you’re on the same side as Nazis.

If you voted for Donald Trump, you voted for the same candidate the Nazis voted for.

If you watch Tucker Carlson, you’re watching it with Nazis.

If the vilest of people, you know, Nazis, agree with you on all the issues, you might be on the wrong side. You may need to rethink your positions and even be honest about why you support those opinions.

If you support everything Nazis support, you might be a Nazi. You’re just missing the armband.

Here’s some more free advice: Don’t be a Nazi. Why is this so hard?


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"Trojan President"


One of the failed plots in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and become the United States’ first dictator was to seize voting machines.

A new report in The New York Times reveals that Donald Trump considered ordering three different government agencies to seize voting machines before the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

First, Trump tried to convince his Attorney General William Barr that the Justice Department had the authority to seize voting machines. Despite arguments from goons like Sidney Powell and Michael Flynn, Barr told Trump the Justice Department has zero authority to seize voting machines.

You know it’s a really bad idea when Trump’s personal defender, William Barr, wouldn’t go along with it. Barr bailed on this shit show a month before his term was to expire.

Next, there was the idea of using the military to seize voting machines, which was advocated by disgraced general and Putin stooge Michael Flynn. This idea was so bad that even Rudy Giuliani was against it. This is like the time I ordered anchovies on a pizza and even my dog, an animal that would lick his own butt, wouldn’t touch it. Rudy’s the dog here and has been known to lick Trump’s butt. Rudy went along with Italian satellites, bamboo ballots, George Soros and Hugo Chavez meddling, corrupt voting machines, and appointing Sidney Powell as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud, but ordering the military to seize voting machines was the anchovies on that shit pizza.

The third try was to get Giuliani to call the Department of Homeland Security to seize voting machines, but that agency too denied the requests.

This scheme was to seize the machines so they could claim they were corrupt and use that argument to convince swing states to name alternative electors, giving their states, that President Joe Biden won, to Trump.

There is no secret that Donald Trump tried to overturn the election. He even said so over the weekend stating at one of his hate rallies he wanted Mike Pence to “overturn” the election. He even suggested at the same rally that if he’s reelected, or can steal the 2024 presidential election, he will pardon the white nationalist terrorists who attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021. And then he promoted “protests” at places that are investigating him.

After the Supreme Court ruled the National Archives had to turn over White House documents requested by the House January 6 committee, the National Archives revealed that some of the 700 documents they sent had been ripped up by Donald Trump.

These documents include diaries, schedules, handwritten notes, speeches, and remarks. There are also reports there are unsigned executive orders that were ripped apart. If this is true, were they orders to seize voting machines? Maybe there were orders we don’t know about yet like every Giuliani fart was to be counted as another ballot for Trump. Wow, Trump did win in a stinky landslide. Maybe there was an order to put anchovies on electors, which would keep anyone from counting them.

It was documented as early as 2018 that Trump liked to rip apart documents. After a meeting with Vladimir Putin where only his and the Russian dictator’s translators were present, Trump destroyed his translator’s notes.

A records management analyst and another staffer for the White House would spend hours using Scotch tape to piece records back together that Trump had torn apart. After the analyst told Trump he needed to stop destroying records, Trump fired both staffers and banned Scotch tape from the White House. Sniffing airplane glue was still allowed.

It’s probably illegal for a president to destroy White House documents…or for anyone to destroy White House documents.

Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor said destroying White House documents “could be a crime under several statutes that make it a crime to destroy government property if that was the intent of the defendant.” He explained further, “A president does not own the records generated by his own administration. The definition of presidential records is broad. Trump’s own notes to himself could qualify and destroying them could be the criminal destruction of government property.”

Since the documents are government property, and not Trump’s to do with as he wishes, it may still be a crime to destroy them, even if it’s not an attempt to destroy evidence.

Usually, when you destroy documents, it’s because you don’t want anyone to see them. Have you ever sent bank or tax records through a shredder? Why did you do that? Because you didn’t want anyone else to see them. Donald Trump destroyed documents because he was hiding shady shifty shit. There are probably thousands of documents and evidence of Trump’s crimes we’ll never know about. I still want to know what was on those translator’s notes.

I really hope a tally of all of Trump’s crimes is being kept somewhere by very important law enforcement people. It’s been over a year since Trump left the White House. It’s past time for prosecutions to begin on the Trump crime syndicate.


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"Cruzin' Into A Flytrap"


As I prepare to write this blog, I did a news search on Google for “Ted Cruz,” and there’s a brand new Cruz controversy since he made his stupid racist statement about Biden nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court. Take a day off, Ted.

Last year during a winter freeze that froze Texas, Ted Cruz bailed on the state for an impromptu getaway in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Yesterday, as another winter freeze was bearing down on his state, he tweeted out a joke about rising ticket prices to Cancun. I know Ted Cruz is trying to be funny, but it’s not working. Ted will never be as funny as his face, but his soul is uglier.

Monday, Ted Cruz went off on his podcast…wait. Ted Cruz has a podcast? Are podcasts becoming the new memes when it comes to racist right-wingers disseminating conspiracy theories and lies?

Anyway, Ted took to his podcast to gripe about President Joe Biden’s promise to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court. Ted said Biden’s pledge to nominate a Black woman sent a message to other Americans that they are automatically “ineligible” because of race and gender.

Ted screamed, “The fact that he’s willing to make a promise at the outset, that it must be a Black woman, I got to say that’s offensive. You know, Black women are what, six percent of the U.S. population? He’s saying to 94 percent of Americans, ‘I don’t give a damn about you, you are ineligible.’”

Actually, Ted. Most Americans are ineligible as typically, only lawyers serve on the Supreme Court, so technically, each justice on the Supreme Court represents less than 0.003 percent of Americans. And don’t get me started on all the lawyers in the House and Senate.

My friend Mike Peterson pointed out today on his blog at The Daily Cartoonist, while black women represent seven percent of the population (not six), they represent 12% of the population by race and 51% by gender.

Ted also said, “If he came and said, ‘I’m gonna put the best jurist on the court and he looked at a number of people and he ended up nominating a Black woman, ‘Okay, I’m nominating the person who’s most qualified.’ He’s not even pretending to say that, he’s saying, ‘If you’re a White guy, tough luck. If you’re a White woman, tough luck. You don’t qualify.’”

Is that what Donald Trump said when he promised to nominate a woman before he nominated Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court? Do you remember Ted Cruz clutching his pearls on that one? No, you don’t because he never did.

Also, if President Biden promised to put the best jurist on the court, never made a statement about race, and then nominated a spectacular black female judge for the position, Ted Cruz would still vote against that person and would most likely make a pubic statement about the candidate’s race and gender.

He also claimed Biden’s upcoming Supreme Court pick was “actually an insult to Black women,” though the only black woman we could find insulted by it is Candace Owens, who herself is actually an insult to black women.

Ted is worried there’s going to be a nomination to the Supreme Court that will only represent six percent of the population. Hey, good job pretending you care about shit like that, Ted. But let me point out that all three of Donald Trump’s picks represented the minority vote of the 2016 election as more voters preferred Hilary Clinton over Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Let me also point out that these picks barely scraped by on Republican votes in the Senate, where despite there being a GOP majority during the Trump administration, Democratic Senate candidates received 7 million more votes than Republican Senate candidates in 2016. Today, at this very moment, Democrats in the Senate represent 41,549,808 more people than Republicans represent. Let me write that so a Republican can read it. That’s more than FORTY-ONE MILLION.

Let’s not forget Ted is in favor and in full support of Republicans wiping out voting rights for black Americans, thus increasing a minority-Republican hold on power. There’s also that little incident where Ted supported a coup to overturn a democratic election to install the Republican loser, who lost by nearly eight million votes, as a fascist dictator.

White men are 30 percent of the U.S. population yet held 62 percent of ALL elected offices. Women hold just 31 percent of elected offices despite making up 51 percent of the population, and non-whites hold just 13 percent of elected offices despite making up 40 percent of the population.

On top of all that, Ted Cruz represents the state of Texas despite the fact that racist demagogic sleazy condescending lying douchebags who might be the Zodiac Killer and who throw their wives and daughters under the bus while burying their faces between the orange ass cheeks of fascists wannabes are not the majority of the state’s population.

Do us all a favor, Ted. Go back to Cancun, but this time…don’t come back.

Creative note: After I made the WKRP joke in yesterday’s blog, I thought it would make a good cartoon. I was going to remove it before publishing the blog but then decided to leave it in as there are not a lot of people who read this blog.
When proofer Laura saw this cartoon, she told me that I’m old. I am old and I was a huge fan of WKRP in Cincinnati. Dr. Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap were my two favorite characters…after Bailey Quarters. Unlike most kids, I didn’t have a crush on Loni Anderson. I was crushing on Bailey.


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