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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 38


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"Trump Tucker Truckers"


Resistance is cool and it’s easy to support. But when joining a resistance, you should probably know what you’re resisting.

When we resisted the Trump administration, we knew what we were fighting against. We were the resistance against racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and homophobia. We were the resistance against stealing Supreme Court seats. We were the resistance against Nazis marching in Charlottesville. We were the resistance against ending women’s rights. We were the resistance to ending voting rights for minorities. We were the resistance to a wasteful racist symbol being built on the border with Mexico. We were the resistance against families being separated and babies being thrown into cages. We were the resistance against a racist orange clown handing our nation over to Russians. We were the resistance against attacks on our democracy. We were the resistance against stealing an election and installing a fascist dictator. We were the resistance against fascism during the Trump administration. Today, we’re still the resistance.

The Freedom Trucker fuckers are resisting vaccine mandates. Why? Because they’re a bunch of babies.

Canadian truckers are blocking the roads in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, and several bridges connecting our two nations. They say they won’t end their blockades until Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, resigns. Once again, the far-right demands change in leadership without an election.

These groups are supported by the far-right in the United States as well. The goons on Fox News are supporting them. Donald Trump is supporting them. And the entire thing is based on conspiracy theories.

While raising money for this movement, hate groups have climbed aboard the campaign…as well as grifters. Remember when Steve Bannon was raising money to “build the wall,” but was really just raising money for himself? This is the same thing. Facebook and GoFundMe have both removed numerous groups associated with this Freedom Trucker shit for being associated with hate groups, fake information, and conspiracy theories.

So these truckers want to end mandates that you have to be vaccinated to enter Canada. But you also need to be vaccinated to enter the United States. They’re attempting to disrupt everyday life and the economy for “freedom.” They are a minority of Canadians trying to destroy the freedom of others for their supposed freedom.

Over 90 percent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. Over 80 percent of Canadians are vaccinated.

The same people cheering on the truckers destroying the economy are the same people who hated on Black Lives Matter for protesting against police violence. They’re also the same people who attacked the Capitol and tried to overturn an election.

Because of shipment delays caused by these truckers, automobile plants in both countries have canceled shipments and cut hours. These truckers are hurting jobs in both countries. Remember when Republicans pretended to care about that kind of stuff?

The people who are leading this are all from the far right and are associated with Qanon and other assorted extremist hate groups. These are not nice people. There have been several incidents of violence from these truckers and their supporters. There may be more support for these racist truckers in the United States than there is in Canada.

Now, there are copycat movements in Australia and New Zealand, where they are also the fringe minority. There is an ongoing effort now to construct the same movement in Washington, D.C, and blockade our capital.

These people can’t win elections so they try to implement change through bullying, harassment, and violence. There is no place in our nation for that. When people broke the law by blocking streets for Civil Rights, they were fighting against discrimination. They were actually fighting for freedom. Mandating a vaccine to protect the entire population isn’t discrimination or an attack on freedom.

These truckers, just like the entire far-right white nationalist movement, are a bunch of babies. Everything they claim they’re protesting against is contradicted by the next thing they’re protesting against. What do they want? Attention…just likes babies.

Note: My dad was a trucker as well as one of my stepdads. My father never told me trucker stories but my stepdad, Robert Satterfield did. He also took me on a lot of trips as he was more of a father to me than my actual dad. He was a really good man and I loved him. And yes, truckers do get flashed though probably not very often. And according to Satterfield (which is how we often referred to him), he usually didn’t want to see what was flashed at him. And for some weird reason, it mostly happened in Alabama.

And on that note: Cartoonists rarely get flashed.


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"Flushles The President"


Wouldn’t it be funny if the flushed documents thing is just a ruse to cover up that it’s Donald Trump naturally clogging all the White House toilets? Think about it. He can’t keep his teeth in his mouth and he eats nothing but Big Macs and KFC. It’s highly unlikely he’s chewing his food.

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman has a new book, Confidence Man, which reports that White House staffers would periodically find toilets in the president’s (sic) residence clogged with paper.

While in office, Trump would tear up documents and staffers would routinely tape them back together. After he was defeated in the 2020 election and left town before the Biden inauguration, he took at least 15 boxes of documents with him to Mar-a-Lago, perhaps to feed to bedbugs. Now, we find out he was also flushing documents while in the White House.

Naturally, Donald Trump issued a statement denying the flushing which means he probably left floaters for others to discover throughout his entire life. Trump was here. He could probably take a dump on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters.

Trump’s statement said, “Another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book.” If this continues the pattern from every Trump statement before it, that means the allegations in Haberman’s book are true.

Destroying these documents is a violation of the Presidential Records Act. The House Oversight Committee is investigating the 15 boxes Trump stole and took to Mar-a-Lago and the National Archives have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Trump’s handling of these official records violated federal law. Joe the Plumber has not released a statement.

In 2019 at a business roundtable, Donald Trump went on a rant about showers, sinks, faucets, and toilets. Everyone speculated that he was probably talking about water flow when he said, “People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once.” But now, I guess he was talking about the great difficulty in flushing government documents and not just undigested chicken bones from KFC.

I guess what Poopsie was talking about was that America needs larger toilets for larger loads. Big ass toilets made with big flushes for big asses would truly make American great again.


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"Gazpacho Gestapo"


I already blogged about the gazpacho/Gestapo thing, so I’m going to talk about the creative aspect of this one. Read my editor’s blog if you want a real blog on this one.

I had intended to return from Las Vegas on Wednesday of last week as that would have freed me up to focus on my CNN cartoon on Thursday. In case you’re a Republican, Thursday comes after Wednesday. But, I met somebody in Vegas and decided to stay another day and hang out with that person. This meant I would be returning on Thursday when I had to pitch CNN cartoons. Also, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, so no questions from the nosy snoopy-snoops.

I had one idea when I got on a plane in Vegas at 1 A.M. Nevada time. That flight was an hour and a half to Denver. I sat by a Caribou Coffee or some shit like that in the Denver airport and finished my daily cartoon for my clients. By the time I finished that, the other shops were opening, specifically, Dunkin Donuts. I grabbed a coffee from Dunkin and made my flight to Washington, D.C.

The flight to Washington was the first on my trip that had an open seat in my aisle. While landing, the guy a seat from me grabbed the vomit bag and started making those pre-vomit sounds your cat right before it yaks on your bed pillow. If I had even heard him ralphing, less enough, smelled it, I would not have been able to eat for a week and it may have made me reach for a vomit bag. So, I did the only thing a person could do in that situation. I performed the Jedi mind trick on the guy. This is not your time to vomit. You are not going to throw up. You are not nauseous. The plane will settle in just a moment and you will depart a happy camper without filling a vomit bag. Think of flowers and sunny meadows. It worked!

Planes are restricted from flying over the District of Columbia, so they have a sharp decline as they come in for a landing across the river at Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport, the stupidest and most insulting name for an airport if there ever was one. Naming one “D.B. Cooper International Airport” would make as much sense.

Escaping the airport without being hurled upon, I took a metro to the Alexandria Amtrak station where I had two hours to wait for my train back to Fredericksburg. I actually wrote and drew up five ideas for CNN at the train station that had only one electrical outlet (my iPad hadn’t been recharged from the Denver cartooning and my phone was nearly depleted of juice because I had rocked out to downloaded music through my AirPods during my flight to Washington. And yeah, I could hear that guy’s yakking sounds over Green Day). My iPad is WiFi-enabled and rides on my iPhone, so I had internet. Sure, there was the Amtrak internet, but c’mon. I even drew a couple more on the train (where I was able to charge iPad and phone) to the Burg. It was around 5 P.M. when I got to my apartment and I drew up a couple more ideas.

Sometimes my editor tells me we’ll take a break and start over again on Friday, but this time I asked to do that around 7 PM. I was tired. Plus, I hadn’t eaten anything since a bag of M&Ms in the Las Vegas airport (unlike Tucker, I ate the M&Ms and didn’t ogle Green M&M).
But, CNN and I were talking about gazpacho, so there was a plan.

And the first idea I got in the morning is the one you see here. Hopefully, it won’t make you vomit.


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