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Oh Cleve dear, really??


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Engagement details are up on the M blog--- to commemorate the special occasion, he shook hands with his new fiancé. He. Shook. Her. Hand. Really? Not even a Christian-side hug? Oh puhlease. You're about to marry this woman and you can't even give her a quick embrace? And here I had hope that fine, sexy Cleve was a little more normal than the rest.

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Good Lord, what a dullard. Manly men my ass.

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When I read that bit about the handshake, all I could think of was the old Listerine commercial: "A handshake instead of a kiss! Maybe it's your breath..."

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it's all that pent up sexual frustration. much more then a handshake and an explosion could happen. Hard to explain the mess to such a pure virgin.

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I can't imagine getting engaged infront of all those people! Was it supposed to be a surprise for her?

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Linky? I can never find the blog with a google search.

I guess this shocked no one who has seen the pics of them together over the last few months. Eh, he isn't all that anyway, but then the clean-cut fundie look ain't my thing (but I'll give him the bow-ties...my dad wore them his entire life).

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Does anyone know how old Cleve and Lise are? They both seem older than, say, Darth and Noah. Is Lise a SAHD?

Cleve is maybe 25 or 26. Lise is around 29, and she is a SAHD, of course.

I'm not seeing much chemistry between them, either. I don't know whether they really do not have chemistry, or they're constrained by the limited physical contact they're allowing themselves, or they are just reserved people.

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The blog is mortonclanthree.blogspot.com and is complete with many photos of the happy couple. I think Lise is very pretty; can't imagine why she wasn't snapped up much sooner. Or why he hasn't courted anyone by now. Maybe he was not "released" by his father until recently.

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I don't know, they are so close in all the other pictures though. I think they look very comfortable around each other and I suspect this is just the Morton's usual way of glossing over things to present the pretty picture.

Pure guessing on my part using the clues: we know Cleve is somewhat different. Just based on the few tidbits we've seen, it seems like he has/had a regular job (i.e. not working for Dad), he was apparently living off the farm, and there was that possible tongue piercing. Left to his own devices, I think Cleve would be a very involved Christian but not to the extent that his family is. Because he loves them and wants to be in their lives, he continues to bumble along with them (and probably because he's apathetic about it anyway). I think they were probably praying that he would take a wife, but he waited until he was good and ready. He just happened to fall in love with a woman, slightly off-beat like him, who also lives within the movement so it works out for everyone. But I would be very surprised if he turned into a hard-ass patriarch with a bunch of kids. I just don't see that happening.

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I think it was a joke... just very badly carried by the blogger.

And Zach Bates is courting, not engaged, hence the no touching rule.

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Patriarchy: When a 29 year old woman needs to have chaperones to go out for the afternoon with her sweetie.


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Patriarchy: When a 29 year old woman needs to have chaperones to go out for the afternoon with her sweetie.


Ah but without a chaperone, who would snap photos of Every. Single. moment of their courtship, purposal and engagement- you know, all those intimate and personal moments in their relationship? How better to celebrate them than to have your little sis snapping photos of you from the backseat. Let us not forget that men have no self control and if not for the chaperone, the lovely pure couple might have hugged or kissed! And of course a hug or kiss might have led to steamy, hot sex in the backseat of the car.

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Cleve isn't even looking hot in these pictures and I am normally on the Cleve hotwagon. Ridiculous they need a chaperone at their ages.

Yeah, Cleve looks better scruffy. And with his farmer's tan. He may have peaked at 26. Oh and I am secretly thinking he went with an older woman (I think Lise turns 30 in November) so he doesn't end up with 15 kids! There's only so many babies she can pop out from next year until she's early 40's! Smart thinking Cleve!

**Anyone else cringe at Lise's paint choices in painting their "apartment" in the Morton barn!? Really... a lilac colored bedroom!? Poor Cleve. And then a lime green bathroom. Which wouldn't be too bad if it sort of went with the other color choices but the combo confuses me. I'm sure he's got no say though... color palates are women's work.

And don't get me started on her royal blue bridesmaid's dresses. Seems very early 90's to me but then again since she's older she's probably more familiar with the 90's then Cleve. :P And yes that was an extra snarky comment from me!

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I totally think he chose an older woman so he would have less kids. I would think the most they could have is 5 or 6. I also think he has probably been pressured to get married already and she was an old maid who he liked well enough so why not?

I didn't see the part about the colors, I tend to ignore a lot of the writing and just look at the pics on that blog.

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Clibby, it's on Rachel's blog (wesleaandcompany.blogspot.com).

And yes, I cringed at lilac paint. On the other hand they are being very rebellious with putting a dishwasher in. We ain't gonna get those lovely photos of the cheerful young woman doing her dishes there. :naughty:

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I dunno...I think they are kind of sweet. I think Cleve thinks for himself, but does things to make his family happy.

The fact that a 29 yr old SAHD found a good man gives me hope for Sarah M.

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Wow. As I look at this picture, my heart fills up with gratefulness to the Lord. "Those who wait on the Lord will not be disappointed."

This is meant as encouragement for stay at home daughters who are worried that they are past their shelf life. The comment actually angers me because it is meant to keep single women from questioning their lifestyle.

For some of these women, it must be very discouraging to approach or pass thirty without a potential suitor. They probably look at non Christian women in happy marriages and begin to wonder if they've been sold a bunch of hooey from their fellow fundies.

Those families can now point to this couple and say, "See, she waited and true love found her. You can to. Just be patient."

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