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Jed & Katey 3: Jed! the Headship Will Have a New Constituent Soon


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Poor Katey, honestly, I saw some of the other pictures Jana or someone else posted of her in the same outfit and she looked fine. I think this is a case of being the only person who doesn't look good in a specific picture and someone posts it anyway because it's a good picture of them.

But I completely agree with those who've said similar, she'd look a lot nicer without the skirt. As a plus size woman, I always go with the rule that two loose or baggy clothing items never does you any favors. Leggings alone with this would have looked much more flattering than that baggy jean skirt. I remember my fundie days of similar jean skirt over leggings and it's so not comfortable. Just an unnecessary item of clothing encumbering you from doing all the things you're trying to do properly. 

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On 12/25/2021 at 8:02 AM, lizzybee said:

Poor Katey, honestly, I saw some of the other pictures Jana or someone else posted of her in the same outfit and she looked fine. I think this is a case of being the only person who doesn't look good in a specific picture and someone posts it anyway because it's a good picture of them.

But I completely agree with those who've said similar, she'd look a lot nicer without the skirt. As a plus size woman, I always go with the rule that two loose or baggy clothing items never does you any favors. Leggings alone with this would have looked much more flattering than that baggy jean skirt. I remember my fundie days of similar jean skirt over leggings and it's so not comfortable. Just an unnecessary item of clothing encumbering you from doing all the things you're trying to do properly. 

I don't why they insist on those.ugky skirts. I wear skirts over fleece-lined leggings but I prefer more flared skirts if I am going that route.

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I don't know how far along Katey is but it didn't take me long to give less than two shits how fashionable my outfit was when I was pregnant. My only requirements were: is it practical for the weather and is it comfortable. 

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1 hour ago, Knight of Ni said:

I don't know how far along Katey is but it didn't take me long to give less than two shits how fashionable my outfit was when I was pregnant. My only requirements were: is it practical for the weather and is it comfortable. 

When they announced, it said she's due in Spring of 2022. So she's somewhere between 4 to 7 months along, I'd say. She doesn't look hugely pregnant in the photo so while comfort is surely a factor, she doesn't seem to be at later stage of pregnancy yet where nothing at all fits anymore.

I really see nothing wrong with her outfit. She looks totally fine to me. She's just dressed in bulky clothes for cold weather. It's not like she's trying to be a fashion influencer or anything.

What's actually puzzling to me is why she and Jana decided to go outside in what seems to be cold weather with half-naked feet/ankles!

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24 minutes ago, Paperplate said:

When they announced, it said she's due in Spring of 2022. So she's somewhere between 4 to 7 months along, I'd say. She doesn't look hugely pregnant in the photo so while comfort is surely a factor, she doesn't seem to be at later stage of pregnancy yet where nothing at all fits anymore.

I really see nothing wrong with her outfit. She looks totally fine to me. She's just dressed in bulky clothes for cold weather. It's not like she's trying to be a fashion influencer or anything.

What's actually puzzling to me is why she and Jana decided to go outside in what seems to be cold weather with half-naked feet/ankles!

She's due in April, so she's about 4 or 5 months pregnant in the picture. Depending on her wardrobe and weight fluctuation, she may have needed to buy new clothes recently.

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I just looked at a picture of myself very pregnant with a wild toddler. I dressed up and did my hair. I looked nice. But I could tell by just looking at my face how extremely tired I was! I usually just laid on the couch in a giant old t-shirt and sweats! I was a hot mess. There’s a reason why there are very few pictures of me pregnant. 

Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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3 hours ago, CanadianMamam said:

I don't why they insist on those.ugky skirts. I wear skirts over fleece-lined leggings but I prefer more flared skirts if I am going that route.

I don’t do it often but when it’s chilly I wear leggings with a cute Ripskirt over it. Ripskirt has three different lengths and I use the #2 length which would be a bit short for some of them. It actually is kinda cute yet warm. There are so many routes they could choose but alas, they don’t.

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I sometimes wear a down skirt over leggings but it's 67 degrees in Branson so I would not wear that to that particular theme park right now. I have both the mini skirt variety, a knee length, and a horrible mid-calf length that only comes out when it's like -25 and blowing wind at me. 

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I'm a plus-size woman with large shoulders. I tend to look boxy, and I'm not pregnant.

Yes, sometimes I choose clothes that will create an hour-glass illusion. But other times I'll just wear something comfy, or a bit more loose, to hide some insecurities and yeah I look boxy and bigger.

Of course, in this picture Katey is pregnant, but in general, looking bigger, looking round-shaped, or having ''no-shape'', or looking boxy shouldn't be insults. I find it fatphobic to say that looking like such makes a person look horrible. It just makes them look bigger. Not bad. I'm tired of looking bigger as being negative. Plenty of folks (that aren't pregnant) have a boxy shape, or a round shape and are beautiful human beings.

In summary: Katey looks fine.

Edited by Vivi_music
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I don't agree that she looks fine, but I also don't agree that she'd need to create an illusion to do so. Of course everyone is built differently and everyone should also wear what they like, each day unto itself. 

But I do think it's okay to say she looks awkward in things that don't seem to suit her very well, here in this space. If someone isn't boxy and a thing makes them look boxy, it stands out. But it isn't the idea of being boxy that's negative, it's the mental gymnastics of conforming to some creepy misogynistic standard that rendered her so. 

The real trick to dressing well is that people first notice you, then maybe specifically what you're wearing, or maybe not at all. It is probable that she felt very comfortable and virtuous in her unbecoming attire. But possibly because of lifelong manipulation of how she sees herself.

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With the windchill it is -40 where I am today. I think Katey should wear whatever she wants but I am shivering looking at the number of them who have bare ankles and light shoes. 

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30 minutes ago, Expectopatronus said:

With the windchill it is -40 where I am today. I think Katey should wear whatever she wants but I am shivering looking at the number of them who have bare ankles and light shoes. 

It's 70 today where I am. Saw a woman in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops walking across the road this morning. Next week will be colder here, one day with a high of 46! 

I had been borrowing a car with a working air conditioner, but switched back to my real car whose AC is broken. I'm glad it's cloudy today or I'd need that AC on the way home!

Weather is strange. People should wear whatever they're comfortable in, IMO. I dress for comfort at amusement parks, myself. Appropriate for the weather, layered so I can take off a jacket if we go indoors and it's warm, or put one on if it's hot out but frigid indoors, a hat or visor and sunglasses during the day, and above all comfortable well broken-in supportive shoes. 

I'd prefer to look nice because I know we'll be taking photos. But comfort is priority 1, and I'm not even pregnant.

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70 degrees in December?! Wow! I’m guessing you don’t need mitts, a tuque or heavy snow boot where you are. Do you ever get snow? I know that in several southern states you don’t need snow tires or have to plug your cars in so they start but do you get some snow? 

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34 minutes ago, Expectopatronus said:

70 degrees in December?! Wow! I’m guessing you don’t need mitts, a tuque or heavy snow boot where you are. Do you ever get snow? I know that in several southern states you don’t need snow tires or have to plug your cars in so they start but do you get some snow? 

no, although I think there was some snow in the panhandle (Florida) last year. Or was it the year before? Covid has time running into a big blur for me. I almost put the AC back on today as the high was 82. Of course with climate change there could be a blizzard tomorrow.

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I live in Upstate NY and it has been very unseasonable mild here this year. And the temperature sweeps are drastic. Sat it's supposed to be 51, 48 on Sunday and then Monday, 24. 24! We also have gotten barely any snow this year so far but after last December's 4 feet in one day, I'm good on the snow still. 

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20 minutes ago, Sullie06 said:

I live in Upstate NY and it has been very unseasonable mild here this year. And the temperature sweeps are drastic. Sat it's supposed to be 51, 48 on Sunday and then Monday, 24. 24! We also have gotten barely any snow this year so far but after last December's 4 feet in one day, I'm good on the snow still. 

I lived in upstate NY for several years. The first year I lived there, the weatherman said "expect one to two feet of snow overnight". I laughed thinking he meant inches. My husband explained that he meant it and he hadn't wanted to tell me that about NY till we were moved.  I leaned to love the area and even the weather.

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Weather is always all over the place in the Midwest. You never really know what you will get from day to day. It’s been so cloudy, wet, and somewhat mild. It’s kind of depressing that the sun hasn’t come out. But it’s also not that cold. So I guess it could be much worse. I’ve had to wash my kids’ muddy shoes about a million times lately. That’s more of a spring thing. But I guess it’s acting spring like in December 🤷🏻‍♀️

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7 minutes ago, Not that josh's mom said:

I lived in upstate NY for several years. The first year I lived there, the weatherman said "expect one to two feet of snow overnight". I laughed thinking he meant inches. My husband explained that he meant it and he hadn't wanted to tell me that about NY till we were moved.  I leaned to love the area and even the weather.

I've lived here most my life so at this point I'm a little over it but my kids love the snow. Plus I don't think I could ever live anywhere again that doesn't have 4 seasons. But last  year's 4 feet in less than 24 hours was to much for pretty much everyone though. I've never seen that much snow in my life. 

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We're excited in the West to get snow. The lakes are going to fill up and we'll be kayaking again in the summer. Last summer there was so little water we had to walk the boat out about 150' before it would float. It should delay our fire season, too. We're happy.

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When I was pregnant, I wore leggings and cute loose tops for the first like 4 months.  And then one day I went to put on some jeans and almost passed out retching from the pressure.  Within a few weeks, nothing fit comfortably and I lived in maxi dresses.  I have NO pictures of me pregnant after the 5 month mark because I looked like a blimp and there was no shape to the tent-like dresses.  My husband insisted on a few but I've never seen them by my own choice.  But you know what? I was comfortable, not overheated, and was able to waddle anywhere I wanted without restriction.  It was hard, too, since I had just lost 50lbs and watching myself gain a lot of that back was devastating.  We had to take down the mirrors in the house for part of my pregnancy, but I still just could not be bothered putting on something more flattering but less comfortable.

Is Katey's outfit flattering?  No, she's a beautiful woman and it does nothing for her.  But maybe her comfort is infinitely more important to her right now than looking cute.

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And of course she’s posing with Jana the Enforcer, who would no doubt tell her if she wasn’t modest enough, or at least photoshop a skirt on her. Laura seems to have escaped the judgement of Jana.

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7 hours ago, Idlewild said:

And of course she’s posing with Jana the Enforcer, who would no doubt tell her if she wasn’t modest enough, or at least photoshop a skirt on her. Laura seems to have escaped the judgement of Jana.

I don’t know—Jana’s been photographed in some tight jeans lately. 

There’s a reason there are very few pregnancy photographs of me.  Nothing I wore looked flattering.

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I remember LOATHING clothes when I was pregnant. The worst? Turtlenecks and socks. The tightness, all the fabric, felt so confining. Ugh. I am glad leggings are so prevalent now, hopefully my girls will be more comfy than I was if they choose to have kids. 

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