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Jed & Katey 3: Jed! the Headship Will Have a New Constituent Soon


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I’m currently four months pregnant with my second child and have just today rediscovered my love of maternity leggings. Nothing looks flattering on me on that moment, I’m in that not quite looking pregnant but too fat for my normal clothes stage. Other than the fact we’re both pregnant I have absolutely nothing in common with Katey and her beliefs are abhorrent, but I can’t snark into her for what she’s wearing as long as she’s feeling comfortable. 

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I despised how I looked pregnant. I did some maternity photos though, and am now glad that I did it. I look at the photos and remember how it felt to feel my baby kicking, and it’s a sweet memory. I hated everything else about pregnancy though! 

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10 hours ago, Alysabeth said:

I’m currently four months pregnant with my second child and have just today rediscovered my love of maternity leggings. Nothing looks flattering on me on that moment, I’m in that not quite looking pregnant but too fat for my normal clothes stage. Other than the fact we’re both pregnant I have absolutely nothing in common with Katey and her beliefs are abhorrent, but I can’t snark into her for what she’s wearing as long as she’s feeling comfortable. 

Congratulations and yay for new baby on the way. 🥰

Not going to lie, I really wish maternity leggings had been available as part of my wardrobe when I was pregnant. Leggings and a long tee or sweater or tunic sounds so much comfier than pants with an ever expanding pregnant belly. 

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1 hour ago, JustEnough said:

Congratulations and yay for new baby on the way. 🥰

Not going to lie, I really wish maternity leggings had been available as part of my wardrobe when I was pregnant. Leggings and a long tee or sweater or tunic sounds so much comfier than pants with an ever expanding pregnant belly. 

Yes, maternity leggings and a comfy dress (eg soft cotton maternity dress) were the best during pregnancy! No seams or zippers or buttons, and you automatically looked very “put together” due to the dress, despite feeling awful.

 I absolutely agree with @Alysabeth, I can’t criticize anyone for wearing comfy clothes while pregnant. Pregnancy can be so uncomfortable, no need to add to that with uncomfortable clothing!

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On 12/29/2021 at 3:24 PM, Expectopatronus said:

70 degrees in December?! Wow! I’m guessing you don’t need mitts, a tuque or heavy snow boot where you are. Do you ever get snow? I know that in several southern states you don’t need snow tires or have to plug your cars in so they start but do you get some snow? 

I'm in South Texas and we rarely get snow, and usually when we do it's not more than a few flurries (not counting this past crazy winter that shut the state down for a week+).

Saturday it was in the mid 80's, and we were at Sea world- I was in capris, my kid in shorts, and both in t-shirts, Sunday the temps started dropping, and this morning (Monday) it was 27* when I left for work, with a high near 60*

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4 minutes ago, rainbowbabycakes said:

I'm in South Texas and we rarely get snow, and usually when we do it's not more than a few flurries (not counting this past crazy winter that shut the state down for a week+).

Saturday it was in the mid 80's, and we were at Sea world- I was in capris, my kid in shorts, and both in t-shirts, Sunday the temps started dropping, and this morning (Monday) it was 27* when I left for work, with a high near 60*

Yesterday it was also in the sixties and I woke up with five inches of snow on the ground. 


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10 minutes ago, VeryNikeSeamstress said:

Just saw the jender reveal. Looks like these two are breaking the pink streak.

Thank God! The pink streak is over. Of course hopefully Junior will break out of the cult.

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16 minutes ago, VeryNikeSeamstress said:

Just saw the jender reveal. Looks like these two are breaking the pink streak.

Assuming Lauren isn’t due first…she definitely was looking pregnant in the vid. 

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15 minutes ago, Snarkasarus Rex said:

Assuming Lauren isn’t due first…she definitely was looking pregnant in the vid. 

I thought she looked pregnant at the Reber-Keller wedding, she's 100% pregnant here. I'm wondering if she's also is having a boy, as I would have thought there would be comments about the girl streak being broken otherwise.

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30 minutes ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

Thank God! The pink streak is over. Of course hopefully Junior will break out of the cult.

Unfortunately I could see Jed! Junior turning out as a smug first-born Fundie son. Not blaming the child, as we have no idea how their personality will be, but attributing this to how I could imagine wanna-be politician Jed raising his first born. Plus the fact that this is the first male grandchild since 2018.

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5 minutes ago, VeryNikeSeamstress said:

 Plus the fact that this is the first male grandchild since 2018.

I hadn't thought of this and it's mind-blowing to me. The last male grandchild was Garrett Duggar, whose parents are Joseph and Kendra. He was born in June 2018. Since then 11 girls have been born! And that was less than 4 years ago! If someone else has a baby before Katey, it's still wild. 

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On 1/3/2022 at 3:16 PM, rainbowbabycakes said:

I'm in South Texas and we rarely get snow, and usually when we do it's not more than a few flurries (not counting this past crazy winter that shut the state down for a week+).

Saturday it was in the mid 80's, and we were at Sea world- I was in capris, my kid in shorts, and both in t-shirts, Sunday the temps started dropping, and this morning (Monday) it was 27* when I left for work, with a high near 60*

It was 82 here yesterday but I live in Hawai'i. Winter is our coolest time its lows of 65 at night, a little cooler away from the coast and higher, a little warmer in the city. Then highs are usually 80 tops. But it has gotten sooooo much hotter here. It was in the mid 90s into November and summer was brutal, we went without rain for months on the leeward coast where I am. My dad said growing up in Hawai'i, he was born in the mid 40s, it was never this hot, never in the 90s. We've had super hot and dry starts to winter then later in winter its rained way more than usual, I don't remember seeing our side of the island this green in forever. There's been tons of flooding in Hawai'i though because of that.

As far as clothes while pregnant, my son was born in September and while its started to get unreasonably hot in the mountains of western Colorado where I grew up and was back living at the time the past few years, that year wasn't too bad as I remember. It's been in the mid 90s the last few summers in the area, we're taling at altitudes of 8 to 10k feet. Tons of snow in the winter and it snows a lot in April and May. But I was lucky that summer was before it got really bad (2013) I wore leggings and skirts and cotton dresses, as well as my fiance's t shirts and flannels and hoodies, especially zip ups, Its cold enough at night you need a jacket even in July and August. Its very very casual which made being pregnant a little more comfortable even though I hated it, I had HG and was waiting tables up until a week or two before my son was born. It was a pizza place with hot ovens and no where has AC because its the middle of the Rockies so that was pretty miserable.

If I was heavily pregnant in the winter I would have worn my finances and my brothers ski coats, flannels, goodies and leggings and high socks like the few girls I knew who were pregnant in the winter did. Maternity clothes haven't ever been big up there though its becoming more stylish there, a lot more people, especially women, are moving there and staying full-time because the creature comforts are available online for delivery. Before all there was within a 100 miles was a Walmart, the closest Target was like 2 hours away let alone other stores.  The percentage of men to women especially 18-45 has always been crazy off, with way more men who are mostly man boys. Finding ski/snowboard pants would be hell though I have a 40 inch inseam and pre pregnancy I wore a size 3 now I'm a 5-7. Id lost my job at ski and snowboard school prior to getting pregnant but he two women I knew who were pregnant and were ski/ride instructors became assistant supervisors in the office once they got to a certain point and all had the XXL men's red ski school supervisor jackets.

I'd like to have another child I'm just not in a steady relationship right now. I'm in my early 30s so hopefully it'll be possible. I know if I was pregnant and still living in Hawai'i it'd be non stop sundresses. No shorts.

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@zee_four We have an extreme cold advisory today so the other end of the weather spectrum. My car’s block heater died so my car hasn’t started for a week. The part is supposed to arrive at the shop Monday so I will get it towed then. Do you need block heaters in Colorado ? Clearly not in Hawai’i lol


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2 hours ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

I hadn't thought of this and it's mind-blowing to me. The last male grandchild was Garrett Duggar, whose parents are Joseph and Kendra. He was born in June 2018. Since then 11 girls have been born! And that was less than 4 years ago! If someone else has a baby before Katey, it's still wild. 

Lauren is definitely saying something to Katey in the video but you can't catch it, something other than "wow". So I wonder if they are both having boys.

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3 hours ago, Snarkasarus Rex said:

Assuming Lauren isn’t due first…she definitely was looking pregnant in the vid. 

She looked much more pregnant than Lauren. Or not more, but further along :) I think it's safe to say that SiRen will have another one before Katey is due. 

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1 hour ago, xenobia said:

She looked much more pregnant than Lauren. Or not more, but further along :) I think it's safe to say that SiRen will have another one before Katey is due. 

All aboard the ISB! Maybe Lauren is larger because she’s having twins, and Jim Bob found out and started talking about fame whoring them, and it was a hard no from Lauren, resulting in their withdrawal from social media,

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So Jed is going with a baseball theme with this pregnancy. They announced at a baseball game and then he hit the ball to reveal th sex. 

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47 minutes ago, CanadianMamam said:

So Jed is going with a baseball theme with this pregnancy. They announced at a baseball game and then he hit the ball to reveal th sex. 

As if these children are ever allowed to participate in any sort of organized baseball league. 🙄

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Jed and Katey are only three pages into their current thread, which started in early October! Did anyone spot Katey at the wedding? Their reveal video said she’s due in April. That was the first week of September, so almost seven months ago. If they announced right away, she might be due in late April, but she’s probably due soon. I’m surprised that Jed’s twin would schedule his wedding so close to her due date.

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5 minutes ago, QuiverFullofBooks said:

Jed and Katey are only three pages into their current thread, which started in early October! Did anyone spot Katey at the wedding? Their reveal video said she’s due in April. That was the first week of September, so almost seven months ago. If they announced right away, she might be due in late April, but she’s probably due soon. I’m surprised that Jed’s twin would schedule his wedding so close to her due date.

They announced super early, so I think end of April. Apparently she was there in the video. 

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Here's Katey, on her way to take a seat. She sat in the second row with John and Abbie. 



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I'm curious if Katey is going to go for a hospital birth or a home birth (or birth centre I guess). I'm guessing hospital birth. 

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1 hour ago, xenobia said:

Here's Katey, on her way to take a seat. She sat in the second row with John and Abbie. 



There was a livestream?? Is there a way to watch it today?

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