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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 36


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Her face on the right is all of us while Trump was in the WH.


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On Twitter, "make everything trump again" is trending to make fun of FB's new name, "META". This is the best response:


Another good one:


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"Lurkin' For Youngkin"


I suspect Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s internal polling isn’t as exciting as he’s making it out to be. I get that impression from him encouraging his goons to stalk votings precincts and harass the volunteers who work the polls.

Do you know how much corruption, chicanery, and irregularities were in Virginia’s 2020 presidential election? Zero. Without saying he believes the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent, Youngkin is giving support to the Big Lie with this shout-out to harass election workers. He’s questioning the security and ethics of Virginia’s election. He’s casting doubt on democracy.

This shouldn’t be a surprise as Youngkin is already defending stupid parents who intimidate and threaten school board members, teachers, and other educators. He’s giving support to parents who want to conduct book burnings like the Nazis they aspire to be.

The Youngkin campaign is currently running a commercial with a parent talking about how a nasty book was forced upon her child in public school, and Terry McAuliffe, who was governor at that time, wouldn’t stop it. Boohoo hoo hoo! How dare Terry McAuliffe force this terrible rotten book, probably full of bestiality, incest, and jaywalkers upon her sweet little baby boy who was in the 12th grade….wait. What? The poor little baby was a senior in high school? He was in an advanced reading class? Today, he works for the Republican Party? But hey, I’m sure that was an extremely nasty book..what’s that? It was Beloved, a Nobel Prize-winning novel? So basically, the Youngkin campaign is making a bunch of nothing out of nothing.

Youngkin is also telling lies that McAuliffe had President Biden sic Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI on “concerned” parents for expressing their viewpoints to school boards about vaccine mandates, face masks, and Critical Race Theory. Right-wing goon parents haven’t been this up-in-arms with public schools since Michelle Obama tried to force their kids to eat broccoli.

I’m sorry, but no. It’s Republican governors who send police to bang on political opponents’ doors and frogmarch them from their homes in front of their children. At least that’s what Ron DeSantis does.

When Youngkin is telling this lie, he doesn’t mention the “concerned” parents are issuing death threats. He’s defending potential terrorists. As governor, will he ignore threats to our educators?

Youngkin also doesn’t want to mention abortion. But, I’m sure he’ll talk about it a lot after he wins. I’m sure he’ll work hard to ban it in the state and try to turn us into Texas but with better food choices.

Youngkin also doesn’t want to talk about Donald Trump even though Trump wants to talk about Youngkin. Trump wants to come to Virginia and campaign for Youngkin. But, Youngkin knows better and he doesn’t want any visible ties to Donald Trump. Funny thing, Larry Elder in California also didn’t have Trump campaign for him.

In fact, there haven’t been any Trumps in Virginia campaigning for Youngkin. Youngkin has attacked the McAuliffe campaign for having people like President Biden and President Obama campaign for him, criticizing McAuliffe for not being able to campaign by himself. But remember, Youngkin had white nationalist fascist Steve Bannon in the state campaigning for him. You remember that, don’t you? It was the event where they all pledged to a flag at the January white nationalist Trump insurrection.

Youngkin also isn’t talking about Charlottesville or the Nazis that marched there and murdered Heather Heyer. Donald Trump talked about them and said there were “very fine people” on both sides at that tragedy. Glenn Youngkin said he was “honored” to receive the endorsement from the guy who said there were “very fine people” marching with Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

Do you know who marches with Nazis? Nazis. Do you know who Nazis in Virginia will be voting for this Tuesday? They’ll be voting for Glenn Youngkin.

Please, Virginians. Don’t let the guy supported by Trump, white nationalists, and Nazis become governor of Virginia. We cannot allow a Trump cultist MAGAt to be the highest elected official in our state. Did you see how Donald Trump erased the progress this nation made under President Obama? Glenn Youngkin is planning to do that to Virginia. Hell, Ken Cuccinelli might even move back here if Youngkin wins. If Youngkin wins in Virginia, they’re going to take this MAGAt enthusiasm nationally in 2022.

Vote. Don’t let Youngkin Trump Virginia.


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"A Scuzzy Judge"


On August 23, 2020, cops in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake four times in the back after tasering him. Blake is now paralyzed from the waist down. He is black and was unarmed when the cops shot him. Anti-racism protests broke out in Kenosha and white goons called for other white goons to come to the city, join the “Kenosha Guard,” and patrol the streets with guns while pretending to protect businesses from black people. Seizing the opportunity to go to march around and play militia, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse traveled to Kenosha from his home in Illinois to join the cause against racial equality.

Rittenhouse illegally crossed lines with a semi-automatic weapon. He was not in Kenosha to defend his home as Kenosha is not his home.

Fun fact for Republicans: Wisconsin and Illinois are two different states.

The mayor of Kenosha and the county sheriff both expressed displeasure with overcompensating racist goons skulking up and down their streets with automatic rifles in what was already a tense environment. But Kenosha cops were seen thanking the racist goon squad and handing out water to them, including to Rittenhouse. There is no evidence that Rittenhouse was ever asked by any members of the guard or Kenosha Police Department, “Hey, how old are you?” Nobody questioned if this white baby-face kid stomping around with an automatic rifle was maybe possibly too young for this. I mean, this isn’t Red Dawn where the only thing between democracy and a Russian/Cuban/Venezuelan invasion is a high school football team with a losing record from Colorado. At least C. Thomas Howell had a worthier cause than protecting a True Value from black protesters.

The phony reason this white nationalist small-peepee goon squad had to be roaming the streets is that the Black Lives Matter protesters are looters, rioters, and arsonists. And ya’ know, if they’re not, these goons will send instigators into the protests to stir things up and make sure something gets burned down, and later blame Black Lives Matter. It’s worked before.

Hey, here’s a fun fact to stick under your MyPillow and sleep on: According to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint effort by Princeton University and the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, after studying more than 7,750 demonstrations in 2,400 locations across the country, they found that 93 percent of Black Lives Matter events were…wait for it…peaceful. I was in one of them and the only people making threats there were the cops.

So, our little white nationalist wannabe nazi fuck, Baby Rittenhouse, goes to Kenosha and shoots three protesters, killing two and injuring one. After he shot them, he approached police cars, Kenosha’s finest, put his arms in the air, and the cops drove right by, even while protesters were shouting at the cops that Baby Goebbels (sorry, Mr. Miller. You can have your nickname back later), had just shot three people.

How much do you want to bet that if these same cops saw a black guy in the street with an automatic rifle, that they would do the same thing and drive by? No, we’re not accepting Confederate dollars.

They didn’t just not arrest Kyle. Kyle was free to go back to his home and sleep in the comfort of his own bed which is probably overlooked by a poster of Leonardo DiCaprio…from the film “Django Unchained.”

Kyle was eventually arrested and held in jail back in Kenosha. Of course, his defense is he was simply defending himself. But, was he? Why did he stray from the group of other racist goons with guns to confront protesters alone? If he had stayed home and played with himself while surfing 4chan, none of this would have happened.

Here’s a useful tip, kids: Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it.

Fortunately for Rittenhouse, he’s white. That means he might get off, no…not from doing himself while surfing 4chan, but from these criminal charges. You see, kids, sometimes in America, if you’re white, you’re allowed to shoot black people. Now, in this case, they weren’t black, but they were fighting for equality and supporting Black Lives Matter.

Leaked memos from Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security revealed that federal agents were advised to publicly support Rittenhouse and claim he “took his rifle to the scene of the ‘rioting’ to help defend small business owners.” No mention on how they were to defend the fact he wasn’t old enough to own the gun or take it across state lines.

This Hitler youth also gets a break that he’s only facing state charges, not federal. On the other hand, hundreds upon hundreds of Black Lives Matter protest arrest cases, which should have been prosecuted on a state level, were transmuted into federal courts. Somebody, please explain that.

He’s catching another break from the judge. Judge Bruce Gots-A-Boner-for-Nazis Schroeder, will NOT allow the prosecution to mention any of Rittenhouse’s past associations with the Proud Boys. You remember those guys, don’t you? They’re the white nationalist terrorist group Donald Trump gave a shout-out to during his debate with President Biden. He told them to stand by, which they did until it was time to commit a racist coup attempt on January 6, 2021, on the United States Capitol in order to overturn an election, destroy democracy, and install Donald Trump as a fascist dictator.

Something else the judge will not allow the prosecution to do is refer to the people Rittenhouse shot as “victims.” But, he will allow them to be addressed as “rioters,” “looters,” and “arsonists.” This entire trial is being framed to portray Rittenhouse as the victim and just a sweet little goose-stepping cherub who had love in his heart and unselfishly drove a hundred miles with a machine gun to protect yogurt shops from bad black people.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a terrorist and he should be in a federal court, not a state one. Meanwhile, his gun-dry-humping supporters are calling for charges against a Capitol Police officer who shot and killed an actual terrorist, Ashli Babbitt, who was in the middle of committing a terrorist act. They also want death sentences for Alec Baldwin for portraying Trump on SNL, I mean, accidentally shooting someone, and Dr. Anthony Fauci for contradicting Trump’s bullshit and supposedly torturing beagles.

Here’s some free advice for Jason Voorhees: I’m not pro-murderous rampages, but if you must continue to slaughter horny teenagers, make sure they’re all black, or BLM supporters, and you do it in Kenosha. There, you’ll find a favorable judge.

Note: I love learning stuff that’s not very important. Netflix has a series called “The Movies That Made Us.” I just watched the one on making the first Friday the 13th. Spoiler! Jason doesn’t appear until the very end and in that, it might have just been a dream. His mom is the murderer and she accomplishes what John Lithgow failed to do in “Footloose.” She kills Kevin Bacon. Jason shows up for reals in the first sequel and doesn’t don the iconic hockey mask until film number three. If you need to know more stuff you don’t need to know, I’m your dude.


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